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militaire aktie tegen iran?

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  1. [verwijderd] 26 juli 2008 14:54
    za 26 jul 2008, 14:05
    TEHERAN - Iran heeft 5000 tot 6000 centrifuges om uranium te verrijken. Dat zei de Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad zaterdag, meldden Iraanse staatsmedia.

    Teheran ruziet allang met de internationale gemeenschap over zijn nucleair programma. Een aantal landen waaronder de VS verdenken Iran ervan in het geheim te werken aan een kernwapen.

    In mei stond in een rapport van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA), de nucleaire waakhond van de VN, dat in de fabriek in Nantanz 3500 centrifuges functioneren om uranium te verrijken. Diplomaten bij het IAEA lieten toen al weten dat het aantal aan het eind van de zomer zou zijn opgelopen tot 6000

    Mijn mening als dit zo doorgaat: Voor het eind van het jaar is Iran aan de beurt door Israël en of VS
  2. [verwijderd] 26 juli 2008 15:38
    ‘Ik denk dat het maar tot november zal duren, want dan wordt Iran aangevallen. Maar dat betekent in elk geval dat wij een goed seizoen hebben’, zegt Eddé.

    Dit werd gewoon even tusssen neus en lippen verteld in dit artikel: www.dag.nl/1088764/NIEUWS/Artikelpagi...

    De persoon Edde Sands is eigenaar van een feestwalhala in Libanon en ontvangt vele (invloed)rijke gasten...lijkt me dat die toch wel meer weten dan Jan met de Pet...
  3. [verwijderd] 26 juli 2008 16:13
    Israel oefent al lange tijd. Of de operatie is uitgesteld om de Amerikanen via hun onderminister voor buitenlandse zaken de gelegenheid te bieden een laatse poging te doen om via gesprekken tot een oplossing te komen lijkt voor de hand liggend.
    Recentelijk werden oefenvluchten boven Irak met gebruikmaking van Amerikaanse militaire bases door de Iraakse regering ontkend.
    Uiteraard volg ook ik de ontwikkelingen nauwgezet.
    Bij uitzondering voeg ik een bericht toe over oefeningen die al begin vorig jaar werden gehouden.

    Israeli military exercise confirmed in Nicosia FIR
    By Jean Christou
    CYPRUS yesterday confirmed that a large Israeli military exercise took
    place within the Nicosia Flight Information Region (FIR) on February 5 amid
    speculation that Tel Aviv was rehearsing for a unilateral strike on Iran's
    nuclear facilities.

    Civil Aviation Director Leonidas Leonidou said it was not important why the
    exercise was carried out but that Nicosia had been informed.

    However he did admit that permission had been granted for only six planes
    to overfly the Nicosia FIR, while the reports suggested there were 26
    aircraft involved.
    "I don't know how many planes there were. There may have been 20 or more,"
    said Leonidou.

    Israel is unable to carry out large-scale military air manoeuvres due to
    the smallness of its own air space, and regularly carries out exercises in
    the Mediterranean.

    The reports surfaced after an article appeared in the Greek defence
    magazine Diplomatia, which said the planes had also entered the Athens FIR.

    According to the magazine, there was a formation of military aircraft
    consisting of seven Boeing 707s, one Gulfstream electronic warfare
    aircraft, and 25 F-15 Strike Eagle and F-16 fighters.

    It said the manoeuvre was a refuelling exercise by the Israeli air force
    and that flight plans had been filed with the Nicosia and Athens FIRs but
    only for the Boeing 707s.

    Speculation has been rife recently that Israel planned to face the Iranian
    nuclear threat alone.

    British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported late last month that Israel
    was negotiating with the US over permission for an "air corridor" over Iraq
    should an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities become necessary.

    This was followed by reports in Israeli newspaper Haaretz on February 25,
    quoting a Kuwaiti paper that Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates would
    be willing to allow the Israeli Air Force to enter their airspace in order
    to reach Iran in case of an attack on its nuclear facilities. It also said
    NATO leaders were urging Turkey to open its air space for an attack on

    British Respect MP George Galloway also said recently that Israel had been
    'practising' its mid-air refuelling capabilities on a weekly basis by
    flying as far as Gibraltar and back.

    Leonidou said he did not want to comment on "the politics of Iran". "If
    they coordinate flight plans and we know, then there is no reason for us to
    be concerned because they are not endangering other aircraft within the
    Nicosia FIR," he said.

    "As long as they coordinate with us, that is what is important. They did
    not ask for anything that is beyond reason. In any case it doesn't concern
    our air space. It's the FIR and our FIR is big."

    The Israeli embassy in Nicosia said it was checking into the reports. A
    spokesman confirmed they had asked for permission for six planes to
    overfly, and had done so numerous times in the past.

    "This doesn't happen often, maybe a few times a year," said the spokesman
  4. [verwijderd] 26 juli 2008 17:20
    Iran announces nuclear expansion
    Jon Leyne
    BBC News, Tehran, 26 July

    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
    President Ahmadinejad says Iran has the right to process uranium for fuel

    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said Iran now possesses 6,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium - nearly twice the number of only a few months ago.

    He has claimed the West has accepted the increase.

    Iran is under UN sanctions, with the demand that it suspend the enrichment programme, which the West fears may be used for nuclear bombs

    His announcement is likely to be met with a degree of scepticism by the outside world.

    The Iranian president has often exaggerated the programme, as a deliberate challenge to the world powers who are trying to restrict Iran's ability to enrich uranium.

    This time he went further, claiming the West had agreed to allow Iran to have 5,000 to 6,000 centrifuges.

    His comments come just as Iran is considering freezing the nuclear programme at current levels, in return for a freeze on new sanctions.

    So perhaps Mr Ahmadinejad is trying to stake a claim to Iran's right to the new higher figure, even if it agrees to a freeze.

    Or perhaps it is just more of the tough rhetoric that he has revived, after a few weeks of relative silence on the nuclear issue.
  5. [verwijderd] 27 juli 2008 15:15
    TEHERAN - In de Iraanse hoofdstad Teheran zijn zondagmorgen 29 gevangenen tegelijkertijd ter dood gebracht.

    Dat meldde de Iraanse staatsomroep IRIB. Het ging om de grootste massa-executie in de islamitische republiek in jaren.

    "29 Drugssmokkelaars en bekende gangsters zijn bij dageraad opgehangen in de Evin-gevangenis. Deze criminelen hebben duizenden kilo's drugs het land in en uit gesmokkeld'', meldde IRIB.

    Een deel van de opgehangen gevangenen was veroordeeld voor andere zware misdrijven als moord en verkrachting.

    Meeste executies
    Volgens mensenrechtenorganisatie Amnesty International was Iran in 2007 na China het land met de meeste executies ter wereld.
    De doodstraf werd vorig jaar in Iran 317 keer ten uitvoer gelegd. Volgens een telling van het Franse persbureau AFP zijn er in 2008 al zeker 155 executies geweest.

    In Iran geldt de sharia, de islamitische wet. De doodstraf staat op onder meer moord, verkrachting, gewapende roof, drugshandel en overspel.
  6. forum rang 10 bp5ah 27 juli 2008 16:55

    jan wandelaar schreef:


    In Iran geldt de sharia, de islamitische wet. De doodstraf staat op onder meer moord, verkrachting, gewapende roof, drugshandel en overspel.
    Geef mij de efteling maar ...


    hebben ze daar ijsberen??
    dan zien ze me niet.

    Ja deze Jan.



  7. [verwijderd] 28 juli 2008 11:01
    "Time": Israel attack on Iran after vote, if at all
    The magazine claims Israel seeks to avoid harming the chances of Republican presidential candidate John McCain of being elected.
    Ran Dagoni, Washington 27 Jul 08 11:12
    The chances of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear installations is slim, and any military action will only be taken after the US presidential election in November, to avoid harming the chances of Republican candidate Senator John McCain of being elected, writes "Time" magazine.
    In its article entitled "Israel's debate over an Iran strike," "Time" says that a former senior Mossad officer told it that "Israel is mindful that an air strike on Iran would jolt the US presidential election, probably rebounding badly on Republican contender, Senator John McCain." Time adds, "Sources say that Israel sees a narrow "window of opportunity" for military action opening up between November and the swearing-in of the new American president next January. 'No Israel leader wants to be blamed for destroying the Republican chances,' says the former Mossad officer."

    "An Israeli military planner estimates that Iran will reach "the point of no return" in developing the capacity to build nuclear weapons by early 2009. The US sees things differently, he says, calculating that Iran will have enriched enough uranium to weapons-grade to be able to build a bomb by mid-2010. Both scenarios, says the Israeli planner, 'give them some leeway for negotiations, but not much.

    "Despite Israel's top-notch air force, launching a long-range strike against a multitude of hidden targets in Iran entails huge risks and uncertain rewards. At most, say Israeli intelligence sources, an attack - which Israel would undertake with only a nod and perhaps logistical support from the US - is likely to stall Iran's program by just a year or two. And that makes the cost-benefit analysis weigh against an air strike on Iran, according to some senior Israeli officials who urge caution," "Time" says.

    "Time" notes that both the active and retired intelligence officials it spoke to, "tended to dismiss Iran's threats of retaliation against Israel and the US. Ephraim Halevy, the previous Mossad chief who now heads the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, says, "Iran is not 10 feet tall." Halevy contends that a barrage of Iran's missiles on Israel would not do too much damage, since dozens would be shot down by Israel's advanced antimissile system."

    Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on July 27, 2008

  8. [verwijderd] 28 juli 2008 11:57
    MOSKOU - Rusland gaat vijf of zes nieuwe vliegdekschepen bouwen. Ook worden de nucleaire onderzeeërs van de Borei-klasse gemoderniseerd.Rusland heeft op dit moment maar een vliegdekschip. De eens zo formidabele Sovjetvloot is na de val van de Sovjet-Unie volledig uiteengevallen.

    Nu de economie aantrekt onder invloed van de hoge olieprijs wil Rusland ook weer op zee een rol van betekenis gaan spelen. Met de modernisering van de vloot wordt in 2012 begonnen.

    USA losing grip?
  9. [verwijderd] 28 juli 2008 13:41
    Pentagon chief: War with Iran would be 'disastrous'
    By Amir Oren, Haaretz Correspondent
    Tags: U.S., Iran, Israel 28-07

    A war with Iran would be "disastrous on a number of levels," according to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

    In an article appearing in the latest issue of Parameters, the U.S. Army War College quarterly, Gates wrote that with the army already bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan, "another war in the Middle East is the last thing we need" - despite the fact that Iran "supports terrorism," is "a destabilizing force throughout the Middle East and Southwest Asia and, in my judgment, is hell-bent on acquiring nuclear weapons."

    Nevertheless, he continued, "the military option must be kept on the table, given the destabilizing policies of the regime and the risks inherent in a future Iranian nuclear threat, either directly or through nuclear proliferation."

    Gates offered these remarks on Iran as commentary on how to apply an axiom uttered by General Fox Connor in the early 20th century: "Never fight unless you have to." But this is not the first time he has warned against war with Iran; he also did so in a speech at West Point, the U.S. military academy, three months ago. The current article is based on that speech.

    Any statement by Gates bears special importance because Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential hopeful who generally opposes the current administration's foreign and defense policy, has praised Gates lavishly and even hinted that he might ask him to retain his post under an Obama presidency.

    Meanwhile, in another document bearing his signature that is due to be published soon, the 2008 National Defense Strategy, Gates omits Israel from the list of the United States' main allies.

    The National Defense Strategy is an official document that reflects the secretary's directives to the armed forces. It replaces the version issued in 2005 by Gates' predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld. Although Gates signed off on the document about a month ago, it has yet to be published officially; however, a copy appears on the Inside Defense Web site.

    In this document, too, Gates wrote that Iran's support for terror, efforts to undermine the nascent democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan and pursuit of nuclear weapons constitute a serious challenge to the security of the region ¬ one that U.S. policy must address.

    However, he also used the document to discuss America's allies.

    "Our closest allies - the U.K., Australia, and Canada. Other long standing alliances NATO, Japan and South Korea foremost among them. We will work to expand and strengthen other relationships, including with India," the document states.

    But Israel, which has been listed in other documents as an important U.S. ally, does not appear in this document at all.

    The possibility that Gates might retain his post should Obama win the presidency in November emerged from an interview that the Democratic candidate gave to Defense News earlier this month.

    "Secretary Gates has brought a level of realism and professionalism and planning to the job that is worthy of praise," the publication quoted Obama as saying. "But whether that means he would continue in that position, or would even want to, I think that's something that will be determined later. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself."
  10. [verwijderd] 28 juli 2008 13:45
    Last update - 07:27 26/07/2008
    Report: Ex-Mossad chief says strike on Iran could 'affect us for 100 years'
    By Haaretz Service
    Tags: Iran, nuclear, U.S., Mossad

    Former Mossad Chief Ephraim Halevy told Time magazine in an interview published Thursday that an Israeli attack on Iran "could have an impact on us for the next 100 years" and should only be considered as a last resort.

    Halevy, who currently heads the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, added that an Iranian attack on Israel would probably have little impact, because Iranian missiles would largely be intercepted by Israel's advanced anti-missile defense system.

    Another former senior Mossad official, who reportedly served during Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's administration, told the American magazine that "Iran's achievement is creating an image of itself as a scary superpower when it's really a paper tiger."
    An additional Israeli source told Time that Israel sees the period between the U.S. elections in November and the president's inauguration in January as the "window of opportunity" for a possible attack on Iran. The source explained that any military move against Iran would not be carried out before the elections, because it would negatively impact the presidential candidates, especially Republican candidate John McCain and "No Israel leader wants to be blamed for destroying the Republican chances," Time cited the source as saying.

    However, the magazine quoted intelligence sources as saying that an Israeli attack on Iran would likely stall the Islamic republic's nuclear aspirations only by "a year or two."

    Launching a long-range strike against a multitude of hidden targets in Iran entails huge risks and uncertain rewards, which makes the cost-benefit analysis weigh against an air strike on Iran, according to some senior Israeli officials who urge caution.
  11. [verwijderd] 29 juli 2008 21:15
    WASHINGTON (AFP)--U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Iran Tuesday not to delay a decision on an international offer of incentives in return for halting sensitive nuclear work, ahead of a Saturday deadline.
    "The Iranians should know that this is not going to be a matter that they can stall," Rice told reporters after talks with Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini at her office. "The world is watching."
    Asked what would happen if there was no satisfactory response from Iran, Rice said, "We have been very clear that we have two tracks - if one track is not working, then we are going to have to go to the other."
    The two-track approach consists of negotiations on the one hand and punitive sanctions on the other.
    Iran, already under three sets of U.N. Security Council sanctions, was given a two-week deadline which expires Saturday to respond to the offer by the permanent U.N. Security Council members - the U.K., China, France, Russia and the United States - along with Germany.
    The offer includes trade incentives and help with a civilian nuclear program in return for Iran suspending uranium enrichment, a process which could be used to make a nuclear bomb.
    The offer was officially made this month by E.U. foreign policy chief Javier Solana, the point man for the world powers in talks with Iran.
    -Dow Jones Newswires, 201-938-5500
    Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most important business and market news, analysis and commentary: www.djnewsplus.com/al?rnd=ejZJCnpbMw1... You can use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    July 29, 2008 14:57 ET (18:57 GMT)
    © 2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
  12. [verwijderd] 29 juli 2008 22:12
    TEHRAN (AFP)--Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Iran would continue talks with world powers aimed at resolving the crisis over its nuclear program provided the talks proceed "on equal footing."
    "Tehran is interested in continuing nuclear talks but the talks should be just and on equal footing," Ahmadinejad was quoted by the Mehr news agency as telling visiting South African Foreign Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.
    "We welcome the U.S. presence in the talks," Ahmadinejad told Dlamini-Zuma on the sidelines of a foreign ministers' meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran.
    "These kinds of talks should continue until we reach an agreement. Understanding and talks are a two-way matter but if one side puts forward conditions then it becomes unfair and it is natural that no nation will accept this," he said.
    "(They) should not put any illegal conditions on the talks since this will wreck the negotiation process. Iranians will not give up even an inch of their rights," said Ahmadinejad.
    Iran was given a two-week deadline, which expires Saturday, to give a final answer to world powers who have offered a package of incentives to try to persuade Iran to halt sensitive nuclear work.
    But Iran has rejected any deadline, saying it was agreed in Geneva that it would use the two-week period to examine the proposal. The proposal was offered by the permanent U.N. Security Council members - the U.K., China, France, Russia and the United States - along with Germany.
    Earlier Tuesday, Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili gave an upbeat assessment of the talks with world powers.
    "The negotiations have been positive and progressive, and in Geneva the seven nations got a better understanding of one another's views," Jalili was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.
    Ahmadinejad, meanwhile, told visiting Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem that the U.S. is too preoccupied to attack Iran.
    "The behind-the-scenes strategists in the United States know that it will take 20 years to compensate for the repeated defeat of (President George W.) Bush's actions," he told the Syrian foreign minister.
    "Therefore they know that initiating a new evil is not in their interests," Ahmadinejad added.
    -Dow Jones Newswires, 201-938-5500
    Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most important business and market news, analysis and commentary: www.djnewsplus.com/al?rnd=ejZJCnpbMw1... You can use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    July 29, 2008 16:06 ET (20:06 GMT)
    © 2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc
  13. [verwijderd] 29 juli 2008 22:15
    WASHINGTON (AFP)--The U.S. believes economic and political pressure are the best ways to dissuade Iran from seeking nuclear weapons, a Pentagon spokesman said Tuesday, following an appeal by Israel's defense minister to keep "all options" on the table.
    The comments followed a meeting at the Pentagon Monday between Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
    "I think the Israelis are keenly aware that we believe the best possible avenue of dissuading the Iranians from pursuing nuclear weapons is through economic and political pressures," said Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary.
    "We certainly understand that the Israelis view a nuclear Iran as an existential threat - they have made that abundantly clear to us, to the world. And we are working diligently to prevent that from happening," he said.
    "But the way we are focusing our efforts is on diplomatic, economic, financial pressures," he said.
    Morrell added that "a military option is always available to us. It's not our first choice."
    The Israeli defense ministry, meanwhile, said Barak had urged Gates to keep all options open.
    "A policy that consists of keeping all options on the table must be maintained," the ministry Barak as saying.
    "Iran's plans pose a threat to regional and global stability. We insist that it is vital to continue tightening the economic and financial sanctions imposed on the Iranians," he said.
    The United States and Israel are both convinced that Iran's nuclear program is aimed at acquiring nuclear weapons. Iran insists that it is for civilian energy purposes only and has defied international sanctions over the program.
    Despite the difference in emphasis, Morrell said the two sides had a "shared strategic vision and a common understanding of the threats to the Middle East and emanating from it."
    Gates assured Barak that they would explore providing Israel with additional defensive capabilities, Morrell said.
    The Pentagon press secretary declined to confirm an Israeli statement that the capabilities included a forward-deployed missile defense radar, missile early warning launch data, and counter-measures against short-range rockets and mortars.
    Morrell said the Barak-Gates meeting was kept small on purpose to keep details from getting out.
    Gates was accompanied by Admiral Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Eric Edelman, the undersecretary of defense for policy. Barak was with the Israeli ambassador to Washington and a general, Morrell said.
    -Dow Jones Newswires, 201-938-5500
    Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most important business and market news, analysis and commentary: www.djnewsplus.com/al?rnd=ejZJCnpbMw1... You can use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    July 29, 2008 16:11 ET (20:11 GMT)
    © 2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
  14. [verwijderd] 31 juli 2008 14:56
    JERUSALEM (AFP)--Israel expressed concern on Thursday about a German company's contract to build three liquified natural gas plants in Iran amid sanctions aimed at halting Tehran's nuclear enrichment program.
    "The ministry will talk to the highest officials within the German government to obtain clarification and express its concern over the fact that the German office of export controls gave its green light to the contract," foreign ministry spokesman Arye Mekel told AFP.
    "The German government's decision is contrary to the spirit of the sanctions imposed by the U.N. Security Council against Iran," he said.
    The Simon Wiesenthal Centre on Wednesday urged German Chancellor Angela Merkel to block the EUR100 million deal between Germany's Steiner and the Iranian government for plants that would produce 10,000 barrels a day.
    The German government has reduced export guarantees with Iran and German banks have largely ceased doing business with the Islamic republic over its nuclear program.
    Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most important business and market news, analysis and commentary: www.djnewsplus.com/al?rnd=%2B%2B0A4EK... You can use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    July 31, 2008 08:51 ET (12:51 GMT)
    © 2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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