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TNT Express - Oktober 2013

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  1. [verwijderd] 25 oktober 2013 11:10
    United Parcel Service Inc. is expected to report higher profit and revenue on Friday when it issues third-quarter results before the market opens, but investors will be looking for clues as to how it's adapting to customer preferences for cheaper shipping options.

    WHAT TO WATCH FOR: UPS has been benefiting from growth in online shopping but has been hurt by a trend among international customers that are switching from pricey priority air deliveries to slower but cheaper shipping services.

    UPS officials have sought to reassure investors that they know how to find less-expensive ways to handle economy-class shipments and can manage through these trends by targeting growing industries such as health care. They also are reducing costs by retiring older, inefficient planes.

    On a seasonal note, rival FedExCorp. said this week that it expects heavier volume during the holidays this year, including an 11 percent increase on the busiest day, which it believes will be the Monday after Thanksgiving. A UPS spokesman declined to comment on that forecast.

    WHY IT MATTERS: UPS and FedEx are seen as bellwethers of the global economy because they operate in many places and handle shipments for many different kinds of businesses and consumers. If they start to see a pickup or slowdown, it's a sign of consumer and business confidence.

    WHAT'S EXPECTED: Analysts surveyed by FactSet expect adjusted earnings of $1.15 per share. That excludes any special one-time items. Revenue is expected to be $13.59 billion.

    LAST YEAR'S QUARTER: The Atlanta-based company reported net income of $469 million, or 48 cents per share. The results were weighed down by heavy spending on pension restructuring. Excluding those items, the company would have earned $1.06 per share. Revenue was $13.07 billion.
  2. [verwijderd] 25 oktober 2013 15:47
    Copy and Paste marketwatch. ( Gewoon blijven verkopen stelletje angsthazen/ manipuleerders (?), de te meer aandelen heb ik. Natuurlijk komen er redelijke cijfers, de hele wereld verzend van alles en nog wat en TNT zou het (weer) verkloten...?) ;-)

    United Parcel Service Inc.'s UPS +0.50% third-quarter revenue rose on increased domestic and international shipments, and core earnings also climbed.

    UPS has reduced its cargo flights out of Asia as international shippers opt for slower, less-lucrative services. The company said it's taking other measures as well, such as beefing up ocean-transport services in its freight-forwarding division and identifying areas to cut costs.

    Rival FedEx Corp. (FDX) has been hurt by the evolving customer preference for slower shipping services, as well. It also has been reducing capacity out of Asia, and it announced a major restructuring effort last fall aimed largely at its express division.

    UPS reported U.S. package revenue grew 5% to $8.25 billion for the latest period. Volume growth, cost reductions due to efficiency gains and safety improvements, as well as the benefit of one additional operating day, contributed to the improvement, the company said. Daily volume was up 2.3%.

    In the international-package business, revenue grew 2.5% to $3.02 billion. Average daily volume rose 6.5%.

    Meanwhile, in the supply chain and freight segment, revenue fell 0.7% to $2.25 billion.

    Overall, UPS reported earnings of $1.1 billion, or $1.16 a share, up from $469 million, or 48 cents a share, a year earlier. Excluding items such as costs to restructure it pension plans and a U.S. domestic package withdrawal liability charge, earnings a year earlier were $1.06 a share.

    Revenue grew 3.4% to $13.52 billion.

    Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters expected a profit of $1.15 a share on revenue of $13.6 billion.

    UPS also said it expects to pick up more than 34 million packages globally on its peak day of the holiday season, Dec. 16, driven by e-commerce.

    It also said it expects its pickup volume will top 32 million on Dec. 2 or Cyber Monday, up 10% from last year. FedEx said earlier this week that it projects moving more than 22 million shipments that day.

    Class B shares of UPS, which backed its full-year earnings outlook, closed Thursday at $94.49 and were up 1.7% premarket. The stock is up 28% so far this year.

    Write to Ben Fox Rubin at ben.rubin@wsj.com

  3. [verwijderd] 25 oktober 2013 19:18
    Met de AEX weet je het nooit, maar als UPS en FEDEX top draaien ( rond de kerst gaan ze record aantallen pakjes verzenden) zou je haast denken dat TNT eea ook goed op de rit heeft. Ze zijn bezig onderdelen te verkopen, en ze voeren een kostenbesparing door. Als ze hebben geprofiteerd van een langzaam aantrekkende EU markt dan moet het maandag GROEN worden. Maar hangt ook weer af van wat de "experts"voor verwachting hebben. Maar afgaande op de ING, koersdoel 8,00 dan zou je zeggen; komt ook goed. Dus mijn conclusie/mening; GROEN
  4. analyse_A3CD 25 oktober 2013 21:08
    Ik denk niet dat het maandag groen wordt gezien hun eigen verwachtingen voor het gehele jaar, dus zal naar mijn mening de 6.40 nogmaals getest gaan worden.
    Beide aandelen zitten op de goede weg, maar de weg is nog lang, ook Brazilië moet eerst nog maar eens verkocht worden.
    Experts zullen ook vooral kijken naar de vooruitzichten.
  5. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2013 08:16
    Copy and Paste De Aandeelhouder. Dit denken de 'experts.."

    Redactie ABM Financial News - 25 oktober 2013, 18:55

    Analisten verwachten geen ommekeer te zien bij de kwartaalcijfers.

    De kwartaalcijfers van TNT Express zullen geen verandering laten zien in de onderliggende trends. Dit menen analisten van UBS, er op wijzend dat TNT Express vooral wacht op een herstel van de Europese economie.

    Analisten van de Zwitserse broker kijken met name naar de desinvesteringen van Brazilië en China en de voortgang van het kostenbesparingsprogramma Deliver!.

    ING verwacht dat de omzet het afgelopen kwartaal daalde van 1.736 naar 1.699 miljoen dollar, hetgeen een aangepast bedrijfsresultaat (EBIT) van 52,4 miljoen euro opleverde. Daarmee nam het bedrijfsresultaat met bijna een vijfde op jaarbasis af.

    Onder de streep rekent ING op een aangepaste nettowinst van 47,4 miljoen euro, tegenover 35,0 miljoen euro vorig jaar. De stijging is volgens analist Marc Zwartsenburg te danken aan eenmalige posten. Zonder deze posten zal de winst lager liggen dan vorig jaar.

    In 2015 verwacht TNT, mits er sprake is van een matige groei van de economie, in Europa en de Amerika's een omzetgroei van 2 procent te realiseren met een onderliggende operationele marge van circa 8 procent. Het kostenbesparingsprogramma moet dan voor 220 miljoen euro aan besparingen opleveren.

    TNT Express komt maandag voorbeurs met de cijfers over het derde kwartaal.

  6. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2013 09:32
    Klein stukje eruit. Positieve ontwikkeling Europa

    Growth in shorter trade lanes and lower fuel surcharges also contributed to yield declines. UPS daily export volume increased by 6.7% in the quarter, driven by faster growth from Europe, Canada and Mexico.

    Intra-Europe volume was up more than 10%, while Asian exports were flat with last year. Non-U.S. Domestic products climbed 6.3% per day led by strong gains across Europe and Canada. The developing economies of Turkey and Poland were both up approximately 20%, so we saw a good growth in the quarter but overall our results were a little bit less than we expected. Rest assured, UPS is building on our in-country cost initiatives and will make the necessary network adjustments to ensure that we continue to generate the industry's highest margins.
  7. [verwijderd] 27 oktober 2013 21:08

    Stayathomedad schreef op 26 oktober 2013 09:32:

    Klein stukje eruit. Positieve ontwikkeling Europa

    Growth in shorter trade lanes and lower fuel surcharges also contributed to yield declines. UPS daily export volume increased by 6.7% in the quarter, driven by faster growth from Europe, Canada and Mexico.

    Intra-Europe volume was up more than 10%, while Asian exports were flat with last year. Non-U.S. Domestic products climbed 6.3% per day led by strong gains across Europe and Canada. The developing economies of Turkey and Poland were both up approximately 20%, so we saw a good growth in the quarter but overall our results were a little bit less than we expected. Rest assured, UPS is building on our in-country cost initiatives and will make the necessary network adjustments to ensure that we continue to generate the industry's highest margins.
    Ja en TNT is voor het grootste deel van zijn inkomsten afhankelijk van de Europese markt. Dus zal maandag wel groen openen ... vooruitzichten moeten goed zijn en als die nog beter uitpakken dan moeten er wel meer koersverhogingen komen van analisten!
  8. [verwijderd] 28 oktober 2013 08:08

    Press Release
    2Q13 results: Challenging trading conditions continue, focus on operational improvements
    Publish Date : 29 July 2013 08:00 CET -

    Download full press release (pdf)
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    Download Compliance Statement (pdf)

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 29 July 2013

    Reported revenues €1,702m (-3.1%), reported operating income €(280)m (2Q12: €94m)
    Adjusted revenues €1,736m (-1.1%), adjusted operating income €71m (2Q12: €97m)
    Adjustments to operating income include €296m goodwill impairments and €53m fair value adjustments
    Solid period end net cash position of €287m (1Q13: €280m)
    Strong focus on operational improvements with Deliver! gaining momentum; accelerated reorganisation Italy announced
    Brazil sales process on course, turnaround measures successful
    Interim pro forma 2013 dividend of €0.022 per share declared representing 40% pay-out of 1H13 normalised net income; shareholders may choose to receive the dividend in stock or cash

    Trading conditions continued to reflect generally challenging economic conditions

    Europe Main (Benelux, France, Germany, Italy and UK/Ireland) profit decline as a result of pricing pressure, mitigated by volume growth and savings
    Good performance Europe Other & Americas as a whole, but mixed picture by country, mostly depending on local economic conditions
    Pacific (mostly Australia and New Zealand) operating income below prior year. Strong consignment growth but significantly lower weight per consignment and higher input costs
    Asia Middle East & Africa profitability higher, despite weaker economic growth and negative effect introduction of VAT in China

    Deliver ! update
    TNT Express’ Deliver! programme was launched on 25 March 2013 and runs through 2015. The programme is built around four priorities: reshape the portfolio, focus on TNT Express’ distinctive service, execute better and invest in infrastructure and IT. Highlights in the quarter include:

    Closing of sale China Domestic expected in 2H13; sale process Brazil Domestic started – adjusted operating income losses reduced to €(5)m in 2Q13
    Streamlined company-wide functions being established; consultation with employee representatives initiated
    Start of implementation various operational improvement projects
    Savings realised from central air linehaul optimisation
    Accelerated reorganisation in Italy announced in June 2013


    Commenting on this quarter’s developments, Tex Gunning, CEO said:

    ‘During my first two months, I have had the pleasure to meet with many employees and customers around the world. These meetings have strengthened my confidence about our future: we have attractive market positions that we continue to develop thanks to our highly committed employees.

    But there are also many challenges – and trading conditions remain difficult. The Deliver! programme is therefore vital to improve our performance. We are making good progress in its implementation. We announced the restructuring of our Italian operations in June and will realise important milestones for our overhead and operational process improvement projects after the summer. We should start seeing benefits from Deliver! as the programme gains momentum.

    While visibility of the economy remains limited, we reiterate our 2015 ambitions.’
  9. [verwijderd] 28 oktober 2013 08:08


    2013 guidance

    Challenging trading conditions foreseen for the rest of 2013, with continued negative development of operating results for Europe Main and Europe Other & Americas combined
    Asia Middle East & Africa expected to perform better than the prior year
    Pacific decline in operating profits
    Unallocated around €(25)m (consists of unallocated costs and operating income from Fashion and Innight)
    Brazil expected to reduce losses

    2015 ambitions

    The economic climate remains uncertain with limited visibility on the future
    Assuming a return to normal economic conditions in Europe (moderate economic growth and 2% annual inflation), ambition for Europe Main and Europe Other & Americas combined to achieve an adjusted operating income margin of around 8% and sales growth for the period of around 2% (CAGR)
    All other segments to contribute to profitability
    Other indicators:
    - €220m improvements from Deliver!
    - Unallocated around €(25)m
    - ETR around 30%
    - Capex 2-3% of revenues (excluding additional investments Deliver! programme)
    - Trade working capital around 8% of revenues


    New reporting segmentation

    Previously, TNT Express operated its businesses through five reportable segments: Europe Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific, Brazil, Other Americas and Other Networks.

    This has now been replaced by a new structure based on business units and global functions, as presented on 25 March 2013. In line with IFRS requirements, this results in the following new reporting segments: Europe Main, Europe Other & Americas, Pacific and Asia, Middle East & Africa (AMEA).

    The constituents of these segments are as follows:
    Europe Main Benelux, France, Germany, Italy and UK & Ireland
    Europe Other & Americas Other European countries and Americas
    Pacific Australia, New Zealand and Rest of Pacific
    AMEA Asia, Middle East and Africa

    Brazil is reported as Discontinued Operations.

    The year-to-date 2012 and 2013 figures have been restated accordingly and can be found on page 12*. The table on page 4* bridges total revenues and operating income between old and new segmentation for 2Q13. * pdf of full press release


    Given their small relative size, the Other Networks activities TNT Innight and TNT Fashion outside the UK, as well as the Air Cargo Sales and Central Network activities (previously reported within Europe Middle East & Africa) are now reported in Unallocated.

    Management will integrate TNT Fashion’s UK activities with the UK Express operations to capture the synergies between the two businesses.

    Cash generating units (CGUs)

    Following IFRS requirements, the CGUs for the purpose of goodwill testing have changed. Previously, the CGUs were: Northern Europe, Southern Europe & MEA, Asia Pacific, North America, Brazil, Other South America and Other Networks. The new CGUs correspond to operations in the business units and the nature of the services provided. They now are: Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, UK & Ireland, Europe Other, North America, Brazil, Other South Americas, Asia Middle East & Africa, Pacific and Other Networks.

    The change in CGUs requires a reallocation of the goodwill previously allocated to the CGUs of the former reporting segments Northern Europe and Southern Europe & MEA to the respective new CGUs. This triggers an impairment test based on the present value of the estimated future cash flows of each CGU. The estimated future cash flows do not include the impact of future improvement programmes, such as Deliver!. If the present value of the estimated future cash flows is lower than the carrying value (including allocated goodwill) of the CGU, a goodwill impairment must be recognised.

    The impairment test results in a total impairment of €296m, related to the former Southern Europe & MEA CGU (€159m), the former Northern Europe CGU (€79m) and the former Other Networks CGU (€58m).

    Worsening trading conditions in Southern Europe, in particular in Italy and France, the loss of a significant fashion contract and the decline in Innight results contribute to the impairments.

    The increased granularity of the new CGUs also affects the impairment review. As each of the Europe Main business units now constitutes a separate CGU, the offsetting higher results of other units (which were previously part of the same CGU) no longer compensate for the lower values of these individual business units.

    TNT Express reconfirms its 2015 ambitions.

  10. [verwijderd] 28 oktober 2013 08:13
    Goed, eerste indruk.

    Als elke koerier/postbedrijf het goed doet. en TNT zozo. Dan waar ligt het aan.?

    Knutselclubje TNT Management go home! En laat een groep mensen die wel verstand van logistiek& transport er wat van maken.

    Wat een afgang weer.

    Straks kijken/luisteren naar wat ze te melden hebben. Ook dat zal niet veel soeps zijn.

    Conclusie/mening; weer teleurgesteld. Weer niks. Laat ze in godsnaam worden overgenomen door China Express oid......... ;-(
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