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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
22,830   -0,160   (-0,70%) Dagrange 22,760 - 22,910 195.473   Gem. (3M) 2,2M

ArcelorMittal - september

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  1. gerard45 14 september 2021 19:05

    ruud11 schreef op 14 september 2021 15:50:

    Ik begin het wel vreselijk irritant te vinden hoe de koers van MT verloopt.
    Ik kan geen reden verzinnen waarom de koers omlaag gaat.
    Geen complotten.
    Geen negatief nieuws.
    Alleen maar positieve elementen
    Alle indexen gaan omhoog
    Hoge adviezen.
    Erts stijgt weer.
    Hoge winsten.
    ik begin het ook gruwelijk irritant te vinden, ergens ben ik blij dat ik niet de enigste ben.. ....maar dat terzijde
    jij kan geen reden verzinnen, ik wel.

    en dat komt omdat dit bedrijf de aandeelhouder iedere keer, jaar op jaar mooie hoop gevende praatjes voor schotelt waaruit je serieus je hoop kan putten maar het levert nooit. sommige mensen kunnen er niet tegen als ik een negatief punt van arcelor blootleg, maar het zijn gewoon de feiten

    nu ook weer, het aandelen inkoop programma, heel leuk. en mittal verkoopt ook wat van zijn belang in de onderneming om zo niet te veel in te dikken, best attent toch? maar mijn inziens is het gewoon een trucje om zijn liquide middelen aan te zuiveren, als de man werkelijk zoveel vertrouwen had in zijn eigen bedrijf/beleid en werkelijk ook wat te doen had met de aandeelhouder dan deed die dit niet. en zo is het iedere keer

    je hoeft niet lang te googlen om bijzondere verhalen tegen te komen van mittal: bruiloft tig miljoen, super jacht van honderden miljoenen, mega woningen, etc. indirect mogelijk gemaakt door de aandeelhouder, een wat heeft de aandeelhouder en aan over gehouden? bloedende wonden,..........gewoon een feit

    maar ik ben van mening. het houdt een keer op en dat weten ze

  2. forum rang 10 voda 15 september 2021 04:12
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op dinsdag 14 september 2021
    Views: 3.571

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn dinsdag alle acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten.

    Aegon (-1,11%)
    ArcelorMittal (-0,59%)
    ASML (-0,16%)
    ING Groep (-0,22%)
    Philips (-0,17%)
    RELX (-0,55%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-0,60%)
    Unilever (-0,13%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,1806

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 797,71 punten, zijn geëindigd op 795,80 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  3. forum rang 10 voda 15 september 2021 05:43
    Industry Tracker Assess Steel Company Transition in Europe

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Sep, 2021, 5:33 am

    Understanding and assessing transition plans for steel companies is important because, while the market capitalisation of steel companies is relatively small, 1% of MSCI ACWI, their contribution to the real economy through material services is unmatched. As governments and companies commit to net-zero targets by 2050 to align with Paris climate goals, sectors such as steel will be an integral part of the transition. Steel production contributes 7-9% of global C02 emissions2, with European emissions from steel accounting for 6%. While steel demand is expected to grow in the coming decades, reduction in emissions intensity from primary steel has plateaued. European steel companies face increasing regulation with a more effective carbon pricing signal as allowances are phased out of the Emissions Trading Scheme and a potential Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is introduced. There is also an opportunity for de-commoditisation of steel and end markets to develop for zero carbon steel products.

    Industry Tracker has published its first report on the steel sector. With focus on 10 of the largest primary steel producing companies in Europe, the aim is to provide an in-depth assessment of how these companies are positioned to action transition plans to net-zero. Companies are scored on an 'absolute' basis over 13 metrics covering three elements of the TCFD framework: Transition Risks, Transition Opportunities, and Governance and Strategy. These form a final ranking which serves to indicate exposure to the financial impacts of transition.

    Summary Score

    SSAB - 73

    ArcelorMittal - 66

    Voestalpine - 60

    Salzgitter - 59

    Tata - 59

    ThyssenKrupp - 54

    Evraz - 43

    Severstal - 36

    Metinvest - 35

    Erdemir - 30

    In analysis Industry Tracker has looked at the solutions available for steel companies to transition by evaluating how locked-in they are to existing carbon intensive assets, the timing of the shift needed to invest in new technologies, and the economics of transitioning to a near zero steelmaking route.

    Transition Readiness for Net Zero

    - There is very little room to extend the life of primary steel production through blast furnace technology within the European steel sector - of the ten companies analysed only a quarter of sector emissions budget remains.

    - Most investment windows have already begun and most end before 2030. This reflects a serious urgency for European steel companies to develop and deploy alternative approaches to blast furnace based steelmaking.

    - There is growing evidence that leading companies in this space are developing technologies that are transformative and could realise near zero carbon transition routes for primary steel production.

    - Six companies are developing low carbon process innovations considered to be transformative - SSAB ranks first with its fossil free hydrogen technology HYBRIT with ArcelorMittal second with a portfolio of low carbon solutions.

    - Five companies are investing in hydrogen based direct reduction, the most favoured near zero emissions innovation , and seven companies are investing in projects to secure hydrogen supply.

    - Current balance sheets and free cash flow yields cannot support the cost of the transition to green hydrogen steelmaking, which is estimated at USD 4-34 billon depending on asset base size. Companies will need subsidies, direct public funding and partnerships.

    - Target setting to align with net zero pathways shows a similar pattern across the group with ambitious emissions reductions post 2030. Detailed transition planning remains at an early stage at SSAB and ArcelorMittal

    Transition risks

    - There is very little room to extend the life of blast furnaces. Over the ten companies analysed, only a quarter of emissions budget remains. This assumes an average blast furnace life extension of 17.5 years. Remaining budget ranges between 12% and 36% assuming 20 and 15 years respectively.

    - Of the companies with the largest share of their 2050 emissions budget remaining, only two, ArcelorMittal and Evraz, have more than the global average for blast furnace-based steel production.

    - Most investment windows have already begun and most end before 2030. This reflects a serious urgency for European steel companies to develop and deploy alternative approaches to blast furnace based steelmaking.

    - Just two companies, ArcelorMittal and Metinvest, have room to reline more than 1 blast furnace. This is largely a function of them owning more blast furnaces, which reduces the influence that one furnace has on their total emissions budget.

    - Five companies, Tata Steel, Metinvest, Evraz, Severstal, and ArcelorMittal, must decide within the next 5 years whether to lock themselves into European capital assets of high transition risk.

    - SSAB has a clear cost advantage when it comes to the HDR route. This is due to the relatively low cost of onshore wind in Sweden.

    - SSAB, Salzgitter and ThyssenKrupp have 100% of their primary steel capacity located in countries with fully available national hydrogen strategies

    - All blast furnaces operated by Tata Steel, Salzgitter, and ThyssenKrupp reside in countries with potentially direct future access to carbon storage capacity. This is also the case for a small fraction of ArcelorMittal's capacity, while all remaining blast furnaces are located elsewhere.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 15 september 2021 05:44
    Deel 2:

    Transition opportunities

    - European steel companies have begun to develop the low-carbon innovations required to significantly reduce the sector's emissions and align with net zero pathways. More innovative companies will begin commercialising these technologies in the next decade, but significant investment will be required.

    - Six companies are developing low-carbon steelmaking technologies considered to be "transformative" within their European operations. 34% of companies' top 10 innovations are assessed as being transformative whilst 66% are radical.

    - Five companies are developing hydrogen based DRI-EAF (HDR-EAF) production routes, potentially reducing emissions to near zero. SSAB's HBYRIT project will reduce emissions by 98% compared to the traditional BF-BOF route, whilst ArcelorMittal has announced multiple investments to transform BF-BOF plants to HDR-EAF.

    - Five companies are investing in CCUS-related innovations, many of which produce fuel and chemicals sector inputs, such as ArcelorMittal's Carbalyst® technology and ThyssenKrupp's Carbon2Chem partnership.

    - Six companies have secured public funding for projects to support developing and scaling early-stage technologies, covering on average 44% of project costs. Public sector support will be key to the deployment of alternative low-carbon steelmaking.

    - Seven companies are involved in projects developing "blue" or "green" hydrogen production, indicating that companies are seeking to secure the volumes of hydrogen required to scale up hydrogen based steelmaking.

    - At 0.5%, research and development spend as a percentage of net sales is relatively low for a sector that needs to invest in low-carbon innovation.

    - Demand for low-carbon steel is set to be led by the automotive industry, with increasing demand from construction and renewable energy sectors. Voestalpine, Tata Steel, ThyssenKrupp and Severstal have the highest exposure to these markets.

    Climate governance and strategy

    - Most companies have strong enough ambitions with six, SSAB, ArcelorMittal, Salzgitter, ThyssenKrupp, Voestalpine, and Tata Steel, all aiming for net-zero or near-zero emissions by 2050.

    - SSAB stands alone as the most ambitions company by steeply reducing emissions after 2032 and reaching net zero emissions in 2045.

    - Eight companies have publicly disclosed emissions reduction targets - ArcelorMittal, Voestalpine, Tata Steel Europe and Salzgitter have all made commitments to become net zero, climate neutral, or carbon neutral by 2050.

    - Companies have advanced in their scenario planning, with seven companies conducting scenario analysis to assess climate impacts on business models whilst more advanced companies use these to inform decarbonisation strategies and guide low-carbon investment.

    - While six companies have been regulated for their Scope 1 emissions from European facilities within the ETS, free allowances have significantly diminished incentives to make deep emission reductions.

    - Six companies use an internal carbon price as part of their decision making processes. ArcelorMittal, SSAB, Voestalpine and ThyssenKrupp all use carbon prices that are aligned with EU ETS allowances, which have doubled since 2019.

    - Companies based in the CIS region such as Severstal and Evraz and Erdemir in Turkey lag behind their European counterparts in governance metrics such as scenario planning, target setting and climate related remuneration.

    - Six companies disclose some form of climate related remuneration, but this is not well developed and no companies show any evidence of long term climate related remuneration incentives.

    Emissions from Primary Steel in Europe (MtCO2)

    ArcelorMittal - 88.5, 22 BFs

    Evraz - 23.6, 5 BFs

    Severstal - 22.3, 5 BFs

    Tata Steel - 19.3, 4 BFs

    Erdemir - 17.5, 6 BFs

    Metinvest - 15.9, 11 BFs

    ThyssenKrupp - 14.2, 6 BFs

    Voestalpine - 11.2, 5 BFs

    SSAB - 9.1, 5 BFs

    Salzgitter - 10.4, 4 BFs

    Industry Tracker was launched by the Investor Watch Group in 2021 whose founders created the Carbon Tracker and Planet Tracker Initiatives alongside Carole Ferguson who moved over from CDP where she led the award winning Investor Research Team. Industry Tracker was created to address a gap in the market for independent in-depth research and analysis on industrial sectors that are critical to economies and that will be a key component of the pathway to achieving net zero emissions. Industry Tracker is not an investment advisor and makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in any particular company or investment fund or other vehicle.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 15 september 2021 06:23
    China's Crude Steel Output Shrinks to 83 Million Tonnes in August

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Sep, 2021, 6:18 am

    Latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that China's crude steel production fell for a third straight month in August 2021, hitting the lowest monthly rate since March 2020, as governments maintained curbs on production to reduce carbon emissions. China produced 83.24 million tonnes of crude steel in August 2021, down 4.1% from July 2021 and well below 94.85 million tonnes in August 2020. However, China produced 733.02 million tonnes of crude steel in January-August 2021, up 5.3% YoY from the January-August period in 2020 down from about 10% YoY in first half of 2021

    Therefore, if the Chinese government’s goal to cap crude steel output at 2020 level of 106 million tonne is to be achieved, monthly average rate of about 83 million tonne is required to be maintained in the balance four months of 2021. But if London based climate analytics firm TransitionZero’s recent assessment of 4-7% YoY increase in China’s crude steel production in 2021 is to be believed, China’s crude steel production in remaining 4 months would average pretty high figure of 94-102 million tonnes per month, which seems quite unlikely

    China Crude Steel Production

    2020 – 1065 million tonnes

    TransitionZero’s 2021 Estimate – 1108-1140 million tonne

    China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has pledged in January 2021 that it would keep its steel production in 2021 to below 2020 levels.
  6. forum rang 7 *voetnoot 15 september 2021 08:31

    moneymaker_BX schreef op 15 september 2021 08:22:

    Microsoft verhoogt dividend
    *Deutsche Bank verhoogt koersdoel ArcelorMittal van 40,00 naar 47,00 euro
    *Deutsche Bank handhaaft koopadvies op ArcelorMittal
    Mooie koersverhoging. Hopelijk wat herstellen hierop.
  7. spartapiet 15 september 2021 08:39

    voda schreef op 15 september 2021 06:23:

    China's Crude Steel Output Shrinks to 83 Million Tonnes in August

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Sep, 2021, 6:18 am

    Latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that China's crude steel production fell for a third straight month in August 2021, hitting the lowest monthly rate since March 2020, as governments maintained curbs on production to reduce carbon emissions. China produced 83.24 million tonnes of crude steel in August 2021, down 4.1% from July 2021 and well below 94.85 million tonnes in August 2020. However, China produced 733.02 million tonnes of crude steel in January-August 2021, up 5.3% YoY from the January-August period in 2020 down from about 10% YoY in first half of 2021

    Therefore, if the Chinese government’s goal to cap crude steel output at 2020 level of 106 million tonne is to be achieved, monthly average rate of about 83 million tonne is required to be maintained in the balance four months of 2021. But if London based climate analytics firm TransitionZero’s recent assessment of 4-7% YoY increase in China’s crude steel production in 2021 is to be believed, China’s crude steel production in remaining 4 months would average pretty high figure of 94-102 million tonnes per month, which seems quite unlikely

    China Crude Steel Production

    2020 – 1065 million tonnes

    TransitionZero’s 2021 Estimate – 1108-1140 million tonne

    China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has pledged in January 2021 that it would keep its steel production in 2021 to below 2020 levels.
    Ik weet dat je er op kickt om straks het belachelijke aantal van 300000 posts te halen, maar voor deze berichten die niemand meer leest, heb je toch een apart draadje gemaakt?
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