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  1. forum rang 6 pakman 24 februari 2023 15:52

    taurus86 schreef op 24 februari 2023 15:29:

    Amerika voert een strijd tegen zijn eigen neergang. Trump dreigde om uit de Nato te stappen. Er moest orde op zaken gesteld worden. 'Draining the swamp' . Relatief meer kiezers, dan geen enkele partij in Nederland heeft behaald, gaven gehoor aan zijn oproep.
    De dollar wordt steeds meer 'fake money' genoemd en de welstand aldaar is voor het grootste deel (als in Nederland) gebaseerd op de inflatoire stijging van de huizenprijzen.
    De schuldenberg is onoverzienbaar en iedere externe situatie waar Amerika geen grip meer op heeft of krijgt vormt een gevaar voor een 'Financial Landslide'.
    Biden blijft fluiten in donker, om het zelfvertrouwen nog enigszins onder controle te houden.
    als je iets door de "vertaal machine" haalt kijk het dan ff na..lees eens wat je schrijft, het geschrevene is geen normale spraak...en doe ze de groeten in Orc-land
  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 24 februari 2023 15:55
    Vandaag, precies 1 jaar na de Russische inval, komen de eerste Leopard 2 tanks in Oekraïne aan

    Poland will deliver their first out of 14 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine today, writes bloomberg with reference to an official who declined to be named.


  3. tinus 24 februari 2023 15:56
    Putin schoof hem wat polonium toe.


    luchtschip schreef op 24 februari 2023 15:36:

    Russian sources close to Security Services report that Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of the Belgorod region was reportedly hospitalized with food poisoning.

    Did he eat too close to a window?

    foto samen met Putin


  4. [verwijderd] 24 februari 2023 15:57
    Financiële waakhond FATF schort Russisch lidmaatschap op

    PARIJS (ANP/AFP/RTR) - De Financial Action Task Force (FATF), een internationale waakhond tegen witwassen en financiering van terrorisme, heeft het lidmaatschap van Rusland opgeschort vanwege de oorlog in Oekraïne. Volgens een verklaring van de FATF zijn de "onacceptabele acties van Rusland in strijd met de kernprincipes om veiligheid en de integriteit van het wereldwijde financiële systeem te promoten".

    De FATF telt bijna veertig landen als lid. De intergouvernementele organisatie houdt wereldwijd toezicht op naleving van regelgeving tegen witwassen, terrorismefinanciering en andere financiële misdaden. Ook zet de organisatie daarvoor normen op. Daarbij worden meer dan tweehonderd landen gemonitord.

    Rusland wordt nu dus geschorst, maar blijft wel formeel lid. Oekraïne heeft de FATF meermaals opgeroepen Rusland helemaal uit te sluiten. De in Parijs gevestigde organisatie zegt dan ook dat Rusland gebonden blijft aan de regels en normen als het gaat om bestrijding van financiële criminaliteit.
  5. forum rang 8 Succes 24 februari 2023 16:11
    Germany woos India as an ally against Russia

    India has not condemned the Russian attack on Ukraine and does not support sanctions. During his upcoming visit to India, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will seek to win the country over to the Western position.

    In 2022, when the UN General Assembly voted to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Germany, and other Western governments were shocked to see that a number of important states chose to abstain. These included China and India, which together are home to some 2.8 billion people, more than one-third of the world's population.

    On the first anniversary of the start of the war on February 24, 2023, India again abstained when the General Assembly voted on a resolution calling for Russia's immediate withdrawal. The Indian government under Narendra Modi has made it clear that it does not support sanctions against Russia and will continue to refuse to do so.

    While the Western alliance expected such a stance from autocratic China, the behavior of democratic India was a major disappointment. The Indian government's course did not only mean that the country was no ally in attempts to put pressure on Russia's Vladimir Putin. It also meant that India, which Germany sees as a "strategic partner", was on the "wrong" side of this elementary question of international law.

    India is heavily dependent on Russia

    "While the disappointment of Western interlocutors is perhaps understandable, their surprise is not," says Amrita Narlikar, president of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg, in an interview with DW. "Besides its good diplomatic relations with Russia, India's dependence on Russia for military supplies is considerable — it cannot afford to jeopardize this, especially considering the difficult neighborhood it is in. In the short-run at least, India's behavior makes strategic sense."

    But what may make strategic sense in the short term could become a problem for India in the longer term, she believes: "An increasingly weakened Russia is likely to be driven into the arms of China, and thus indirectly, by supporting Russia, India may be strengthening China's hand — and China is not only a competitor and rival but a neighbor with which India has serious border disputes and conflict."

    So far, however, there is nothing to indicate that India is about to change its position. In an interview with the news portal ANI this week, Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar described India's relations with Russia as "extraordinarily stable, and that's in the midst of all the global political turmoil."


  6. forum rang 8 Succes 24 februari 2023 16:12
    Russia changes tactics trying to degrade Ukrainian military – British Intel

    In recent weeks, Russia has likely changed its approach to the invasion of Ukraine, according to British Intelligence.

    Russia tries to degrade the Ukrainian army rather than focusing on capturing new territories in Ukraine, British Intel reported in its daily update on 24 February 2023.

    Considering that the Russian leadership switched to a long-term operation against Ukraine, Russian strategy will rely on its advantage in population and resources, according to British Intel. From now on Russia will likely try to exhaust Ukraine in the long war of attrition.


  7. forum rang 8 Succes 24 februari 2023 16:14
    From Above: The War-Torn Landscape Of Ukraine's Bakhmut And Maryinka
    February 24, 2023 14:52 GMT
    By AP

    Drone footage captures the devastated, war-torn landscape of Bakhmut and Maryinka from above as intense fighting continues in eastern Ukraine.

  8. forum rang 8 Succes 24 februari 2023 16:23
    David Willey is back with another Top 5 Tanks. What's going to Ukraine?


    With the Tank dominating news in recent months, David looks at the history, capabilities, and characteristics of the tanks that NATO has announced it will be sending to Ukraine.
  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 24 februari 2023 16:23
    Russian losses per 24/2.

    Bijna 150.000 manschappen verloren in 1 jaar tijd

    +970 personnel totaal sinds 24 2 2022 : 146.820 men
    +13 tanks
    +7 APCs ( Armored Personnel Carriers )
    +11 artillery pieces
    +3 MRLS systems ( Multiple Rocket Launch Systems )
    +3 AD systems ( Air Defence systems )
    +4 UAVs ( drones )


  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 24 februari 2023 16:26
    Iran, several explosions east of the city of Karaj. Air defense systems are active.

    It is reported that there are facilities that produce Shahed-drones in this city.

    Toelichting : Iraanse Shahed drones worden door Rusland gebruikt tegen Oekraine

    video 1:35 minuut

  11. forum rang 8 Succes 24 februari 2023 16:29
    Japan preparing new G7 sanctions on Russia as Kishida weighs Ukraine trip

    Prime Minister Fumio Kishida used Friday’s anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to reiterate his desire to visit the war-torn country and announce that Japan was preparing fresh Group of Seven sanctions on Moscow.

    “Feb. 24 is a day we will never forget,” Kishida told a news conference. “It is a day that must not be forgotten.”

    Kishida — the sole G7 leader yet to visit Ukraine since the invasion began — said that while he hoped to travel to the country soon, nothing had been decided yet, with discussions ongoing.

  12. forum rang 10 luchtschip 24 februari 2023 16:37
    Russia warns the USA, NATO and Ukraine against adventurous steps against the background of the accumulation of Ukrainian troops and equipment near the Transnistrian border, the Russian Foreign Ministry said


    kaart met Transnistria in het rood gekleurd
    Transnistria is een strook land van Moldavië, langs de west graan van Oekraïne, dat bezet is door ca 1.500 tot 2.500 Russische troepen

  13. forum rang 8 Succes 24 februari 2023 16:41

    luchtschip schreef op 23 februari 2023 21:44:

    In Crimea, part of the railway was blown up, 12km away from the Simferopol, near the village of Pochtove. - Russian media

    bij rood omlijnde


    Partisans doing their work in occupied territory. This time on Crimea traffic was disrupted for several hours. It's these little actions by unknown heroes that slow down Russia a lot. Source in comments.

  14. forum rang 6 pakman 24 februari 2023 17:29

    Succes schreef op 24 februari 2023 16:12:

    Russia changes tactics trying to degrade Ukrainian military – British Intel

    In recent weeks, Russia has likely changed its approach to the invasion of Ukraine, according to British Intelligence.

    Russia tries to degrade the Ukrainian army rather than focusing on capturing new territories in Ukraine, British Intel reported in its daily update on 24 February 2023.

    Considering that the Russian leadership switched to a long-term operation against Ukraine, Russian strategy will rely on its advantage in population and resources, according to British Intel. From now on Russia will likely try to exhaust Ukraine in the long war of attrition.


    this is total B.....t, Ukraine will decide how this War will be going once they have received the european material/equipment soon there will not be much left of the russian army and the images will speak for themselves , it will be the " Killing Fields " in the Ukraine for the Orc's
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