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  1. [verwijderd] 9 mei 2007 19:01
    Mooi zo. Dat betekent dat iedereen verwacht dat Bernanke een uiterst positief verhaal zal brengen. Dan kan het dus alleen maar tegenvallen. Overigens hoop ik dat vriend Wolfowitz er vanavond nog uitgeschopt wordt. Een ongelukje voor Cheney is ook niet weg. Dan kan Bush thuis in Texas gaan zitten treuren om z'n Irakvriendjes.
  2. [verwijderd] 9 mei 2007 19:17
    Denk ik ook... ik zit al flink in de puts, heb me vanmiddag in moeten houden om mijn posities niet te verdubbelen. Als het verhaal positief wordt gaan we omhoog, bij neutraal denk ik naar beneden en bij negatief wordt het een 'bloedbad'...dan denk ik ook nog even terug aan eerdere jaren rond deze periode en kan de AEX gewoon terug naar 470/480 in 2 weken.


    Pacito schreef:

    Mooi zo. Dat betekent dat iedereen verwacht dat Bernanke een uiterst positief verhaal zal brengen. Dan kan het dus alleen maar tegenvallen. Overigens hoop ik dat vriend Wolfowitz er vanavond nog uitgeschopt wordt. Een ongelukje voor Cheney is ook niet weg. Dan kan Bush thuis in Texas gaan zitten treuren om z'n Irakvriendjes.
  3. [verwijderd] 9 mei 2007 19:27

    martin2006 schreef:

    Denk ik ook... ik zit al flink in de puts, heb me vanmiddag in moeten houden om mijn posities niet te verdubbelen. Als het verhaal positief wordt gaan we omhoog, bij neutraal denk ik naar beneden en bij negatief wordt het een 'bloedbad'...dan denk ik ook nog even terug aan eerdere jaren rond deze periode en kan de AEX gewoon terug naar 470/480 in 2 weken.
    Eerst zien dan geloven. Er is al te vaak gebeurd dat de boel omhooggaat op slechte berichten. Het sentiment is daar gewoon opperbest, en er is zoveel geld beschikbaar dat het bijna niet omlaag kan. Zodra we iets zakken kopen ze daar gewoon weer bij.
  4. [verwijderd] 9 mei 2007 19:30
    De laatste drie kwartier hebben we een vlagpatroon gezien dat meestal - zo heb ik mij laten vertellen - gevolgd wordt door een vervolg van de, in dit geval opgaande, trend. Dat moet dan wel een beetje snel gebeuren lijkt mij, anders zou de vlag wel eens topzwaar kunnen worden.
  5. forum rang 10 bp5ah 9 mei 2007 20:04
    Bernanke May Seek Clearer Rate Signal After Confusion (Update1)

    By Scott Lanman

    May 9 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke may today seek a clearer signal on interest rates after confusing investors with the central bank's last policy statement.

    Bernanke and his colleagues are struggling to describe the potential course of rates as growth sputters and inflation hovers above the level officials would like. The Fed may today keep borrowing costs at 5.25 percent, and sharpen its statement to indicate policy makers still lean toward higher rates -- not the reductions traders saw immediately after the last meeting.

    Investors now expect the Fed to hold off on a rate cut until the fourth quarter, since Bernanke clarified that the central bank is still more focused on inflation. The Fed chief had to correct the impression of the March statement, which removed a warning of tighter policy. Fed President William Poole said last month the statement ``wasn't completely successful.''

    ``They recognize that they didn't convey to markets what they intended,'' said former Fed Governor Lyle Gramley, now senior economic adviser at Stanford Group Co. in Washington. ``There will be some subtle changes in language'' to emphasize that officials still see a pickup in the economy that may justify higher rates.

    Fed officials including Bernanke, who spoke to lawmakers a week after policy makers last met, explained that the change in the statement was a reference to needing ``flexibility'' on rates. The Fed's Open Market Committee on March 21 eliminated a reference to possible ``additional firming'' in policy while stating that inflation was the ``predominant' concern.

    Today's statement will be released at about 2:15 p.m. in Washington. Officials began meeting earlier today.


    This time, the central bank may make some explicit reference to retaining flexibility as risks to growth increase, said Gramley, who predicted the surprise change in language before the March meeting.

    Rising risks to growth ``make it appropriate for policy to retain considerable flexibility in responding to emerging data,'' San Francisco Fed Bank President Janet Yellen said in a New York speech last month. Yellen in April 2006 was the first Fed official to warn of the danger of raising rates too much, four months before the bank halted a two-year run of rate increases.

    All 101 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News predict the FOMC will leave the target rate for overnight loans between banks unchanged for the seventh straight meeting today.

    Experts in communication acknowledge the Fed's challenge: attempting to signal what it can about policy intentions at a time of increasing uncertainty about the economy.

    `Much Harder'

    ``It's much harder for the Fed to communicate why it simultaneously wants to fight inflation and worry about declining economic activity,'' said Gregory Hess, dean of the faculty at Claremont McKenna College and member of the Shadow Open Market Committee, a panel of economists that critiques the Fed.

    Hess, based in Claremont, California, used a computer program to analyze former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan's language and is about to do the same for Bernanke's first year in charge. He said Bernanke should adopt a more ``active'' voice to communicate Fed intentions.

    Economic growth slowed in the first quarter to a 1.3 percent pace, the weakest in four years, and sales of previously owned homes dropped in March by the most since 1989. Employers added 88,000 jobs in April, the smallest gain in more than two years.

    Need for Increase

    Even so, Bernanke and his colleagues expect the expansion to gather momentum in the second half. The Fed also said April 11 in minutes of the March meeting that policy makers still judged higher rates ``might prove necessary to foster lower inflation.''

    The Fed's preferred inflation gauge has been at or above the top of the comfort range of at least a half-dozen policy makers for almost three years, though prices moderated in March. The personal consumption expenditures price index, minus food and energy, rose 2.1 percent from a year before, matching the lowest rate in a year.

    Given the difficulty in laying a course for rates amid changing conditions, Geoffrey Nunberg, a linguist at the University of California at Berkeley, said any statement would still leave investors guessing.

    ``They could shift to more straightforward language, but it isn't as if that would make the process of interpretation that much easier,'' said Nunberg, who chairs the usage panel for the American Heritage Dictionary and wrote ``Talking Right,'' a 2006 book about conservatives' past success with political language.

    Roller Coaster

    Bond investors initially applauded the Fed's March 21 statement, sending yields on two-year Treasury notes down as much as 9 basis points. As economists and analysts digested the statement, they dumped the securities, which now yield 4.67 percent, more than before the last meeting.

    ``They should give us a little bit more in terms of how they want people to see the way they're reading current conditions,'' said Bruce Kasman, chief economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York, who used to work at the Fed. ``The statement has become too short and too unclear in terms of what it's trying to achieve.''

    To contact the reporter on this story: Scott Lanman in Washington at slanman@bloomberg.net .

  6. [verwijderd] 9 mei 2007 20:21
    Federal reserve handhaaft rente op 5,25 %
    Nu de vraag.... wat doet de markt?
    Is het goed nieuws? dan gaan we omhoog.
    Het het verwacht nieuws, dus sentiment is wat negatief dus een zachte landing.
    Een correctie, "bloedbad" zal het niet worden.
    Details schijnen nog te komen, maar Bernanke, zal de woorden wel mooi verpakt hebben met een strikje erom, daar is hij een KEI in.
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