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Powerhouse Energy Group

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  1. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 6 januari 2022 20:21
    Wordt vervolgd.

    London-listings Hydrogen Utopia and Powerhouse tackle plastic mountain
    (Alliance News) - Shares in Hydrogen Utopia International PLC nearly doubled in price in their first day of trading on Aquis Stock Exchange on Thursday, amid growing public awareness of the environmental threat posed by plastic pollution and the burning fossil fuels.

    The London-based company aims to turn non-recyclable mixed plastic waste into carbon-free fuels such as syngas, hydrogen and electricity, or alternatively into new materials or distributed renewable heat.

    Hydrogen Utopia has an exclusive license in Poland, Greece and Hungary for the DMG technology of AIM-listed Powerhouse Energy Group PLC. DMG is Powerhouse's process technology to turn waste plastic, old tyres and other waste into syngas.

    Hydrogen Utopia raised GBP3.0 million gross in its initial public offering, as Novum Securities Ltd placed 40.0 million shares at 7.5 pence each. At the IPO price, Hydrogen Utopia had a market capitalisation of GBP28.8 million.

    However, the stock leapt in initial dealings on AQSE, quoted 14.13 pence Thursday afternoon, up 88% from the IPO price, suggesting a new equity value of GBP54 million.

    Company executives were bullish and also talked about the Hydrogen Utopia's wider "mission".

    "We are pioneering the use of technology to turn non-recyclable waste plastics into hydrogen - addressing the major environmental threat posed by waste plastic and providing alternative energy sources which are not dependent upon the use of coal, natural gas, oil and fossil fuel derived electricity," says Executive Chair Guy Peters.

    The company was started 15 months ago by Chief Executive Officer Aleksandra Binkowska, who says: "HUI's mission from the very beginning was to free our society from plastic waste in an ecologically friendly and economical manner."

    Hydrogen Utopia will use the cash raised from its IPO for the costs of building a HUI facility and to pay Powerhouse for the technology license.

    Hydrogen Utopia had paid Powerhouse a EUR125,000 deposit, with another EUR325,000 due at the end of 2021. A further EUR300,000 is due in a year's time, and Powerhouse also will receive ongoing royalties and license fees.

    The deal with Hydrogen Utopia was first announced in June, with more details provided by Powerhouse back in September, so the success of Hydrogen Utopia's debut didn't rub off on Powerhouse shares. They were down 5.4% at 3.98p on Thursday afternoon and are down 54% in the past 12 months.

    By Tom Waite; thomaslwaite@alliancenews.com

    Copyright 2022 Alliance News Limited. All Rights Reserved.
  2. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 7 januari 2022 18:12
    Powerhouse doet er helemaal niks mee op de beurzen. Moeilijke weg te gaan.
    Wachten wordt het op nieuwe bouwlocaties en de eerste plant die gaat produceren.

    Waste-to-fuel firm Hydrogen Utopia raises £3m in green IPO
    Fresh funding provides boost to UK firm's plans to build Europe’s first plastic to hydrogen plant

    Waste-to-fuel firm Hydrogen Utopia raises £3m in green IPO
    Waste-to-energy firm Hydrogen Utopia has raised £3m in an initial public offering (IPO) on the Aquis Stock Exchange (AQSE) on Thursday, which valued the London-based business at approximately £28.8m.

    The company is aiming to build Europe's first plastic to hydrogen plant in Poland, before rolling out its technology globally as part of a plan to become a global leader in recycling mixed waste plastic into carbon-free fuels and new materials, while also providing distributed renewable heat.

    Hydrogen Utopia's process converts end of life plastics into a source of energy using an advanced thermal chemical recycling process that breaks plastic into a synthetic gas that is a mixture of methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide. It said it expects to see an output of up to 2.7 tonnes of "pure road fuel" quality hydrogen from 40 tonnes of plastic feedstock at its operations.

    The company, now listed as HUI, placed 40 million shares priced at 7.5 pence apiece in the IPO.

    Hydrogen Utopia's executive chairman Guy Peters touted the listing as an "important milestone" for the firm, which was founded in 2020.

    "We are pioneering the use of technology to turn non-recyclable waste plastics into hydrogen - addressing the major environmental threat posed by waste plastic and providing alternative energy sources which are not dependent upon the use of coal, natural gas, oil and fossil fuel derived electricity," he said.

    The company said it has signed an agreement with the city of Konin in central Poland to build a plant close to the city's existing waste remediation facilities, and expected to build 10 plants across the region in due course. It has also signed letters of intent with the city of Simitli in Bulgaria and the city of Florina in Greece.

    It said it planned to target areas where there was significant private sector interest, or where substantial public funding was available, for instance through the EU's Just Transition Fund which is geared at helping fossil fuel dependent communities transition to clean energy.

    Company CEO Aleksandra Binkowska said there was a strong demand for Hydrogen Utopia's plastic recycling technology across Europe.

    "In a very limited time, we have established our presence across the European continent, and we have created strong alliances, including those with Linde and Sweco, two of the most prominent companies in the sector," she said."Europe is in desperate need of this technology and it is our duty to be pathfinders in bringing the mission to realisation."
  3. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 7 januari 2022 19:20
    Powerhouse Energy’s Strategy Vindicated With Hydrogen Utopia Float

    Powerhouse Energy received a vindication of its market strategy
    Hydrogen Utopia raised £3 million to build out a plant
    This is small, but it is a test, if not proof, of the Powerhouse strategy
    Powerhouse Energy Group PLC (LON: PHE) shares could benefit from the float of Hydrogen Utopia International PLC (LON: HUI) for it acts as a test, possibly a vindication, of the base strategy being used by Powerhouse.

    As we’ve mentioned before Powerhouse Energy has a process to convert plastics and other wastes – tyres for example – into useful synthgas which can then either be used directly or converted to hydrogen. Synthgas is more understandable as synthetic gas – the chemistry is that complex hydrocarbons like plastics can be converted into other hydrocarbons through well-understood processes. The aim is to take those wastes which cannot be directly reused and convert them into feed products for industry.

    One method is, of course, simply to burn the plastics but this meets with environmental resistance. So, instead, the conversion into cleaner – synthgas and hydrogen – alternatives which are then used.

    Also Read: The Best UK Renewable Energy Shares

    As we’ve noted it can be difficult to quite pigeonhole Powerhouse Energy. Is it really an energy company or a waste recycling one? There is definitely a market for both synthgas and hydrogen out there, just as there is one for recycling plastics and other wastes. But the more hydrogen – say – becomes a standard part of the energy mix then the less important this marginal source from waste recyclings becomes. Even as waste recycling itself is a valid and potentially profitable activity.

    The Hydrogen Utopia influence on Powerhouse Energy though is different from this grander view. The Powerhouse Energy ideal is to not, repeat not, run all of its own plants across the country or Europe. Instead, it has been to develop the technology which can be used and then to partner and or licence that to those who will run their own local plants.

    This does make a certain sense. Any form of recycling needs to have a localised collection network. Further, the recycling of waste itself can benefit from being done locally, thereby avoiding significant transport charges on what is a pretty low-value input.

    Whether or not this will turn out to be a wholly viable strategy is of course unknown at present. But the Hydrogen Utopia float is a useful test and or validation of it. For that’s exactly what this is about. Hydrogen Utopia is using Powerhouse Energy technology to build exactly one of these plants. The HUI float raises the money to do just that.

    This does not prove any of the technology, the economics or the strategy. But that other people are willing to spend a significant amount on both the licence and a factory build-out of the Powerhouse Energy technology is a test, even possibly a vindication, of all three of those things, the strategy, the economics and the technology.

    As and when more such technology rollouts are announced will be the real test of Powerhouse Energy’s market position and strategy.
  4. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 8 januari 2022 19:57
    Nog een mooi uitgebreid artikel. De vlek breidt zich uit en hopelijk krijgen we nu voortgang.
    Diverse partners worden genoemd.
    De landen die al bekend zijn worden genoemd maar ook Nederland en Namibie (Afrika) worden vermeld.
    Hydrogen Utopia is de poort voor Powerhouse komend jaar en komende jaren.

    Minpuntje en realiteit: 9-12 maanden wordt genoemd voor de plant in Polen. Dat duurt nog effe , dus.


    Geschreven door:
    Nomvuyo Tena
    She is a Content Producer at Clarion Events Africa and is as passionate about the energy transition in Africa as she is about music and Beyonce.

    Plastic-to-hydrogen plants ready to take over the world with new IPO
    Jan 7, 2022

    A company with the ambition to build the first waste plastic to hydrogen system in Europe and ultimately worldwide has listed on the AQSE Growth Market (ASQE).

    Hydrogen Utopia International PLC (HUI) the company pioneering non-recyclable waste plastics to hydrogen technology made the announcement on the 6th of January 2022, under the ticker “HUI”.

    The company’s primary goal and ambition is to build the first waste plastic to hydrogen system on the European continent incorporating Powerhouse Energy Group plc’s (AIM: PHE) DMG? technology and to create a substantial project pipeline worldwide. Initially HUI acquired the exclusive rights to market Powerhouse’s DMG? technology in Hungary, Poland and Greece and has non-exclusive rights for the rest of the world.

    HUI has forged strong alliances with leading players in their fields such as Linde (the leading global industrial gases group), Sweco (one of Europe’s leading engineering, environmental technology and architecture consultancies) and Electron Thermal Processing (a Dutch specialist heat treatment system provider) in order to ensure a successful rollout of its systems.

    Have you read?
    Finding creative solutions to the plastic management problem
    It is time to start recycling packaging to minimise waste

    Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of the 21st Century – rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products is overwhelming the world’s ability to deal with them. Currently 368 million tonnes of plastic is produced each year, a fraction of which is recycled or disposed of responsibly, with production expected to double by 2030 and quintuple by 2050. HUI’s systems will solve the dual issue of dispensing with non-recyclable and end-of-life plastics and aiding decarbonisation through providing hydrogen and other energy sources not dependent upon the use of coal, natural gas, oil and fossil fuel derived electricity

    HUI is targeting areas where there is a significant private sector interest or potential financial backing is accessible and/or where substantial EU and/or government funded sources of grants and loans are available, such as the EU’s “Just Transition Fund” which was set up to help fossil fuel dependent communities transition towards climate neutrality.

    HUI’s flagship project is set to be in Konin, Poland. Following the signing of an agreement between HUI and the City of Konin in February 2021, prestigious engineering firm Sweco has been instrumental in identifying a suitable plot for the proposed HUI plant, close to the city’s existing waste remediation facilities. It is anticipated that up to ten HUI plants will be built in Konin in due course. An environmental impact assessment application has been submitted – put together by Sweco engineers in conjunction with HUI – and it is anticipated that approval should be granted within the next 9-12 months.

    In addition, HUI has signed letters of intent with the city of Simitli, in Bulgaria, the city of Florina, in Greece, and strong opportunities have been identified in Hungary and the Netherlands. As soon as the first HUI plant is operational and the waste plastics-to-hydrogen vision becomes a reality, HUI anticipates momentum will gather to add numerous other locations.

    HUI’s waste plastic to hydrogen process, incorporating DMG® technology, is an efficient and environmentally friendly technology that converts end of life plastics into a source of energy. An advanced thermal chemical recycling process takes unrecyclable plastics and converts them into syngas (a mixture of methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide) through a robust, scientifically well-established technology. The system deals with all types of waste plastic, which requires no cleaning but simply need to be shredded.

    Have you read?
    Green hydrogen to unlock vast economic opportunities for Namibia
    New partnership aims to commercialise hydrogen technology in Africa

    The HUI units will typically see an output of up to 2.7 tonnes of pure road fuel quality hydrogen from 40 tonnes of plastic feedstock. The model has the capacity to be rolled out across the globe and is adaptable in line with site specifics and characteristics – for example the electrified thermo chemical conversion chamber could be supplied from local renewable sources, rendering the production step of valuable syngas with zero or low carbon emissions. The systems can be constructed on as little as 1.5 hectares and can be bolted on to existing waste remediation facilities with ease.

    Guy Peters, Executive Chairman of HUI, commented: “Today’s listing is an important milestone in HUI’s development. We are pioneering the use of technology to turn non-recyclable waste plastics into hydrogen – addressing the major environmental threat posed by waste plastic and providing alternative energy sources which are not dependent upon the use of coal, natural gas, oil and fossil fuel derived electricity.”
  5. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 10 januari 2022 10:14
    2e plant gepland in Polen. Tbc.

    Agreement in principle with Regional Municipal Waste Management operator in the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski, Greater Poland to develop a waste to hydrogen system

    Hydrogen Utopia International PLC (“HUI”) a company pioneering non-recyclable waste plastics to hydrogen technology, is delighted to announce that its wholly owned Polish subsidiary, Hydropolis United sp z.o.o., has signed a letter of intent (“LOI”) with RZZO (Regionalny Zaklad Zagospodarowania Odpadów) sp z.o.o. (“RZZO”), the regional municipal waste management company operating in Ostrów Wielkopolski, Greater Poland. RZZO works closely with the local government and the LOI was signed in the presence of and with the full support of the Mayor of Ostrów Wielkopolski, Beata Klimek, and the Deputy Mayor, Mikolaj Kostka. HUI applauds the ambition and forward thinking shown by this modestly sized city of circa 70,000 inhabitants, by RZZO, and by the Mayor, a person of vision and action, who has shown great confidence in HUI’s technology. The agreement was made at the imposing City Hall, giving it due gravitas and highlighting a pivotal moment for both Ostrów and HUI.

    HUI’s waste plastic to hydrogen process, incorporating Powerhouse Energy Group Plc (PHE) DMG® technology, is an efficient, robust, scientifically well-established and environmentally friendly technology, that converts end of life plastics into a source of energy. The systems are scalable and adaptable to site specifics and characteristics. A plant can be constructed on as little as 1.5 hectares and bolted on to existing waste remediation facilities with ease. HUI has acquired exclusive rights to market PHE DMG® technology in Hungary, Poland and Greece and non-exclusive rights for the rest of the world. It has forged strong alliances with leading players in their fields such as Linde (the leading global industrial gases group), Sweco (one of Europe’s leading engineering, environmental technology and architecture consultancies) and Electron Thermal Processing (a Dutch specialist heat treatment system provider) in order to ensure a successful rollout of its systems.

    RZZO was established in connection with the changes introduced in waste management in Poland and new legal regulations in this area, with a view to improving existing facilities and processes. It has a long-term contract for the management of municipal waste with the city of Ostrów Wielkopolski and it has built a number of modern waste management facilities in the region. Under the LOI, RZZO has agreed, subject to final contract, that it will provide a plot of land at one of its facilities with the necessary utilities to operate a HUI waste plastic to hydrogen plant, it will provide all necessary assistance with the permitting of the site, it will provide the waste plastic feedstock necessary to operate the system. The installation planned at RZZO will have the capacity to process up to 40 tonnes of plastic waste per day and produce up to 2-3 tonnes of hydrogen per day as well as electricity and heat. RZZO has undertaken to use its best endeavours to assist in procuring funding for the plant from EU, national or local grants and/or private funding. RZZO has also offered its full assistance in finding off-take partners for the hydrogen and energy produced by the plant. It is likely that the heat energy produced by a plant would be fed into a district heating system.

    In general, HUI is targeting areas where there is a significant private sector interest or potential financial backing is accessible and/or where substantial EU and/or government funded sources of grants and loans are available, such as the EU’s ‘Just Transition Fund” which was set up to help fossil fuel dependent communities transition towards climate neutrality. HUI’s flagship project is set to be in Konin, Poland. Following the signing of an agreement between HUI and the City of Konin in February 2021, an EIA has already been submitted by prestigious engineering firm Sweco, close to the city's existing waste remediation facilities, and the scheme is likely to be passed in the next year. The establishing of a facility based on a similar model, at Ostrów is an exciting prospect and the two plants could potentially demonstrate in unison the advantages of solving the dual environmental threats of plastic overload and burning fossil fuels, as Poland pulls out all the stops to decarbonise its economy on a background of fossil fuel dependency spanning generations.

    Aleksandra Binkowska, CEO of HUI, commented:

    “RZZO’s ambition as a company, working closely with the city of Ostrów Wielkopolski’s local government, clearly demonstrates that together they have an ambition to be ahead of the game. Their entrepreneurial spirit and forward-thinking is tangible. The drive to implement future technologies in the region is electrifying. My experience with RZZO and the City Officials has been highly positive, and I am sure that they will each do everything to help roll out a HUI plastic waste to hydrogen system in the region”

    Marzena Wodzinska, President of RZZO, commented:

    "We believe that only future technologies can provide Ostrów Wielkopolski the prosperity and standing it deserves. We pride ourselves on delivering our customers with the best we possibly can and I believe that an HUI waste plastic to hydrogen plant has the potential to solve the global plastic problem and provide us with the valuable energy that we need."
  6. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 12 januari 2022 16:52
    Heel communicatie en meerderen pikken het op, zelfs de Russen.
    Aandeel PHE doet niet veel.

    Hydrogen Utopia expands plastics-to-hydrogen projects in Poland | Market Report Company - analytics, Prices, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylchloride, polystyrene, Russia, Ukraine, Europe, Asia, reports

    MOSCOW (MRC) -- Hydropolis United has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with a Polish regional municipal waste management operator to develop a waste-to-hydrogen system, said the company.

    The agreement between the Hydrogen Utopia International (HUI) subsidiary and Regionalny Zaklad Zagospodarowania Odpadow (RZZO) will convert end of life plastics into hydrogen. A plant can be constructed on as little as 1.5 hectares and easily bolted onto existing waste facilities, using scalable and adaptable technology.

    HUI has exclusive rights in Hungary, Poland and Greece to use Powerhouse Energy Group (PHE) technology, which converts plastic into hydrogen, and non-exclusive rights in the rest of the world. RZZO will provide a plot of land for the plant and will provide the waste plastic feedstock needed to produce hydrogen, subject to the final contract.

    The site is expected to have capacity to process 40 tonnes of plastic waste per day to produce up to 2-3 tonnes/day of hydrogen as well as electricity and heat, with the latter likely to be fed into a district heating system.

    RZZO, which was established to deal with new legislation on waste management, will also assist in procuring funding from the EU, national or local grants, and/or private funding, as well as assisting in offtake partners for the energy and hydrogen produced at the plant.

    HUI’s flagship project is set to be in Konin, Poland, following an agreement between the firm and the City of Konin signed in February 2021. It is likely to come online in the next year.

    As per MRC, BP announced that it has agreed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with a series of new potential customers for its proposed clean hydrogen production facility in Teesside in north-east England. In March, Bp announced plans for a clean hydrogen facility in Teesside (H2Teesside) that would aim to produce up to 1GW of ‘blue’ hydrogen - 20% of the UK’s hydrogen target - by 2030. At the same time, it announced it had signed initial MoUs to scope the supply of hydrogen to chemicals manufacturer Venator and gas distributor Northern Gas Networks.

    Hydropolis United is a subsidiary of Hydrogen Utopia International Plc (a technology company that convert non-recyclable waste plastics to hydrogen). Hydrogen Utopia last week admitted its ordinary shares to trading on the AQSE Growth Market. It raised gross proceeds of GDP3 million by way of a subscription and placing. Hydrogen Utopia existing cash resources, together with the net proceeds of its fundraising, will be used to fund the pre-build costs of its facility, marketing and business development and working capital.

    RZZO works closely with the local government and has a long-term contract to manage municipal waste with the city of Ostrow Wielkopolski. It has built several modern waste management facilities in the region.

  7. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 14 januari 2022 11:46
    Great talking to Catherine McQueen CoreFinanceTV about HydrogenUtopia plans to roll out plastics to hydrogen plants in Europe using PowerHouse EG DMG® tech and EU funding to help communities transition away from FossilFuels:

    Haar Engels is mmm, is enthousiast en ze stottert een beetje en een ADHD neiging....Iets meer rust zou fijn zijn als CEO. Later in het interview wordt ze iets rustiger.
  8. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 17 januari 2022 11:54
    On we go.


    £5m hydrogen from waste deal launched
    Mark Smulian

    The Government is to provide £5m for a competition for innovation in hydrogen bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) technologies including those derived from waste.

    A question and answer document issued by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said any feedstock proposed must be sustainably sourced and with a proportion of biogenic content.

    Waste-based feedstock that includes a minimum biogenic component will be eligible.

    The department said in its explanatory note that hydrogen BECCS in this programme meant generating hydrogen from biogenic feedstocks via gasification or other bioenergy conversion routes, combined with carbon capture and storage.

    It said hydrogen thus generated had “the potential to deliver negative emissions required to offset emissions from hard-to-decarbonise sectors”.

    The programme is intended to support development of technologies that enables the commercialisation and deployment of Hydrogen BECCS at scale.

    In its first phase, the £5m budget will support multiple projects to develop feasible prototype demonstrations to be run in Phase 2 from the most promising projects, though not budget yet specified.

    There will be support for the development of technologies in three categories: feedstock pre-processing; gasification components; novel biohydrogen technologies.

    Powerhouse Energy Group, which is developing plastic-waste-to-hydrogen facilities, said it was pleased the Government was supporting "the important and much needed shift towards a hydrogen economy".

    Non-executive director Keith Riley said: "Powerhouse is actively engaged in the development of hydrogen production from plastics and other waste materials, and will consider making an application to the programme for support."
  9. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 18 januari 2022 10:28
    Management wijziging. Iedereen reageert positief op twitter.

    18 January 2022

    Change of Directorate

    Powerhouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company commercialising hydrogen production from plastic, is pleased to announce that that it has appointed Gill Weeks OBE, aged 66, as a Non-Executive Director with immediate effect. With a scientific and legal background and widely considered to be an industry expert within the field of waste, environment and resource management, Gill has chaired key government, trade body and Environment Agency committees and has served on the Environment Agency Board.

    As a leader of compliance and regulatory teams in global environmental business, advising on environmental law changes, over the course of her career Gill has developed expertise in public policy, environmental law, stakeholder management, governance and risk, environmental science and regulatory compliance and enforcement.

    Gill was a board member at the Environment Agency for seven years until 2021 where she was chair of the Environment and Business Committee. She is currently the chair of Trustees at the Welcome Charity.

    On joining the Board of Powerhouse Gill Weeks said: “I am delighted to be joining Powerhouse Energy at an exciting time as it aims to become a global leader in technology solutions that transform plastics and waste into clean energy. I look forward to bringing my expertise to the board and working with the Powerhouse team as it seeks to help the world transition to clean energy, whilst providing a solution to end-of-life plastic.”

    James Greenstreet said: “We look forward to working with Gill whose appointment strengthens the Powerhouse board. Gill’s experience and expertise within waste, environment and resource management will undoubtedly help Powerhouse as it looks forward to delivering the UK’s first facility at Protos and see its technology rolled out internationally”.

    Further regulatory disclosures:

    Other than as disclosed below, there are no further disclosures to be made in accordance with AIM Rule 17 and paragraph (g) of Schedule Two of the AIM Rules for Companies:

    Name: Gillian (Gill) Margaret Weeks

    Gill Weeks is, or has during the last five years been, a director or partner of the following companies and partnerships:

    Current Directorships:

    The Welcome (Knutsford) Limited

    Dean Weeks Consultants Ltd

    Gill Weeks does not hold any ordinary shares in the Company.

  10. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 18 januari 2022 10:33
    Big news!

    "Mitsubishi will have a period of one year to review "


    Agreement with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd to review and explore opportunities to develop waste plastic to hydrogen facilities in Japan

    Hydrogen Utopia International PLC (AQSE: HUI), a company pioneering
    non-recyclable waste plastics to hydrogen technology, is delighted to announce
    that it has signed a letter of intent ("LOI") with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
    Ltd ("Mitsubishi") whereby Mitsubishi will review the technology and explore
    the commercial opportunities for developing waste plastic to hydrogen
    facilities, incorporating Powerhouse Energy's DMG® technology, in Japan.

    Mitsubishi will have a period of one year to review the technology under the
    LOI, unless extended by mutual consent. Any decision to deploy the technology
    would be subject to further detailed agreement(s) between the parties.

    Aleksandra Binkowska, CEO of HUI, commented:

    "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has led the development of environmentally
    friendly technology in Japan for the last 40 years, helping to move towards a
    carbon neutral world. We are privileged and honoured to have entered into this
    agreement with Mitsubishi, which we are very hopeful will lead to a roll-out of
    HUI facilities across Japan."
  11. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 18 januari 2022 14:32

    Mitsubishi to review Powerhouse Energy tech for waste-to-hydrogen projects in Japan
    The Japanese company will have a period of one year to review the technology, unless extended by mutual consent

    Powerhouse Energy Group PLC (AIM:PHE, ETR:BT81)’s waste-to-energy technology is to be reviewed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries with regard to exploring potential commercial opportunities for developing waste plastic to hydrogen facilities in Japan.

    Mitsubishi and Powerhouse partner Hydrogen Utopia International PLC (HUI) have both signed a letter of intent.

    The Japanese company will have a period of one year to review the technology under the agreement, unless extended by mutual consent.

    HUI said any decision to deploy the technology would be subject to further detailed agreement between the parties.

    Aleksandra Binkowska, HUI chief executive, said: “Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has led the development of environmentally friendly technology in Japan for the last 40 years, helping to move towards a carbon neutral world. We are privileged and honoured to have entered into this agreement with Mitsubishi, which we are very hopeful will lead to a roll-out of HUI facilities across Japan.”

    HUI markets Powerhouse's DMG technology outside the UK, with an agreement in October covering Poland, Greece and Hungary and other overseas territories on a non-exclusive basis.

    DMG uses waste plastic, end-of-life-tyres, and other waste streams and can efficiently and economically convert them into syngas from which valuable products such as chemical precursors, hydrogen, electricity and other industrial products may be derived.

    In a separate announcement, Powerhouse announced that it has appointed Gill Weeks OBE as a non-executive director with immediate effect.

    An industry expert within the field of waste, environment and resource management, Weeks brings scientific and legal expertise, having chaired government, trade body and Environment Agency committees and served on the Environment Agency board.

    She was a board member at the Environment Agency for seven years until 2021 where she was chair of the Environment and Business Committee.

    Weeks said: “I am delighted to be joining Powerhouse Energy at an exciting time as it aims to become a global leader in technology solutions that transform plastics and waste into clean energy. I look forward to bringing my expertise to the board and working with the Powerhouse team as it seeks to help the world transition to clean energy, whilst providing a solution to end-of-life plastic.”

    Chairman James Greenstreet said: "Gill’s experience and expertise within waste, environment and resource management will undoubtedly help Powerhouse as it looks forward to delivering the UK’s first facility at Protos and see its technology rolled out internationally”.
  12. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 31 januari 2022 09:54
    Afgelopen weken/maanden heel veel beweging bij Hydrogen Utopia International en Powerhouse. Hopelijk brengen deze activiteiten op PR en fysiek gebied binnenkort meer!

    Powerhouse Energy appoints cleantech veteran as chief executive

    “I am excited to be joining Powerhouse as we aim to become a global leader in technology solutions that will help the world transition to clean energy," said Paul Drennan-Durose.

    Powerhouse Energy Group PLC -
    Powerhouse Energy Group PLC (AIM:PHE, ETR:BT81) has appointed Paul Drennan-Durose, the former chief executive officer (CEO) of cleantech energy business Helix Power as its CEO.

    Drennan-Durose has many years of board-level experience in complex new technology, distribution, engineering services, and manufacturing companies. He has led businesses on an international scale and has extensive experience in a range of sectors, including cleantech energy, oil & gas, waste to energy, process manufacturing, marine, and the auto industry, Powerhouse said.

    “Paul is a valuable addition to the Powerhouse board and will bring his expertise in driving strategy, investment and delivery. Growing Powerhouse internationally with the roll-out of our clean energy technology is a key priority for Paul and will help ensure that Powerhouse will be part of the solution to tackling the world’s waste problem,” said James Greenstreet, the chairman of Powerhouse.

    Drennan-Durose said he was excited to be joining Powerhouse.

    “It is set to be an exciting and busy year for Powerhouse which I look forward to leading, especially the build of the first facility at Protos,” he said.

    Quick facts: Powerhouse Energy Group PLC

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