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BAM augustus 2020

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  1. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 3 augustus 2020 14:01
    Major milestone reached in construction of Bath Quays Bridge
    3 August 2020 BAM Construct UK Ltd
    Major milestone reached in construction of Bath Quays Bridge

    (Press release Bath & North East Somerset Council:) Bath, 29 July 2020 - A major milestone has been reached in the construction of the Bath Quays Bridge, the first new crossing point to be installed across the River Avon in Bath for a century.

    The final pile for the bridge substructure has been completed, paving the way for installation of the bridge itself later this year.

    Once completed the 60m long steel bridge will link Bath Quays North and South, Bath & North East Somerset Council’s flagship regeneration project, providing a new route for pedestrians and cyclists and greater connectivity around the city.

    501 piles have been installed to date by BAM Construction and their piling specialists Ivor King, Roger Bullivant and Westpile, as part of the Bath Quays scheme forming flood defences, office foundations and bridge substructures. Laid end to end some 6.5km of piles have been installed, equivalent to 580 double decker buses parked in a line. The longest pile installed was 17m deep, and the largest diameter was 750mm.

    Councillor Tim Ball, cabinet member for Housing, Planning, and Economic Development, said: “Installing all the piles needed for the construction of Bath Quays has been a major undertaking and has at times proved challenging. We’ve worked hard to minimise the impact on residents and businesses by reducing noise and vibrations, including using cutting edge silent piling methods.

    “Now all the piling work for the bridge has been completed we are just a matter of months away from lifting the new bridge structure into place which is an integral part of the Bath Quays development and will be a significant new landmark in the city.”

    Paris based engineering and architectural consultancy Marc Mimram designed the bridge after winning an international design competition commissioned by the council in 2015 and securing the largest number of votes in a public poll. The detailed design and engineering checks required for the complex structure involved a number of engineers across the region.

    The structure was built in Belgium by steelwork fabricator Victor Buyck. A number of UK-based contractors took part in the procurement process, but Buyck was appointed in January 2019 because the company presented the best expertise, resources and capacity to make the complex structure to a high quality, therefore offering the best value to the council. The bridge was shipped to the UK in four sections in May for further pre-assembly works to be undertaken Once the foundations are completed, the bridge will be lifted into place by a 600-tonne crane later this year.

    Next month residents will be invited to put forward their suggestions for a name for the bridge. A panel of nine community representatives will compile a shortlist with the best two submissions being put to a public vote. The winning name will be announced by the end of the year.

    Meanwhile, construction work on No1 Bath Quays, the first newly built office building in Bath for over 25 years, is well underway with windows and stone facades currently being installed. Once completed it will provide 45,000 sq ft of exceptional Grade A office accommodation over five open plan floors with basement parking, cycle storage, showers and lockers. No1 Bath Quays is now being actively marketed with a number of prospective tenants showing interest, demonstrating the continued demand for premium office space in the city even in challenging times.

    The council is currently considering feedback from residents on the detailed design of Bath Quays North before submitting a detailed planning application. The development will include office space, new homes, a hotel and retail and restaurant units, alongside public areas and a 413 space car park. All the buildings have been designed to reduce their environmental impact, adapt to climate change and incorporate features that enhance the health and wellbeing of occupiers and the wider community. The design includes roof terraces, living walls and an urban arboretum together with walkways, cycle routes and cycle parking to encourage people to choose more active and sustainable ways to travel.

    Councillor Dine Romero, leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council, said: “As we work to recover from the impact of COVID-19 the Bath Quays development will not only provide much needed homes in the heart of the city but will prove crucial in boosting business, skills and job opportunities in Bath and the wider region.”

    The Bath Quays development is part-funded by the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership through the Local Growth Fund and administered by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA).
  2. forum rang 6 innicksname 3 augustus 2020 14:11

    €d_Modus Vivendi schreef op 31 juli 2020 10:01:

    Henk, wat dacht je van de stijgende zeespiegel. Twee derde van de woningstand staat dan letterlijk onder water.
    Bedankt voor het aanbod, de tijd zal het leren.;)
    Het is dan Utrecht in/achter de duinen. Het zal een beste kluif zijn om dan het gebied rond Delft/Rotterdam droog te houden. Ik begrijp daarom niet dat ze de delen in NL die buiten de huidige randstad vallen niet meer benutten voor het bouwen van woningen. Het hoeft van mij niet, maar zou het wel logisch vinden. Daarbij mag er ook wel wat meer infrastructuur worden aangelegd naar het noorden, oosten en zuiden. Aan dat laatste zit maar één nadeel: de kans dat corona dan meereist is groot.
  3. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 3 augustus 2020 15:06

    totoo schreef op 3 augustus 2020 14:20:


    Laten we zeggen, van vele markten thuis ook tuinman met de gouden tuinierstip

    " Al zijn de paden nog zo krom, we harken door en kijken niet achterom"
    Met harken bedoel ik hier short gaan in BAM

    Om met Boldie te spreken: verlopig staat BAM groen.
  4. forum rang 6 innicksname 3 augustus 2020 15:44

    HenkdeV schreef op 3 augustus 2020 15:06:


    Om met Boldie te spreken: verlopig staat BAM groen.
    En iets met te vroeg of te laat ingestapt/verkocht.
    boldie behoeft verder geen kapitale b ;-)
    Maar: vraag me wel af waar hij is gebleven, sinds 12 april heeft hij niets meer geplaatst op IEX.
  5. forum rang 8 HenkdeV 3 augustus 2020 16:02

    innicksname schreef op 3 augustus 2020 15:44:

    En iets met te vroeg of te laat ingestapt/verkocht.
    boldie behoeft verder geen kapitale b ;-)
    Maar: vraag me wel af waar hij is gebleven, sinds 12 april heeft hij niets meer geplaatst op IEX.
    Gewoon weer met zijn werk als hovenier bezig. De schade moet toch terugverdiend worden. En een paar jaar later met pensioen.

    VS ook mooi groen, de nieuwe maand begint positief.
  6. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 4 augustus 2020 08:41

    Construction output to fall by a fifth this year, CPA warns

    By Jordan Marshall4 August 2020

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    Commercial and private housing the worst affected sectors

    Construction output is expected to fall by 20% this year, the Construction Products Association has warned.

    The CPA said despite activity on site returning more quickly than expected following the lockdown, output is still expected to fall by 20.6%.

    london cranes

    Source: Shutterstock

    Sites like the Battersea Power Station redevelopment were shut for weeks because of the lockdown

    In its summer forecast, it said the worst affected sectors include private housing, where a 33% drop is expected, and the commercial sector, which is expected to see a 29% fall.

    The report said the return to construction sites from mid-May was largely to finish existing projects and complete refurbishments that could not take place during the restrictions.

    It said uncertainty remains around longer-term demand and future new orders given the state of the wider economy.

    Noble Francis, the CPA’s economics director, said: “There still remains a significant number of long-term uncertainties for the UK economy though, including: unemployment rates as furlough comes to an end, the uptake of homeworking, the potential of a second wave of infection, and the end of the Brexit implementation period in December.

    “While next year we anticipate construction output rising 18% overall, it is worth noting that this is compared with a low base of activity in 2020 and will still be 6.4% lower than pre-coronavirus levels.”
  7. forum rang 6 innicksname 4 augustus 2020 09:04

    Zwijnash schreef op 4 augustus 2020 08:38:


    Misschien bitcoin of ander sort in de toekomst zal het overnamen
    Dan moet er eerst heel veel meer van in omloop komen (zie ik bij de huidige prijs niet gebeuren) en moet de koers minder schommelen. Dat digitale munten aan een opmars bezig zijn is helder, maar vaak alleen succesvol als er 'assets' tegenover staan.
  8. forum rang 6 innicksname 4 augustus 2020 09:24

    HenkdeV schreef op 3 augustus 2020 16:36:

    De hier door iemand aangekaarte ruil van BAM in PostNL (kon tegen gelijke koersen) was zo slecht nog niet. Vandaag ook weer fors hoger op goede cijfers.
    Je kunt ruilen wat je wil, maar bepalend is voor welke gemiddelde aankoopkoers je de aandelen al in je bezit had. Voor een aantal hier was die ruil nog niet heel zinvol geweest.
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