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Aandeel ASML Holding AEX:ASML.NL, NL0010273215

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
747,400   -0,600   (-0,08%) Dagrange 746,200 - 749,800 41.961   Gem. (3M) 686,4K

ASML in 2015

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  1. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2015 20:56
    As you see, the "double resistance" at ~79.20 (see recent post) was not broken today ... i.e. exactly as it was "planed" this morning (see recent post), and (as was mentioned earlier in the day) the bearish reversal formation - "bearish harami" - was actually completed, indeed ....

    As for the "precise calculations" for (intraday) 'pivot points' (see morning posts) - they are determined by trading patterns on previous day...., and always calculated precisely vial well known eqs. (as it's really important for day-trading strategies, and evaluations of the day-sentiment - just google it for details).

    As for the "very special" tax-advantages for 'asml', that actually provided the current level of EPS, but certainly can't be guaranteed in future - see old posts for details....

    So, business as usual, and a bubble is just a bumble..., nothing more. Don't forget that those who pumps a "bubble" will cash at certain point in time...., with very clear consequences for the "bubble" .....

    Don't forget that the 'fair value' for 'asml' is just slightly above ~39 (in terms of shares before Nov 2012)

    PS So, just read your candles, and remember that the (first main) support is just around ~73. For the technical & fundamental drivers & signals for current price developments - just take a look at old posts....
  2. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2015 21:26

    EUV schreef op 26 augustus 2015 12:49:


    Sorry, I break my promise not to react to SNSN`s posts.

    I `admire` the two digit accuracy that he believes in: PP=78.08 (!!).
    Too bad SNSN doesn`t share his insight anymore on the tax ASML is currently paying (Y14 and current quarters of Y15, see my recent post of 24 Aug 2015 with the table I added).

    Currently trading at 78.33 (way!!) above PP and falling-top-line, so at least for now market is ignoring SNSN`s two digit accuracy...Active traders be aware!!

    Cheers, EUV

    Who cares about your "promises".

    Just read old posts carefully, and compare them with actual price formations.... That's just do standard "back tests" (important for all traders/investors and strategies). Then you'll probably understand what is going on...

    And just take a look again at the level of "falling-top-line" today (mentioned in recent posts)...., and if necessary, use glasses.

    PS. Don't forget that September is (statistically) not the best time for "longs"...
  3. forum rang 4 Pbm 26 augustus 2015 21:41
    De voorgaande post is dus duidelijk van een shorter die belang heeft bij een koersdaling van ASML. Met dergelijke berichtgeving proberen dergelijke partijen de belegger op het verkeerde been te zetten. Wat speelt er toch bij ASML zult u zeggen. De afgelopen kwartaalcijfers en toekomstverwachtingen van ASML waren zo'n beetje het beste van alle AEX fondsen en ook nog eens beter dan verwacht. Toch is ASML bijna de hardste daler van de AEX. Het eerste excuus was dat de op EUV technologie gebaseerde machines over een paar jaar wel eens minder zouden kunnen worden verkocht omdat partijen de oude machines dan nog zouden kunnen gebruiken. Vlak daarvoor beweerden waarschijnlijk dezelfde partijen dat de ontwikkeling van dezelfde machines Vertraging zouden oplopen, en dat daardoor de koers zou moeten zakken. In de US is de totale shortpositie op ASML al lange tijd aanzienlijk en nu 7.5 miljoen aandelen. Het is opvallend dat ASML de laatste weken bijna consistent tussen 14.50 uur en 15.30 uur fors lager wordt gezet. Dit impliceert dat hier partijen uit de US achter zitten. Daarnaast is het opvallend dat vele grootbanken, waaronder vooral Nederlandse, koopadviezen hebben staan met advieskoersen van boven de EUR 100. Ook hier, net zoals bij een aantal andere fondsen is de koersontwikkeling onverklaarbaar en onlogisch. Er wordt dus een spelletje met ASML gespeeld. Toch zal het aandeel over een aantal maanden hoogstwaarschijnlijk weer rond de EUR 100 staan. Shorters zullen dit uiteraard naar het rijk der fabelen verwijzen, maar daar hebben natuurlijk ook alle belang bij. Geduld dus is het advies, maar dat hebben we helaas niet meer.
  4. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2015 22:13

    Pbm schreef op 26 augustus 2015 21:41:

    De voorgaande post is dus duidelijk van een shorter die belang heeft bij een koersdaling van ASML. Met dergelijke berichtgeving proberen dergelijke partijen de belegger op het verkeerde been te zetten. ....
    NOT really....

    We provide just objective info on the fund, nothing more.

    It's up to investors to decide what to do....

    PS. As for the "active traders", they know all stuff (we provided) very well. As for investors, you were informed about the real situation and "market signals" a long ago .... Just take a look at old posts and you'll be able to see the real picture.
  5. forum rang 4 Pbm 26 augustus 2015 22:26
    Helaas heeft dit niets met objectieve info te maken. Het is just een mening. Dat zal binnen 3 maanden wel blijken. Ik hoop dat de huidige lezers zich deze Posts dan nog herinneren. Het betreft nu een georkestreerd dipje. Ben benieuwd of onze manipulators morgen weer op dezelfde wijze toeslaan. New York was vanavond fors hoger dus zullen we morgen waarschijnlijk wel hoger openen met ASML. Slaan de shorters opnieuw toe om 9.05 uur en zetten ze dan de koers weer fors naar beneden. Dan 11.00 uur in de gaten houden en vanaf 14.50 tot 15.40. Als ASML die tijdstippen overleeft dan kan het wel weer eens stijgen morgen.
  6. mjmj 26 augustus 2015 22:28

    SNSN schreef op 26 augustus 2015 22:13:


    We provide just objective info on the fund, nothing more.

    Just take a look at old posts and you'll be able to see the real picture.
    In trading stocks: NO objective information exist. So it must be your own 'objective' information which is not value free.

    The real picture does not exist either, so it must be your real picture.

  7. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2015 22:32

    SNSN schreef op 26 augustus 2015 22:13:


    NOT really....

    We provide just objective info on the fund, nothing more.

    It's up to investors to decide what to do....

    PS. As for the "active traders", they know all stuff (we provided) very well. As for investors, you were informed about the real situation and "market signals" a long ago .... Just take a look at old posts and you'll be able to see the real picture.
    I have never had anything to do with KPN (since I disconnected from their landline cable some 7 years ago) in any aspect (stocks, phones you name it) but maybe time to provide some historic ``review`` of SNSN ("active traders", they know all stuff (we provided) very well):


    I'm just a simple investor....

  8. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2015 23:19

    mjmj schreef op 26 augustus 2015 22:28:


    In trading stocks: NO objective information exist. So it must be your own 'objective' information which is not value free.

    The real picture does not exist either, so it must be your real picture.

    Not really...., just go back to school

    An "objective info" it's just the "info" which exists independent of people involved .... So that the all (or at least the main number) of market participants understand it in the same way... (independently of their experience, education and all other properties).

    For instance 2+2=4 (but 4 is NOT only 2+2), and everybody (who studded well enough) knows this...

    That's why it's just an objective fact that the "double resistance" at ~79.2 (see old posts), WAS NOT broken today at actual closing 76.85 (that's just because of 76.85 < 79.20 following school math), and it doesn't really matter what you (as a particular person) think about that ..... (if you don't agree - just go back to school....
  9. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2015 23:48

    EUV schreef op 26 augustus 2015 22:32:


    I have never had anything to do with KPN (since I disconnected from their landline cable some 7 years ago) in any aspect (stocks, phones you name it) but maybe time to provide some historic ``review`` of SNSN ("active traders", they know all stuff (we provided) very well):


    I'm just a simple investor....

    If you are a "simple investor", then don't just try to mislead 'real investors'....

    As you should probably know (as a simple investor), the mid-term "downtrend" (for asml) is just a real "mt-downtrend" ..., nothing more (though, the 'asml' still didn't break the long-term uptrend, and the critical level for this is around ~73, which is also a dynamic support - see old posts)

    PS. That's true, to better understand the current situation with 'asml' you certainly should read old posts on 'kpn' ... And don't forget, the more you know, the more you'll understand (as a simple investor) there are still much more stuff to learn...
  10. mjmj 27 augustus 2015 09:05

    SNSN schreef op 26 augustus 2015 23:19:


    Not really...., just go back to school

    For instance 2+2=4 (but 4 is NOT only 2+2), and everybody (who studded well enough) knows this...

    You not aware that math is a human invented science, it is based on a few axioma's. One axioma is that there are numbers and we usually calculate in the decimal system. 2+2 is 4 is right in the human invented decimal system. But it is not right in a binary system starting with 1. May be you did not notice it during your math education?

    So the answer is not 'objective' but it is based on the thinking frame, the cognitive system, you are using. It's correlated with assumptions, axioms and starting points.

    It might be an idea to take so philosophy lessons to get this point.
  11. [verwijderd] 27 augustus 2015 10:53

    mjmj schreef op 27 augustus 2015 09:05:


    You not aware that math is a human invented science, it is based on a few axioma's. One axioma is that there are numbers and we usually calculate in the decimal system. 2+2 is 4 is right in the human invented decimal system. But it is not right in a binary system starting with 1. May be you did not notice it during your math education?

    So the answer is not 'objective' but it is based on the thinking frame, the cognitive system, you are using. It's correlated with assumptions, axioms and starting points.

    It might be an idea to take so philosophy lessons to get this point.
    Actually the Math is, indeed, just a 'language' (though it's the language of 'nature'). And so far may be chosen/formulated in different ways (also on flat, or twisted hyper-surfaces, etc., etc.), as any other ordinary 'people's languages' (as well as many programming languages for binary system - chosen as a 'machine language') ....

    The most important is that once the (type of) language (for instance the math you studded at school) was chosen (and the main amount of people agreed with that choice...., and studded that math-language well) - it became a convenient tool to describe & communicate various 'objective' events and their relations (objective in sense they do exist independent of those observing, describing, or communicating them).

    So, for those who studded well (chosen math-language) at school the 2+2 is just 4, indeed. Though, there certainly could be a (small) number of 'not adequate' people, or just 'bad students' ready to question that result, or the chosen math-language itself.... (but it would be just irrelevant as the main population just agreed on language)

    As for (business) philosophy, it's much easy - as a trader/investor you should know this well...
  12. [verwijderd] 27 augustus 2015 12:27

    SNSN schreef op 27 augustus 2015 10:53:


    So, for those who studded well (chosen math-language) at school the 2+2 is just 4, indeed. Though, there certainly could be a (small) number of 'not adequate' people, or just 'bad students' ready to question that result, or the chosen math-language itself.... (but it would be just irrelevant as the main population just agreed on language)

    As for (business) philosophy, it's much easy - as a trader/investor you should know this well...
    Is het misschien een idee dat jullie lekker een eigen topic hierover opzetten? Dan kan de rest v.d. forum leden zich bezig houden met ASML waarvoor dit forum is opgezet !
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