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Windpower - Far East

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 30 juli 2021 09:28
    Iberdrola Acquires Sowitec Vietnam’s 550 MW Green Pipeline

    Iberdrola is continuing its growth in Asian Pacific renewable energy markets, with the acquisition of Sowitec Vietnam, a company with a 550-MW renewable pipeline under development. The pipeline consists of six projects, five onshore wind farms and a 50-MW floating photovoltaic project. The projects, set to be developed between 2022 and 2024 and with capacities ranging between 50 MW and 250 MW, are being developed as part of Vietman's energy strategy, which aims to mainly cover the growth of energy demand with renewable sources.

    This South East Asian country foresees the installation of more than 20,000 MW of renewable capacity by 2030 under long-term power purchase agreements which will require foreign investment. The country, which foresees strong growth in both electricity demand and GDP, maintains a free trade and foreign investment protection agreement with the European Union, signed in 2020.

    The acquired company was part of the German Sowitec group, with presence in 14 countries and a track record of more than 6,000 MW renewables.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 9 augustus 2021 08:16
    Genesis Energy & Tilt Renewables in Kaiwaikawe Wind Farm Pact

    Genesis Energy and Tilt Renewables have executed a conditional 20-year electricity offtake agreement that will provide the foundation for the construction of the 75M W Kaiwaikawe Wind Farm located near Dargaville, Northland. The Kaiwaikawe Wind Farm, previously known as the Omamari Wind Farm, is expected to be completed by early 2024 and supports Genesis' Future-gen strategy to economically displace baseload thermal generation with 2,650GWh per annum of new renewable electricity by 2030.

    The Kaiwaikawe Wind Farm will reduce carbon emissions from Genesis' thermal generation by an estimated 180,000 tonnes per annum. It is the first confirmed project of an RFP process that Genesis has been conducting with more announcements due.

    The two companies partnered in a similar way for the 133MW Waipipi Wind Farm in South Taranaki which was delivered on time despite the impact of COVID-19 on the supply chain and on-site construction activities. It became fully operational in March and is expected to produce approximately 455GWh of renewable generation each year.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 12 augustus 2021 08:49
    Vestas Bags 58 MW Order for Wind project in Australia

    In partnership with Global Power Generation, a subsidiary of the multinational power company Naturgy Group, Vestas has secured a 58 MW deal for Crookwell 3 Wind Farm in New South Wales, Australia. The project will feature 16 V126-3.45 MW wind turbines in 3.6 MW operating mode which Vestas will supply and install. Upon completion, Vestas will also deliver a 15-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreement. This agreement will optimise energy production while also providing long-term business case certainty.

    Delivery of the wind turbines is expected to occur in the second quarter of 2022, with commissioning to commence in the fourth quarter of 2022.

    Crookwell 3 Wind Farm is set to power approximately 40,000 homes and create around 95 jobs during its construction. This project is located in the proximity of Crookwell 1 which was the first wind farm to be established in New South Wales when commissioned in 1998, successfully operating today, the 5 MW project features 8 of Vestas’ V44-600 kW wind turbines.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 17 augustus 2021 09:15
    First Twenty Turbines Connected to the Grid at West Bakr Wind Farm

    Renewable power generation company Lekelahas celebrated a landmark moment as the first 20 turbines at West Bakr Wind farm have now been successfully synchronised, with the wind farm now providing power to the grid. Synchronisation is an important step to completion of the project. Now that this milestone has been reached, the wind farm is producing its first clean energy for Egypt, putting the 250 MW project one step closer to completion.

    Located 30 kilometres north-west of Ras Ghareb, West Bakr Wind is due to become fully operational by the end of 2021. Construction began on the windfarm in September 2019, and the first turbines were installed in late December 2020.

    The project is part of the Egyptian government’s Build, Own Operate scheme, a key part of the government’s ambitious aims to generate 20% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2022. West Bakr Wind will produce over 1000 GWh every year for 20 years and prevent more than 550,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually. On its own, West Bakr Wind will increase Egypt’s wind capacity by 18%.

    The project will have a long-term impact beyond just generating electricity for 20 years. As with all of Lekela’s projects across Africa, the West Bakr Wind Farm has a long-term commitment to the nearby local community of Ras Ghareb. The development of the next stage of this sustainable community plan is underway.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 2 september 2021 08:54
    Kansai EPCO & RWE Join for Floating Offshore Wind Energy in Japan

    Kansai Electric Power and RWE Renewables have signed an agreement to jointly study the feasibility of a large-scale floating offshore wind project off the Japanese coast. The two companies agreed to further strengthen their existing relationship and leverage the complementary strengths of both companies, in support of Japan’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

    Sven Utermöhlen, COO Wind Offshore Global of RWE Renewables: “We see great potential for floating wind farms worldwide - but especially in countries with deeper coastal waters, like Japan. Floating wind could help to raise untapped potential off the Japanese coast. As one of the world’s leading offshore companies, RWE is already progressing innovation in the growing floating wind sector. With Kansai EPCO we have a partner by our side whose local expertise complements our global experience and technical know-how, and who shares our values and ambition to drive the growth of offshore wind in Japan.”

    RWE has a world class track record along the entire offshore wind value chain - from development, construction and production, to route to market. In addition, the company is currently working on three floating demonstration projects in Norway, Spain and the US to test different concepts for floating foundations. In Japan, RWE is also studying the feasibility of bottom-fixed offshore wind projects in various regions, including Akita and Niigata prefectures.

    Kansai EPCO as a leading company of zero-carbon energy, is proactively studying ways to maximise the introduction of renewable energy sources and propel them into mainstream power sources. The company is working to develop more than 2 gigawatts of new renewable energy sources, with the goal of increasing its installed capacity of 6 gigawatts in Japan and overseas by the 2030s. In Japan, Kansai EPCO is promoting the development of offshore wind projects in various regions, including Akita, Yamagata and Nagasaki Prefectures. In Europe, the company has been involved in two offshore wind projects, including one in collaboration with RWE.

    Through this second collaboration the two companies strengthen their partnership further.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  6. Joni-2 9 september 2021 18:53
    Ørsted en T&T ondertekenen MoU over strategische samenwerking voor offshore windprojecten in Vietnam
    09 september 2021 09:49 ET | Bron: Ørsted A/S

    Ørsted, 's werelds meest duurzame energiebedrijf, en T&T Group, een toonaangevend Vietnamees multi-industrieel bedrijf met 80.000 werknemers, hebben vandaag de ondertekening aangekondigd van een memorandum van overeenstemming (MOU) om een ??strategische samenwerking op het gebied van offshore wind in Vietnam te lanceren. De ondertekening vond plaats in het kader van het Vietnamese bezoek op hoog niveau aan Brussel, onder leiding van de voorzitter van de Nationale Vergadering van Vietnam, Zijne Excellentie Vuong Dinh Hue.

    De samenwerking tussen Ørsted en T&T brengt een multi-GW pijplijn van greenfield offshore windprojecten samen voor de kusten van de provincies Binh Thuan en Ninh Thuan, de meest geschikte gebieden van Vietnam voor offshore windontwikkeling. Beide partners zullen de gezamenlijke capaciteiten van hun groepen toepassen om deze offshore windpijpleiding te laten rijpen en werken aan de ondersteuning van de ontwikkeling van een effectief regelgevend kader voor offshore windenergie en een levendige nieuwe industrie in Vietnam.

    Met meer dan 3.200 km kustlijn en hoge constante windsnelheden, heeft Vietnam enkele van de beste omstandigheden voor de ontwikkeling van offshore wind in Azië. De Wereldbankgroep schat het offshore windpotentieel van Vietnam op 500 GW. Naast dit potentieel van wereldklasse, betekent de snel groeiende vraag naar stroom in Vietnam dat er de komende decennia dringend behoefte is aan nieuwe grootschalige betrouwbare stroombronnen. Deze factoren, in combinatie met het sterke supply chain-potentieel van Vietnam, hebben Ørsted en T&T Group ervan overtuigd dat offshore wind een centrale rol zal spelen in de toekomstige energiemix van Vietnam.

    Do Quang Hien, T&T Group President en General Director, zegt: “Tien jaar geleden begonnen we met het onderzoeken en voorbereiden van de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie om klaar te zijn wanneer de tijd rijp was. Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat T&T verschillende grote zonne-PV-projecten heeft voltooid en op schema ligt om tegen het einde van dit jaar vijf grote onshore windprojecten te voltooien. Energie is een strategische focus voor de T&T Group, en met deze samenwerking met Ørsted, de wereldleider in offshore wind, kijken we ernaar uit om onze plannen te versnellen en waardevolle ervaring en internationaal investeringskapitaal naar de offshore windsector in Vietnam te brengen.”

    Martin Neubert, Chief Commercial Officer en Deputy-CEO bij Ørsted, zegt: “Als wereldwijde leider op het gebied van offshore wind, streeft Ørsted naar 30 GW offshore wind in 2030. Om deze ambitieuze uitbouw te ondersteunen, moeten we nauw samenwerken met partners zoals T&T, die een indrukwekkende staat van dienst heeft in het ontwikkelen van grote energieprojecten in Vietnam, en die een diepgaande kennis van de markt heeft. Onze missie is om een ??wereld te creëren die volledig draait op groene energie, en om dit te doen, hebben we sterke steun nodig, dus het is een groot genoegen om een ??marktleider als T&T de handen ineen te slaan bij het creëren van een duurzamere toekomst in Vietnam.”

    Matthias Bausenwein, president van Ørsted Asia Pacific, zegt: “Dit MOU is een belangrijke stap voor Ørsted om een ??sterke positie in Vietnam te verwerven en om onze ambitie te tonen om een ??betrouwbare langetermijnpartner in dit land te zijn. Samen met T&T zijn we verheugd om onze multi-GW-pijplijn te gebruiken om een ??levendige lokale offshore windindustrie op te bouwen en om van Vietnam een ??van de toonaangevende offshore windmarkten in Azië-Pacific te maken. Wij zijn van mening dat wind op zee een van de beste manieren is voor Vietnam om aan zijn snel groeiende vraag naar energie te voldoen, aangezien dit een betrouwbare, binnenlandse stroombron is die op grote schaal en met het juiste kader kan worden ingezet en concurrerend kan zijn. met kolen- en gascentrales.”
  7. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2021 08:36
    Vestas wins 396 MW EnVentus order for Wind Project in Australia
    By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 10:00 am

    In partnership with Tilt Renewables, which is now part of the leading Australian renewable energy generator Powering Australian Renewables (PowAR), Vestas has secured a 396 MW contract for Rye Park Wind Farm in New South Wales, Australia. As the second project in Asia Pacific to feature the EnVentus platform, Vestas will supply and install 66 V162-6.2 MW wind turbines in 6.0 MW operating mode for the project.

    Upon completion, Vestas will also deliver a 30-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. This agreement will optimise energy production while also providing long-term business case certainty. Rye Park Wind Farm will be Vestas’ second largest project in Australia, and the largest wind farm in New South Wales.

    In addition to providing clean energy for the equivalent of approximately 215,000 homes annually, Rye Park Wind Farm will create around 250 jobs during the peak of its construction and up to 10 ongoing regional jobs during its operational life.

    Delivery of Vestas’ wind turbines is expected to occur in the third quarter of 2022, with commissioning to commence in the second quarter of 2023.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 16 september 2021 08:44
    Schlumberger & EnerVenue Metal Hydrogen Stationary Energy Storage

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

    Schlumberger New Energy announced an investment and collaboration agreement to deploy EnerVenue’s uniquely differentiated nickel-hydrogen battery technology, which is a key enabler of stationary energy storage solutions. Schlumberger New Energy and EnerVenue will work together to progress large-scale deployment of nickel-hydrogen battery technology across selected global markets.

    Energy storage solutions are critical to the evolution of the energy mix as the energy transition demands greater contribution from renewable sources. The focus on expanding electrification is accelerating the need for large scale deployment of safe, cost effective, sustainable and reliable stationary energy storage solutions. There is a rapidly growing market for such solutions across utility-scale grid storage, off-grid commercial and industrial storage, and residential sectors.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 17 september 2021 08:17
    Orsted & T&T Sign MoU for Offshore Wind Projects in Vietnam

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

    Orsted and Vietnamese T&T Group announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding to launch a strategic collaboration on offshore wind in Vietnam. The collaboration between Ørsted and T&T brings together a multi-GW pipeline of greenfield offshore wind projects located off the coasts of the Binh Thuan and Ninh Thuan provinces, Vietnam's most suitable areas for offshore wind development. Both partners will apply their groups' joint capabilities to mature this offshore wind pipeline and work to support the development of an effective regulatory framework for offshore wind and a vibrant new industry in Vietnam.

    With more than 3,200 km of coastline and high consistent wind speeds, Vietnam has some of the best conditions for developing offshore wind in Asia. The World Bank Group estimates Vietnam's offshore wind potential to be up to 500 GW. In addition to this world-class potential, Vietnam's rapidly growing demand for power means there is an urgent need for new large-scale reliable power sources in the coming decades. These factors, in combination with Vietnam's strong supply chain potential, have convinced Ørsted and T&T Group that offshore wind has a central role to play in Vietnam's future power mix.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 20 september 2021 08:17
    Siemens Gamesa Opens Nacelle Assembly Facility in Taiwan

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy again pioneers the Taiwanese offshore wind power industry by officially inaugurating its new offshore facility in Taichung. This is the company’s first offshore nacelle assembly facility outside of Europe. As announced in 2019, the facility will now be starting regular operations, after having already completed Taiwan’s very first local offshore wind turbine nacelle assembly in early August 2021. This represents another important milestone for the company in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region, as well as for the offshore wind industry in Taiwan.

    The piece of land developed in Taichung measures over 30,000 square meters, and is currently used for nacelle assembly, testing, warehousing, office buildings, and outdoor storage. Construction started in April 2020 and was completed in Q3 this year. It will support Ørsted’s 900 MW Greater Changhua 1 & 2a Offshore Wind Farms, which will employ SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbines. It will also provide an option for future projects in Taiwan and in the rest of the promising region.

    Siemens Gamesa was awarded the firm order to supply 111 SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbines to Ørsted’s Greater Changhua 1 & 2a projects in January 2019. This order accelerated the development of the now-inaugurated offshore nacelle assembly facility.

    Siemens Gamesa pioneered the entire offshore wind industry in Taiwan in 2016 with the installation of the first two turbines at the 8 MW Formosa 1 Phase 1 pilot project. A ten-fold increase in machines to 20 units was installed in 2019 at Formosa 1 Phase 2. Totaling 128 MW, Formosa 1 was the country’s first commercial offshore wind power project.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2021 10:16
    Vestas Wins 101 MW Order from ReNew Power in India

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

    Vestas has secured a 101 MW order from ReNew Power within renewable energy. The order is for ReNew’s projects in Gujarat and it follows another 101 MW order from ReNew in the same state secured earlier this year. The contract includes supply and supervision of 46 V120-2.2 MW turbines as well as a 10-year Active Output Management (AOM) 5000 service agreement, designed to maximise energy production for the project. With a yield-based availability guarantee, Vestas will provide ReNew Power with long-term business case certainty. Deliveries of the turbines are expected to begin in the first quarter of 2022, while commissioning is expected for the third quarter of the same year.

    This is the second order that Vestas hasd signed with ReNew in the last three months
  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 oktober 2021 07:40
    AIIB & IRENA Team-Up to Accelerate Energy Transition

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    01 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the International Renewable Energy Agency have signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing to work together to support energy transition and promote renewable energy. Under the terms of the MOU, both AIIB and IRENA jointly decide to scale-up their efforts to unlock capital and accelerate the uptake of renewable energy by their members. Mr. La Camera highlighted that this Memorandum bolsters IRENA’s efforts to facilitate the flow of low-carbon capital into the energy transition where it is needed most, including through the Climate Investment Platform, a multi-stakeholder initiative designed to mobilise climate capital, of which IRENA is a founding member.

    Today, Asia is home to about 60 percent of the world’s population and contributes to almost 50 percent of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. The region accounts for nearly half of global renewable-energy capacity, according to IRENA, up from less than one-third a decade ago. However, relative to its size, Asia still lags behind, with renewables accounting for less than 15 percent of total primary energy consumption in 2020.

    Furthermore, developing countries in Asia are expected to account for about two-thirds of global energy growth by 2040. With its vast wealth of affordable and sustainable energy resources, such as hydropower, wind and solar, it is essential that this growth is met by renewable energy capacity.

    Under its Corporate Strategy, AIIB aims at reaching or surpassing by 2025 a 50 percent share of climate finance in its actual financing approvals, reflecting its commitment to support the Paris Agreement. Its Sustainable Energy for Asia Strategy (2017) also sets out a clear framework for how the Bank will invest in energy projects that increase access to clean, safe, affordable and reliable energy for millions of people across Asia.

    The Bank is partnering with IRENA to support AIIB’s mandate and help the Bank achieve its ambitious climate finance targets. AIIB is already playing an important role in increasing private sector investment in the renewable energy sector. Over the last five years, AIIB has invested in 12 renewable energy projects, amounting to USD 1.25 billion in Egypt, India, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Oman, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Nepal.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 4 oktober 2021 08:37
    GE Renewable & Nareva to Build Wind Farm in Morocco

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    04 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    GE Renewable Energy has been selected by Energie Eolienne du Maroc, a leading developer of wind projects and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nareva Holding, to supply 40 onshore wind turbines for the 200 MW Aftissat onshore wind farm extension in Morocco. EEM will operate the Cypress turbines at 5.0 MW, with a rotor diameter of 158m. GE's scope of work also includes a 20-year full-service contract. The project is expected to start operations in 2023 and is intended to support industrial companies under power purchase agreements, in line with Morocco’s goal to install 52% of renewable energy capacity by 2030.

    The Cypress onshore wind platform enables significant Annual Energy Production improvements, increased efficiency in service ability, improved logistics and siting potential, and ultimately more value for customers. The two-piece blade design enables blades to be manufactured at even longer lengths, improving logistics to drive costs down and offer more siting options in locations that were previously inaccessible.

    This marks the first order in Morocco for GE's Cypress onshore wind platform, the company's largest onshore wind turbine in the field, and GE's largest Cypress wind farm in the Middle East & Africa region. This also adds up to GE Renewable Energy’s 287 MW of installed base and backlog in Morocco, which includes the 200 MW Akhfenir wind farm that Nareva and GE have built together in 2016.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 6 oktober 2021 08:49
    SSE Renewables Enters Japanese Offshore Wind Market

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    06 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    SSE Renewables has signed an agreement with Pacifico Energy, one of Japan’s largest developers of renewable energy, to create a joint ownership company that will pursue offshore wind energy development projects in Japan. The creation of the joint ownership company involves the acquisition by SSE Renewables of an 80% interest in an offshore wind development platform from Pacifico Energy. The move to enter Japan’s growing offshore wind market will help support the further expansion and diversification of SSE Renewables’ longer-term growth pipeline.

    Key elements of the transaction include:

    The creation of a new joint ownership offshore wind company which will drive development activities in Japan.

    The transfer of up to 20 Japan based employees from Pacifico Energy to the newly created offshore wind company who will be complemented by SSE Renewables employees.

    Acquisition of a number of early-stage offshore wind development projects geographically spread across Japanese waters, with the potential to progress to deliver multiple GWs. These early-stage projects are expected to use a mixture of fixed and floating technology and are working towards being selected for future auctions.

    The two most advanced projects have secured grid access and advanced local stakeholder engagement has been undertaken.

    By combining the significant local preparatory development work undertaken by the experienced Pacifico Energy team with SSE’s expertise in developing, constructing and operating offshore wind farms, and balance sheet strength, the new entity will progress its 10GW portfolio of early stage development opportunities, with the most advanced aiming to enter bid rounds before or in the mid-2020s. The new company will continue to collaborate fully and openly with local communities and authorities and aim to provide best-in-class integration of offshore wind farms with the local environment.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 7 oktober 2021 09:10
    Iberdrola Completes Wind Farm in Hybrid Plant in Port Augusta

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    07 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    Iberdrola has completed the installation of the last wind turbine at its first wind-solar hybrid project in the world: Port Augusta, located in the state of South Australia, comprising 50 wind turbines and 250,000 solar panels. The renewable facility combines 210 MW of wind power with 107 MW of photovoltaic power and will generate enough clean energy to supply the equivalent demand of 180,000 Australian homes per year once it comes on stream in the coming months. The project represents an investment of A$500 million. Port Augusta's renewable energy supply will help reduce consumer electricity prices and facilitate the decarbonisation of South Australia's economy.

    The project involved global, Australian and Spanish suppliers and is contributing to the consolidation of a renewable industrial fabric in the country:

    Spainsh company Elecnor is the company in charge of building the plant's substation and transmission line, as well as the storage areas and access roads;

    Vestas has installed the 50 wind turbines with a unit capacity of 4.2 MW;

    Longi is supplying the approximately 250,000 solar panels for the photovoltaic plant; and

    Sterling&Wilson will be responsible for its construction.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 12 oktober 2021 08:16
    GE Renewable to Supply Wind Turbines to JSW Energy

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    12 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    GE Renewable Energy has received an order from JSW Energy to supply 810 MW of onshore wind turbines for their upcoming wind farms in Tamil Nadu, India. The turbines will produce enough green energy to meet the annual electricity requirements of more than 2.1 million households in the country. JSW Energy selected GE’s 2.7 MW model assembled at GE Renewable Energy’s multi-modal site in Pune. Blades will be provided by LM Wind Power, a GE Renewable Energy business, from its Indian factory in Halol, Gujrat. This turbine was designed primarily at GE's Technology Centre in Bangalore and is ideally suited for Tamil Nadu’s wind speed regime.

    JSW Energy is currently implementing ~ 2 GW of wind farms in India and has chosen GE to supply the wind turbines for 810 MW of these projects while JSW will use its construction expertise to develop the wind farms. GE will also develop bespoke solutions and trainings to enable JSW teams gain operation and maintenance expertise to operate the wind turbines in the long-term. The supply of the turbines will start by the second quarter of 2022 and be completed by the first quarter of 2023.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 15 oktober 2021 08:03
    AC Energy & BIM Group’s Wind Farm Project Powers Up in Vietnam

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    AC Energy Corporation and the BIM Group announced the start of commercial operations of its latest joint venture development, the 88 MW Ninh Thuan wind farm. The project brings ACEN’s renewable energy capacity in the country to ~1,000 MW in operation and under construction, making Vietnam the company’s second largest market to date after the Philippines. Located in South Central Vietnam, the US$ 155 million wind farm features 22 units of GE Renewable Energy’s Cypress turbines. It is expected to produce 327 GWH per year once fully operational, enough to power around 50,000 homes per year with renewable energy that can help avoid 298,551 tonnes of CO2 annually.

    This is the second joint project of ACEN and the BIM Group following the 405 MW Ninh Thuan solar farm, one of the largest solar farms in Southeast Asia. Inaugurated in 2019, the solar farm reached a significant milestone with a 1 billion KWhr output and clocking in 183,682 man- hours for a sterling performance on health and safety with zero lost time due to accident.

    Ninh Thuan Solar and Ninh Thuan Wind are expected to generate around 900 million KWH of renewable energy per year, establishing the joint venture’s strong support of Vietnam’s energy transition.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 16 november 2021 07:01
    Sembcorp to Acquire 658MW of Wind & Solar Assets in China

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    Sembcorp Industries announced that it has, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Sembcorp Energy (Shanghai) Holding Co Ltd, signed a sale and purchase agreement to acquire a 98% interest in a portfolio of operational wind and solar photovoltaic assets from CGN Capital Partners Infrastructure Fund III and its affiliates for a consideration (net of external debt financing) of approximately RMB 3.3 billion. CGN Capital Partners Infrastructure Fund III is an unlisted private equity infrastructure fund focused on renewable energy infrastructure assets in China.

    The portfolio of wind and solar assets with a total gross installed capacity of 658MW will provide Sembcorp with a scalable renewable platform to drive further growth in China. Located in energy demand centres Hebei, Henan and Shandong provinces, the assets are contracted and are eligible for fixed feed-in tariffs under the China renewable energy policy. For more information on the portfolio, please see the Appendix.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 22 november 2021 07:03
    Nordex Bags Order for 68 MW in Turkey from Enerjisa Üretim

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    The Nordex Group continues to strengthen its position in Turkey: Enerjisa Üretim, the largest independent power plant operator in Turkey, has commissioned the Nordex Group to supply and install twelve N163/5.X turbines for the 68.4 MW Erciyes wind farm. The contract also includes a Premium Service contract for maintenance and service of the turbines for a period of 20 years. It is the first order fort the Nordex Group in Turkey for a wind farm with turbines from the 5 MW class.

    The site for the Erciyes project is located in the province of Kayseri in the region of Central Anatolia. Here, the Nordex Group will install the turbines from the Delta4000 series in the 5.7 MW operating mode on 118-metre tubular steel towers and equip them in the cold climate version. Installation is scheduled to start in summer 2022, with commissioning planned for the end of the same year.

    Enerjisa Üretim is the joint-venture company of Sabanci Holding of Turkey and E.on of Germany. Enerjisa Üretim has an installed capacity of 3,607 MW in Turkey, where 1,574 MW of this portfolio is renewable including 212 MW wind power. The Erciyes project is the initial step of Enerjisa Üretim’s new renewable growth strategy and will be followed with the projects won from the YEKA 2 (second Renewable Energy Resources Zones) tender in the volume of 500 MW.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 22 november 2021 07:04
    Equinor Stepping up Korean Offshore Wind Plans

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

    Equinor has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Korean East-West Power to cooperate on 3 GW of offshore wind projects in South Korea. Together the partners will contribute significantly to the country’s ongoing energy transition and development of an offshore wind industry in Korea. Equinor’s partnership with EWP, one of Korea’s state-owned power generation companies, provides a strong basis for the offshore wind major to take a leading role in developing a pipeline of offshore wind projects needed.

    The MoU between Equinor and EWP confirms Equinor’s strategy of accelerating profitable growth in renewables by creating value from early access at scale in attractive markets, in collaboration with partners that share its vision and goals. Given the Korean coastal water depths, floating solutions are required to realise the South Korean Government’s renewables ambitions. Equinor will bring its decades of floating wind experience and offshore technology to the partnership, including O&M expertise.

    The Korean Government has set out an ambition to grow renewables by ~60 GW to 2034, of which 12GW is targeted for offshore wind by 2030.
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