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Aandeel OCI AEX:OCI.NL, NL0010558797

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
11,170   +0,040   (+0,36%) Dagrange 11,030 - 11,175 384.357   Gem. (3M) 997,7K

OCI - 2021

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  1. forum rang 6 Just lucky 9 september 2021 16:22

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 9 september 2021 15:48:


    Heb je link naar meer info? T is nogal wat nml
    Ik weet het niet zeker, maar meende dat ergens gelezen te hebben. Zie ook de laatste alinea van jouw bericht op 7 sept. 23.02. Dat wekt ook sterk de indruk dat de gasinfrastructuur plat ligt (of plat lag).
  2. marcobol 9 september 2021 18:38

    Kruimeldief schreef op 9 september 2021 13:44:

    Maar: wat ligt er allemaal stil vanwege de hoge gasprijs volgens een post van iemand laatst? Biomcn, Yara met drie fabrieken volgens die post. Yara lag deze week op de laagste koers sinds begin februari. Het lijkt mij een probleem voor een zeer groot deel van alle producenten in de sector en OCI zal niet de enige zijn die een gedeelte van de gasprijs gehedged heeft.
    Als de prijzen op dit niveau kunnen blijven moet het Fertiglobe deel tot goed kunnen profiteren. Ik ken niemand in de sector met zo een gasdeal als hen (25 jarig, 2019 begonnen dacht ik). 50% van het gas in the usa is gehedged rond 3,50. De rest kost wel marge, prijzen en volumes moeten dat deels goed maken. Biomcm wordt begin oktober bekeken, afhankelijk van de nieuwe methanol kwartaalprijzen zou een herstart mogelijk zijn. Vooralsnog zie ik geen reden om te somberen bij deze gasprijzen.
  3. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 9 september 2021 19:48

    marcobol schreef op 9 september 2021 19:04:

    “Donaldsonville is back to loading but the loss of production has been done.
    September urea physical traded this morning at $552. That is $100 higher than where it traded 2 weeks ago”

    Dus ja, ergens moet de kassa rinkelen.
    Wtf..... Oci heeft kennelijk niet heel veel geprofiteerd :s , althans als ik de koers zie
  4. forum rang 6 Ruval 9 september 2021 20:21
    Zie website OCI: per 1 okt worden prijzen melamine verhoogd met maar liefst € 550 per metric ton. Ook wordt gehint op verdere prijsstijgingen in Q4.

    Vorig kwartaal bedroeg de stijging nog ‘maar’ € 350.

    Melamine maakt maar relatief klein percentage uit van totale afzet maar goed dat de prijsstijgingen heel keurig doorberekend kunnen worden.
  5. [verwijderd] 10 september 2021 14:28
    Zou dit helpen om de gasprijs omlaag te brengen.

    Business Insider Deutschland
    1,5 Jahre verspätet: Die umstrittene Gas-Pipeline Nordstream 2 ist fertig
    Business Insider Deutschland vor 1 Std.


    Der russische Gaskonzern Gazprom hat verkündet, dass die Pipeline Nordstream 2 am Freitagmorgen um 8:45 Uhr Moskauer Zeit fertigstellt worden ist. Dies teilte Gazprom-Chef Alexej Miller der russischen Nachrichtenagentur Tass mit. Die Pipeline verläuft durch die Ostsee und soll bereits ab Oktober Erdgas aus Russland nach Deutschland transportieren. Bevor es so weit ist, muss der Betrieb noch von deutschen Behörden offiziell genehmigt werden.

    Die Fertigstellung erfolgt allerdings mit anderthalb Jahren Verspätung, denn sie war politisch hochumstritten. Insbesondere die USA versuchten den Bau durch Sanktionen zu verhindern. Gegner des Projekts befürchten, dass Deutschland so vom Erdgasimport aus Russland abhängig wird. Zudem muss Russland sein Erdgas dank der neuen Pipeline nicht mehr durch die Ukraine lenken, mit der Russland sich seit 2014 in einem Konflikt befindet. Für diese brechen somit wichtige Einnahmen weg.

    Durch die Rohre sollen perspektivisch 55 Milliarden Kubikmeter Gas pro Jahr vom russischen Wyborg bis nach Greifswald fließen. Damit können nach Angaben der Betreiber 26 Millionen Haushalte versorgt werden. Die Kosten der 1230 Kilometer langen Pipeline, lagen bei über zehn Milliarden Euro. Davon haben der russische Energiekonzern Gazprom und die fünf europäischen Gas-Unternehmen OMV, Wintershall Dea, Engie, Uniper und Shell jeweils die Hälfte finanziert.
  6. [verwijderd] 10 september 2021 15:48
    CF Industries Holdings, Inc. Commences Restart of Production at Donaldsonville Complex

    Thu, September 9, 2021, 10:45 PM
    In this article:


    DEERFIELD, Ill., September 09, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CF), a leading global manufacturer of hydrogen and nitrogen products, today announced that it has begun restarting its ammonia plants at the Donaldsonville Complex in Louisiana. Start-up of product upgrade plants (urea, nitric acid, urea ammonium nitrate) will follow. CF Industries had safely shut down all production units at the facility on Saturday, August 28, 2021, as part of its contingency plans for Hurricane Ida.

    Shipping will proceed on an as available basis. CF Industries will communicate directly with customers regarding impacts caused by Hurricane Ida.
  7. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 10 september 2021 20:30

    Over 75% of US Gulf oil, natgas production remains shut in
    Author: Janet Miranda


    HOUSTON (ICIS)--Over 75% of US Gulf oil production and natural gas production respectively remains offline as offshore producers continue to recover from the disruption in production caused by Hurricane Ida.

    Currently, 76% of oil production and 77% of natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico remains shut in, according to the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE).

    The following table shows the number of platforms and rigs evacuated, including the total of oil and natural gas that has been shut in.

    Total %
    Platforms evacuated 71 12.68
    Rigs evacuated 4 36.36
    Oil shut in (bbl/day) 1,391,865 76.48
    Gas shut in (bcf/day) 1.722 77.25
    Source: BSEE

    Facilities continue to be inspected for damage. Once all standard checks have been completed, production from undamaged facilities will be brought back online, while facilities that sustained damage could take longer to bring back online, the BSEE said.

    Shell is redeploying personnel to its Appomattox asset and continuing to deploy employees to its Enchilada/Salsa and Auger assets.

    Its Appomattox, Mars, Olympus, Ursa, Auger and Enchilada/Salsa assets reported no major damage although they remain shut in. Approximately 80% of Shell-operated production is currently offline, the company said.

    Damage assessments continue at Shell’s West Delta-143 (WD-143) offshore facility. This week the company re-staffed Main Pass 69, Green Canyon 19 and South Pass 89.

    Shell said it is currently unable to provide service downstream to Port Fourchon.

    Occidental Petroleum said on Wednesday that three of its 10 platforms have restarted production, with three prepared to restart. Primary shore bases sustained damage from the storm, but the company has relocated shore-based operations.

    It declined to provide a timeline for full restoration of operations.

    BP is resuming operations at Atlantis and Mad Dog. Operations at Thunder Horse and Na Kika are expected to resume in the coming days.

    Repairs are underway at its onshore assets in Houma and Port Fourchon. BP has temporarily relocated its shore base to Galveston, Texas, and heliport to Lafayette, Louisiana.

    Port Fourchon, Louisiana is continuing its recovery phase. The port is a main site for offshore workers.

    Power has been restored to 80% of the 948,000 customers who lost service after Ida made landfall, local power distributor Entergy said on Thursday.

    Of the 226 affected transmission substations, 210 had returned to service as by 8 September, as well as 174 of 211 affected transmission lines. Approximately 450 miles (724km) of transmission lines remain out of service.

    Distribution system damage in Louisiana and Mississippi included 30,679 poles, 36,469 spans of wire and 5,959 transformers damaged or destroyed.

    The number of poles damaged or destroyed is more than Katrina, Ike, Delta and Zeta combined, Entergy said.

    The following shows the status of the chemical plants and refineries affected by Ida.

    Company Site Products (*indicates force majeure) Status
    AmSty St James, Louisiana Styrene Shutdown
    BASF Geismar, Louisiana BDO*, EO, isocyanates*, polyols* Expected Restart
    Cornerstone Waggaman, Louisiana ACN*, melamine* Shutdown
    Cos-Mar Carville, Louisiana Styrene, ethylbenzene Shutdown
    DAK Americas Bay St Louis, Mississippi PET* Shutdown
    Dow Plaquemine, Louisiana Ethylene, propylene, benzene, toluene, EO, glycol ethers*, PE, PG, PO Expected Restart
    Dow Taft, Louisiana Ethylene, propylene, acetic acid, acrylic acid, acrylates, ethanolamines, EO, glycol ethers*, LLDPE, oxo-alcohols, 2-EHA* Shutdown
    Enterprise Products Louisiana, US Propylene, NGLs Shutdown
    ExxonMobil Baton Rouge, Louisiana Ethylene, propylene, BD, benzene, toluene, IPA, PA, plasticizers, PE, PP, base oils Restart
    Formosa Plastics Baton Rouge, Louisiana PVC*, VCM Shutdown
    Huntsman Geismar, Louisiana MA, MDI, polyethyer polyols, aniline nitrobenzene Expected Restart
    INEOS Oxide Plaquemine, Louisiana Ethanolamines* Shutdown
    Lion Copolymer Geismar, Louisiana EDPM Restart
    Marathon Petroleum Garyville, Louisiana Gasoline, propylene, refined products Shutdown
    Methanex Geismar, Louisiana Methanol Shutdown
    NOVA Geismar, Louisiana Ethylene*, propylene* Shutdown
    Olin Freeport, Texas VCM* Shutdown
    Olin Plaquemine, Louisiana Caustic soda, chlorine Shutdown
    Olin St Gabriel, Louisiana Caustic soda, chlorine Shutdown
    OxyChem Convent, Louisiana Caustic soda*, chlorine* Restart
    OxyChem Geismar, Louisiana Caustic soda*, chlorine*, EDC* Restart
    OxyChem Taft, Louisiana Caustic soda*, chlorine* Restart
    PBF Energy Chalmette, Louisiana Benzene, toluene, MX, propylene Shutdown
    Phillips 66 Belle Chasse, Louisiana Benzene, toluene, MX, propylene Shutdown
    Pinnacle Polymers Garyville, Louisiana PP* Shutdown
    Roehm Fortier, Louisiana Methyl methacrylate (MMA) Shutdown
    Rubicon Geismar, Louisiana MDI, polyether polyols, aniline, nitrobenzene Shutdown
    Shell Geismar, Louisiana EO, EG, glycol ethers, linear alcohols, linear olefins Shutdown
    Shell Norco, Louisiana Ethylene, propylene, BD Shutdown
    Shintech Addis, Louisiana PVC Shutdown
    Shintech Freeport, Texas PVC Shutdown
    Shintech Plaquemine, Louisiana Caustic soda, chlorine, EDC, PVC, VCM, ethylene Shutdown
    Total Energies Carville, Louisiana PS Shutdown
    Valero Meraux, Louisiana Gasoline, refined products, propylene Shutdown
    Valero St Charles, Louisiana Gasoline, refined products, propylene Shutdown
    Westlake Geismar, Louisiana Caustic soda, chlorine, EDC, PVC*, VCM* Shutdown
    Westlake Plaquemine, Louisiana Caustic soda, chlorine, EDC, PVC*, VCM* Shutdown
    YCI Methanol One St James, Louisiana Methanol Shutdown
    Thumbnail image shows damage caused by Hurricane Ida. Photo by Eric Gay/AP/Shutterstock
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