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  1. [verwijderd] 31 oktober 2019 09:16
    Higher deliveries to China drive increase in sales during the third quarter

    THU, OCT 31, 2019 07:30 CET
    PowerCell increased its sales during the third quarter this year with 36 percent, up from 11 MSEK to 15 MSEK, compared to the same period last year. Operating income amounted to MSEK -16.6 compared to MSEK -10.8 the same period last year.

    “China drives the increase in sales whereas the decrease in operating income is mainly attributable to increased costs for sales and administration in accordance with plan, and to higher costs for research and development, mainly driven by the joint development project on S3 with Bosch,” Per Wassén, President of PowerCell said.

  2. [verwijderd] 1 november 2019 12:30
    Proef met waterstoftrein tussen Groningen en Leeuwarden begint volgend jaar

    In het eerste kwartaal van 2020 start Arriva met ProRail, de provincie Groningen, Alstom en Engie een proef met een waterstoftrein. De trein van Alstom, die in Duitsland al wordt ingezet, gaat 's nachts tussen Groningen en Leeuwarden rijden.

    Met de test willen de organisaties kijken hoe de prestaties van de waterstoftrein zijn, welke invloed het tanken van waterstof heeft op de dienstregeling en onderzoeken wat er nodig is om toestemming te krijgen om in de reguliere dienstregeling met een waterstoftrein te rijden. Als de proef een succes is, wil de provincie Groningen vanaf 2023 nieuwe treinen op waterstof laten rijden.

    De test wordt uitgevoerd met de Coradia iLint van de Franse treinfabrikant Alstom. Dergelijke treinen worden sinds vorig jaar al gebruikt in Duitsland als vervanging voor dieseltreinen. De waterstoftrein heeft een maximumsnelheid van 140km/u. ProRail zei vorig jaar dat het plan was om de waterstoftrein begin 2019 in Nederland te testen, maar dat is nog niet gebeurd.

  3. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2019 19:24
    Hyundai Motor Announced Investment in 3 Hydrogen Companies

    Hyundai Motor Company announced key investments into three hydrogen companies Impact Coatings, H2Pro and GRZ Technologies to strengthen its leadership position in the global hydrogen fuel cell ecosystem. The strategic investments come at a time of heightened demand for fuel cell technology. The collaboration with industry leading players will enable Hyundai to expand its hydrogen infrastructure and enhance the efficiency of its fuel cell electric vehicle manufacturing.

    Impact Coatings AB is a leading supplier of PVD -based coating solutions for fuel cells, offering coating materials, machines, and services. The Swedish company’s ceramic coatings are cost-efficient substitutes for precious metals used in fuel cell production. Under the new joint development agreement, Hyundai and Impact Coatings will jointly research and develop a new generation of materials, processes and equipment for a variety of applications, including fuel cells and hydrogen production.

    H2Pro is an Israeli startup that developed the E-TAC (electrochemical, thermally active chemical) water splitting technology, which is efficient, affordable, and safe. H2Pro’s technology will allow Hyundai to lower the cost of hydrogen production, which will in turn reduce the price of hydrogen for customers. This marks Hyundai’s second investment into the startup since Hyundai CRADLE Tel Aviv first announced the partnership in November 2018.

    GRZ Technologies is a company based in Switzerland specializing in energy storage in hydrogen form. Its technology stores hydrogen more safely at lower pressure with higher density, while its proprietary compression technology is also more affordable. Hyundai’s agreement with GRZ will accelerate the company’s efforts to commercialize hydrogen infrastructure for greater accessibility to customers.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. [verwijderd] 4 november 2019 12:45

    3 voor 50 schreef op 4 november 2019 12:42:

    Aardige daling vandaag, misschien komt dat momentje dan toch ;)
    Er staan heel weinig aandelen uit bij Pcel. Bij slecht nieuws kan het hard gaan, maar tot op heden lijkt er geen reden voor het aandeel om terug naar de 100 kroon te dalen.
  5. Radikal 6 november 2019 06:06
    FuelCell Energy Announces End of Engagement with Huron Based on Progress
    Nov 05, 2019
    Download this Press ReleasePDF Format (opens in new window)
    DANBURY, Conn., Nov. 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FuelCell Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: FCEL), a global leader in delivering clean, innovative and affordable fuel cell solutions for the supply, recovery and storage of energy, today announced that based on the progress made by the Company, the Board ended the engagement with Huron and the restructuring services being provided effective October 31, 2019. Beginning on June 2, 2019, Huron provided various services related to the Company’s restructuring and contingency planning initiatives. The Board’s decision was based on the outcome of many actions undertaken by Huron at the direction of the Board that led to the Company’s successful restructuring, including the right sizing of the business, implementation of cost control measures, and pay off of substantial corporate debt.

    “Huron did an exceptional job on behalf of FuelCell throughout the restructuring and their efforts toward our stronger future is appreciated," said Jason Few, President and Chief Executive Officer, FuelCell Energy, Inc. "Huron engaged at a difficult time in the Company’s history and has completed its role successfully positioning FuelCell Energy in a much stronger position just four months after the initial engagement.”

    The Company will continue delivering world class differentiated clean continuous power, the work of revitalizing FuelCell Energy, its overall operational effectiveness, enhanced commercial activity, geographic expansion and improving financial results.
  6. [verwijderd] 6 november 2019 15:54

    Radikal schreef op 6 november 2019 06:06:

    FuelCell Energy Announces End of Engagement with Huron Based on Progress
    Nov 05, 2019
    Download this Press ReleasePDF Format (opens in new window)
    DANBURY, Conn., Nov. 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FuelCell Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: FCEL), a global leader in delivering clean, innovative and affordable fuel cell solutions for the supply, recovery and storage of energy, today announced that based on the progress made by the Company, the Board ended the engagement with Huron and the restructuring services being provided effective October 31, 2019. Beginning on June 2, 2019, Huron provided various services related to the Company’s restructuring and contingency planning initiatives. The Board’s decision was based on the outcome of many actions undertaken by Huron at the direction of the Board that led to the Company’s successful restructuring, including the right sizing of the business, implementation of cost control measures, and pay off of substantial corporate debt.

    “Huron did an exceptional job on behalf of FuelCell throughout the restructuring and their efforts toward our stronger future is appreciated," said Jason Few, President and Chief Executive Officer, FuelCell Energy, Inc. "Huron engaged at a difficult time in the Company’s history and has completed its role successfully positioning FuelCell Energy in a much stronger position just four months after the initial engagement.”

    The Company will continue delivering world class differentiated clean continuous power, the work of revitalizing FuelCell Energy, its overall operational effectiveness, enhanced commercial activity, geographic expansion and improving financial results.
    +95% nu (:
  7. [verwijderd] 11 november 2019 09:36

    Osho schreef op 7 november 2019 12:40:

    AFC Energy

    allemaal topweken achter de rug..
    Opnieuw een rally in de waterstof aandelen

    ITM POwer
    AFC Energy

    De onderste 2 blijven ietwat liggen. Nel zal binnekort wel echt doorstot gok ik. Is het meest stil van allen.
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