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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 19:54

    Konvooi van Russische ambulances

    Fresh convoy of wounded soldiers arriving to Belarusian hospitals.

    20:40 (Minsk time). ( 19:40 ned tijd )
    Several military ambulances escorted by the traffic police were moving along the Savetskaya str. in Gomel.
    The convoy was moving towards the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology.

    video 0:12 minuut

  2. Contraire Zwartkijker 1 maart 2022 20:02

    HaBe schreef op 1 maart 2022 04:44:

    Israël levert dus wapens aan de tegenstander van de Oekraïne.



    Wat een onzinnige vergelijking.
    Heel twitter staat er vol mee, maar er is toch echt sprake van enorme verschillen tussen het conflict rusland / oekraine en Israel/ palestijnen.
  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 20:07

    Putin's specialiteit : beschieten en bombarderen van dorpen en steden

    With a population of around 12,000, this is the small town of Borodyanka - 30km northwest of #Ukraine's capital Kyiv. Perhaps deliberately, here the #Russian shells have landed in the most densely populated part, where there are blocks of flats & a large children's play area.

    Kyiv region right now: Borodyanka after Russia bombed residential buildings

    video 0:17 minuut

  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 20:12

    Russia is preparing to launch an info&psycho operation.

    Its goal is to break the resistance ofUkrainian people & army.

    At 1st
    ,they can arrange a breakdown of connection.

    Thereafter at 2nd
    -the spread of massive FAKE messages that Ukrainian country leadership has agreed to give up. and surrendered

    We’re in Kyiv!No surrender!Only victory!


  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 20:45

    leek2018 schreef op 1 maart 2022 16:59:

    En wij hebben ervoor gezorgd dat hij door zijn gas en olie kan blijven slachten. Zou Willempie nog excuus maken dat hij naast hem heeft gezeten..
    Klinkt zeer denigrerend Willempie

    Doet het goed tijdens het borreluurtje of op een paar sociale media sites van rechtse partijen die Putin steunen

    Hier zijn we wat serieuzer bezig, gezien de ernst van de invasie, en weet Zelensky het Koningshuis wel op waarde te schatten binnen de wereld macht structuur

    Zelensky, President van Oekraine :

    Olena and I are sincerely grateful to Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima @koninklijkhuis for their warm words of support to the people of Ukraine.
    We resist the invasive aggression.
    Today, more than ever, it is important for us to feel that we are not alone.

  6. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 20:55

    Putin's specialiteit : vernietigen, beschieten en bombarderen van dorpen en steden

    Vrijheidsplein van Kharkov vol puin na beschietingen afgelopen nacht

    inside Kharkiv’s devastated Freedom Square

    video 0:59 minuut


    Glasnost Gone :

    I suspect we'll see a good deal more of this - with perhaps important cultural sites hit.

    Putin knows he now can't capture all of Ukraine anytime soon.

    And so with the world punishing Russia for his actions, he's like a petulant ( humeurig ) child, lashing out to punish the Ukrainian people

  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 22:24

    Watch and read.

    The reality for Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine.

    The Kremlin told them the Ukrainian people would welcome them.

    But this now dead Russian soldier told his mother that wasn't true

    Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken van Oekraïne ;

    Sergiy Kyslytsya, permanente vertegenwoordiger bij de UN, in een toespraak bij de UN :

    Russian soldier to his mom :
    “I’m afraid.
    We’re bombing all of the cities together, targeting civilians.
    We were told that they’d welcome us – they’re falling under Russian armored vehicles, throwing themselves under the wheels, not allowing us to pass.
    They call us fascist. There’s so hard”.

    video 2:03 minuut


  8. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 22:30

    Olga Tokariuk, @EFEnoticias freelance correspondent in Kyiv :

    What we are witnessing now is a total collapse of the post-WWII global order. International institutions, such as the UN, fail to do anything against aggressive Russia. It is cynical that Russia continues to hold the presidency at the UN Security council while invading Ukraine

    Russia basically is holding the whole world as a hostage, threatening to use nuclear power, while it launches missiles on innocent civilians in Ukraine. How did we come to this? How was this even allowed to happen? It's a total collapse of rules-based international order

  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 22:57

    Wit Russische troepen zijn de grens overgestoken en Oekraine binnengevallen

    Commander of territorial defense group North reports that Belarusian troops crossed the border in Chernihiv region


    Oekraine wordt nu door 3 landen aangevallen in deze oorlog : Rusland, Wit Rusland en Tsjetsjenië

  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 23:29

    Petitie om in te tekenen

    Stop Putin's War Crimes!

    Call from the Ukrainian World Congress and Free Ukraine Resistance Movement

    We call upon all nations of the world to put a stop to Russia’s large scale military invasion and senseless killing of the Ukrainian people.
    We condemn Russia’s grotesque violation of international law and the UN Charter. It must be stopped immediately!

    The international community must hold Russia’s President Putin, its political and military leadership, as well as Russia’s oligarchs and his enablers, accountable for mass atrocities in Ukraine.

    President Putin and his collaborators must be brought to trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Ukrainian people.

    We call upon:
    >>>The international community to designate Russia as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.
    >>>The ICC to establish a tribunal on the war crimes of Vladimir Putin and his regime.
    >>>The ICC Prosecutor to immediately launch an investigation and prosecute the crimes under the Rome Statute committed by Russian and other nationals on the territory of Ukraine.
    >>> Democratic countries to freeze all Russian state-owned assets around the world to pay reparations to Ukraine.
    >>>Citizens of the world to boycott all Russian goods and services immediately.
    >>>Socially responsible companies to end all Russia-related investments and business dealings.

    All citizens of the world can register their support on this site to prosecute Putin for war crimes.

    Together we can #StopPutin!

    #PutinWarCriminal #PunishPutin

  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 1 maart 2022 23:37

    Russische ouders werd verteld dat hun kinderen op oefening gingen

    Gevangen genomen Russische soldaat mag zijn ouders bellen en hij vertelt hen :

    Onze Russsische officieren schieten onze gewonden dood en laten de doden op het slagveld achter. Om te voorkomen dat ze naar Rusland zouden worden gestuurd.

    "We werden de dood ingejaagd"

    video 2:54 minuut


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