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  1. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2010 16:17
    'Maak vaccin baarmoederhalskanker gratis'
    10 september 2010, 16:02 | ANP
    AMSTERDAM (ANP) - Het vaccin dat jonge meisjes toegediend kunnen krijgen tegen baarmoederhalskanker, zou in het basispakket van de ziektekostenverzekering moeten worden opgenomen. Niemand hoeft dan meer extra te betalen. Daarvoor heeft hoogleraar gynaecologische oncologie Gemma Kenter van het Amsterdamse AMC vrijdag gepleit. Ze aanvaardt vrijdag haar hoogleraarschap.

    De overheid biedt het vaccin sinds kort gratis aan. Meisjes krijgen automatisch een uitnodiging om de prikken te komen halen. Maar de opkomst blijkt tot nu toe relatief laag. Als de meisjes of hun ouders later alsnog een vaccin willen, moeten ze in totaal 375 euro betalen voor de drie injecties die het inenten omvat. Volgens Kenter is dat een hoge drempel voor mensen met een kleine beurs. ,,Je zal maar drie dochters hebben.''

    Inmiddels is van de 12-jarige meisjes 53 procent gevaccineerd en van de meisjes in de leeftijdsgroep van dertien tot zestien jaar 47 procent. De lage opkomst heeft waarschijnlijk te maken met angst voor bijwerkingen. Volgens het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) is die angst ongegrond.

    In Nederland sterven per jaar ongeveer 250 vrouwen aan baarmoederhalskanker.

  2. flosz 9 november 2010 07:56
    THERAPEUTIC Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine (pre-clinical): Today Crucell announces the start of a discovery program leading to the development and commercialization of an HPV vaccine. Genital infection with HPV is very common in both men and women and usually spontaneously cleared within one year after infection. In about 1% of individuals, however, HPV persists, ultimately resulting in genital neoplastic lesions. This discovery program is part of the strategic collaboration with JNJ (see above).
  3. flosz 9 november 2010 10:29
    Crucell start programma voor HPV-vaccin
    Crucell nv (CRXL.AE) begint met een programma voor een vaccin tegen Humaan Papillomavirus of HPV.

    Het programma is onderdeel van de strategische samenwerking met Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) via dochteronderneming Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, aldus de Leidse vaccinproducent.

    Het doel van deze samenwerking uit 2009 is om innovatieve producten te ontwikkelen, waaronder antilichamen, voor de preventie en behandeling van griep. Het HPV-programma moet uiteindelijk leiden tot de ontwikkeling en commercialisatie van een vaccin tegen het virus
  4. flosz 9 november 2010 10:32
    Immunise boys against HPV: CSL
    CSL Limited believes the Government should fund a program to protect boys from Human Papillomavirus (HPV) after its vaccine, Gardasil, was approved for use in males.
    Following the decision from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to extend its indication for Gardasil to males aged nine to 26, CSL submitted an application for Government funding through the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for a gender neutral vaccination program.
    The TGA approval coincided with the publication of a study in The Lancet, which revealed vaccinating males against HPV types 16 and 18 was a cost-effective way of preventing genital warts and anal cancers in men who have sex with men (MSM).
    The research supported a vaccine program, but it did not conclude that introducing a similar routine vaccination scheme to the one already in place for girls aged 12 – 13 would be the most cost-effective option, despite CSL’s calls boys to be added to that program.
    “:The findings suggest that routine vaccination of all men and boys, already thought to have diminishing value as uptake in girls increase, might not be the best way to prevent anal cancer and genital warts in MSM.
    “Instead, programs targeting HPV vaccination of MSM at old ages, when more men have established and are willing to disclose their sexual identity, might be a good approach to reach this high risk group,” the author said.
    Sexual health physician at the Royal Perth Hospital’s sexual health services, Dr Jenny McCloskey welcomed the TGA approval of the vaccine for males.
    “The extension of this indication provides an opportunity to offer Gardasil to adolescent males and young men. The burden of genital warts in young males is significant,” she said.
  5. [verwijderd] 29 november 2010 22:11
    New Discovery May Offer Cure for Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
    Last update: 11/29/2010 10:12:00 AM

    MONMOUTH JUNCTION, N.J., Nov. 29, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --

    Tamir Biotechnology, Inc. (ACEL) (formerly Alfacell Corporation) announced today that scientists supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) reported test results confirming two of our lead compounds showed excellent in vitro antiviral activity and no cellular toxicity at dose levels tested for Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

    Testing was performed using the HPV 11 strain, which along with HPV type 6, is responsible for ninety percent of genital or anal warts. According to the scientist performing the test, the results were among the top one to two percent seen by the researcher for testing of HPV type 11. The report states the following: "Excellent antiviral activity and no cellular toxicity at doses tested."

    Within the last several months, we have reported significant results for our compounds against Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, SARS, CMV, and now HPV. We are on the cusp of building an impressive antiviral portfolio that will be targeting viruses where there is currently an unmet need. Besides the fact that our drugs have shown significant antiviral activity against the viruses mentioned above, equally impressive is the fact that very low concentrations of our drugs were needed in order to show this significant antiviral activity.

    It is important to realize that Onconase(R), our lead compound, has been in clinical studies for other oncology indications and has proven itself to be well tolerated in over 1,000 patients treated to date. We cannot stress enough how significant our drug safety profile is as we look into entering into human clinical trials for those viruses where we have reported significant antiviral activity without the toxicity levels inherent with other viral therapies.

    "This latest HPV result confirms and validates the broad range of antiviral activity our compounds have demonstrated in both RNA and DNA viruses. It is quite unusual to find a group of compounds targeting a broad range of viruses from different viral families. These are very exciting times for our shareholders, primary care physicians, and for those patients suffering from these diseases who, for so long, have been waiting for drugs that are safe and effective," stated Tamir Chief Executive Officer Charles Muniz.
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