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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 januari 2021 18:58

    Jullian Assange's uitwijzing naar de US was eerder afgewezen omdat er risico was dat hij zelfmoord zou plegen in een US cel.

    Julian Assange vroeg om op borgtocht vrijgelaten te mogen worden.

    Dit is door de rechter geweigerd.
    De rechter wil de US de kans geven in hoger beroep te gaan en aan te tonen dat er voldoende maatregelen zijn om zelfmoord te voorkomen in een US cel.

    Judge Vanessa Baraitser denies bail for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

    A British district judge denied bail for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange after a hearing in which the prosecution argued he had helped NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden “flee justice” and would abscond if released from the Belmarsh high-security prison.

    “As far as Mr. Assange is concerned, this case has not been won,” Judge Vanessa Baraitser declared. She said the United States government “must be allowed to challenge [her] decision.”

    Baraitser referred to the lengthy history of the case and how he “jumped bail” and entered the Ecuador Embassy to obtain asylum in 2012.

    She went on to highlight the “huge support networks” he still has “should he again choose to go to ground,” and Baraitser agreed with the prosecution that WikiLeaks’ assistance of Snowden made Assange a flight risk.

    Assange has been confined at Belmarsh since he was arrested and expelled from the Ecuador embassy in April 2019. All along, Judge Vanessa Baraitser agreed with prosecutors that he was a flight risk.

  2. forum rang 8 closer 6 januari 2021 19:04
    James Comey: Donald Trump should not be prosecuted after leaving office
    - Fired FBI director: next attorney general must ‘foster trust’
    - President has insulted Comey and threatened him with jail

    Donald Trump should not be federally prosecuted once he leaves the White House no matter how much evidence has been amassed against him, the former FBI director James Comey writes in a new book.

    The next US attorney general, under Joe Biden, should not “pursue a criminal investigation of Donald Trump”, Comey writes, “no matter how compelling the roadmap left” by the special counsel Robert Mueller, or “how powerful the evidence strewn across his history of porn stars and financial fraud”.

    “Although those cases might be righteous in a vacuum,” Comey writes, “the mission of the next attorney general must be fostering the trust of the American people.”

    That opinion is likely to surprise many – perhaps including Trump himself – as Comey has emerged as a powerful critic of Trump and has been the frequent target of threats and insults from the 45th president.

    Verder lezen: www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/...
  3. [verwijderd] 6 januari 2021 19:34
    Vanavond zijn hier edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/co... de live berichten te volgen over de samenkomst van het Congres om te stemmen over de verkiezingswinst van Joe Biden.

    Op dit moment zijn de 2 kamers van het Congres (het Huis en de Senaat) afzonderlijk in debat over de eerste (republikeinse) bezwaren. Voor iedere Staat waar bezwaren worden ingebracht tegen de verkiezings-uitslag, mag 2 uur gedebatteerd worden. Daarna volgt een stemming.

    Bij 6 Staten waartegen bezwaren worden geuit, betekent de procedure dat er totaal maximaal 12 uren (6 staten x 2 uren) gedebatteerd kan worden. Tel bij die 12 uren vertraging nog de tijd op die nodig is om te stemmen ..

    De 6e januari (als Wettelijke datum) gaat op deze manier niet gehaald worden. Pure obstructie van de wet.
  4. forum rang 5 DurianCS 6 januari 2021 19:39

    Opentop schreef op 6 januari 2021 18:26:

    Ze zullen het wel weten in Georgia, welke uitslag nog moet volgen. Maar ik zou toch niet gerust zijn als ik Ossoff was. met nog 1% te tellen , moet die minimaal 32% binnen halen. Bij 30% verliest die.
    44086 zijn 1%..

    Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat Perdue erg gerust is.
  5. forum rang 8 closer 6 januari 2021 20:02
    House offices evacuated as Trump supporters storm Capitol barriers

    Capitol Police are ordering two House offices to be evacuated as hundreds of Trump supporters stormed barriers around the building.

    Videos showed Trump supporters, who attended today’s “March to Save America” rally in Washington, clashing with police officers on the Capitol steps.

    Jake Sherman @JakeSherman:
    Hill staffers have been told to evacuate the Madison building.

    Sarah Ferris @sarahnferris:
    Cannon House office building -- which is massive -- is also being evacuated, per multiple sources.
    Capitol police just went door by door, running down hallways.

    Rebecca Tan @rebtanhs:
    Hundreds of Trump supporters have stormed the barricades at the back of the Capitol and are marching toward the building.

    philip lewis @Phil_Lewis_:
    Whoa: Trump supporters going at it with the police on the steps of the Capitol as Congress counts the Electoral College ballots inside

    bron: The Guardian
  6. forum rang 8 closer 6 januari 2021 20:13
    The situation at the Capitol is getting alarming, as Trump supporters attempt to breach the barricades around the building.

    Reporters sitting in the Senate press gallery were informed that, if protesters storm the building, they would be taken into the Senate chamber with the door locked behind them.

    Alayna Treene @alaynatreene:
    Staff in the Senate Press gallery staff just informed reporters sitting at their desks that if protestors storm the Capitol building they will usher us all into the Senate chamber and lock the door

    Rep. Elaine Luria @RepElaineLuria
    I just had to evacuate my office because of a pipe bomb reported outside. Supporters of the President are trying to force their way into the Capitol and I can hear what sounds like multiple gunshots. (1/2)

    Rep. Elaine Luria @RepElaineLuria
    I don’t recognize our country today and the members of Congress who have supported this anarchy do not deserve to represent their fellow Americans. (2/2)
  7. forum rang 8 closer 6 januari 2021 20:24
    Pro-Trump protesters breach the Capitol

    The pro-Trump protesters have now breached the Capitol and are standing outside the Senate chamber as lawmakers debate a Republican objection to Arizona’s electoral votes.

    Igor Bobic @igorbobic
    Protesters have breached the Capitol. They’re outside the Senate chamber
  8. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 januari 2021 20:26

    closer schreef op 6 januari 2021 20:24:

    Pro-Trump protesters breach the Capitol

    The pro-Trump protesters have now breached the Capitol and are standing outside the Senate chamber as lawmakers debate a Republican objection to Arizona’s electoral votes.

    Igor Bobic @igorbobic
    Protesters have breached the Capitol. They’re outside the Senate chamber

  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 januari 2021 20:34

    Donald Trump 7 minuten geleden op twitter :

    Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!


    Deze tweet terwijl Trump op de hoogte is van de chaos, veroorzaakt door demonstranten, en er niet over rept.
  10. Huppeldepepup 6 januari 2021 20:36
    Zoals al voorspeld. Trump maakt zijn imago van onverantwoordelijk zak hooi waar. 50% van het Amerikaanse volk bestaat uit idioten. Dit land is erger dan Polen, Hongarije, Turkije of ieder willekeurig Afrikaans of midden-oosten land. Vond het altijd al een vreselijk land, met een vreselijk volk, een vreselijke cultuur, te dikke pistolen-Paultjes. Nu is het officieel. Het is een K-land. Klaar ermee. Nooit meer serieus nemen.
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