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INSM - Insmed - Deel 16

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  1. [verwijderd] 28 januari 2008 19:47
    Deel 15 heeft de 2.000 berichten overschreden, daarom wordt het tijd voor een zestiende deel INSM - Insmed

    --- Vorige delen ---
    Deel 15 (19-03-2007 / 28-01-2008): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 14 (24-02-2007 / 19-03-2007): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 13 (03-02-2007 / 24-02-2007): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 12 (27-12-2006 / 03-02-2007): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 11 (11-12-2006 / 27-12-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 10 (02-12-2006 / 11-12-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 9 (22-11-2006 / 02-12-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 8 (11-11-2006 / 22-11-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 7 (26-10-2006 / 11-11-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 6 (18-09-2006 / 26-10-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 5 (28-08-2006 / 18-09-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 4 (10-08-2006 / 28-08-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 3 (19-07-2006 / 10-08-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 2 (07-07-2006 / 19-07-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...
    Deel 1 (22-08-2005 / 07-07-2006): www.iex.nl/forum/topic.asp?forum=215&...

    --- Website bedrijf ---

    --- Koersen ---

    --- Insider / Institutional holdings ---

    --- Producten in ontwikkeling ---
    IPLEX - www.go-iplex.com

    --- Andere bronnen van informatie ---

    --- Informatie toevoegen? ---
    Om deze startpost uitgebreider te maken kunnen jullie concrete info/links mailen naar forum@iex.nl. Wij zullen deze informatie, mits geschikt, toevoegen aan deze startpost!

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Ferdinand van der Wal
  2. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2008 16:03
    Insmed President Interviewed for Follow-On Biologics Podcast:
    Insmed Inc. President Steve Glover Discusses Safe and Effective Biologic Therapies and Reduced Costs with The American MagazineLast update: 1/29/2008 9:50:00 AM
    LOCATION: RICHMOND, VA, January 29, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/
    -- The American Magazine has just released a Podcast interview with Insmed Therapeutic Proteins President Steve Glover on how a generic, or follow-on biologics, industry is good for patients and can stem soaring healthcare costs as new therapies increasingly come from biotechnology. The American Magazine is the American Enterprise Institute's magazine of business and economics. In the podcast, Mr. Glover discusses the need for Congress to establish a clear pathway for the approval, regulation and production of follow-on biologics, enhancing access to biologics therapies for millions of Americans, as the 1984 Hatch-Waxman Act did for pharmaceuticals. Follow-on biologics are versions of approved biologics that are developed after the original product has been created with the intention of marketing them after the patent on the innovator product has expired, thus bringing competition to monopolistic markets. Biologics comprise one of the fastest growing and most expensive categories of drugs. It is estimated that 50% of approved pharmaceuticals in 2010 will be biotechnology products, with sales estimated to reach $90 billion. According to published reports, an estimated $10 billion worth of biologic drugs are expected to come off patent by 2010 (with an additional $10 billion by 2015) but currently are immune from competition. Follow-on biologics would provide safe and effective therapies at a reduced cost following the expiration of the original product's patent.
  3. [verwijderd] 31 januari 2008 21:13

    Opsteker voor Hillary
    Bij de Democraten is de zaak beklonken: Hillary Clinton verplettert Barack Obama. Ze haalt 50 procent, Obama 33 procent. John Edwards wordt alweer roemloos derde (14 procent). De Democraten hebben in de staat geen campagne gevoerd vanwege een conflict tussen de nationale en regionale partijtakken. De partij heeft haar gedelegeerden van Florida het stemrecht ontzegd, omdat de afdeling ermee instemde om de voorverkiezingen vóór 'Super Tuesday' (5 februari) te houden.

    Dat Hillary wint is belangrijk voor Insmed, zij staat immers achter de generieke geneesmiddelen

  4. [verwijderd] 31 januari 2008 21:37

    marieke2 schreef:

    Opsteker voor Hillary
    Bij de Democraten is de zaak beklonken: Hillary Clinton verplettert Barack Obama. Ze haalt 50 procent, Obama 33 procent. John Edwards wordt alweer roemloos derde (14 procent). De Democraten hebben in de staat geen campagne gevoerd vanwege een conflict tussen de nationale en regionale partijtakken. De partij heeft haar gedelegeerden van Florida het stemrecht ontzegd, omdat de afdeling ermee instemde om de voorverkiezingen vóór 'Super Tuesday' (5 februari) te houden.

    Dat Hillary wint is belangrijk voor Insmed, zij staat immers achter de generieke geneesmiddelen

    Ietwat oud nieuws. Kennedy steunt Obama, waarschijnlijk Edwards ook.
    Ergo, even supertuesday afwachten, svp.

  5. [verwijderd] 31 januari 2008 21:42
    Barr has worked with the National Governors Association to convince a bipartisan group of about 20 governors to urge congressional leaders to pass a biogenerics bill.

    “It’s a lot easier for us to get a Republican governor to write a letter saying, ‘You really need to help us with the high cost of insulin,’ than it is to get them to write a letter saying ‘You really need to help protect the monopoly of a drug company,’” Hansen said.

    On the Democratic side, Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois, who are locked in a tight race for their party’s presidential nomination, support biogenerics legislation in the Senate, Hansen said.

    Whether it’s this year or next, Barr believes it has its bets covered.

    “There’s no immediate rush, because we know when the time is ripe, it’s peaches and cream,” Geduldig said. “We’re going to win.”


  6. [verwijderd] 5 februari 2008 16:05
    2 PR Pr's:

    Insmed Launches National Awareness Campaign Surrounding Follow-On Biologics

    RICHMOND, Va., Feb 05, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- Insmed Inc. (Nasdaq: INSM), a developer of follow-on biologics and biopharmaceuticals, today announced that it has launched a broad education campaign on the importance of establishing a regulatory pathway in the U.S. for large molecule protein-based drugs, known as follow-on biologics (FOBs), which are also commonly referred to as biosimilars or biogenerics.

    The scientific, regulatory, and legal framework for the approval of small-molecule generic drugs is well developed, and a regulatory system for approving FOBs was established in Europe in 2006. However, no regulatory pathway currently exists for FOBs in the U.S.

    Insmed has launched a number of public initiatives to promote awareness of the need for Congress to establish a pathway for approval of FOBs, which would enhance patient access to and reduce costs for expensive biotech drugs. Following Insmed CEO Geoffrey Allan's recent testimony before the U.S. Congress, Insmed has initiated multiple efforts to enhance awareness of this important issue, including:

    -- The commissioning and upcoming release of an economic study on the
    savings a FOBs market would provide to patients and healthcare
    -- An enhanced Insmed website containing enhanced FOB resources and
    -- Interactive advocacy program utilizing user-generated content and
    social networking platforms;
    -- Stakeholder outreach and events with patient, healthcare provider,
    employer, and policy groups.

    "We hope that this renewed attention and the inception of these initiatives will shed some light onto the significant need for Congress to adopt legislation so patients can receive affordable access to life-saving biotech drugs," said Geoffrey Allan, Ph.D., CEO of Insmed. "Given Europe's previously established regulatory pathway for FOBs, the U.S. is clearly lagging behind other nations in responding to this critical healthcare issue."

    "Insmed is very much at the forefront of the evolving FOB industry," continued Dr. Allan. "We have the capacity and intellectual capital to successfully develop FOBs, and are determined to continue working diligently to ensure an effective regulatory pathway is established as soon as possible, and are prepared to enter the market as soon as this becomes a reality."

    Insmed is currently developing a portfolio of FOBs and intends to initiate clinical trials for its first two FOBs in 2008. Members of Insmed's skilled biologics team have worked on over 50 therapeutic proteins. Their focused protein-based drug development backgrounds, coupled with the Company's FDA-approved protein manufacturing facility, and clinical and regulatory expertise, positions Insmed, upon the establishment of a regulatory pathway, to be an initial entrant into the U.S. FOBs market with a broad range of medicines following the expiration of patents covering the innovator products.

    According to published reports, an estimated $10 billion worth of biologic drugs are expected to come off patent by 2010 (with an additional $10 billion by 2015). FOBs would provide safe and effective therapies at a reduced cost following the expiration of the original product's patent.


    Insmed CEO Issues Statement on White House FY09 Budget and FDA Statements on Follow-On Biologics

    RICHMOND, Va., Feb 05, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- Insmed Inc. (Nasdaq: INSM) CEO Geoffrey Allan issued the following statement today following the White House FY09 Budget and Food and Drug Administration statements on developing an approval pathway for follow-on biologics:

    "Insmed is very pleased to see that the White House recognizes the importance of establishing a follow-on biologics approval pathway to deliver safe and more affordable medicines to Americans.

    "We are also pleased by news of the Food and Drug Administration's preparation of a proposal to assist the Congress in moving forward with legislation to establish an approval pathway for follow-on biologics.

    "We hope that the attention this important issue has received from both the White House and FDA will move Congress to adopt follow-on biologics legislation so patients can receive safe and affordable access to generic versions of these life-saving biotech drugs."

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