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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 15:40

    Fox News zit goed in zijn maag met John Bolton.

    Fox really isn’t taking the John Bolton News very well.






    Fox News, which vetted (screenen voor geschiktheid) John Bolton for President Trump, is ready to tear him down

    Fox News had John Bolton geïntroduceerd bij Trump om in het Witte Huis te werken :

    Fox hosts called his appointment “good news,” citing his “intellect” and “loyalty”

    Fox News host Brian Kilmeade :

    “The one thing the president should take from this,” he said on Monday morning’s Fox & Friends, is that “he’s got to do a better job vetting his staff to find out if they actually want to work for him or not, or they actually want to leak out information about him.”

    But if anyone could be said to have vetted Bolton for a top position in Trump’s administration, it was Fox.

  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 15:47

    luchtschip schreef op 28 januari 2020 01:09:

    Vliegtuig van US Air Force neergestort in Afghanistan
    #BREAKING: The crashed airplane in #Ghazni, #Afghanistan is 11-9358, one of four #USAF E-11A Battlefield Airborne Communications Node airplanes based in #Kandahar. First video of crash site:

    Babak Taghvaee, reporter BBC Persian,

    Het vliegtuig is in Taliban gebied neergestort en dus moeilijk te bereiken door US hulp troepen.
    U.S. military recovers remains from a Monday plane crash in Afghanistan and is in the process of verifying the identities - defense official tells Reuters


    U.S. military recovers remains from Afghanistan plane crash: defense official
  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 16:01

    Ivanka Trump in een tweet

    You consistently make fun of half the country and then complain that it is divided.

    The arrogance, mocking accents and smug (zelfgenoegzaam) ridicule of this nation’s ‘Real Elites’ is disgusting.

    Dit slaat op het filmpje, bijgevoegd in haar tweet,, waarbij twee gasten op CNN Pompeo en Trump voor joker zetten over de blanco landkaart.


  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 16:28

    Netanyahu, momenteel bij Trump op bezoek.

    #BREAKING: Israeli AG Avichai Mandelblit has filed criminal indictments against PM Benjamin Netanyahu at Jerusalem District Court.

    Netanyahu is nu officieel, bij de rechtbank, aangeklaagd voor corruptie, en zal vandaag een persconferentie geven samen met Trump, die impeached is in het Huis van Afgevaardigden.

  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 16:35



    Dus in besloten zittingen manuscript van een boek dat over zes weken wordt uitgegeven. Waar over geen verdere vragen kunnen gesteld worden en het niet zeker is of het wel de waarheid is.

    Bolton, onder ede, getuigen in de Senaat, waarbij aanvullende vragen kunnen worden gesteld om de waarheid te onderzoeken, zou veel beter zijn.
  6. Al Kipone 28 januari 2020 16:57

    luchtschip schreef op 28 januari 2020 16:35:



    Dus in besloten zittingen manuscript van een boek dat over zes weken wordt uitgegeven. Waar over geen verdere vragen kunnen gesteld worden en het niet zeker is of het wel de waarheid is.

    Bolton, onder ede, getuigen in de Senaat, waarbij aanvullende vragen kunnen worden gesteld om de waarheid te onderzoeken, zou veel beter zijn.
    Elke dag een nieuwe grap, die Lindsey :-)
  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 17:25

    Al Kipone schreef op 28 januari 2020 16:57:

    Elke dag een nieuwe grap, die Lindsey :-)
    Als je Eric Garland volgt,
    Deze ziet het hele circus van Bolton's boek mogelijk als een georchestreerde propaganda stunt van het Trump/GOP team.

    Zij spelen bluf met het risico dat het ook wel eens in hun nadeel kan aflopen. Gewoon doorgaan met de bluf, er is geen weg terug.
  8. Al Kipone 28 januari 2020 18:18
    Iedere suggstie dat team trump enige vorm van strategie heeft die werkelijk effect heeft is gebaseerd op de aanname dat de mensen die voor trump werken enig idee hebben hoe een strategie die werkt te bedenken.

    Keer op keer blijkt dat dat ongefundeerd is.

    Laatste bewijs: de presentaties gisteren (met name die van Dershowitz en Bondi)
  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 18:18

    Ook Devin Nunes heeft het niet meer.

    CNN maakt de GOP , Trump en Pompeo belachelijk. een ware schande, aldus Devin Nunes.....

    Devin Nunes in een tweet op zijn twitteraccount :
    Here’s what CNN thinks of Trump voters.
    Make your voice heard

    by going to Devinnunes.com/contribute


  10. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 19:34

    Pompeo heeft een reporter bva NPR verboden mee te vliegen naar London en Kiev.

    Trump zegt hierover op een pers conferentie :

    Trump praises Pompeo after he bullied an NPR reporter and then prohibited another NPR reporter from traveling with him: "That reporter couldn't have done too good a job on you ... I think you did a good job on her actually."

  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 28 januari 2020 19:40

    Trump doet zijn speech samen met Netanyahu.

    Hij leest het af van de teleprompter

    En komt dan bij het woord Al-aqsa (de moskee).
    There are many muslims who never visited......neemt een diepe voorbereiding in acht om het mogelijke woord eruit te krijgen....Al-Aqsa.

    Aaron Rupar beschrijft het wel leuk:
    The pregnant pause here before Trump reads "Al-Aqsa" is like a figure skater preparing to do a triple salchow
    Tweet citeren

  12. Al Kipone 28 januari 2020 20:43
    Meanwhile, in the land of deplarbel:

    The governor of West Virginia, in a stunning move that echoes the Civil War-era creation of his state, on Tuesday invited Virginia counties upset with Richmond’s liberal, anti-gun turn to shift borders and join his state.

    “If you out there, no matter where you be, Virginia or wherever you may be, as an individual or a business or whatever, West Virginia is waiting for you with open arms," said Gov. Jim Justice.

    “Our state supports personal freedom and we value the Second Amendment and the rights of the unborn. Come join us. You will never regret it,” he added at a press conference in Martinsburg, West Virginia, 13 miles from the border with a Virginia county where some officials are open to joining West Virginia.

    He also said that West Virginia embraces President Trump, who is despised by many federal workers in Northern Virginia that have a big impact on statewide elections. “We should be thankful for all he's done,” he said.
    Justice’s statement endorsing secession was an unexpected but ringing endorsement of legislation before the West Virginia legislature that would let Virginia border counties join the state.

    It has become such a hot topic along the border that the White House and President Trump are paying attention to it, according to sources.

    It was offered as a long-shot package by Republican Del. Gary Howell after the Virginia voters put their legislature in Democratic hands for the first time in years. In just a few weeks, they have voted for several liberal initiatives including gun control, prompting a massive 22,000-strong, pro-gun rally at the capital in Richmond.

    Howell now has 40 of 100 delegates as co-signers, and the legislation has jumped in importance. What’s more, he has a team looking at how West Virginia would admit Virginia counties. Also in the West Virginia Senate, Sen. Charles Trump has offered a resolution urging Frederick County to join West Virginia.

    Over 90% of Virginia's counties have already moved to split from Richmond’s campaign for gun control, creating gun “sanctuaries” and potentially paving the way for other anti-Richmond votes.

    Justice was joined by Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University in rural Lynchburg, Virginia, and a close Trump ally.

    While Justice promoted the freedoms West Virginia offers to conservative, pro-Trump Virginians who now feel ignored, Falwell ripped the new majority in Richmond and backed efforts by border counties to vote to leave in the upcoming election.

    “Democrat leaders in Richmond, through their elitism and radicalism, have left a nearly unrecognizable state in their wake,” said Falwell.

    “The Democrats are anti-life, anti-Second Amendment, anti-liberty, and even anti-business with their oppressive environmental regulations,” he added.

    Falwell is urging quick action by disgruntled counties and sees the issue as a good one for Republicans in the 2020 election, even among younger voters in part because Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam is targeting support for online students.

    “The threat from the radical left is real, and it’s spreading across the country and tearing our national family apart from the seams, but we have a rare opportunity to make history in our time by pushing back against tyranny in Washington and in Richmond," he said, adding, "We need a state government that is not elected by federal workers in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., that will protect our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and I believe West Virginia will do just that."

  13. Al Kipone 28 januari 2020 21:20
    As part of President Donald Trump’s proposed plan for Middle East peace unveiled Tuesday, Israel says it will “apply its laws” to the Jordan Valley and Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

    At a news conference with Trump at the White House discussing the broad outlines of the plan, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel will otherwise “maintain the status quo” territorially for at least four years.

    Application of Israeli law to parts of the West Bank would signal a major change to the territory and the contours of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel has controlled the West Bank since capturing it in the 1967 Six-Day War and has established settlements there. But according to Israeli law, no part of the West Bank has ever been treated equivalently to the rest of the country.

    “On this day, you became the first world leader to recognize Israeli sovereignty over areas of Judea and Samaria,” Netanyahu said to Trump. “And on this day, you too have charted a brilliant future.”

    Dat klinkt toch een beetje als een ingebouwde kill switch.....
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