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Iran - draadje voor alle nieuwsberichten etc.

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 22 april 2013 17:00
    Iran to pump oil from South Pars gas field soon

    Reuters reported that Iran will start producing crude from an oil layer in its giant South Pars gas field soon.

    Mr Ahmad Qalebani director of the National Iranian Oil Company was quoted as saying that “Production from the oil layers of South Pars is an important project which will help the country raise its crude oil production in the future.”

    He said that “Drilling operations and completion of seven wells are over.”

    Mr Saeed Hafezi manager of the Petro Iran Company which is developing the oil layer said that production would start at around 15,000 barrels per day and plateau at 35,000 bpd of heavy crude.

    Iran is unable to sell all the crude it can already produce due to Western sanctions imposed over its disputed nuclear program.

    Source - Reuters
  2. forum rang 10 voda 23 april 2013 16:58
    Iran daily electricity exports stand at 1.74GW

    Tehran Times reported that Iran exported 1.448 gigawatts of electricity to its neighboring countries on Friday April 19th 2013.

    The country exported electricity to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Armenia and Turkey, while imported 292 megawatts of electricity from Armenia and Turkmenistan.

    Iran exported 11.054 billion kilowatt hours of electricity to its neighboring countries in the past Iranian calendar year, which ended on March 20th.

    The volume of electricity exports rose by 29% YoY.

    Iran also imported 3.968 billion kilowatt hours of electricity last year, showing 8% rise YoY.

    Iran has constructed power plants twice as many as the average number of power plants which have been constructed in the world during the past decade, the Mehr News Agency quoted deputy energy minister Mr Mohammad Behzad as said that.

    He said that “The power generation capacity in Iran has grown by 7% annually during the past 10 years, the figure has averaged 3.5% in the world. The country’s power generation capacity is currently at 68.38 gigawatts.”

    Source - Tehran Times
  3. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2013 17:47
    Iran and China CNPC terminate contract in South Pars

    Tehran Times reported that Iran and China National Petroleum Corp have come to terms for terminating a contract for developing the phase 11 of the South Pars gas field, located in the Persian Gulf.

    CNPC has been replaced with Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company in the project.

    CNPC has delayed frequently in starting the development plan of Phase 11 of South Pars gas field, while the deal has been signed 27 months ago, managing director of Pars Oil and Gas Company said that in October last year.

    Mr Mousa Souri added that “Iran is dissatisfied with CNPC's frequent delaying of Phase 11 of South Pars development.”

    CNPC won a USD 4.7 billion contract to develop Phase 11 of the South Pars gas project in 2009. The Chinese company replaced Total SA, which had hesitated because of political concerns.

    In September 2012, CNPC said that it will not abandon Iran and the company is trying to get the rights to new projects in Iran’s oil and gas sector.

    CNPC, China’s largest oil and gas producer, has 4 projects in Iran, namely the Masjed I Suleiman oil project, the North and South Azadegan oil field, and phase 11 of the South Pars offshore gas field.

    The South Pars gas field is shared by Iran and Qatar. The Iranian share, which is divided into 29 phases, has about 14 trillion cubic meters of gas or about eight% of the total world reserves, and more than 18 billion barrels of liquefied natural gas resources

    Source - Tehran Times

  4. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2013 17:48
    Iran to start tapping oilfield in Persian Gulf

    Tehran Times reported that Iran will start production at the Persian Gulf oilfield of Reshadat oilfield, in the current Iranian calendar year, which began on March 21st IRNA quoted National Iranian Offshore Oilfields Company managing director Mr Mahmoud Zirakchianzadeh as said that on Monday April 22nd 2013.

    Mr Zirakchianzadeh said that Iran has launched projects to develop 4 oilfields, located in Persian Gulf and raise the total output by 100,000 bpd in the current calendar year.

    He said that “Some USD 9 billion worth of contracts were signed last year to develop Salman, Lavan and Forouz B fields. This year, boosting outputs at Reshadat, Forouzan, Hengam and Hendijan fields by 100,000 bpd has been planned.”

    Previously, IRNA quoted Mr Abbas Rajabkhani, an official at the Iranian Offshore Oil Company as saying that the Reshadat oilfield is projected to yield 22,000 barrels per day of crude oil.

    Iran has announced that it will implement 11 plans by the Iranian calendar month of Mordad 1392 with the goal of boosting oil production by 175,000 barrels per day.

    The plans are related to the first phase of the development plans of the Yadavaran, Sarvestan, Saadatabad, Hengam, Forouzan, Reshadat, Aban, and Paydar oilfields, according to a report published by the National Iranian Oil Company on August 25th.

    Once all the phases of the development plans are implemented, the output will be increased by 500,000 bpd. Oil Minister Mr Rostam Qasemi has said that the country’s oil output is projected to increase by 1.5 million bpd by 2016.

    Source - Tehran Times

  5. forum rang 10 voda 30 april 2013 15:05
    Iran and India to discuss extension of IP gas pipeline next week

    Independent News Pakistan reported that Iranian and Indian oil ministers are due to discuss extension of a gas pipeline project which is due to take Iran's rich gas reserves to Pakistan and then to India in a meeting in New Delhi next week. Mr Rostam Qassemi, Iranian Oil Minister is stated to visit New Delhi next week to hold a meeting with Indian Petroleum and Mr Veerappa Moily, Natural Gas Minister on the gas pipeline.

    Pricing formula and security of the pipeline will top the topics to be discussed by the 2 ministers. Earlier this month, Iranian Oil Ministry Spokesman Mr Alireza Nikzad Rahbar announced that New Delhi has renewed interest in the extension of Iran Pakistan gas pipeline to India.

    He said that "Since India has been motivated by Pakistan's seriousness in the construction of the peace pipeline, New Delhi is negotiating to join the project. There has been considerable progress in the IP gas pipeline, with Iranian contractors starting work on the Pakistani section of the pipeline, after finishing nearly 900 kilometers of the pipeline on Iran's soil.”

    Source - Independent News Pakistan
  6. forum rang 10 voda 30 april 2013 15:06
    Gas exports to Iraq to increase Iran annual forex income

    IRNA reported that exports of Iran's natural gas to Iraq from South Pars fields would increase the country's annual foreign exchange income by USD 5 billion.

    Oil Minister Mr Rostam Qasemi said that Iran's natural gas exports to Iraq from two South Pars fields would begin at most by the next 2 months.

    Briefing the audience on the ministry's policies, Mr Qasemi said that Iran attracted over USD 24 billion of foreign investments during the last Iranian calendar year.

    The minister referred to the figure as unprecedented.

    He hoped that major developments would be made with the help of experts of Iran's oil industries during the current Iranian year which was designated as the "Year of Political Epic and Economic Epic" by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

    Source - IRNA
  7. forum rang 10 voda 1 mei 2013 16:38
    Iran to boost steel output capacity soon - IMIDRO

    Fars News Agency reported that Iran plans to boost its annual steel output capacity in the near future.

    Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization Director for Ferrous Metals MrMohammad Khandadash Pour said that "We have plans to increase Iran's steel output capacity as the country's steel industry enjoys high potentials.”

    He explained that increasing the steel output capacity is feasible due to the presence of huge reserves of raw materials, including iron ore, coal and gas, in Iran.

    Managing Director of Mobarakeh Steel Company Mr Mohammad Massoud Sameenejad announced also earlier this month that Iran plans to boost its annual steel output capacity to 42 million tonne in the near future.

    He said that "By the end of the 5th 5 Year Economic Development Plan, the country's steel production output will stand at 42 million tonne. Within next 12 years, Iran's steel output will hit 55 million tonne.”

    Mr Sameenejad noted that 40 countries in Asia, Europe, America and Africa are importers of steel from Iran.

    According to WSA's report, Iran produced 14.463 million tonne of crude steel in 2012 and was named the first largest producer of crude steel in the Middle East and North Africa.

    The country's main steel mills are located in Isfahan and Khuzestan provinces.

    Iran increased its steel production output by more than 9% the WSA announced in January, adding that the country is now the world's 15th steel producer.

    Source - FNA
  8. forum rang 10 voda 2 mei 2013 17:05
    Iran discovers new gas reserves

    Iran Daily reported that National Iranian Oil Company's Director for Exploration Mr Hormoz Qalavand announced the discovery of vast gas reserves in southern Iran.

    He said that "It is predicted that the vast natural gas reservoir starts from Borazjan and stretches up to the Minab fault line and Persian Gulf coastline.”

    Mr Qalavand noted that the natural gas reservoir was explored and identified by drilling a 3,300 meter deep well, Fars News Agency reported.

    He also said that rich hydrocarbon reserves, especially natural gas and light crude, were found in the hydrocarbon layer Zekin, the lower Paleozoic layer.

    Earlier this month, Mr Qalavand announced that the country discovered 15 oil and gas deposits in the last Iranian year.

    Speaking to reporters, Mr Qalavand said that NIOC focused its oil and gas exploration activities along border areas in the last Iranian year, adding that the country found 15 new oil and gas layers last year.

    Iran ranks third globally in terms of oil reserves while having the world's second largest natural gas reserves after Russia.

    Source - Iran Daily
  9. forum rang 10 voda 22 mei 2013 15:55
    Iran acquires technology to build small refineries

    Tehran Times reported that Iran has acquired the technology for bulding small oil refineries, which cost USD 30 to 40 million, the Fars News Agency reported.

    According to Mr Farhad Ahmadi, the Managing Director of National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company, such facilities will have the capacity of refining 5,000 to 10,000 barrels of oil per day.

    Such refineries can be fed with crude oil, furnace oil, or gas condensates. Refining each barrel of gas condensate will cost USD 4,000 and refining each barrel of crude oil will cost USD 8,000 to 10,000, he noted that.

    Managing director of National Iranian Oil Pipeline and Telecommunication Company said that the country has boosted its crude refining capacity to over 1.8 million barrels per day.

    Mr Ali Ziyar said that Iran has increased its oil refining capacity to more than 1.85 million barrels per day, adding that by bringing on stream new fuel production projects and optimizing refinery processes, Iran will further increase its crude refining capacity over the current Iranian calendar year.

    Mr Ziyar pointed to the inauguration of 5 major oil pipelines and new storage facilities for petrochemical products during the previous Iranian calendar year and noted that plans are also underway to launch 6 new pipelines for the transfer of oil and oil products in the current year.

    During the previous Iranian calendar year, Iran’s nominal petrochemical production capacity rose by 7 million tonne showing a 13.2% growth, after the launch of several petrochemical projects.

    On March 14th Iran inaugurated its biggest gasoline production hub with a daily production capacity of 16 million liters near the central city of Shazand.

    Iran attained self sufficiency in fuel production after its international suppliers stopped selling gasoline to Tehran under U.S pressure.

    Source – Tehran Times
  10. forum rang 10 voda 22 mei 2013 15:56
    Tehran hosts first energy & wind conference

    Press TV reported that Tehran’s Niroo Research Institute or Energy Research Institute has hosted the first Iran Wind Energy Conference and exhibition. In attendance was Iran’s President, Mr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, administration officials, experts and college students from 80 universities throughout Iran. The conference discussed Iran’s achievements in the field of clean energy. The president’s Deputy for Research and Technology talked about Iran’s advances in cogeneration or combined heat and power. CHP is the use of a heat engine or power station to simultaneously generate electricity and useful heat.

    Today Iran’s Ministry of Energy spends 15%%t of its budget to invest in wind energy and solar energy.

    Iran’s Minister of Energy Mr Majid Namjoo talked about upcoming Iran’s future energy projects.

    Today Iran has the capacity to produce up to 60 k mega watts of electricity annually while this year its electricity exports have increased to 40%. This year Iran plans to export about 10 billion kilowatt hours of electricity.

    Source - Press TV
  11. forum rang 10 voda 23 mei 2013 17:06
    Iran government moves to impose steep export duty on iron ore

    Reuters reported that Iran’s government is negotiating a tax of up to 40% on iron ore exports to take advantage of a surge in sales to China, aiming to replace revenue from oil and other sources eroded by sanctions.

    Iran’s iron ore exports to top steel producer China jumped 48% in the first quarter from a year ago to a level that would generate annual revenue of about USD 3 billion at current prices.

    The government is now talking with local miners about an export tax, trading and industry sources said. A trader in Shanghai, who imports Iranian iron ore said that “A few iron ore cargoes were earlier banned from leaving the port as the government is looking to impose a 40% export duty based on free on board prices.”

    The negotiations may lead to agreement on a smaller number than 40% to enable miners to absorb the extra costs and continue selling, given fears that the tax could otherwise end up cutting Iran’s exports.

    A spokesman for the Iran Iron Ore association said that “They are putting the tax in place because the government wants to get a share of the profit. 40% is outrageous but I think eventually they will come down to a more reasonable number.”

    Source - Reuters
  12. forum rang 10 voda 23 mei 2013 17:07
    Iran produces 60 pct of raw steel in the region

    IRNA reported that an Iranian official announced Monday May 20th Iran produces some 60% of raw steel in the Middle East.

    Speaking to IRNA, managing director of Mobarakeh Steel Company said that Iran ranks 15 in term of producing steel products across the globe.

    Mr Mohammad Masoud Sami'inejad said that Iran has experienced a stable trend in steel imports share in the region in recent years, adding the per capita consumption of raw steel production, including the imports and exports, was 316 kg in 2011.

    Iran is considered as an attractive country for exporters of steel products across the globe, he said that, noting investors would enjoy huge benefit in making investment in steel industry in the country.

    Source - IRNA
  13. s.lin 1 oktober 2013 18:24
    'Iran heeft nog voor drie maanden geld en staat op instorten'
    01-10-2013 15:39

    Het gaat veel slechter met Iran dan de islamitische republiek beweert. De internationale sancties zouden een verwoestende impact hebben op de economie. Volgens Mark Dubowitz van de Foundation for Defense of Democracies heeft Iran op papier nog $ 50 miljard aan buitenlandse valutareserves, maar in de praktijk nog maar $ 15 miljard. Dat betekent dat het land over 3 maanden blut is en zijn importen niet meer kan betalen. Volgens Iraanse zakenmensen staat het land echter nu al op instorten.

    Negen maanden geleden had het Shi'itische regime volgens het IMF en de Wall Street Journal nog $ 90 miljard aan buitenlandse valutareserves. Daar zijn in de tussentijd minstens $ 20 miljard van opgemaakt. Hoeveel Iran nog precies over heeft is dus onduidelijk, maar over enkele maanden komt de bodem van de kas hoe dan ook in zicht.

    Het aanbod van de nieuwe president Hassan Rohani om opnieuw met het Westen te gaan praten over het omstreden nucleaire programma van het land, is dan ook even pragmatisch als noodzakelijk. Teheran moet wel, want anders dreigt de toch al zwaar getroffen economie van het land binnenkort totaal in te storten.

    Obama en Netanyahu oneens over Iran

    De Israëlische premier Benyamin Netanyahu en de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama overlegden gisteren in het Witte Huis over onder andere het Iraanse probleem. Beide leiders deden tegenover de camera's uiterst vriendelijk tegen elkaar, maar bleken het achter gesloten deuren bepaald niet eens te zijn. Netanyahu wil dat de sancties verder worden aangescherpt, totdat Iran zijn nucleaire programma opgeeft. Obama is juist bang dat dit ertoe zal leiden dat de hardliners in Teheran de overhand zullen krijgen.

    Israël is bang dat als Iran niet onmiddellijk wordt gestopt, het land ieder moment een kernbom kan produceren. Het Witte Huis lijkt echter tevreden te zijn met de Iraanse belofte dit niet te zullen doen. Netanyahu reageerde door te zeggen dat de situatie voor Israël heel anders is dan voor Amerika. De kleine Joodse staat wordt de laatste jaren immers met de regelmaat van de klok door Iraanse politici, geestelijken en militairen met vernietiging bedreigd. (2)

    'Breekpunt Iraanse economie veel dichterbij'

    De New York Times bevestigde dat Iran het veel moeilijker heeft dan algemeen bekend is. De krant publiceerde interviews met Iraanse zakenmensen, die moedeloos zijn geworden van alle problemen in het land. Ook haalde de NYT Westerse economen aan die zeggen dat het breekpunt dichterbij is dan oorspronkelijk werd ingeschat, en het land nog maar enkele maanden de tijd heeft een instorting te voorkomen.

    Iraanse media berichten dat de regering inmiddels miljarden dollars schuldig is aan banken, gemeenten en bedrijven. Door de sancties is Irans belangrijkste bron van bestaan, de export van ruwe olie -dat voor 80% van de inkomsten zorgt- gehalveerd. De sancties blokkeren tevens het geld dat andere landen betalen voor Iraanse olie. Dat kan enkel gebruikt worden voor aankopen in deze landen, en niet om de Iraanse schulden af te betalen.

    'Economie staat nu al op instorten'

    Volgens de NYT zal het zelfs heel lastig worden voor Iran om aan de overgebleven ca. $ 20 miljard te komen, want dit zou in cash moeten worden weggehaald vanwege de uitsluiting van het internationale bankennetwerk Swift, dat elektronische betalingen mogelijk maakt. 'Ze kunnen het geld niet terughalen naar Iran,' aldus Mark Dubowitz.

    Het gevolg is dat Iraanse zakenmensen gedwongen worden om met koffers vol geld rond te sjouwen, en gebruik te maken van louche buitenlandse bankiers en geldwisselaars. Dit kost niet alleen handen vol geld -iedere tussenpersoon wil immers zijn aandeel-, maar het is ook gevaarlijk vanwege het risico op diefstal.

    De Times schreef dat Iraanse zakenmensen en laaggeplaatste officials zich nog grotere zorgen maken dan de leiders in Teheran. Sommigen van hen zeggen zelfs dat de Iraanse economie nu al op instorten staat. (1)

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