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  1. marco1975 13 mei 2011 08:47
    Saab future in doubt after rescue deal collapses

    Turmoil continues for Swedish brand aftr Chinese car make cancels 150m euro deal.

    The future of iconic Swedish car brand Saab is again clouded after a timely 150 million euro rescue deal with Chinese car maker Hawtai has crashed and burned just 10 days after the announcement.

    Officially, the reason [from the Saab end] is that Hawtai was unable to satisfy Saab's owner, Dutch supercar specialist Spyker Cars.

    But an insider in Gothenberg says the deal may have foundered because Victor Muller, the CEO of Spyker cars and chairman of Saab Automobile, "breached Chinese business etiquette or maybe even because they just don't trust him".

    Advertisement: Story continues below While some reports suggest that Hawtai and Saab are apparently still in talks, the plan unveiled last week is now off the table.

    Steve Nicholls, the managing director of Saab Australia, admitted "the situation was not 100 per cent clear with me, either".

    But his understanding is that an exclusivity clause in the memo of understanding with Hawtai expired with certain approvals not forthcoming.

    This means Spyker/Saab is free to talk to other parties, although "Victor Muller is still talking with Hawtai".

    Nicholls said that Muller was in Beijing today.

    The strategic funding and partnership agreement between Hawtai and Spyker was terminated just hours after Hawtai executives inspected the Saab production facilities. Maybe they didn't like what they saw.

    The agreement between the two parties, signed on May 2, conditionally secured medium-term funding in the amount of 150 million euros as well as a strategic alliance for China including joint ventures on manufacturing, technology and distribution. Hawtai was to take up to a maximum of a 29.9 per cent equity stake in Spyker.

    At the time Muller was optimistic, saying, "The partnership with Hawtai allows Saab Automobile ... to enter the Chinese car market and establish a technology partnership with a strong Chinese manufacturer."

    Muller also saw benefits in access to Hawtai's clean diesel engine technologies and production capacity, and its ambitious development programs.

    On the Hawtai side, vice president Richard Zhang, enthused: "This is a great day for our relatively young company which was founded 10 years ago. Our participation in Spyker, Saab's parent company, demonstrates our commitment to the future of Saab Automobile as a premium European car manufacturer."

    That commitment lasted 10 days...

    Spyker and Saab Automobile are still working on securing short- and medium-term funding to keep the Saab plant running and 3800 staff employed.

    Our Swedish insider who has watched the Saab soap opera closely says Saab is now talking to other Chinese car makers, Great Wall, Jiangsu Yueda and Youngman Automotive Group. But he hints that the growing feeling around Trollhattan is that perhaps it's time to bury the troubled brand forever.


  2. marco1975 13 mei 2011 10:28
    Auch Chinesen retten Saab nicht
    Die Lage für den akut angeschlagenen Autohersteller Saab wird nach einer Absage aus China immer bedrohlicher. Wie Saabs niederländische Muttergesellschaft Spyker Cars mitteilte, ist eine zwei Wochen alte Vereinbarung mit dem chinesischen Autokonzern Hawtai wieder aufgehoben worden. Die Chinesen wollten dem schwedischen Unternehmen im Rahmen einer strategischen Partnerschaft mittelfristig 150 Mio. Euro bereitstellen. Nach Medienangaben konnte der relativ kleine und unbekannte Konzern aus China nicht alle Eigner hinter seine Schweden-Pläne bringen. Die Produktion bei Saab liegt seit über einem Monat wegen fehlender Mittel zur Begleichung von Lieferantenrechnungen still. Schwedens Wirtschaftsministerin Maud Olofsson nannte die Lage für das heimische Traditionsunternehmen "schwierig". Saab beschäftigt noch 3500 Mitarbeiter in seinem Stammwerk Trollhättan.


  3. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2011 11:22
    Laten we het een beetje gezellig houden, die fora waar iedereen over elkaar heen loopt te rollebollen zijn pas low on news.

    AX lover is hier wellicht wel de best geïnformeerde poster die met regelmaat nog een extra koppeling legt met een stukje achtergrond info die tot op dat moment onderbelicht is gebleven.
    Iedereen mag mooi posten wat ze willen, algeheel geldt momenteel een beetje dat er weinig nieuws is. De media gooien er ook wel 300 artikelen uit maar veel is inderdaad met een herhaling van al eerder bekende feiten.
  4. AX lover 13 mei 2011 11:32
    Saab has not paid any debts

    2011-05-12 16:29
    Inside the Saab factory it was still and quiet on Thursday. No cars were built.

    Have you started paying the subcontractors yet?
    "No, not yet," said Gunnar Brunius, production director at Saab.

    But then of course not talking about the future with them.
    "Before we talk about the future want to have financing secured, " said Brunius.

    But Saab has received some money.
    "Yes, but we have not used to paying debts."

    If delay in the development of the next car, the subsequent 9-3?
    "Hard to say. The development is not passed in full force during the weeks we stood still,"said Brunius.

    "What it can lead to in the end I do not know. We do what we can to catch up."

    Er is wel geld, maar ze betalen nog steeds niet?
  5. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2011 12:08
    Chinese automaker Great Wall denies talks with Saab, as Swedish car company hunts financing

    Published on May 13, 2011

    SHANGHAI - A Great Wall Motor Co. spokesman has denied reports the company is discussing a possible deal with struggling Saab Automobile after a financing arrangement with another Chinese automaker fell through.

    Shang Yugui of Great Wall said the companies had not been in contact and that he had confirmed this with top executives. A spokesman for China Youngman Automobile Group, which has been mentioned as a possible white knight, also said he had not heard of any talks with Saab.

    News that a financing deal with China's Hawtai Motor Group had collapsed renewed uncertainty over prospects for a rescue of cash-strapped Saab.

  6. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2011 12:18
    *Hawtai: wij zijn de beste partner voor Saab 13-05 12:10
    *Hawtai: beeindigen ovk Saab niet omwege overheidstoestemming 13-05 12:08
    Hawtai Motor wil langetermijnovereenkomst met Saab bereiken 13-05 12:07
    Saab staakt gesprekken leveranciers na mislukte financiering 13-05 12:07
    *Hawtai Motor zet discussie met Saab voort 13-05 12:04

    Krijgen we dan straks toch dezelfde (twijfelachtige) partner maar dan met minder geld?
  7. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2011 12:21

    AX lover schreef op 13 mei 2011 12:17:

    Het zou nog kunnen dat Hawtai een investering doet van minder dan 100 miljoen. Want dan hebben ze geen toestemming nodig van de Chinese overheid. Voor de (hele) korte termijn zou dat wellicht een oplossing zijn en wat lucht geven aan Saab.
    Maar ze ontkennen dat de overheid het probleem was in deze deal, ze vinden het gewoon niet zoveel geld waard.
  8. PinkPanther 13 mei 2011 12:22

    Ursus arctos schreef op 13 mei 2011 12:20:


    en het inkoop programma is weer afgelopen..
    Wellicht start de inkoop weer na de lunch en krijgen we vanmiddag nog een mooie plus te pakken.... Dit zou niet de eerste keer zijn bij spyker. Eerst een flinke min om vervolgens met een mooie plus te eindigen. Laten we het hopen... Het is tenslotte ook nog eens vrijdag de 13e!!
  9. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2011 13:02
    Analysts said China's BAIC, which earlier bought rights to some Saab technology, may have objected to Hawtai's involvement, a conjecture that the Beijing-based company dismissed.

    "They are just guessing. I just want to say we have quite good cooperation with Saab," said Hu Enping, director of public relations at Beijing Automotive Group. He would not comment further, saying only that his bosses had denied any knowledge of further financing talks with Saab.


    BAIC lijkt ook niet erg happig
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