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  1. forum rang 8 josti5 29 november 2024 16:26
    Niet alleen het Oekraïnse volk is het in toenemende mate zat (zie Gallup boven), ook het leger heeft steeds meer problemen, aldus Associated Press:

    Desertion threatens to starve Ukraine’s forces at a crucial time in its war with Russia

    Facing every imaginable shortage, tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops, tired and bereft, have walked away from combat and front-line positions to slide into anonymity, according to soldiers, lawyers and Ukrainian officials.
    Entire units have abandoned their posts, leaving defensive lines vulnerable and accelerating territorial losses, according to military commanders and soldiers.


    Nou: Associated Press is toch een onverdachte bron, nietwaar?

    Tienduizenden soldaten, complete units, vluchten weg van de fronten.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2024 10:21
    Interpipe Supplies Pipes for Ukraine’s Energy Security with Support from USAID

    Synopsis: Ukrainian industrial company Interpipe, with assistance from the United States Agency for International Development, has begun supplying crucial pipes for the country’s energy infrastructure. This initiative is part of a broader energy security project aimed at improving the reliability of Ukraine’s power and water supply systems, particularly in frontline areas.
    Saturday, November 30, 2024

    In a significant development for Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, Interpipe, a major Ukrainian industrial company, has started supplying pipes as part of the USAID Energy Security Project. This initiative is designed to support the rebuilding and strengthening of Ukraine's energy grid and municipal infrastructure amidst the ongoing conflict. As of November 2024, approximately 900 metric tons of pipes have already been delivered to energy facilities across the country. These supplies are intended to enhance the nation's ability to provide heating and energy to civilians, especially in areas heavily impacted by the war.

    The pipes, manufactured by Interpipe, are being used in critical infrastructure projects that aim to restore essential services to Ukrainian communities. The initiative is part of a larger effort led by USAID, which has also provided 33 high-voltage power transformers to a water supply company that serves frontline regions. This project is expected to significantly improve the power reliability for about 1.5 million people, ensuring more stable access to centralized water supplies. This partnership between Interpipe and USAID highlights the ongoing international support for Ukraine's energy security as the country works to rebuild its infrastructure during wartime.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  3. forum rang 6 pakman 30 november 2024 10:39

    josti5 schreef op 29 november 2024 16:26:

    Niet alleen het Oekraïnse volk is het in toenemende mate zat (zie Gallup boven), ook het leger heeft steeds meer problemen, aldus Associated Press:

    Desertion threatens to starve Ukraine’s forces at a crucial time in its war with Russia

    Facing every imaginable shortage, tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops, tired and bereft, have walked away from combat and front-line positions to slide into anonymity, according to soldiers, lawyers and Ukrainian officials.
    Entire units have abandoned their posts, leaving defensive lines vulnerable and accelerating territorial losses, according to military commanders and soldiers.


    Nou: Associated Press is toch een onverdachte bron, nietwaar?

    Tienduizenden soldaten, complete units, vluchten weg van de fronten.
    kijk ff wat er met de meeste Orc's gebeurd dag in dag uit,



    Putler gaat deze strijd echt niet winnen neem dat maar van me aan.
  4. forum rang 8 closer 30 november 2024 17:33
    De Oekraïense president Volodymyr Zelensky wil een staakt-het-vuren op basis van de huidige frontlinie, op voorwaarde dat Oekraïne lid wordt van de Navo. Met deze formule kan volgend jaar de oorlog voorbij zijn, meent Zelensky.

    De Navo zou Oekraïne na een staakt-het-vuren ‘onmiddellijk’ moeten beschermen, aldus Zelensky in een interview met het Britse televisiestation Sky News vrijdag. Dat is volgens hem de enige manier om te voorkomen dat Poetin niet ‘terugkomt’ om meer Oekraïens grondgebied te veroveren. De daadwerkelijke bescherming van zo’n Navo-lidmaatschap zou slechts gelden voor de delen van Oekraïne die niet worden bezet door Rusland.

    Verder lezen: www.volkskrant.nl/buitenland/zelensky...
  5. forum rang 8 josti5 30 november 2024 17:54

    pakman schreef op 30 november 2024 10:39:


    kijk ff wat er met de meeste Orc's gebeurd dag in dag uit,



    Putler gaat deze strijd echt niet winnen neem dat maar van me aan.
    Nee, dat neem ik niet van je aan, gezien de realiteit tot dusverre.



  6. forum rang 10 voda 4 december 2024 10:03
    Ukraine’s Steel Industry Faces Challenges Amid War: Metinvest CEO Calls for Security Guarantees

    Synopsis: Ukraine's steel industry, a critical sector for its economy, is grappling with ongoing challenges due to the war. Metinvest CEO Yuriy Ryzhenkov highlights the importance of security guarantees for recovery and growth, while the company deals with war-related losses, logistical issues, and global market risks.
    Wednesday, December 4, 2024

    The Ukrainian steel industry, once a key pillar of the country’s industrial base, is now battling severe disruption due to the ongoing war with Russia. Among the largest players in the sector, Metinvest, a major steel producer owned by billionaire Rinat Akhmetov, has seen its operations severely impacted by the conflict. Yuriy Ryzhenkov, CEO of Metinvest, has underscored the necessity of securing robust post-war security guarantees in order to revitalize Ukraine’s economy, particularly if efforts to negotiate peace, potentially led by former U.S. President Donald Trump, come to fruition.

    Metinvest, with its large workforce and numerous plants, remains one of Ukraine's top employers and a significant taxpayer. However, the company has suffered considerable losses due to the destruction of its steelworks in Mariupol during the siege. The company’s Azovstal and Illich steel plants were completely destroyed, and the loss of the Avdiivka coke mine further exacerbated the situation. Despite these setbacks, Metinvest continues to operate, running its remaining steel mills at partial capacity, with some facilities operating at 75% and others at 65% due to ongoing logistical challenges and the proximity of Russian forces.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  7. forum rang 8 josti5 13 december 2024 09:48
    Oekraïne en toetreding tot de EU, wat hobbeltjes:

    Poland doesn’t want Ukraine to join the EU, and neither do other subsidized EU states


    Het land is veel armer dan de huidige lidstaten, dus zal er bij eventuele toetreding normaliter al veel geld richting Oekraïne gaan, afgezien nog van de oorlogsschade.

    Ik kan mij een stuk in de Financial Times (vorig jaar) herinneren, waarin te lezen viel dat het sowieso al bijna 200 miljard zou kosten, om Oekraïne onder dezelfde voorwaarden als andere lidstaten in de EU op te nemen: het inkomen daar bedraagt slechts 13% van het Europees gemiddelde.

    Maar ja: 'Czechia, Estonia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovenia and Cyprus would between them lose around €11.2bn each year in cohesion funding alone if Ukraine joined on the current arrangement. Across the board, EU farmers would see twenty percent cuts in income from agricultural subsidies.'

    We hebben de Poolse boeren al zien demonsteren:

    Poolse boeren blokkeren grens met Oekraïne

    Uit protest tegen het Europese landbouwbeleid en de oneerlijke concurrentie van Oekraïense producten hebben Poolse boeren snelwegen en grensovergangen met Oekraïne geblokkeerd.


    Speciaal 'geval' Polen:

    'Poland receives by far the largest payouts from the EU in the form of grants and agricultural subsidies of around €16bn each year. Poland would lose most of its EU funding if Ukraine joined the EU and may even creep into net-contributor territory.

    Da's 'au' voor Polen!

    En Nederland, dat nu al regelmatig sputtert, als netto betaler?

    Hebben we het nog niet eens over de aderlating van de Franse boeren:

    De EU geeft in totaal 383 miljard euro uit aan het gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid. Frankrijk slokt daar een zesde deel van op: ruim 63 miljard euro.


    En dat was in 2020...
  8. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2024 12:08
    Metinvest Halts Coal Facility Operations Amid Escalating Conflict in Ukraine

    Synopsis: Metinvest has suspended operations at its Pishchane coal facility in Ukraine due to rising safety concerns from increased shelling in the region. This mine accounts for about 50% of the company’s coal production in Ukraine, and its shutdown is expected to severely impact steel production, with potential long-term effects on the industry.
    Saturday, December 14, 2024

    On December 12, 2024, Metinvest B.V., the parent company of an international steel and mining conglomerate, announced the suspension of its coal operations at the Pishchane facility near Pokrovsk, in Ukraine's Donetsk region. The decision comes in response to escalating tensions on the frontline, coupled with increased shelling in the area, making it unsafe for continued production.

    The Pishchane facility houses the vertical shaft of Pokrovsk Mine No. 3 and its administrative complex. Metinvest has evacuated key personnel and their families to ensure their safety amidst the growing threat of conflict. This facility was critical, accounting for approximately half of Metinvest's coal production in Ukraine. Despite the suspension, other key facilities of the company remain operational.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  9. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2024 12:17
    Interpipe Poised to Meet Ukraine’s Critical Railway Product Needs Amid War Disruptions

    Synopsis: Interpipe, a leading Ukrainian industrial company, has stepped up to meet the growing demand for scarce railway products in Ukraine, including wheel-rolled centers for locomotives and electric trains. With key production facilities in the war-torn eastern regions of Ukraine no longer operational, Interpipe aims to fill the gap with high-quality, rolled wheel centers. The company is also expanding its international presence and boosting investments in green steel production.
    Wednesday, November 27, 2024

    In the face of ongoing conflict and disruptions to Ukraine’s industrial base, Interpipe, a prominent Ukrainian pipe and wheel manufacturer, has positioned itself as a key supplier of critical railway products. With the war severely affecting Ukraine’s eastern regions, home to many of the country’s key industrial plants, the company is now tasked with fulfilling Ukraine’s rising need for railway products, particularly wheel-rolled centers for locomotives and suburban electric trains. According to Olexander Roslik, technical director of the company's railroad division, Interpipe is fully equipped to meet the growing demand for these essential components.

    Before the war, many of these specialized railway products were produced in the eastern part of Ukraine, where significant industrial plants were located. However, due to the conflict, most of these factories have either ceased operations or are directly in the war zone, making it impossible to maintain production. Interpipe has stepped into the breach, leveraging its extensive experience in the production of wheel-rolled centers for various types of rolling stock. The company has been producing these wheel centers since the mid-2000s for international markets, including countries like India, Uzbekistan, and those in the Baltic region.

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