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Aandeel BAM Groep Koninklijke AEX:BAMNB.NL, NL0000337319

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
4,198   +0,042   (+1,01%) Dagrange 4,140 - 4,208 375.091   Gem. (3M) 759,2K

BAM november 2018 Strong Buy

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  1. [verwijderd] 16 november 2018 12:30

    OnoMatopee schreef op 16 november 2018 12:11:

    Heij van + 2% naar - 1% is ook weer een speelbal geworden.
    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) JP Morgan Asset Management heeft een groter belang in Heijmans gemeld. Dit bleek uit een melding in het kader van de Wet op het financieel toezicht, gedateerd op 13 november 2018.
  2. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 16 november 2018 12:45

    b.west.invest schreef op 16 november 2018 12:42:

    Tja de shorters doen weer heel goed hun werk , ook AMG heeft nu last van shorters . Bahhhh maar wat is hun nut nog als er zoals nu bijna niemand meer afstand doet van hun aandelen ? Dan hebben ze toch ook bijna geen verdiensten ?
    flink drukken, dan zuigt het angsthazen aan en die zijn er genoeg om uit te persen. Het smerigste legale fenomeen op de beurs. Zij hebben de tijd het hoeft niet in een paar dagen te lukken.
  3. forum rang 6 OnoMatopee 16 november 2018 12:47
    Improvement of construction sector sees increased turnover of €465m for BAM Ireland

    16/11/2018 - 11:29:00Back to Business in Ireland Business Home

    BAM Ireland, one of the country’s largest construction businesses, had a year of strong revenue growth in 2017 with a turnover of €465m (an increase of 29% on 2016) and profit before tax of €15.9m.

    BAM’s performance was aided by strong activity in Ireland’s improving construction sector and ongoing international activities outside of the Republic of Ireland.

    In 2017, BAM began construction on a number of high-profile projects including the New Children’s Hospital at St James’s Campus and its satellite sites in Blanchardstown and Tallaght.

    Among the projects completed in 2017 were One Microsoft Place in Leopardstown and courthouses at Letterkenny and Drogheda as part of the Courts Bundle PPP.

    BAM also saw its order book increase strongly by year-end leading to expected further growth in 2018.

    Eir plans 200 jobs in Cork city’s northside

    In the challenging civil engineering sector, BAM’s motorway projects, the N25 New Ross Bypass PPP Scheme and the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy PPP Scheme, progressed well.

    Commenting on the results, Theo Cullinane, BAM Ireland Chief Executive said: “BAM Ireland continues to go from strength-to-strength and I am pleased to report another strong year which is reflected in our end of year results.

    "BAM has seen the benefits of Ireland’s improving construction sector and 2017 saw work commence on some of the state’s most high-profile projects which have contributed to a turnover of €465m for 2017”.

    Perhaps the highlight of 2017 was beginning work at the New Children’s Hospital at St James’ Campus and its two satellite centres in Blanchardstown and Tallaght. This project represents the biggest single development in the history of the state.

    "We take great pride at being involved in the development of a facility that will change the way medicine is practised in Ireland”, he said.

    Mr Cullinane signalled a note of caution for the sector also.

    While there is year-on-year growth in the construction industry, it continues to remain in a fragile state, where the residential and civil engineering sectors are still very much challenged.

    "The publication of the 2018-2027 National Development Plan is welcome but its investment needs to be brought forward more quickly.

    "Margins and reinvestment in businesses are too low, while obligatory risks are too high. Hugely risky under-pricing of work and risk remains, and below cost tenders are still being accepted by procurement authorities.

    'This is evidenced by recent examples of company failures and bad construction practices, and the devastating effect this has on the supply chain”, he said.

    He also reflected on taxation issues and said more could be done to make homes affordable for buyers.

    “There has been much discussion about the 13.5% VAT rate on house construction, but the total contribution to the exchequer from the sale of a new home, as a percentage of the sales price is 36%, as set out by Grant Thornton in a report prepared for the CIF.

    GMIT students visited BAM New Children’s Hospital (NCH) & Boland’s Quay Development sites last week #buildingthepresentcreatingthefuture @bolandsquayDub @nch_info @GMITOfficial pic.twitter.com/tExG3yF9Vd
    — BAM Ireland (@BAMIrl_) November 6, 2018

    "This should be part of any discourse around ‘affordability’ which is entirely within the Government’s control”, added Theo Cullinane.

    Established in 1958, BAM Ireland is one of the country’s largest construction businesses, employing 2,000 people directly and indirectly.

    Its principal activities are building contracting and civil engineering in the public, private and PPP sectors.
  4. Centenkwestie 16 november 2018 14:08

    ischav2 schreef op 16 november 2018 11:00:

    Volgens valutahandelaren heeft het pond een range van 10% min dan wel 10% plus potentie t.o.v. de huidige koers bij resp. no deal dan wel deal. Vraag me nog steeds af hoe BAM dat gaat managen. Neem aan dat men die miljardenopdrachten in de UK nauwelijks hedged. In de webcast heb ik in ieder geval niets vernomen omtrent dit onderwerp.
    De opdrachten in het VK worden volledig afgehandeld in ponden. Valutaschommelingen hebben daardoor geen directe invloed op de marges. Alle kosten en baten schommelen met elkaar mee. Er is wel invloed op de omzet- en winstcijfers, omdat die van ponden naar euro's moeten worden omgerekend.
    Op de lange duur kan het zijn dat grondstoffen die in het VK afhankelijk zijn van import structureel duurder worden. Maar met dat soort prijsontwikkelingen heeft de bouw doorlopend te maken. Een ander lange-termijneffect van de brexit ligt in de schade voor de britse economie als geheel.

    De gevolgen voor BAM (bouwen in het VK) zijn daarmee veel kleiner dan de gevolgen voor import en export (handel met VK).

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