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BAM februari 2015

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  1. [verwijderd] 12 februari 2015 09:31

    Rabo schreef op 12 februari 2015 09:27:

    hmmm wordt weer niks vandaag. iedereen zit nu even in TT dus weinig belangstelling voor BAM. Wordt afwachten tot 19 feb. voor dat we richting gaan kiezen.
    Ja even geduld hebben dus geeft Bam ook een goeie outlook zal er ook een flinke stijging zijn geven ze hem niet Gaan we terug naar 2,75 ws.
  2. [verwijderd] 12 februari 2015 09:33

    De zon schijnt. schreef op 12 februari 2015 09:26:

    Voor mij ook een van de redenen dat ik begonnen ben met beleggen.
    Daar heb je een punt, beleggers kunnen geen kant meer op, je moet bijna wel in aandelen. Het is niets voor niets dat DE indexen maar UP en UP vliegen. Zou het een normale tijd zijn, hadden we al lang een mega correctie, maar nu niet. Je ziet die Yanken ook helemaal TOP nerveus worden alleen al bij het gerucht van een renteverhoging...... En eens komt dat, dan is het wegwezen als de donder....
  3. [verwijderd] 12 februari 2015 09:44

    bammie schreef op 12 februari 2015 09:42:


    Had ook niet anders verwacht. Als Europa maar akkoord gaat met het Griekse voorstel.
    Griekse crisis escaleert
    door Martin Visser

    Het crisisberaad over Griekenland is gisteravond mislukt. Nog altijd is de kans op een compromis niet verkeken, maar het ziet er absoluut niet goed uit.
  4. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 12 februari 2015 09:47

    Track laying for new Borders railway completed
    The rail which Mr Brown will join is one of more than 1,000 laid on the line, which rest on more than 90,000 sleepers. Picture: TSPL

    The rail which Mr Brown will join is one of more than 1,000 laid on the line, which rest on more than 90,000 sleepers. Picture: TSPL


    Updated on the 12 February

    Published 12/02/2015 08:28
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    THE final section of track on the Borders Railway is due to be clipped into place today by infrastructure secretary Keith Brown, who became the first passenger to travel the length of the 30-mile line by train for the occasion.

    The ceremony at the end of the route at Tweedbank station, south of Galashiels, follows the completion of track laying last Friday, as The Scotsman revealed two days before.

    Building work on the 471€ million project is due to be completed in June, with the line opening after driver training on 6 September.

    The 395€m construction contract, awarded by Network Rail to BAM Nuttall, has largely gone to plan since it started in 2013, but the overall project has been beset by years of delays and cost increases.

    Critics have also claimed the work has been cut to the bone, with the largely single track line having insufficient capacity for extra trains, such as tourist steam specials, without cancelling regular ScotRail services.

    Network Rail has insisted there are sufficient passing loops for a reliable half-hourly ScotRail service to operate in each direction.

    There has also been criticism that several new bridges are too narrow to allow a second track to be added in the future to enable more trains to run.

    The rail which Mr Brown will join is one of more than 1,000 laid on the line, which rest on more than 90,000 sleepers.

    Re-opening of part of the Waverley Line between Edinburgh and Carlisle after 46 years is the longest new railway in Britain since High Speed 1 - the Channel Tunnel Rail Link - was built in Kent in 2003.

    It is also the longest “domestic” railway in more than a century.

    Mr Brown said: “It is a huge honour to put the final piece of track in place and travel on the first train to run into the Borders in almost half a century.

    “The reopening of this line offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver a major economic and social boost for the communities it will serve.

    “We can expect the Scottish economy to benefit by tens of millions of pounds from its re-opening, and the area around the railway line will be an exceptional tourist destination, with a steam railway service, National Mining Museum Scotland, world-class exhibition spaces, and the Great Tapestry of Scotland displayed at Tweedbank.”

    Mr Brown also echoed former First Minister Alex Salmond’s enthusiasm for views from the line.

    He said: “There will be few, if any, railway journeys anywhere in Europe to match the outstanding scenery along the route of the new Borders Railway.”

    Network Rail programme director Hugh Wark, who was due to join Mr Brown today, said: “The completion of rail installation is a major milestone for the project and keeps the line on-track to open for passengers in September.”

    Mr Wark, who also oversaw the Airdrie-Bathgate line re-opening in 2010, added: “While we still have a significant amount of infrastructure to complete along the route – from installing signalling to completing the stations – we’re confident that this much-anticipated addition to Scotland’s railway will be delivered on schedule.”

    Remaining work also includes spreading ballast under the track and track welding.
  5. [verwijderd] 12 februari 2015 09:48

    Eurowin schreef op 12 februari 2015 09:44:


    Griekse crisis escaleert
    door Martin Visser

    Het crisisberaad over Griekenland is gisteravond mislukt. Nog altijd is de kans op een compromis niet verkeken, maar het ziet er absoluut niet goed uit.
    Zal je zien dat die grieken juist op de 19 e uit de euro vliegen om de Bam winst lekker te drukken-:)
  6. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 12 februari 2015 09:51
    Ukraine to Receive 35€ Billion in International Assistance, IMF Says
    Loan Program Will Be Tied to Range of Deep Economic Reforms
    Laurence Norman

    BRUSSELS—Ukraine is set to receive around 35€ billion in international assistance over the next four years, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Thursday.
  7. [verwijderd] 12 februari 2015 09:56

    €d_Modus Vivendi schreef op 12 februari 2015 09:51:

    Ukraine to Receive 35€ Billion in International Assistance, IMF Says
    Loan Program Will Be Tied to Range of Deep Economic Reforms
    Laurence Norman

    BRUSSELS—Ukraine is set to receive around 35€ billion in international assistance over the next four years, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Thursday.
    Nou dan kan Putin niet achterblijven natuurlijk ook maar 35 miljard erin pompen-:)
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