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Aandeel Pharming Group AEX:PHARM.NL, NL0010391025

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,889   -0,022   (-2,36%) Dagrange 0,882 - 0,000 2.213.206   Gem. (3M) 6,6M

Pharming februari 2018

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  1. [verwijderd] 2 februari 2018 09:21

    middel schreef op 2 februari 2018 08:49:

    Als de meldingen bij de AFM daadwerkelijk het incentive program is, dan zijn die afspraken toch gewoon openbaar? Die moeten dan ook zijn afgetikt door aandeelhouder lijkt me. Terug te zoeken in bv JC 2016 ofzo? “Haal doel Y, dan krijg je X aantallen aandelen”. Wellicht zit er een extra incentive in; als je X boven 100% target zit, krijg je nog meer. We weten wat ze hebben gekregen, 2de melding vandaag gezien bij AFM. Kunnen we terugzoeken via JC óf ze en hoeveel % van het target is behaald.....
    Jaarverslag 2016 Pagina 93

    In accordance with the compensation policy approved at the 2010 AgM, with the development of the Company now potentially entering into profitable operating results, the basis for the annual cash bonus for 2017 and going forward shall be, subject to the achievement of at least two con- secutive quarters of operational profitability during 2017, adjusted as follows: :

    • CEO: to a target of 60% of annual salary;
    • Other Board of Management members: to a target of 50% of annual salary.
    The issuance of any share-based bonus component for the cash bonus 2017 shall be valued at the VWAp measured over the 20 trading days prior to 31 January 2018. Payment of the bonus remains dependent on the achievement of pre-defined milestones, which are a combination of corpo- rate and personal milestones.
    Proposals on the potential award of a bonus, achievement of milestones and an increase of fixed salary is made by the Remuneration Committee towards the end of the year and formally approved by the Board of Supervisory Directors in the first meeting of the next year but in any case before or on the date of approval of the Annual Report.

    The Board of Supervisory Directors has defined a mix of corporate and personal milestones that will be used to measure performance and potential award of bonus pay- ments for 2017.

    The main corporate objectives for 2017 for the Board of Management can be summarised as follows:
    • Achievement of the agreed Operating Results targets and ye cash balance targets by a combination of
      cost control and timing of implementation of R&D investments, balanced by actual revenue growth;

    • De-risking of the Company by broadening the territorial and indication revenue base for rucoNeSt® and/or acquisition of new assets for development and/ or leveraging of uS/eu commercialisation infrastructure ;
    • Build the C1 inhibitor franchise by progressing the development of C1 inhibitor in indications beyond acute hAe attacks;
    • Develop the new pipeline projects according to plan; Drive shareholders long-term returns, increase investor awareness and improve the shareholder base.

    For competitive reasons further details of these milestones and the personal milestones are not publicly disclosed.
  2. [verwijderd] 2 februari 2018 09:25
    Ik blijf erbij dat Pharming ons en nog velen andere gaat verbazen met de 4e kwartaal cijfers, waarom..

    shire 2016, shire 2017,

    1e kw - -164,- milj. 1e kw - - 226,- milj.
    2e kw - - 173,- milj. 2e kw - - 176,- milj
    3e kw - - 165,- milj. 3e kw - - 57,- milj.
    4e kw - - 178,- milj. 4e kw - - ???
    tot. 680,- milj. full year totaal tot nu 459,- milj.

    dus in hun slechtse kwartaal van Shire zouden ze minimaal 221,- milj moeten maken.........Forget it, ik zeg daarvan heeft Pharming minimaal 80 milj. en maximaal 120 milj. van binnen gehaald.
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