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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
23,610   -0,120   (-0,51%) Dagrange 23,410 - 23,710 2.594.779   Gem. (3M) 2,3M

Juni 2017 Arcelor Mittal

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  1. [verwijderd] 30 juni 2017 14:03

    rish schreef op 30 juni 2017 12:47:

    Goedemiddag allemaal,

    Vooral altijd een lezer geweest, vanochtend op 19.48 ingestapt in AM.
    PM Complimenten over je bijdrage op dit forum.

    Wat is jullie gemiddelde aankoop koers in AM?
    gemiddelde aankoopkoers lager.alle AM op winst met die kanttekening dat ik winst beperk vanwege geschreven opties over 30% van de AM aandelen..de c juli aandelen ben ik zoals het er uit ziet kwijt.maar ik ontvang ook nog premie over geschreven puts AM is gemiddeld 20% van de porto.kan ook nog zijn dat ik door de geschreven puts nog een keer 800 aandeeltjes extra bezit
  2. Toekomstbeeld 30 juni 2017 14:07
    Schnitzer Reports Third Quarter 2017 Financial Results

    Significant Growth in Earnings Per Share

    Auto and Metals Recycling Delivers Strongest Third Quarter Performance Since Fiscal 2012

    Best First Nine Months Earnings Per Share Since Fiscal 2012

    PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun. 26, 2017-- Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCHN) today reported results for its third quarter ended May 31, 2017. The Company reported earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.60 and adjusted earnings per share of $0.56. These results reflect a significant increase compared to second quarter earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.40 and adjusted earnings per share of $0.37, and the prior year third quarter earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.41 and adjusted earnings per share of $0.46. For a reconciliation of the adjusted results to U.S. GAAP, see the Non-GAAP Financial Measures provided after the financial statements in this document.

    Auto and Metals Recycling (AMR) operating income of $30 million increased by 13% compared to the second quarter and represents the best third quarter performance since fiscal 2012. Operating income per ferrous ton of $31 reflects operating leverage benefits driven by higher sales volumes, increased supply flows, seasonality, sustained benefits from our cost savings and productivity initiatives, and no material impact from average inventory accounting. The second quarter of fiscal 2017 included a favorable impact from average inventory accounting of $4 million, or $5 per ton, and the prior year third quarter also included a favorable impact of $3 million, or $3 per ton. For the first nine months of fiscal 2017 compared to the prior year first nine months, ferrous and nonferrous sales volumes increased 11% and 18%, respectively.

    In the Steel Manufacturing Business (SMB), operating performance was slightly above break-even for the third quarter, an improvement of $2 million sequentially and slightly below prior year operating income of $1 million. Finished steel sales volumes increased 33% sequentially, reflecting seasonally higher construction activity.

    Since the end of the third quarter, we integrated our SMB segment with AMR's Oregon metals recycling operations, forming a new division, Cascade Steel and Scrap (CSS). This change in organizational structure is intended to enhance our flexibility, improve customer service, generate internal synergies, and enable us to more effectively adjust to market changes across our recycling and steel production operations. We expect to report the results of CSS operations as a single reportable segment beginning in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017.

    "Our third quarter results benefited from our continued focus on profitable growth. In both our Auto and Metals Recycling and our Steel Manufacturing Businesses, higher volumes and operating leverage from our multi-year productivity initiatives drove increased operating income," commented Tamara Lundgren, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Through the first nine months of this year, we have achieved our best earnings performance since fiscal 2012."

    "Our balance sheet continued to strengthen as we generated strong operating cash flow, driven primarily by higher profitability and also by lower working capital as compared to the second quarter. This enabled us to reduce debt while continuing to invest in our operations and to return capital to our shareholders," said Lundgren.

  3. Toekomstbeeld 30 juni 2017 14:28

    Ruuduniek schreef op 30 juni 2017 14:11:


    ja alleen staan we per saldo 50 cent onder de top van gisteren....
    Het slot woensdag was 19.86 euro. De opening donderdagochtend was spectaculair hoog met de 20,49 euro. Inmiddels staat AM nu op een plus tov de 19,86. Laten we hopen dat we vandaag boven die 19,86 euro sluiten. Liefst ondersteund door een hogere IO future handel vanmiddag en een positief Wall Street.

    Overigens is de 20,49 euro gisteren (sinds de Reverse Split) voor de tweede keer keer getest en is helaas, dankzij de impact vd Draghi uitspraken op het algehele sentiment, stevig teruggevallen. Echter dat gebeurde gisteren niet met mega grote volumes. En derhalve geloof ik dat AM binnenkort best een derde poging gaat ondernemen om die 20,49 euro te breken. Een wat positiever algeheel beurssentiment zou daarbij wel helpen.

  4. Aciera 30 juni 2017 14:33

    rish schreef op 30 juni 2017 12:47:

    Goedemiddag allemaal,

    Vooral altijd een lezer geweest, vanochtend op 19.48 ingestapt in AM.
    PM Complimenten over je bijdrage op dit forum.

    Wat is jullie gemiddelde aankoop koers in AM?
    Mijn gemiddelden zijn 21,11 (zakelijk) en 19,50 (prive).
    Ik beleg met 2 rekeningen, zakelijk (stamrecht)en prive. Het verlies wat ik eventueel zakelijk maak, komt voor zo'n 40% ten laste van de fiscus.
    Ik koop een aandeel zakelijk, kijk wat deze doet. Als tie stijgt, niks ondernemen. Maar als tie zakt, koop ik dezelfde aandelen prive. Mijn portefeuilles zien er ook bijna gelijk uit.
    Ik maak dus op het eind van het jaar prive een leuke winst, en zakelijk boeit me niet zo (hoewel ik daar ook nog redelijke resultaten neer zet).

    Wat eten we vanavond ?
    Ik ga een restaurantje pikken met mijn kleindochter.
  5. Toekomstbeeld 30 juni 2017 14:39

    torro schreef op 30 juni 2017 14:23:


    i.d. €20,40 hoog gister
    zelfs 20,49 om 9:18:42 uur.

    Is nu twee keer getest sinds de Reverse Split.

    4057 29/06/2017 09:18:42 CEST 20,485 56,00 Exchange Continuous
    4056 29/06/2017 09:18:42 CEST 20,485 225,00 Exchange Continuous
    4055 29/06/2017 09:18:42 CEST 20,49 300,00 Exchange Continuous
    4054 29/06/2017 09:18:42 CEST 20,485 129,00 Exchange Continuous
    4053 29/06/2017 09:18:42 CEST 20,485 269,00 Exchange Continuous
    4052 29/06/2017 09:18:41 CEST 20,485 29,00 Exchange Continuous
    4051 29/06/2017 09:18:41 CEST 20,485 300,00 Exchange Continuous
  6. jessebrown 30 juni 2017 14:52
    De knuppel in het hoenderhok !!
    Donald Trump
    Saul Loeb | AFP | Getty Images
    Donald Trump
    President Donald Trump's White House is "hell-bent" on imposing tariffs on steel and other imports, Axios reported Friday

    The plan — which was pushed by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and was supported by National Trade Council Peter Navarro, and policy adviser Stephen Miller — would potentially impose tariffs in the 20 percent range, according to the report.

    During a "tense" meeting Monday, the president made it clear he favors tariffs, yet the plan was met with heavy opposition by most officials in the room, with one telling Axios about 22 were against it and only three in favor, including Trump.

    The White House did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment.

    Shares of U.S. Steel rose on the report, trading about 1.7 percent higher in the premarket. Nucor was also higher by about 1 percent. The stocks have been rising this week on expectations the administration was leaning toward a tariff.
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