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Aandeel Merus NV OTC:MRUS.Q, NL0011606264

Vertraagde koers (usd) Verschil Volume
53,400   +0,780   (+1,48%) Dagrange 52,410 - 53,760 364.541   Gem. (3M) 518,2K

Merus NV forum geopend

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  1. [verwijderd] 19 december 2017 20:56
    @Bio ja om die reden waren we naar de 25 usd en daarboven gegaan. En met Incyte worden aardig wat projecten gedraaid. waarom we zo zijn gedaald, is niet helder. misschien winstneming, misschien te snelle stijging. In ieder geval groeit Merus als kool met steeds vacatures (en gaat de burnrate dus omhoog maar de kans op meerdere successen ook)
  2. [verwijderd] 19 december 2017 21:45

    fly like an eagle schreef op 19 december 2017 20:56:

    @Bio ja om die reden waren we naar de 25 usd en daarboven gegaan. En met Incyte worden aardig wat projecten gedraaid. waarom we zo zijn gedaald, is niet helder. misschien winstneming, misschien te snelle stijging. In ieder geval groeit Merus als kool met steeds vacatures (en gaat de burnrate dus omhoog maar de kans op meerdere successen ook)
    Kijk naar Galapagos. Daar ging de koers na de deal met Gilead ook eerst flink omhoog en daarna flink omlaag, flink onder de koers die Gilead betaalde destijds (58 euro).

    Ik geloof erin dat ook bij Merus bij goede ontwikkelingen de koers een veelvoud kan worden van wat deze nu is, sleutelwoord is geduld.
  3. [verwijderd] 28 december 2017 14:26
    Merus Announces the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Denies Regeneron's Petition to Rehear the Panel's Decision Affirming Merus' Inequitable Conduct Claim Against Regeneron

    UTRECHT, The Netherlands, Dec. 27, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Merus N.V. (MRUS), a clinical-stage immuno-oncology company developing innovative bispecific antibody therapeutics (Biclonics®), today announced that the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit denied Regeneron Pharmaceutical Inc.`s ("Regeneron") request for a rehearing en banc to reconsider its decision affirming that Regeneron engaged in inequitable conduct before the United States Patent and Trademark Office while prosecuting U.S. Patent No. 8,502,018 (`018 patent), entitled "Methods of Modifying Eukaryotic Cells."

    "The decision by the full Federal Circuit, declining further review of Regeneron`s inequitable conduct, validates the thorough opinions issued by the trial court and Federal Circuit panel," said Ton Logtenberg, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Merus. "With this order and the strength of Merus` Biclonics® technology, Merus believes it is well-positioned as an innovator in developing bispecific antibody therapeutics to address significant unmet medical needs."

    In March 2014, Regeneron filed a complaint against Merus alleging that it infringed one or more claims in the `018 patent. Merus filed counterclaims seeking, among other things, a declaratory judgment that Merus did not infringe the `018 patent, that the `018 patent was invalid and a declaratory judgment of unenforceability of the `018 patent on the basis that the patent was procured by inequitable conduct. Merus prevailed at the trial court on all three counterclaims. Regeneron stipulated to non-infringement and invalidity of the patent following the district court`s decision on claim construction. And after a trial in June 2015, the trial court concluded that Regeneron`s agents who applied for the patent made misleading statements to the United States Patent Office when obtaining the `018 patent, and that Regeneron committed inequitable conduct. On July 27, 2017, the Federal Circuit affirmed, concluding that Regeneron made "false" assertions, relied on a "misleading presentation," and withheld material information from the United States Patent Office, and further, that Regeneron`s "litigation misconduct" "obfuscated its prosecution misconduct." On December 26, 2017, the full Federal Circuit denied Regeneron`s request to rehear the matter.

    Je zou toch zeggen dat Regeneron een keer de handdoek in de ring gooit :).

  4. [verwijderd] 28 december 2017 18:39
    ja Regeneron heeft het erg bont gemaakt door misleidende informatie aan te leveren om hun patent te misbruiken om Merus patent onderuit te halen. Hier hebben ze zeer veel geld uitgegeven en driegt er zelfs gevangenis straf voor hoge IP officers. Hoop was om Merus uit de weg te krijgen en dat is niet gelukt. Een agressieve overname lijkt me een ook een moeilijke stap. Geeft wel aan hoe bekangrijk de patent positie wordt gezien door big pharma...

  5. [verwijderd] 29 december 2017 09:00
    GMG FLy . Mijn timing om in te stappen was dus goed . In de verdere stijging en positieve nieuwsflow ga ik mijn positie verder uitbreiden .

    De relatie Merus / Regeneron zal inderdaad hierdoor niet goed zijn . Mooi resultaat voor Merus .Maar misschien heeft Regeneron daarschijt aan en hebben ze een pot met geld over voor Merus om de patenten in handen te krijgen .

    Aan de andere kant zou een concurrent van Regeneron nu wel eens grote interesse kunnen gaan krijgen in Merus . Wat denk jij en wie zou er baat kunnen hebben ?
  6. [verwijderd] 29 december 2017 23:25
    @Bio, denk dat Incyte een kandidaat zou kunnen zijn maar Ton is ambitieus genoeg net als Onno om een eigen Biotech-Pharma bedrijf te worden en de heren kennen elkaar en vergeet niet Jan van de Winkel van Genmab heeft dit ook geflikt en zijn de buren op Utrecht Science Park. De koers zal zeker gaan stijgen in 2018. Fijne jaarwisseling
  7. [verwijderd] 30 december 2017 19:50
    Lijkt me logisch Pokerface . Merus wint deze week patent proces van Regeneron . Koers is in maart 2017 van 32 euro naar de belachelijk lage koers van nu gegaan . ( waarschijnlijk door negatieve invloed ivm dit proces . Cash positie meer dan 200 miljoen / pipeline behoorlijk . Koers gaat dus gewoon weer richting de 30+ de komende tijd . Kijken of ik dinsdag op een dipje misschien nog wat kan bijkopen .
    Als we ook mogelijk door de proces winst op Regeneron nog wat overnamespeculaties kunnen krijgen , dan kan het rap hoger dan 30 .
  8. KAKO 2 januari 2018 17:05

    bioscience schreef op 30 december 2017 19:50:

    Lijkt me logisch Pokerface . Merus wint deze week patent proces van Regeneron . Koers is in maart 2017 van 32 euro naar de belachelijk lage koers van nu gegaan . ( waarschijnlijk door negatieve invloed ivm dit proces . Cash positie meer dan 200 miljoen / pipeline behoorlijk . Koers gaat dus gewoon weer richting de 30+ de komende tijd . Kijken of ik dinsdag op een dipje misschien nog wat kan bijkopen .
    Als we ook mogelijk door de proces winst op Regeneron nog wat overnamespeculaties kunnen krijgen , dan kan het rap hoger dan 30 .
    Diep genoeg? Haha, heb zelf ook even bijgekocht. Merus gaat een goed jaar tegemoet!

    Regeneron appeal on inequitable conduct rejected

    The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has rejected Regeneron’s request for a panel rehearing and rehearing en banc in a case centring on inequitable conduct.

    In July last year, the Federal Circuit affirmed a lower court’s ruling that found a patent owned by Regeneron unenforceable because of the biotech company’s inequitable conduct.

    US patent number 8,502,018 (“Methods of modifying eukaryotic cells”), which relates to “using large DNA vectors to target and modify endogenous genes and chromosomal loci in eukaryotic cells”, was found to be unenforceable.

    In March 2014, Regeneron sued clinical-stage immuno-oncology company Merus at the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.

    Merus hit back with a counterclaim of unenforceability due to Regeneron’s inequitable conduct, claiming that Regeneron’s patent prosecutors withheld four references from the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) during prosecution of the ‘018 patent.

    In its counterclaim, Merus argued that the references were cited in a third-party submission in related US patent prosecution and in European opposition briefs; were “but-for” material; and were withheld by Regeneron with the specific intent to deceive the USPTO.

    Prior art is but-for material if the USPTO would not have allowed a claim had it been aware of the undisclosed prior art (Therasense v Becton Dickinson & Co).

    Regeneron claimed that the references were “not but-for material, that they were cumulative of references the USPTO actually relied on during prosecution, and that Regeneron did not have any specific intent to deceive the USPTO”.

    According to the Federal Circuit in the July ruling, the New York court “exhaustively detailed Regeneron’s discovery misconduct throughout litigation and sanctioned Regeneron by drawing an adverse inference of [a] specific intent to deceive the USPTO”.

    Regeneron had appealed against the decision to the Federal Circuit, but the Federal Circuit affirmed the lower court’s decision, holding that it had properly found that the withheld references were but-for material and were not cumulative.

    Regeneron then requested a panel rehearing and a rehearing en banc, but the court rejected both on December 26.

    Circuit Judges Pauline Newman and Jimmie Reyna dissented from the denial of the petition for rehearing en banc.

    Newman, on behalf of herself and Reyna, said that the decision creates conflicts in important areas of law and practice.

    “I previously stated my concern with this ruling that inequitable conduct in patent prosecution can be retrospectively imposed by ‘adverse inference’ arising from later misconduct in litigation, without a showing of deceptive intent before the USPTO,” said Newman.

    She added that the departure from precedent is a “disservice” to the patent practitioner, the patentee, and the public.

    Ton Logtenberg, CEO of Merus, said that the decision validates the thorough opinions issued by the district court and the Federal Circuit.

    “With this order and the strength of Merus’s Biclonics technology, Merus believes it is well-positioned as an innovator in developing bispecific antibody therapeutics to address significant unmet medical needs,” he added.

    A spokesperson for Regeneron said the company disagreed with the denial of en banc review.

    “We continue to believe that the courts misunderstood or inadequately reviewed the underlying facts and science, as well as the relevant legal standard. We are considering further options, but because this litigation is still pending, we aren’t able to comment further at this time,” they concluded.
  9. [verwijderd] 2 januari 2018 19:21

    H.D.L. schreef op 2 januari 2018 16:38:

    Snappen jullie het nog?
    - 16%
    Kijk hier maar eens finance.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ%3... op 1 dag zetten .

    De koers ging met 300 stukjes van 18,63 naar 14,90 .
    Verder zie je bij de grotere aantallen vooral buys . Lijkt er dus op dat er vakkundig met kleine aantallen is gedrukt en daarvan weten te profiteren .

    Gewoon terug richting de 30 euro van febr mrt . Het is voor Regeneron goedkoper om Merus over te nemen dan strijdt te voeren en te verliezen ( + gezichtsverlies)

  10. Pokerface 2 januari 2018 21:53

    bioscience schreef op 30 december 2017 19:50:

    Lijkt me logisch Pokerface . Merus wint deze week patent proces van Regeneron . Koers is in maart 2017 van 32 euro naar de belachelijk lage koers van nu gegaan . ( waarschijnlijk door negatieve invloed ivm dit proces . Cash positie meer dan 200 miljoen / pipeline behoorlijk . Koers gaat dus gewoon weer richting de 30+ de komende tijd . Kijken of ik dinsdag op een dipje misschien nog wat kan bijkopen .
    Als we ook mogelijk door de proces winst op Regeneron nog wat overnamespeculaties kunnen krijgen , dan kan het rap hoger dan 30 .
    Ik snap dat de koers weer stijgt, maar vanwaar die spike op het eind van de dag? Dat was meer mijn vraag.
  11. [verwijderd] 4 januari 2018 13:26
    Hoppa . Lets Fly !

    - IND submitted to U.S. FDA for MCLA-117 in AML -

    - First CTA approval for MCLA-158 received in European country -

    UTRECHT, The Netherlands, Jan. 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Merus N.V. (Nasdaq:MRUS), a clinical-stage immuno-oncology company developing innovative bispecific antibody therapeutics (Biclonics®), today announced the submission of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for MCLA-117 for the potential treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and the approval of a Clinical Trial Application (CTA) in Belgium for MCLA-158 for the potential treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.

    “The filing of an IND for MCLA-117 and the first CTA approval for MCLA-158 represent key steps forward for both programs as we continue to progress our robust pipeline of proprietary bispecific antibodies in the clinic with the goal of addressing significant unmet medical needs,” said Ton Logtenberg, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Merus. “We look forward to the advancement of both Biclonics® in 2018, including the initiation a Phase 1 first-in-human trial of MCLA-158 in Belgium planned for this quarter.”

    Merus today announced that it has submitted an IND application to the U.S. FDA for MCLA-117, the Company’s T-Cell Engager Biclonics®, designed to specifically bind to CD3, a cell-surface molecule present on T cells, and CLEC12A, a cell-surface molecule present on AML cells and stem cells. MCLA-117 is currently being studied in an ongoing Phase 1, first-in-human, dose escalation clinical trial in Europe in AML patients with relapse or refractory disease. Upon acceptance of the IND by the U.S. FDA, Merus plans to open sites for this trial in the United States.

    The Company also announced approval of a CTA in Belgium, one of the several European countries where Merus has filed a CTA and where it plans to first initiate a Phase 1, first-in-human clinical trial of MCLA-158. MCLA-158 is an ADCC-enhanced Biclonics® designed to bind to cancer stem cells expressing leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5 (Lgr5) and epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR). The trial, which will focus initially in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, is anticipated to start during the first quarter of 2018. Merus plans to file an IND for MCLA-158 with the U.S. FDA in the first quarter of 2018.

    About Merus N.V.

    Merus is a clinical-stage immuno-oncology company developing innovative full-length human bispecific antibody therapeutics, referred to as Biclonics®. Biclonics®, which are based on the full-length IgG format, are manufactured using industry standard processes and have been observed in preclinical studies to have similar features as conventional monoclonal antibodies, such as long half-life and low immunogenicity. Merus’ most advanced bispecific antibody candidate, MCLA-128, is expected to soon be evaluated in a Phase 2 combination trial in two metastatic breast cancer populations. MCLA-128 is also being evaluated in a Phase 1/2 clinical trial in Europe in gastric, ovarian, endometrial and non-small cell lung cancers. Merus’ second most advanced bispecific antibody candidate, MCLA-117, is being developed in a Phase 1 clinical trial in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. The Company also has a pipeline of proprietary bispecific antibody candidates in preclinical development, including MCLA-158, which is designed to bind to cancer stem cells and is being developed as a potential treatment for colorectal cancer and other solid tumors, as well as MCLA-145, which is designed to bind to PD-L1 and a non-disclosed second immunomodulatory target and is being developed in collaboration with Incyte Corporation. For additional information, please visit Merus’ website, www.merus.nl.
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