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  1. forum rang 8 Succes 29 januari 2023 16:22
    Tagesspiegel: Scholz wants to continue to talk to Putin

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told German newspaper Tagesspiegel he intends to continue trying to work towards an end to the war against Ukraine in direct phone conversations with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

    “I will also be on the phone with Putin again - because it is necessary to talk to each other,” he said, adding it was up to Putin to withdraw troops from Ukraine and end this “terrible, nonsensical war.”

    Scholz also dismissed the idea of delivering fighter jets to Ukraine, warning against “entering into a constant outbidding competition regarding weapon systems.”

    The discussion to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets was reignited after the U.S. and European countries decided to supply Ukraine with dozens of Western-built main battle tanks in January.

    However, Germany’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that sending fighter jets to Ukraine is “out of the question.”

    “Fighter aircraft are much more complex systems than main battle tanks and have a completely different range and firepower. We would venture into dimensions I would currently warn against,” Pistorius told Süddeutsche Zeitung.

    The U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets could be the best option for Ukraine’s Air Force, spokesperson Yurii Ihnat said during a briefing. So far, the U.S. has refused to supply F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine or authorize their transfer by third countries.

    On Jan. 19, Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra said the country’s government would look into providing Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets “if Kyiv asks for it.”

    President Volodymyr Zelensky asked partners to give Ukraine longer-range missiles and F-16 fighters during his speech at the Ramstein-8 meeting in Germany on Jan. 20.

    Scholz added he wouldn’t allow the “escalation” of a war between Russia and NATO after German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said at the Council of Europe on Jan. 24 that the West was “fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.

  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 29 januari 2023 16:25
    3 doden en 14 gewonden na een aanval op een Oekrains wooncomplex met een S 300 luchtafweer raket

    President Zelensky :

    (Saturday ) Russian army launched a missile attack on our city of Kostyantynivka in Donetsk region.

    The enemy used S-300 missiles. In the residential sector. As of this time, 14 people wounded & 3 died. My condolences to family and friends...


  3. forum rang 6 matad 29 januari 2023 16:28

    asti schreef op 29 januari 2023 16:21:


    Nee, dat ga ik niet doen. U kunt uw besluit nu nemen. U hoeft niet drie dagen te wachten.
    Dan noem ik u vanaf nu leugenaar omdat u iets beweert dat onjuist is.
    U zou namelijk heel makkelijk kunnen bewijzen.dat hetgeen u beweert juist is.
    Uw enige doel in deze is om het draadje en de moderatie omlaag te halen.
  4. forum rang 8 Succes 29 januari 2023 16:34
    Miljoenen chips Nederlandse fabrikanten belanden in Rusland ondanks sancties

    Microchips gemaakt door Nederlandse bedrijven komen ondanks zware sancties nog altijd in Rusland terecht. Het gaat om vele miljoenen stuks sinds het begin van de invasie in Oekraïne tot en met december.

    De export loopt via tussenhandelaren. Enkele honderden leveringen zijn gegaan naar drie Russische ondernemingen die gelinkt zijn aan defensiebedrijven. 'Nederlandse' chips zijn ook gevonden in Russische wapens.

    De gezamenlijke onderzoeksredactie van de NOS en Nieuwsuur kreeg toegang tot handelsgegevens, sprak met betrokken bedrijven, overheidsinstanties, experts en onderzoekers, en kreeg inzage in vertrouwelijke documenten. Het onderzoek geeft voor het eerst inzicht in de schaal waarop microchips van Nederlandse producenten in Rusland belanden.

    Er is een duidelijk patroon zichtbaar van een kleine groep Chinese bedrijven die Nederlandse chips weet te bemachtigen en die maand in maand uit naar Rusland exporteert. Een van die bedrijven staat op de sanctielijst van de VS vanwege leveringen aan de Russische defensie-industrie. Ondanks de steeds strengere sancties is de afgelopen maanden geen daling van de export zichtbaar.


    Grote zorgen

    De schimmige tussenhandel in microchips gebeurt, voor zover de overheid kan zien, zonder toestemming en zonder medeweten van Nederlandse producenten, meldt het het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in een reactie. "Nederland maakt zich er grote zorgen over en zoekt samen met de Europese Unie en andere EU-landen naar effectieve manieren om dit te voorkomen en de tussenhandel aan te pakken."

    Overigens komt een nog veel grotere stroom aan microchips, gemaakt door bedrijven buiten Nederland, terecht bij Russische importeurs. Alleen al over de maand november gaat het om minstens 2 miljoen chips verspreid over tientallen concerns. Ter vergelijking: uit fabrieken van NXP en Nexperia ging het in dezelfde periode om ruim 60.000 chips: zo'n 6 procent van het totaal.

    Experts gaan ervan uit dat de Russische importstroom nog steeds gaande is en er zijn geen aanwijzingen dat het is gestopt. Maar van januari zijn nog geen handelsdata beschikbaar.



  5. forum rang 8 Succes 29 januari 2023 16:40
    Rheinmetall negotiates the HIMARS production in Germany

    The arms producer Rheinmetall is holding negotiations with Lockheed Martin to set up the HIMARS system production in Germany.

    Armin Papperger, CEO of Rheinmetall, shared this with Reuters.

    “At the Munich Security Conference, we aim to strike an agreement with Lockheed Martin to kick off a HIMARS production,” Papperger said.

    He refers to an annual gathering of political and defense leaders in Munich in mid-February.

    “We have the technology for the production of the warheads as well as for the rocket motors – and we have the trucks to mount the launchers upon,” Papperger said.

    The CEO of Rheinmetall also noted that a deal with Lockheed Martin might prompt investments of several hundred million euros of which Rheinmetall would finance a major part.
    Production of ammunition

    In addition, the company wants to increase the production of tank and artillery ammunition.

    This will be discussed at the meeting of representatives of the German defense industry with Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, which should take place soon.

    Rheinmetall produces a range of defense products but is probably most famous for manufacturing the 120mm gun of the Leopard 2 tank.

    We can produce 240,000 rounds of tank ammunition (120mm) per year, which is more than the entire world needs,” Papperger said.

    He added that the capacity for the production of 155mm artillery rounds could be ramped up to 450,000 to 500,000 per year, which would make Rheinmetall the biggest producer of both kinds of ammunition.

    In 2022, the company produces some 60,000 to 70,000 rounds each of tank and artillery shells, however, production could be boosted immediately.

    He also pointed a new production line for medium caliber ammunition, used by German-built Gepard anti-aircraft tanks, would go live by mid-2023.

  6. forum rang 10 luchtschip 29 januari 2023 16:43
    Igor Girkin heeft kritiek op Putin over de Putin dubbelgangers

    Putin is Putin zelf wanneer hij helemaal alleen in beeld staat, of met belangrijke mensen die ver van hem af staan omdat hij bang is dat ze hem vermoorden
    Putin met een groep mensen in beeld is Putin niet maar een dubbelganger

    Terrorist Girkin explained how to distinguish the real Putin from his doubles.


    video 0:47 Engels ondertiteld

  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 29 januari 2023 17:19
    Strijd om Bakhmut

    Blahodatne, north of Bakhmut has been captured by Wagner PMC forces.

    Yesterday Wagner-boss Prigozhin already claimed the town was under control of its forces, which is now visually confirmed.


    More confirmation of Russian forces in Blahodatne.

    video 0:23 minuut


    kaart Blahodatne in midden kaart rechts ervan het eerder door de Russen veroverde Soledar en midden onder kaart Bakhmut in Oekrainse handen
    De 2 wegen van Bakhmut naar Lyman ( in Oekrainse handen ) en Lysytsjansk ( in Russische handen ) lijken afgesloten te zijn doordat de russen deze wegen bezetten ( zie 2de grotere kaart )


    grotere kaart

  8. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2023 17:22

    ArieAlias schreef op 29 januari 2023 09:59:


    Laten we aktie voeren en demonstreren dat er alleen nog met verdovingspijltjes mag worden geschoten.
    Goed idee!
    Heel veel pijltjes zijn goedkoop en maken heel veel verdoofde vijanden.
    Je kan ze vervolgens zó oprapen, verhoren en verruilen of tot slaaf maken.
  9. forum rang 8 Succes 29 januari 2023 17:39

    Succes schreef op 29 januari 2023 16:22:

    Tagesspiegel: Scholz wants to continue to talk to Putin

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told German newspaper Tagesspiegel he intends to continue trying to work towards an end to the war against Ukraine in direct phone conversations with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

    “I will also be on the phone with Putin again - because it is necessary to talk to each other,” he said, adding it was up to Putin to withdraw troops from Ukraine and end this “terrible, nonsensical war.”


    Putin open to contacts with Scholz - spox
    29.01.2023 17:41

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is open to contacts with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz though has no phone call scheduled with him

    That's according to a Kremlin spokesman, who spoke with the state RIA Novosti news agency, The Guardian reports, as seen by Ukrinform.

    For now, there are no agreed talks with Scholz in the schedule. Putin has been and remains open to contacts, as per the report.

    Scholz was quoted by the Berlin daily Tagesspiegel in an interview published on Sunday.

    Putin and Scholz last spoke by phone in early December.
    The Russian leader said at the time the German and Western line on Ukraine was “destructive” and called on Berlin to rethink its approach.

    Germany is the second largest donor of military hardware to Ukraine after the United States, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, ahead of other European powers such as France and Britain.

  10. forum rang 8 Succes 29 januari 2023 17:41
    Poland launched large-scale repairs of the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    Hundreds of mechanics are working around the clock to repair damaged Ukrainian military equipment.
    In particular, Polish workshops are repairing the AHS Krab self-propelled guns.

    “Two Krab self-propelled guns are missing parts of their caterpillar tracks and are riddled with bullet holes and contorted metal. Another Krab shines clean, ready to return to Ukraine,” said The Wall Street Journal journalists who were admitted to the workshops.

    In addition to repair work in Poland, mechanics are in constant contact with Ukrainian colleagues and conduct their training.
    “Actually, this weapon arrived here in the worst condition we’ve ever seen. The entire barrel was missing, and the hull was badly damaged,” engineer Myroslav Surovanets says.

    In Poland, Krab howitzers are serviced at a facility run by the state-owned arms company Polish Armaments Group.

    The workshop is monitored by officers of the Internal Security Agency, who are tasked with detecting potential sabotage operations. Each of the approximately 400 workers, as well as any visitor, must be a Polish citizen. The process of selecting new employees can take several months.

    Mechanics of the factory workshops work around the clock in three shifts and are in constant contact with the Ukrainians.

    Sometimes, mechanics find soldiers’ belongings inside the equipment: a toothbrush, uneaten food, or family photos.
    “Krab self-propelled guns arrive here with leaves, dirt, sand, branches. This is Ukrainian land. It really impressed me the first time I went inside one of them,” said mechanic Dariusz Hawinek.

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