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Aandeel TomTom AEX:TOM2.NL, NL0013332471

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
5,075   -0,165   (-3,15%) Dagrange 5,075 - 5,270 181.500   Gem. (3M) 201,6K

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  1. Balimoney 26 mei 2012 05:30
    350m+ OEM and Aftermarket Connected Car Systems by 2017


    BMW Connected Drive
    A report from ABI Research forecasts that the installed base of OEM and aftermarket connected car systems is expected to grow from 66 million in 2012 to 356 million in 2017.

    The aftermarket part include all sorts of devices: connected PNDs via their own SIM card or via Bluetooth, ODB2 dongles, devices such as Pioneer AppRadio or Clarion NextGate, etc. “The main criteria is to have access to a two way connection,“ explained research Director Dominique Bonte in an email to GPS Business News.

    “While OEM solutions are gaining momentum rapidly across the globe in the US, Europe, Japan, and China, aftermarket solutions will continue to be used for applications such as stolen vehicle tracking, insurance telematics, infotainment, and road user charging,“ wrote ABI Research.

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    Friday, May 25th 2012
    Ludovic Privat
  2. [verwijderd] 28 mei 2012 21:05

    Over Facebook en maps
    3e en 4e alinea:
    "First, while Facebook may be a master at helping people connect with each other online, it has been a laggard in connecting its users in the real world despite launching its own check-in services and acquiring former Foursquare rival Gowalla. Mark Zuckerberg has vowed that the company will focus strongly on mobile apps moving forward, but what can be done in an app cannot compare to what could be done by owning a platform designed from the ground up for creating, reinforcing, and creating new social connections. None of the major mobile OS providers have really taken this approach.

    That said, they all appear to be active in driving location-based technology initiatives.. Google continues to invest not only in navigating maps but in driverless cars to take us to points on them. Nokia, which owns map provider Navteq, saw integration of its location-based services as a lynchpin in its decision to use Windows Phone, and Apple has been the subject of perennial rumors over the past few years regarding its location initiatives as the iPhone's implementation of Google Maps has lagged behind its Android counterpart."

  3. [verwijderd] 29 mei 2012 18:43
    De call/put ratio bij TomTom is nu 1,9

    Dit betekent dat er op iedere 10 gekochte put opties, 19 call opties zijn gekocht. Er gaan dus bijna 2x zoveel handelaren uit van een stijgend TomTom in plaats van een dalend TomTom.

    Dit bijvoorbeeld in tegenstelling tot ASML dat het al erg goed gedaan heeft. Daar is de call/put 0,3. Dus daar gaan 3x zoveel mensen uit van een daling ipv een stijging van de koers. Meeste fondsen staan trouwens negatief qua call/put als ik even snel kijk. Aegon en AirFrance op 0,6, ING op 0,75, RDS op 0,9.
  4. B_B 30 mei 2012 11:45

    *Justin* schreef:

    De call/put ratio bij TomTom is nu 1,9

    Dit betekent dat er op iedere 10 gekochte put opties, 19 call opties zijn gekocht. Er gaan dus bijna 2x zoveel handelaren uit van een stijgend TomTom in plaats van een dalend TomTom.

    Dit bijvoorbeeld in tegenstelling tot ASML dat het al erg goed gedaan heeft. Daar is de call/put 0,3. Dus daar gaan 3x zoveel mensen uit van een daling ipv een stijging van de koers. Meeste fondsen staan trouwens negatief qua call/put als ik even snel kijk. Aegon en AirFrance op 0,6, ING op 0,75, RDS op 0,9.
    Put/call (niet call/put) ratio is een contra indicator!

    Indien de put/call ratio bijvoorbeeld 0,6 noteert, dan wil dit zeggen dat er meer callopties verhandeld worden dan putopties. Beleggers zijn dus positief gestemd en misschien zelfs te positief. De markt is dan kwetsbaar. Een lage put/call ratio is bijgevolg vaak een voorbode van een daling.

    Anderzijds, indien de put/call ratio bijvoorbeeld 1,2 noteert, dan wil dit zeggen dat er meer putopties verhandeld worden dan callopties. Beleggers zijn dus negatief gestemd en misschien zelfs te negatief. De markt is dan klaar voor een remonte. Een hoge put/call ratio is bijgevolg vaak een voorbode van een aangename stijging.

  5. [verwijderd] 30 mei 2012 12:57

    Wat zou kunnen is dat TomTom als hedge gebruikt kan worden bij Garmin. Dan scoor je ongeacht de conjunctuur.
    Stel je gaat short TomTom en long Garmin.

    Als de markt groeit, dan leid je verlies op je TomTom's maar winst op je Garmin's. En vice versa.
    Dit bij de veronderstelling dat bij een moeilijke markt TomTom harder daalt dan Garmin, en bij een goede markt Garmin sneller stijgt dan TomTom. Het is dus een soort paartje.

    Nou ben ik van dat laatste (dat in een goede markt Garmin het qua koers beter kan doen dan TT, niet eens. Garmin heeft zijn koerswinst van de diversificatie van de omzet al gehad. Die staan hoog. TomTom zit nog middenin die diversificatie. Dus ik zou eerder Garmin als voorbode zien. Verder heeft Garmin geen content, en naar de toekomst toe is dat een grote pre van TomTom ten opzichte van Garmin, maar dat is genoegzaam bekend.

    Inderdaad voorzichtig zijn met complotten. Wel denk ik dat er potentiele kopers geweest zijn (o.a. Google) die het TomTom lastig wilden maken in ieder opzicht, omdat ze eigenlijk het kaartmateriaal van TomTom willen hebben. Google maps is nog steeds niet goed genoeg voor veilige navigatie, volgens autofabrikanten.

    Het is ze echter niet gelukt om TomTom klein te krijgen, en TomTom kan het rustig zelf uitzingen en de laatste schuld wegwerken. Google is inmiddels al bij grote klanten gestopt met gratis, en wil nu ook geld voor kaartmateriaal. Wat dat betreft is het een beetje een drugsdealer strategie: eerst gratis weggeven, totdat bedrijven Google Maps diep in hun systemen hebben geintegreerd, en daarna geld vragen. Het is in ieder geval een welkome turnaround door Google.
  6. [verwijderd] 30 mei 2012 16:08
    RIM heeft nog 2,1 miljard aan cash, maar gaat zijn eerste kwartaalverlies tegemoet. Wel hebben ze vertrouwen in de komst van Blackberry 10, dat weer voor groei moet zorgen.

    Toch lijkt het best ernstig, aangezien ze JP Morgan hebben gevraagd om hun strategische opties te onderzoeken. Inclusief het licenseren van hun softwareplatform aan derden.

    Hieronder het hele bericht, de officiele vanuit RIM.


    Research In Motion CEO Provides Business Update

    Waterloo, ON - Research In Motion Limited (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM), a world leader in the mobile communications market, today provided a business update from Thorsten Heins, the Company’s President and CEO.

    “During the Q4 2012 and fiscal year-end financial results conference call on March 29, I said that I would provide our shareholders with candid and timely updates when possible on the progress and challenges RIM is experiencing. While we are no longer giving quantitative financial guidance, I wanted to provide a brief business update at this time, and will provide more details when our Q1 financial results for the quarter ended June 2, 2012 are released on June 28.

    In terms of challenges, as I mentioned on the March financial results conference call, RIM is going through a significant transformation as we move towards the BlackBerry 10 launch, and our financial performance will continue to be challenging for the next few quarters. The on-going competitive environment is impacting our business in the form of lower volumes and highly competitive pricing dynamics in the marketplace, and we expect our Q1 results to reflect this, and likely result in an operating loss for the quarter. We are continuing to be aggressive as we compete for our customers’ business – both enterprise and consumer – around the world, and our teams are working hard to provide cost-competitive, feature-rich solutions to our global customer base. On the positive side, we expect to further increase our cash position in Q1 from the approximately $2.1 billion we had at the end of fiscal 2012.

    Despite the current challenges, we have made significant progress on a number of fronts in the past few months:

    - Our annual BlackBerry World conference and BlackBerry 10 Jam took place earlier this month and both were tremendously successful. More than 5,000 developers, partners, carriers and enterprise customers from 115 different countries saw the first glimpses of our next-generation BlackBerry 10 platform and their response was encouraging.
    - Our developer partners have been enthusiastic with the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha prototype unit we distributed at BlackBerry World and many are well underway in developing applications to be ready for the launch of BlackBerry 10 in the latter part of calendar 2012.
    - The support and enthusiasm from our developer community is also reflected in our app growth, where we now feature more than 80,000 apps, which represents a 220% increase from one year ago, and more than 15,000 apps for PlayBook compared to less than 2,000 last year. We believe this bodes well for our ecosystem as we get set to launch BlackBerry 10.
    - We are making steady progress with the innovation of our next-generation BlackBerry 10 mobile computing platform, which is still on track to launch in the latter part of calendar 2012.
    - Our global subscriber base continued to grow this quarter to approximately 78 million, driven primarily by growth in international markets, which is partially offset by high churn in the United States, and our BBM user base has grown to approximately 56 million users globally.
    - Our strong brand internationally was recently enhanced with the successful launch of two new BlackBerry 7 phones in India and Latin America.

    We continue to make strategic changes to RIM’s senior management team with the hiring of two key new members to RIM’s executive leadership team. Kristian Tear, our Chief Operating Officer, whose background also includes extensive experience in international sales in Europe, Asia and Latin America, and Frank Boulben, our Chief Marketing Officer, who will provide our team with deep experience in the mobile computing and communications industry. Both will assist me and the existing executive team as we continue to make the organizational changes necessary to position RIM for the future and prepare for the launch of our new BlackBerry 10 platform.

    The CORE (cost optimization and resource efficiency) program we told you about previously is focused on delivering key operational savings through various initiatives. The financial objectives for the CORE program are targeted to drive $1 billion in savings by the end of fiscal 2013, based on our Q4 run rate. We are targeting better efficiency and use of resources in our sales and marketing initiatives to effectively leverage marketing windows and evaluate our country portfolio to determine where it makes sense for us to prioritize our efforts. We will also continue to review RIM's organizational structure and clearly define accountabilities for all key businesses and business processes with a goal of eliminating fragmentation, duplication and inefficiencies. While there will be significant spending reductions and headcount reductions in some areas throughout the remainder of the fiscal year, we will continue to spend and hire in key areas such as those associated with the launch of BlackBerry 10, and those tied to the growth of our application developer community. We will share more details regarding our progress throughout the year as programs are implemented or changes are completed.

    To further enhance our commitment to successfully completing our transformation, after the release of our year-end financial results, we engaged J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and RBC Capital Markets to assist the Company and our Board of Directors in reviewing RIM’s business and financial performance. These advisors have been tasked to help us with the strategic review we referenced on our year-end financial results conference call and to evaluate the relative merits and feasibility of various financial strategies, including opportunities to leverage the BlackBerry platform through partnerships, licensing opportunities and strategic business model alternatives.

    Although we are facing challenges, we remain excited about BlackBerry 10 and believe that this platform coupled with the results of the strategic review will create long-term value for our stakeholders. We will provide another more detailed business update when we report our first quarter results in June.”
  7. [verwijderd] 30 mei 2012 16:18

    *Justin* schreef op 30 mei 2012 16:08:

    RIM heeft nog 2,1 miljard aan cash, maar gaat zijn eerste kwartaalverlies tegemoet. Wel hebben ze vertrouwen in de komst van Blackberry 10, dat weer voor groei moet zorgen.

    Toch lijkt het best ernstig, aangezien ze JP Morgan hebben gevraagd om hun strategische opties te onderzoeken. Inclusief het licenseren van hun softwareplatform aan derden.

    Hieronder het hele bericht, de officiele vanuit RIM.


    Research In Motion CEO Provides Business Update

    Waterloo, ON - Research In Motion Limited (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; TSX: RIM), a world leader in the mobile communications market, today provided a business update from Thorsten Heins, the Company’s President and CEO.

    “During the Q4 2012 and fiscal year-end financial results conference call on March 29, I said that I would provide our shareholders with candid and timely updates when possible on the progress and challenges RIM is experiencing. While we are no longer giving quantitative financial guidance, I wanted to provide a brief business update at this time, and will provide more details when our Q1 financial results for the quarter ended June 2, 2012 are released on June 28.

    In terms of challenges, as I mentioned on the March financial results conference call, RIM is going through a significant transformation as we move towards the BlackBerry 10 launch, and our financial performance will continue to be challenging for the next few quarters. The on-going competitive environment is impacting our business in the form of lower volumes and highly competitive pricing dynamics in the marketplace, and we expect our Q1 results to reflect this, and likely result in an operating loss for the quarter. We are continuing to be aggressive as we compete for our customers’ business – both enterprise and consumer – around the world, and our teams are working hard to provide cost-competitive, feature-rich solutions to our global customer base. On the positive side, we expect to further increase our cash position in Q1 from the approximately $2.1 billion we had at the end of fiscal 2012.

    Despite the current challenges, we have made significant progress on a number of fronts in the past few months:

    - Our annual BlackBerry World conference and BlackBerry 10 Jam took place earlier this month and both were tremendously successful. More than 5,000 developers, partners, carriers and enterprise customers from 115 different countries saw the first glimpses of our next-generation BlackBerry 10 platform and their response was encouraging.
    - Our developer partners have been enthusiastic with the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha prototype unit we distributed at BlackBerry World and many are well underway in developing applications to be ready for the launch of BlackBerry 10 in the latter part of calendar 2012.
    - The support and enthusiasm from our developer community is also reflected in our app growth, where we now feature more than 80,000 apps, which represents a 220% increase from one year ago, and more than 15,000 apps for PlayBook compared to less than 2,000 last year. We believe this bodes well for our ecosystem as we get set to launch BlackBerry 10.
    - We are making steady progress with the innovation of our next-generation BlackBerry 10 mobile computing platform, which is still on track to launch in the latter part of calendar 2012.
    - Our global subscriber base continued to grow this quarter to approximately 78 million, driven primarily by growth in international markets, which is partially offset by high churn in the United States, and our BBM user base has grown to approximately 56 million users globally.
    - Our strong brand internationally was recently enhanced with the successful launch of two new BlackBerry 7 phones in India and Latin America.

    We continue to make strategic changes to RIM’s senior management team with the hiring of two key new members to RIM’s executive leadership team. Kristian Tear, our Chief Operating Officer, whose background also includes extensive experience in international sales in Europe, Asia and Latin America, and Frank Boulben, our Chief Marketing Officer, who will provide our team with deep experience in the mobile computing and communications industry. Both will assist me and the existing executive team as we continue to make the organizational changes necessary to position RIM for the future and prepare for the launch of our new BlackBerry 10 platform.

    The CORE (cost optimization and resource efficiency) program we told you about previously is focused on delivering key operational savings through various initiatives. The financial objectives for the CORE program are targeted to drive $1 billion in savings by the end of fiscal 2013, based on our Q4 run rate. We are targeting better efficiency and use of resources in our sales and marketing initiatives to effectively leverage marketing windows and evaluate our country portfolio to determine where it makes sense for us to prioritize our efforts. We will also continue to review RIM's organizational structure and clearly define accountabilities for all key businesses and business processes with a goal of eliminating fragmentation, duplication and inefficiencies. While there will be significant spending reductions and headcount reductions in some areas throughout the remainder of the fiscal year, we will continue to spend and hire in key areas such as those associated with the launch of BlackBerry 10, and those tied to the growth of our application developer community. We will share more details regarding our progress throughout the year as programs are implemented or changes are completed.

    To further enhance our commitment to successfully completing our transformation, after the release of our year-end financial results, we engaged J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and RBC Capital Markets to assist the Company and our Board of Directors in reviewing RIM’s business and financial performance. These advisors have been tasked to help us with the strategic review we referenced on our year-end financial results conference call and to evaluate the relative merits and feasibility of various financial strategies, including opportunities to leverage the BlackBerry platform through partnerships, licensing opportunities and strategic business model alternatives.

    Although we are facing challenges, we remain excited about BlackBerry 10 and believe that this platform coupled with the results of the strategic review will create long-term value for our stakeholders. We will provide another more detailed business update when we report our first quarter results in June.”
    Zorgelijk. Plaatst de deal met TT niet in de zon maar schaduw....
    Misschien derhalve de downgrade van SP. Wie zal het zeggen.
    Hopen op echt goed nieuws. Bericht uit UK gisteren gaf geen impulse.
    Wellicht op de WWDC van Apple. Of desnoods van de RVC/RVB van TT..
  8. diederique 30 mei 2012 17:26
    garmin in de plus...

    "This marks a significant milestone for our Kings Avionics subsidiary," said Clark Stewart, President and CEO. "The STC for the new Garmin GTN series allows us to tap into a significant upgrade market. Our initial focus will be on upgrades to the Lear 20 series, Lear 30 series, and Lear 50 series airplanes. There are over 800 of these Learjets flying. The Garmin GTN upgrade provides significant functionality upgrades to the airplanes at a very cost-effective price."

  9. [verwijderd] 30 mei 2012 17:39

    DirkFrank schreef op 30 mei 2012 16:18:

    Zorgelijk. Plaatst de deal met TT niet in de zon maar schaduw....
    Misschien derhalve de downgrade van SP. Wie zal het zeggen.
    Hopen op echt goed nieuws. Bericht uit UK gisteren gaf geen impulse.
    Wellicht op de WWDC van Apple. Of desnoods van de RVC/RVB van TT..
    Toen de deal met BlackBerry bekend werd, wist iedereen dat BlackBerry te maken heeft met verlies aan marktaandeel. Toch is het nog steeds een grote partij met een hoop cash. En een enthousiaste developers community rond het toekomstige BlackBerry 10. BlackBerry is de nummer 3 na Samsung en Apple. Met ver daarachter Nokia de nummer 4.

    Dus het gaat wat te ver om nu te stellen dat die deal tussen TomTom en BlackBerry niet interessant is. Maar misschien beter om de Q2 cijfers eens goed te kijken wat de inkomsten aan Licensing doen.
  10. [verwijderd] 30 mei 2012 20:34

    *Justin* schreef:


    Toen de deal met BlackBerry bekend werd, wist iedereen dat BlackBerry te maken heeft met verlies aan marktaandeel. Toch is het nog steeds een grote partij met een hoop cash. En een enthousiaste developers community rond het toekomstige BlackBerry 10. BlackBerry is de nummer 3 na Samsung en Apple. Met ver daarachter Nokia de nummer 4.

    Dus het gaat wat te ver om nu te stellen dat die deal tussen TomTom en BlackBerry niet interessant is. Maar misschien beter om de Q2 cijfers eens goed te kijken wat de inkomsten aan Licensing doen.
    Justin wat weet jij over het feit dat TomTom bij iOS een keer in de disclaimer stond. Of kwam dit alleen omdat TomTom licenties aan Google maps verkocht had. Ik kan er niet zoveel over vinden.

  11. [verwijderd] 30 mei 2012 23:13

    Barry93 schreef op 30 mei 2012 20:34:


    Justin wat weet jij over het feit dat TomTom bij iOS een keer in de disclaimer stond. Of kwam dit alleen omdat TomTom licenties aan Google maps verkocht had. Ik kan er niet zoveel over vinden.


    Let op he, het gaat om rumours...
  12. [verwijderd] 31 mei 2012 13:24
    Apple to Become Direct Mobile Service Provider, Says Analyst

    Whitey Bluestein, a veteran wireless industry strategist who has managed deals for companies such as AT&T, Intel, T-Mobile, Verizon and Microsoft, believes that Apple is planning to become a direct mobile service provider. Gasp. Shriek. Yell. Seriously?

    Bluestein offered that Apple “has the distribution channels, digital content portfolio and customer base to make the move,” along with “more than 250 million credit cards on file for iTunes users who could be billed directly for wireless service.”

    Zie verder www.technobuffalo.com/companies/apple...
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