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Steinhoff een mooie kans

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  1. Roel050 19 maart 2020 09:18

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 19 maart 2020 08:06:


    Steinhof krijgt dezelfde overheidssteun als andere bedrijven.
    Dit had ik ook bedacht. De dochters van SNH kunnen in hun thuisland steun krijgen. En ze draaiden al erg goed.
    Ik weet niet of alle landen hier al aan doen. Hoe zit het bijv. met Zuid Afrika?

    Ik heb het idee dat dankzij deze crisis de herfinanciering makkelijker zou kunnen worden. Diverse bedrijven wereldwijd krijgen miljarden geherfinancierd (staatssteun). Oftewel, door deze crisis liggen er kansen op dit gebied.

    Het is natuurlijk wel erg vervelend dat we in de 0.04-0.05 zijn beland met SNH.
    Ik hoop dat er binnenkort een soort van rust en gewenning ontstaat aan de Corona-situatie, en dat we dan weer richting 0.10 gaan. En zo'n verdubbeling kan snel gaan, dat hebben we eerder gezien. Maar daarvoor moet eerst het algemene sentiment positiever worden. Ik heb het idee dat we de laatste dagen vooral met de indices meebewegen.

  2. Roel050 21 maart 2020 10:52

    Steinhoff continues to monitor ongoing developments related to the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and provides the following update.

    Colleagues & Customers
    The safety of our colleagues and customers is our top priority and we are fully supporting the global and regional initiatives to bring the pandemic under control.

    We have implemented a programme of measures to protect the health and safety of our employees, including restricting travel and face-to-face meetings, asking colleagues to work from home where possible, and adopting all specific public health protocols. Business continuity plans are in place to ensure customer service levels are maintained in store and in central support facilities.

    As the Coronavirus outbreak has progressed, the most significant impacts on the Group have switched from those with a supply chain focus to those with a demand-side impact.

    Supply-side impacts

    At the beginning of the outbreak in February, attention was focused on efforts to mitigate disruption in the supply chain. Many of the businesses in the Group source products from various countries in Asia and some factory supply was negatively impacted by the outbreak and spread of the Coronavirus. The Group’s supply chain is well-diversified and flexible, allowing it to respond rapidly to anticipated inventory shortages and other sourcing challenges. The Group benefitted from this agility and was able to address and mitigat these issues, wherever possible, through alternative sourcing and other arrangements. More recently, the affected factories have reopened and are rebuilding capacity.

    Shipments of goods from Asian ports were also restricted once production was re-established but proactive management of stock in the supply chain, including swift utilisation of capacity freed up by order cancellations elsewhere, helped reduce the impact. The situation has continued to improve as port operation returns to normal. Overall, while we are still experiencing some delays in sourcing product, these are now reducing and we continue to offset the impact through mitigation strategies.

    Demand-side impacts

    Over more recent weeks many of the countries in which we do business have implemented broad-based steps to contain the spread of the virus, resulting in significant restrictions on movement and public gatherings, and the closure of commercial facilities. These measures have resulted in the partial or full closure of a number of our general merchandise stores, or restrictions on trading hours, in a number of European markets including France, Spain, Poland and the Czech Republic.

    As a result turnover has reduced, particularly in general merchandise, and this will continue for the duration of these restrictions. The performance of our FMCG focused businesses has been more resilient, partially offsetting this impact.


    The extent and duration of the current restrictions on trade remain uncertain and it is too early to determine the exact impact of the pandemic on the performance of the Group for the 2020 financial year. It is clear, however, that the virus outbreak and resulting restrictions will have a negative impact on overall turnover and the underlying business performance during this period.

    Operating companies are implementing plans to strengthen their cashflows through both proactive management of their forward purchase order commitments and, where appropriate, by the use of flexible working contracts. The inherent strength and flexibility of the Group’s sourcing arrangements is also providing important additional support.

    Management are continuing to take an active approach, implementing a range of mitigating strategies to protect profitability and cashflow. Immediate and significant actions are being implemented to reduce costs and optimise liquidity. These include reducing operating expenditures, reducing stock of goods impacted by the trading restrictions, actions to optimise working capital, stopping all but essential capital expenditure, and making use of tax payment and other government relief measures where available.

    While the Group is confident that the actions it is taking to address the impacts of the Coronavirus are appropriate and timely, the situation remains fast moving and uncertain and these are being kept under constant review. Further updates will be given as appropriate.

    20 March 2020
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 23 maart 2020 16:44
    Amerikaanse winkelketen breidt uit vanwege corona

    GOODLETTSVILLE (AFN) - De Amerikaanse discountwinkelketen Dollar General gaat tot eind volgende maand 50.000 mensen aannemen. Het bedrijf kondigde dat aan vanwege de hoge vraag van de Amerikaanse consument naar huishoudelijke producten.
  4. Vossejongk 14 april 2020 15:43
    Pepkor, Woolies, Truworths, Mr Price, TFG offer R220 million to landlords during lockdown
    By Sizwe Dlamini Time of article published 8h ago

    CAPE TOWN – South Africa’s major clothing retailers, TFG, Truworths, Mr Price Group, Woolworths and Pepkor (Retailers) are in discussions with the Property Industry Group (PI Group), representing retail landlords, in a bid to find a joint and mutually beneficial response to the significant challenges created by Covid-19.

    In a statement issued by Michael Kerkhoff & Associates, the retailers said the adoption of an empathetic and constructive approach was vital to finding a workable solution benefiting all stakeholders.

    The retailers commended the government for instituting regulations to allow collective negotiations in the retail property sector in order to mitigate some of the negative economic impacts of the lockdown.

    The retail group said it had reviewed the scope of the relief package offered to retail tenants by the PI Group and had now constructed its own counter-proposals, which it believed were more balanced as they dealt more equitably with the permanent loss faced by retail tenants throughout the country.

    The retailers said the devastating economic effects of Covid-19 should be shared by landlords and tenants. “In constructing our proposals, and due to the divergent nature of our operations, we had to find a guideline that we all agreed on, to help shape the most appropriate response in these unprecedented circumstances.”

    The retailers said despite earning no revenue during the lockdown, and in the interest of collaboration and reaching agreement with PI Group, they had provisionally put aside the opinions of their legal advisers during the negotiation with the PI Group, which stated that rentals were not due during the lockdown.

    They proposed, in the form of a general guideline to the industry, the payment of all utilities consumed by retailers during the lockdown, and 20 percent of normal rental and operating costs. “This equates to support by the five retailers in excess of R220 million to support landlords during the lockdown.”

    They said: “Landlords are expected to significantly reduce operating costs to take into account declining economic activity.

    “The prompt and firm action by our president in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic is wholeheartedly supported by the retailers. The undisputed fact is that the lockdown period has resulted in the retailers being barred from using their rental premises for their intended purpose. This has a potentially disastrous effect on our ability to meet our employment and other commitments, which may, in turn, have a cascading devastating effect on millions of South African households.

    “The current lockdown affects the entire retail ecosystem, as well as the interests of the government, in deploying the taxes we pay, and other important stakeholders in our broader national context. Hundreds of thousands of South Africans earn a living from employment by retailers, and millions, directly and indirectly, live off this income through jobs with our suppliers. Furthermore, the struggling local clothing manufacturing industry is highly dependent on retailers for sustainability and job preservation and has already been significantly impacted due to the lockdown and reduced demand that preceded it.”

    The retailers said they acknowledged the PI Group had its own economic pressures and it too would inevitably be negatively affected by the Covid-19 outbreak, just as no sector of the economy would emerge unscathed.

    “A co-operative position appears to be the approach advocated and facilitated between landlords and tenants globally, including in the United Kingdom, Germany and Australia, which supports our view that a collaborative stance needs to be adopted.”

    The retailers said they were confident that the proposals, if implemented nationally, could offer an equitable and sustainable solution model for all clothing retailers and retail landlords, which would result in the saving of millions of jobs, both in the lockdown and beyond.

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