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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 februari 2022 15:55

    JdeFL schreef op 21 februari 2022 15:50:

    Moskou beschuldigt Oekraïne van aanval op Russische grenspost (Gva)

    Hey, waar hebben we dat nog gezien? Polen, net voor de Duisers er binnenvielen.
    Zijn zelfs niet origineel, die Russen.
    Het klinkt behoorlijk amateuristisch.
  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 15:57

    False Flag video

    Er wordt nu een video getoond van een aanslag
    Daarbij laat men resten zien van het menselijk lichaam, wat overgebleven is van de daders na de explosie.
    Zo te zien waren de daders blootsvoets te werk gegaan

    Glasnost Gone :

    Is Russia robbing graves?

    In occupied Donetsk, they're now using body parts for false flag attacks on Ukraine.

    Apparently Ukrainian saboteurs walk around bare foot, blow themselves up & conveniently leave their explosive device in plastic bag next to them.

    video 0:45 minuut


    Onmiddellijk onder de video tweet een reactie van de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van Oekraïne, Dmytro Kuleba :

    No, Ukraine did NOT:

    >>Attack Donetsk or Luhansk
    >>Send saboteurs or APCs over the Russian border
    >>Shell Russian territory
    >>Shell Russian border crossing
    >>Conduct acts of sabotage

    Ukraine also does NOT plan any such actions.

    Russia, stop your fake-producing factory now.


  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 16:08

    Russian state TV's chief war correspondent is now in Donetsk

    His live reports are full of claims of an 'imminent Ukrainian invasion', attacks on civilian infrastructure & artillery fire from the Ukr side

    Says 70,000 women & children evacuated-> RF

    The info war is in full swing


  4. [verwijderd] 21 februari 2022 16:16

    JdeFL schreef op 21 februari 2022 15:50:

    Moskou beschuldigt Oekraïne van aanval op Russische grenspost (Gva)

    Hey, waar hebben we dat nog gezien? Polen, net voor de Duisers er binnenvielen.
    Zijn zelfs niet origineel, die Russen.
    De SS had zich verkleed in Poolse uniformen en viel een Duits radiostation binnen aan de grens(1939). Met dat verschil , dat Rusland niet vanwege een incident de grenzen overtrekt. Ook niet als een olieleiding ontploft in Lugansk.
    Of de Russen nu via een opgezet incident(provocatie) de Oekraine binnentrekt of niet, verandert niets aan de sancties die erop volgen.
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 16:28

    Russian false flag alert.

    This video is doing the rounds. Claims to show #Ukrainian armour attacking a Russian border post.

    BUT it's filmed in Russian occupied eastern Ukraine at village of Kuznetsi #Donetsk region 47°16'26.01"N 38°19'52.57"E.

    video 0:42 minuut


  6. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 16:35

    Chiddix schreef op 21 februari 2022 16:16:


    De SS had zich verkleed in Poolse uniformen en viel een Duits radiostation binnen aan de grens(1939). Met dat verschil , dat Rusland niet vanwege een incident de grenzen overtrekt. Ook niet als een olieleiding ontploft in Lugansk.
    Of de Russen nu via een opgezet incident(provocatie) de Oekraine binnentrekt of niet, verandert niets aan de sancties die erop volgen.
    De Russen leggen hun kaarten op tafel

    Today in east Ukraine, the Kremlin played its hand.

    Russia-led Donetsk & Luhansk republics asked Putin to recognize their independence. AND "for cooperation in the field of defense.” Which maybe Putin's false flag for Russian troops to openly march into east Ukraine (again)

    Verzoek aan Putin de DNR en LNR te erkennen en verzoek tot samenwerking op het gebied van verdediging :



  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 16:45

    Another inept Russia False Flag

    In occupied eastern Ukraine, they claim this very shouty man had his leg blown off by a Ukrainian shell ( granaat ). But stop video 40 seconds in & you clearly see the metal attachment for his prosthetic leg - he's just unscrewed it

    video 1:10 minuut

  8. forum rang 6 De amateur 21 februari 2022 16:55

    luchtschip schreef op 21 februari 2022 16:35:


    De Russen leggen hun kaarten op tafel

    Today in east Ukraine, the Kremlin played its hand.

    Russia-led Donetsk & Luhansk republics asked Putin to recognize their independence. AND "for cooperation in the field of defense.” Which maybe Putin's false flag for Russian troops to openly march into east Ukraine (again)

    Verzoek aan Putin de DNR en LNR te erkennen en verzoek tot samenwerking op het gebied van verdediging :



    Heerlijk amateuristisch. Kan beter zoals de Amerikanen niets tonen en het constant spelen op info van hun intelligence. Had die wel wat hoger ingeschat want ze zitten er constant naast. (Of is dat ook valse info en zijn beide kanten vies bezig?)
  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 17:04

    Flopke Woekstra schreef op 21 februari 2022 15:44:

    Nu is Putin bezig met zijn veiligheidsraad, wat er zal gaan gebeuren is zich nu aan het ontvouwen.


    Putin convened extended meeting of Russian Security council today

    Putin says that he convened extended and extraordinary security council meeting to discus situation at Donbass

    video 0:10 minuut

    Putin says Euromaidan in Ukraine in 2014 was anti-constitutional coup

    Putin says if Ukraine will join NATO, the threats to Russia will increase multiple times

    Putin: Using Ukraine as a tool to confront Russia poses a threat to Russia

    Russian FM Lavrov at security council says The West is not ready to accept Russia's proposals for non-expansion of NATO

    Putin says that Biden told him Ukraine will not joint NATO tomorrow, and there could be moratorium, but moratorium would not satisfy Russia, as it will only buy time to prepare Ukraine for NATO's membership

    Putin: if Ukraine is in NATO, and NATO recognizes Crimea as Ukraine, than article V could be triggered in case of military operation of Ukraine in Crimea

    video 0:58 minuut

    FSB ( Rusland's Binnenlandse Inlichtingendienst equivalent aan FBI ) director Bortnikov: tonight two saboteur groups attempted to cross border of Russia from Mariupol and "LNR"(Occupied parts of Luhansk region of Ukraine). Groups destroyed, 1 saboteur captured

    video 0:28 minuut

    Russian Defense Minister Shoigu: Ukraine has much more capabilities in nuclear weapons than Iran or North Korea, there are technologies and specialists, plans to abandon nuclear-free status are dangerous

    Shoigu says that Ukraine could arm Tochka-U complexes with tactical nukes

    Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia Medvedev says that Russia will face unprecedented pressure in case of recognition of independence of occupied parts of Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine, but Russia has no other choice

    Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Patrushev: The goal of the United States is the collapse of the Russian Federation

    Russian PM Mishustin confirms that Russian government prepares for recognition of occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions for many months

    Minister of Interior Affairs Kolokoltsev says to Putin that Russia should recognize whole Donetsk and Luhansk regions as independent, including parts controlled by Ukraine

    Putin says his decision on recognition will be announced today

    Again confusion with time, despite Russian state media "live broadcast" of security council started at 4:54pm Shoigu's clock showing earlier time. Earlier than appeal of heads of Donetsk and Luhansk regions released




    Klein foutje in de regie, waarbij weer blijkt dat het niet helemaal zuivere koffie is
    Je horloge in beeld brengen waaruit blijkt dat er beslissing is genomen over een vraag die op dat tijdstip nog niet gesteld was

    Too fast

    Sergey Naryshkin, head of Russia's foreign intelligence agency SVR, in a stunning exchange with President Putin said stuttering he supports "incorporating Donetsk and Luhansk into Russia."
    "We're not talking about it yet," Mr Putin interrupted him

    Naryshkin-Putin exchange

    Naryshkin: we shall give the west the last chance to pressure Kyiv to implement Minsk agreements, another case we should recognize..
    Putin: what do you mean in another case, are suggesting peace talks?
    N: I believe we should include them into RF

    video 1:32 minuut

    meerdere tweets in dit draadje :


  10. forum rang 10 voda 21 februari 2022 17:31
    Russische beurs tuimelt ruim 10 procent

    In Rusland zijn de beursdalingen nog van een andere orde dan in onze contreien. De Russische beurs zakt momenteel met 13 procent, leert de RTS-index. Aandelen als oliegigant Rosneft en ecommercegroep VK (ex-Mail.ru) kelderen meer dan 15 procent.

  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 17:34

    luchtschip schreef op 21 februari 2022 17:04:


    Putin convened extended meeting of Russian Security council today

    Putin says that he convened extended and extraordinary security council meeting to discus situation at Donbass

    video 0:10 minuut

    Putin says Euromaidan in Ukraine in 2014 was anti-constitutional coup


    Again confusion with time, despite Russian state media "live broadcast" of security council started at 4:54pm Shoigu's clock showing earlier time. Earlier than appeal of heads of Donetsk and Luhansk regions released




    Klein foutje in de regie, waarbij weer blijkt dat het niet helemaal zuivere koffie is
    Je horloge in beeld brengen waaruit blijkt dat er beslissing is genomen over een vraag die op dat tijdstip nog niet gesteld was

    Too fast

    Sergey Naryshkin, head of Russia's foreign intelligence agency SVR, in a stunning exchange with President Putin said stuttering he supports "incorporating Donetsk and Luhansk into Russia."
    "We're not talking about it yet," Mr Putin interrupted him

    Naryshkin-Putin exchange

    Naryshkin: we shall give the west the last chance to pressure Kyiv to implement Minsk agreements, another case we should recognize..
    Putin: what do you mean in another case, are suggesting peace talks?
    N: I believe we should include them into RF

    video 1:32 minuut

    meerdere tweets in dit draadje :


    Blijkt dat ik dit twitterdraadje te snel geplaatst had

    er kwamen nog twee tweets achter die ik er nog snel achter kon plakken

    datgene wat tussen de >>>> staat is er later aan toegevoegd :

    Too fast

    Sergey Naryshkin, head of Russia's foreign intelligence agency SVR, in a stunning exchange with President Putin said stuttering he supports "incorporating Donetsk and Luhansk into Russia."
    "We're not talking about it yet," Mr Putin interrupted him

    Naryshkin-Putin exchange

    Naryshkin: we shall give the west the last chance to pressure Kyiv to implement Minsk agreements, another case we should recognize..
    Putin: what do you mean in another case, are suggesting peace talks?
    N: I believe we should include them into RF

    video 1:32 minuut


    Op het einde was er nog een discussie tussen zijn chef Inlichtingen dienst en Putin, dat niet geheel naar wens van Putin ging.

    zie onderaan in het draadje :

  12. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 17:48

    Something to be worried about :

    Russian Interior Minister Kolokoltsev told Putin that Moscow should recognize all of Donetsk and Luhansk regions as D/LNR. He said, “from Mariupol and ending with those historical borders.” So all the gray area in this OSCE map. Frontline is red.



    reactie Petri Makala :

    That's what they said. But after the Russian spearheads clash with the Ukrainian army it will most likely turn into "Kyiv must fall


  13. forum rang 6 asti 21 februari 2022 17:58

    mr.Franz schreef op 21 februari 2022 17:07:


    Een totale oorlog lijkt niet lang meer uit te blijven.
    '(...) Wie op wie schiet, is moeilijk te achterhalen. Er zijn aan beide zijden milities actief. Ook wordt de inzet van huurlingen gemeld. (...)'

    Er zijn aan beide zijden milities actief.

    Gangbare media schetsen een beter beeld dan vage Twitterpagina's.
  14. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 18:05

    luchtschip schreef op 21 februari 2022 17:34:


    Blijkt dat ik dit twitterdraadje te snel geplaatst had

    er kwamen nog twee tweets achter die ik er nog snel achter kon plakken

    datgene wat tussen de >>>> staat is er later aan toegevoegd :

    Too fast

    Sergey Naryshkin, head of Russia's foreign intelligence agency SVR, in a stunning exchange with President Putin said stuttering he supports "incorporating Donetsk and Luhansk into Russia."
    "We're not talking about it yet," Mr Putin interrupted him

    Naryshkin-Putin exchange

    Naryshkin: we shall give the west the last chance to pressure Kyiv to implement Minsk agreements, another case we should recognize..
    Putin: what do you mean in another case, are suggesting peace talks?
    N: I believe we should include them into RF

    video 1:32 minuut


    Op het einde was er nog een discussie tussen zijn chef Inlichtingen dienst en Putin, dat niet geheel naar wens van Putin ging.

    zie onderaan in het draadje :


    En dit laatste wordt breed uitgemeten :

    What The Heck is this?

    Putin humiliating publicly the chief of SVR ( Buitenlandse Inlichtingen Dienst ), who literally lost his speaking faculties in fear.

    This is something out of @SachaBaronCohen's The Dictator.

    video 0:48 minuut


    reactie :

    it's even better when you understand whats being said.
    truly sinister.

    >>please tell us

    Then it gets astonishing.
    Putin: speak clearly, do you support recognition?
    Naryshkin: I will
    Putin: You will or you do?
    Naryshkin: I support bringing them into Russia.
    Putin: That’s not what we are discussing! Do you support recognizing independence?
    Naryshkin, flustered: Yes

  15. forum rang 6 Bulletje Rozenwater 21 februari 2022 18:29

    luchtschip schreef op 21 februari 2022 18:05:


    En dit laatste wordt breed uitgemeten :

    What The Heck is this?

    Putin humiliating publicly the chief of SVR ( Buitenlandse Inlichtingen Dienst ), who literally lost his speaking faculties in fear.

    This is something out of @SachaBaronCohen's The Dictator.

    video 0:48 minuut


    reactie :

    it's even better when you understand whats being said.
    truly sinister.

    >>please tell us

    Then it gets astonishing.
    Putin: speak clearly, do you support recognition?
    Naryshkin: I will
    Putin: You will or you do?
    Naryshkin: I support bringing them into Russia.
    Putin: That’s not what we are discussing! Do you support recognizing independence?
    Naryshkin, flustered: Yes

    Het mooiste was nog dat de veiligheidsraad Putin "advies" gaf. Ze gaven allemaal hetzelfde advies: erkenning van de opstandige republieken. Die veiligheidschef verspreekt zich. Putin verpreekt zich dan ook, hoe je aan het script!

    Op 1.34 nog een generaal die adviseert dat de Russen voorwaarts moeten, in Oekraine welteverstaan want die willen kernwapens hebben of zoiets.

  16. forum rang 10 luchtschip 21 februari 2022 18:40

    Putin spreekt na de vergadering van Russia's Security Council

    Max Seddon, reporter van de Financial Times in Rusland, geeft een beschrijving van de TV presentatie met enigszins bizarre ontwikkelingen

    begint vanaf de 4rde tweet in dit draadje

    Hier het verslag van Max Seddon, moscow bureau chief @FT. in Soviet Russia, :

    Putin speaking to his security council now and rattling off the history of the Ukraine conflict from Moscow's perspective. None of them – and these are all Russia's most senior officials – are allowed within 20 yards of him.



    Putin on remarks by Scholz and others that Ukraine isn't going to join Nato any time soon because it's not ready. "This isn't a concession. This is part of your plan!"

    He says Macron said the US position had changed but couldn't explain how.


    If anyone has any doubts, this ends with Russia recognizing the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. It's a matter of time.

    Putin used to sit officials around a table and at least act like there was a discussion – now they just look like schoolkids reporting to the principal.


    Dmitry Kozak, Putin's top official for the Minsk talks, say they have been going nowhere since they were agreed in 2015.

    "Neither the west, nor Ukraine need Donbas," he says. "They want to put the brakes on the situation."


    Alexander Bortnikov, head of the FSB ( Binnenlandse veiligheidsdienst 0, now talking about accused Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory. He claims they have captured a Ukrainian soldier.

    This is just utterly surreal


    Sergei Shoigu, the defense minister, now talking about more alleged Ukrainian attacks on Donetsk.

    Neither he nor Kozak look particularly thrilled about this.


    This obviously has implications for much more than the Donbas – Shoigu says Ukraine could get nuclear weapons and pose more of a threat than Iran or North Korea, due to their Soviet-era knowledge.

    Putin asks if they should recognize DNR and LNR. Medvedev – remember that guy? – says it’s clear Ukraine doesn’t want them and won’t fulfill the Minsk agreements under any circumstances.

    "These aren't just Russian speakers, these are citizens of the Russian Federation," Medvedev says. "If things continue this way, the only way out is to recognize the sovereignty of these territories."

    He says the Russian people will support it.


    Nikolai Patrushev, head of the security council and probably the most hawkish of Putin’s confidants, is speaking. “We need negotiations, but only with the US. Everyone else will do what they tell them.”

    “They are hiding their true goal – to destroy the Russian Federation.”


    Sergei Naryshkin, head of foreign intelligence, suggests using potential DNR/LNR recognition as a threat to make Ukraine fulfill the Minsk agreements.


    Then it gets astonishing.
    Putin: speak clearly, do you support recognition?
    Naryshkin: I will
    Putin: You will or you do?
    Naryshkin: I support bringing them into Russia.
    Putin: That’s not what we are discussing! Do you support recognizing independence?
    Naryshkin, flustered: Yes

    >>>>>Max Seddon spreekt zijn verbazing uit :

    I just can’t believe I’m watching this. You half expected Putin to feed Naryshkin and Mishustin to the sharks when they tried avoiding saying they supported recognizing the DNR

    A long line of officials – some enthusiastically, some looking terrified – urge Putin to recognize the DNR.

    Putin says, "A decision will be taken today."

    Then the TV cuts out. It's like the finale of the Sopranos.

    What the hell did I just watch????

    This picture is going to be on book covers for years to come. Just stunning


    Shoigu wore a suit but Viktor Zolotov chose this setting to go full telnyashka


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