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  1. Joni-2 19 mei 2021 08:48
    Ørsted, JWD en Eurus vormen een offshore windpartnerschap in Akita, Japan

    19 mei 2021 02:23 ET | Bron: Ørsted A / S

    Het consortium zal op twee gebieden bieden op de eerste offshore windveiling van Japan.

    Ørsted, Japan Wind Development Co. (JWD) en Eurus Energy zijn een partnerschap aangegaan met als doel gezamenlijk offshore windprojecten te ontwikkelen in de prefectuur Akita. De drie bedrijven hebben twee aangewezen offshore windparken ontwikkeld onder de Japanse Offshore Renewable Energy Act van 2018, die beide voor de kust van Akita liggen: het Noshiro / Mitane / Oga offshore windpark en het Yurihonjo offshore windpark. Beide projecten vorderen momenteel met de nodige vergunningen. Het consortium is volledig voorbereid om deel te nemen aan de komende Japanse veilingronde voor offshore wind, die sluit op 27 mei 2021.

    Het partnerschap combineert marktleidende sterke punten op het gebied van wereldwijde offshore wind met een sterke lokale voetafdruk voor hernieuwbare ontwikkeling. JWD brengt diepgaande kennis van de Japanse energiemarkt en toeleveringsketen, evenals een sterk trackrecord in wind op land in Japan; Ørsted heeft een ongeëvenaarde ervaring in het ontwikkelen, bouwen en exploiteren van offshore windparken wereldwijd; en Eurus Energy is al decennia lang het leidende onshore windbedrijf in Japan met een sterk ontwikkelings- en operationeel trackrecord in de prefectuur Akita.

    Matthias Bausenwein, President van Region Asia-Pacific bij Ørsted, zegt: “Als strategische markt voor Ørsted heeft Japan een groot potentieel en optimale omstandigheden om offshore wind te ontwikkelen. We zijn verheugd om onze voetafdruk in het land verder uit te breiden en te helpen bij de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie door middel van ons partnerschap met JWD en Eurus in de prefectuur Akita. Ørsted heeft een unieke kans en verplichting om een ??katalysator te zijn voor de groene transformatie in Japan en kan een belangrijke speler zijn bij het realiseren van de kostenbesparingen voor offshore wind in Japan. ''

    Masayuki Tsukawaki, President en CEO van JWD, zegt: "We zijn verheugd om samen te werken met Ørsted en Eurus Energy in beide aangewezen gebieden van de prefectuur Akita, waar we al vele jaren de kansen van offshore windmolenparkontwikkeling nastreven. jarenlange ervaring en kennis van het bedrijf, in samenwerking met lokale belanghebbenden, geloven we dat we de eerste grootschalige offshore windparken in Akita met succes kunnen bouwen en verder kunnen bijdragen aan de groei van de offshore windenergie-industrie en aan de ontwikkeling van een duurzame samenleving in Japan. "

    Hideyuki Inazumi, President en CEO van Eurus, zegt: "Om onze CO2-neutrale doelstellingen te realiseren, kijkt Eurus ernaar uit om gebruik te maken van onze jarenlange ervaring en knowhow van de windenergiebranche als antwoord op de toenemende verwachting van offshore windontwikkeling door samenwerking met de publieke en private sector Door samen te werken met Ørsted en JWD, kijkt Eurus er ook naar uit om bij te dragen aan de realisatie van een duurzame samenleving en groei op lange termijn door middel van lokale werkgelegenheid en coëxistentie en welvaart met lokale belanghebbenden. ”

    De offshore windlocaties van Noshiro en Yurihonjo zijn door JWD gerijpt sinds 2017 en hebben locatieonderzoeken uitgevoerd, waaronder windmetingen, zeebodemonderzoeken en milieueffectbeoordelingen. De windturbines voor beide windparken worden op een bodemvaste fundering geplaatst.

    Japan heeft een ambitie van 30-45 GW offshore-windenergie geschetst tegen 2040 en is van plan om elk jaar offshore-windveilingen uit te voeren. De westkust van Japan zal naar verwachting tegen 2030 tot 5 GW offshore windenergie huisvesten en tegen 2040 9 GW. De netcapaciteit is 415 MW voor Noshiro City, Mitane Town en Oga City, en 730 MW voor Yurihonjo City, zoals vermeld in de veiling richtlijnen.

    cc: globenewswire.com
  2. Joni-2 27 mei 2021 10:24
    Ørsted en POSCO ondertekenen MoU om de samenwerking op het gebied van offshore wind en hernieuwbare waterstof in Korea te versterken
    27.05.2021 09:49

    Ørsted, 's werelds meest duurzame energiebedrijf, en POSCO Group, een van de grootste conglomeraten in Korea, hebben vandaag de ondertekening aangekondigd van een Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) om hun relatie uit te breiden.

    POSCO en zijn dochterondernemingen zullen de gezamenlijke capaciteiten van de groep gebruiken om de ontwikkeling van Ørsted's 1,6 GW offshore windprojecten voor de kust van Incheon City te ondersteunen.

    Bovendien zullen Ørsted en POSCO haalbaarheidsstudies uitvoeren naar mogelijke samenwerking op het gebied van hernieuwbare waterstof.

    cc: windkraft-journal.de
  3. forum rang 10 voda 28 mei 2021 09:11
    Vestas Bags EnVentus Order for Wind Power Project in Australia

    Vestas has secured a 157 MW order from Neoen to deliver the engineering, procurement and construction of Kaban Green Power Hub in Far North Queensland in Australia. The project will feature 28 of Vestas’ V162-5.6 MW turbines from the EnVentus platform. This marks Vestas’ first EnVentus order for Asia Pacific and Australia, as well as Neoen’s first Australian project with Vestas. From the base of the tower to the highest tip of the blade, the wind turbines will reach 230m to fully capture the site’s high wind shear.

    Delivery of the turbines will commence in the first quarter of 2022, with commissioning scheduled to commence in the fourth quarter of 2022.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 3 juni 2021 07:19
    GE Wind Turbines for BIM Wind Farm in Vietnam

    GE Renewable Energy has secured a contract with BIM Wind JSC, a project joint venture company between AC Energy, the power generation platform of Ayala Corporation, one of the largest Philippine conglomerates, and BIM Energy Holding, the renewable energy platform of BIM Group, one of Vietnam’s largest privately-owned conglomerates, to supply, install and commission GE Cypress onshore wind turbines for BIM Wind’s 88 MW wind farm located in Ninh Thu?n Province in South Central Vietnam.

    The 88 MW order is GE’s largest Cypress platform deal in South-east Asia, eclipsing three other Cypress orders in Vietnam over the last 12 months. It includes a 15-year full-service agreement. The project is expected to be commissioned and operational by the end of third quarter of 2021. All turbines will be equipped with the two-piece blade design.

    BIM Energy Holding is a wholly owned subsidiary of BIM Group, one of the leading private groups in Vietnam, with businesses spanning real estates development and operations, renewable energy, aquaculture and foods, and consumer and lifestyles. BIM Energy Holding is the renewable energy platform for BIM Group, and the majority owner of existing 405MW solar plants under operation and BIM Wind project. The platform has ambition and plan to expand its renewable capacity up to 2GW in the near future.

    AC Energy and Infrastructure Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ayala Corporation, one of the largest and most diversified conglomerates in the Philippines.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 10 juni 2021 08:11
    Vestas Bags 32 MW Turbine Order for Wind Farm in Fukushima

    Vestas has secured a 32 MW order with Toda Corporation for the Azumakogen Wind Farm in Fukushima prefecture in Japan. Owned by Japan Renewable Energy Corporation, Fukushima Mirai Kenkyukai, General Foundation and Shinobuyama Fukushima Power Co Ltd, the wind project will be constructed by Toda Corporation and will feature nine V105-3.45 MW turbines in 3.6 MW operating mode with 84m towers.

    Delivery of the turbines will begin in the second quarter of 2022, with commissioning scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2022.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 15 juni 2021 14:21
    India’s Wind Market Set to Bounce Back

    A new report, India Wind Energy Market Outlook 2025, jointly released today by the Global Wind Energy Council and MEC Intelligence finds that India, the world’s fourth-largest wind power market, is expected to add nearly 20.2 GW of new wind power capacity between 2021-2025. This would increase the country’s 39.2 GW wind market by nearly 50% and is a clear signal that the market is beginning to bounce back after a slow-down in recent years. Although 2020 was originally forecasted to be a break-out year for wind power in India with a large pipeline and multiple policy interventions to ease bottlenecks, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was much more severe than anticipated. Forecasts expected the country to install 3.3 GW of wind power in 2020, but ultimately only 1.1 GW was installed, with the remaining capacity either being pushed into 2021 or dropped by developers. However, the report finds that the pace of new installations is likely to double over the next two to three years compared to the average annual installations since 2017 when the market began to slow down.

    India currently has a pipeline of projects of 10.3 GW in both central and state tenders, which are expected to drive installations until 2023. The market post-2023 will likely be driven by nearly 10 GW of new capacity awarded to wind projects, mainly through hybrid projects which are becoming increasingly important for the country’s ‘round-the-clock’ power initiative.

    Going forward, greater consensus and coordination between central and state governments around wind targets, supply chain utilisation, and the definition of a clear market roadmap are some of the key actions needed to put India on a pathway to meet its decarbonisation and renewable energy goals.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 15 juni 2021 14:24
    Vestas Secures Order for ReNew Power Wind Project in India

    Vestas has secured a 101 MW order from ReNew Power, one of India’s leading Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers. The order is an extension of ReNew’s existing project in Kutch in Gujarat, where Vestas had previously supplied turbines totalling to 250 MW. Vestas has also supplied turbines of 100 MW to another one of ReNew’s projects in Taralkatti in Karnataka. The contract includes supply and supervision of 46 V120-2.2 MW turbines as well as a 10-year Active Output Management (AOM) 5000 service agreement, designed to maximise energy production for the project. With a yield-based availability guarantee, Vestas will provide ReNew Power with (long-term) business case certainty.

    Deliveries are expected to begin in the last quarter of 2021, while commissioning is planned to take place between December 2021 and first quarter of 2022.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 21 juni 2021 08:14
    VetroSGC2 Gets Permit for Berestovskaya Wind Farm in Stavropol

    ROSATOM’s wind energy division NovaWind JSC’s VetroSGC-2 JSC has obtained the permit for the construction of the Berestovskaya wind farm with a total capacity of 60 MW in the territory of Petrovskiy urban district in Stavropol Krai. The permit was preceded by a positive expert examination of design documents issued by State Expertise in Construction, the Stavropol Krai Autonomous Institution, for the construction of a wind farm that includes 24 wind turbines with a capacity of 2.5 MW each.

    Successful expert examination confirms that the design documents for construction facilities comply with the site investigation results and the requirements specified in all technical regulations, in particular environmental, sanitary, epidemiological, fire safety requirements, regulatory and technical documentation and the Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation.

    The Stavropol Krai is a key region for the projects implemented by NovaWind JSC. At present, two large wind farms – Kochubeyevskaya wind farm (210 MW) and Karmalinovskaya wind farm (60 MW) – have been commissioned in this region. In addition, wind farms construction for a total capacity of about 180 MW is under way in the region.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 21 juni 2021 08:15
    Siemens Gamesa to Supply Typhoon-Proof Wind Turbines to Japan

    Siemens Gamesa will supply 79 of its industry-leading Typhoon-class onshore wind turbines for Japan’s largest wind farm cluster, strengthening its position as one of the leading renewable energy players in the country. The 339.7 MW* Dohoku wind farm cluster consists of four projects to be developed by Eurus Energy, the country’s leading independent renewable energy developer. Siemens Gamesa will also provide technical field assistance for construction and commissioning of the four wind projects, with expected full commissioning in the second half of 2023. Given that Japan faces very high wind speeds, including typhoons, Siemens Gamesa specifically designed the typhoon-proof onshore turbines based on proven technologies to accommodate the local wind site conditions.

    Operating in Japan for more than 20 years with track record of excellence, Siemens Gamesa has developed a full-fledged local set up to build and operate wind farms, which includes 520 MW installed capacity and 353 MW under maintenance and operation.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 21 juni 2021 08:19
    Vestas Bags 46 MW Wind Turbine Order from South Korea

    Vestas has received a 46 MW order from Yeongwol Eco Wind Co Ltd for the Yeongwol Eco Wind Project in Korea Co owned with E1 Corporation and to be constructed by Daewoo E&C, the project will be located in Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do, in South Korea. With the site located in complex hilly terrain, Vestas will deliver a customised solution with site-specific towers that meets the challenging transportation requirements, while also maximising annual energy production. At 132m in height, the project will feature the tallest hubs for wind turbines installed with a tubular steel tower in South Korea. The order includes eleven Vestas V136-4.2 MW wind turbines, as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 4000 service agreement for the wind farm, providing a time-based availability guarantee to ensure optimised performance and long-term business case certainty for the customer.

    Deliveries are expected to begin in the second quarter of 2022, while commissioning is planned for the fourth quarter of the same year.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 26 juni 2021 10:46
    GE & Continuum Green Energy Sign for Wind Power Project in India

    GE Renewable Energy has been selected by Continuum Green Energy India Pvt Ltd (Continuum Green Energy) to supply, install and commission 55 sets of its 2.7-132 onshore wind turbines for the 148.5 MW Morjar at Bhuj wind farm in Gujarat in India. This is another success for GE’s 2.7-132 wind turbine which has proven to be the technology of choice for customers in India due to its industry leading performance at India’s low wind speeds. The supply for this project will leverage GE’s significant local footprint in India with product design primarily at GE’s Technology Center in Bengaluru, blades manufactured in GE’s plants in Vadodara and assembly at the GE Multi-modal Manufacturing Facility in Pune.

    The project was won by Continuum Green Energy during the tranche-VI auction of wind projects by Solar Energy Corporation of India and will produce enough green energy to power 125,000* households in India.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 30 juni 2021 12:30
    Jan De Nul Completes Wind Turbines Installation TPC Offshore Wind

    Jan De Nul Group has completed the installation of all 21 offshore wind turbines for the 109.2 MW Taiwan Power Company Offshore Windfarm Phase 1 Project Demonstration, including the installation of all subsea cables. The project teams of Jan De Nul and Hitachi now proceed with the termination and commissioning process of the complete offshore wind farm. The project was kicked off in September 2018 with the preparatory onshore cable works. On 12 June 2021, Jan De Nul’s Offshore Jack-Up Installation Vessel Taillevent successfully completed the installation of the last 5.2 MW Hitachi wind turbine for Taiwan Power Company.

    The TPC Offshore Wind Farm near Fangyuan, 8 kilometres off the West coast of Taiwan, is constructed in a region where typhoons are very common. Each 5.2 MW wind turbine is installed on a jacket foundation with transition piece, anchored to the seabed using four steel pin piles, and equipped with wind turbines with a downwind rotor. Consortium partner Hitachi Ltd. pioneered this design by obtaining the Wind Turbine Class T certification, an international standard on wind-resistant design recognising the need in regions subject to frequent typhoons.

    Jan De Nul kicked off the construction works in September 2018 with the preparatory onshore cable duct installation works to connect the existing onshore substation to the cable interface near shore. Fabrication of the different foundation components was initiated in 2019. The first foundations left the South Korean fabrication yards in April 2020 to the offshore wind farm site in Taiwan. In June 2020, Jan De Nul installed the first pin piles and connected the first export cable to shore. By early August of that same year, the very first jacket foundation was installed and anchored to the seabed. And on 15 September the first wind turbine was erected.

    Jan De Nul Group is responsible for the design, fabrication and installation of the foundations, the provision of the offshore vessel for the installation of the wind turbines, the supply and installation of the cables off- and onshore as well as upgrading an electrical substation. Hitachi Ltd. is in charge of manufacturing, assembly, installation and other works related to the offshore wind turbines with downwind rotor.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 1 juli 2021 10:52
    GE’s Bergama Wind Turbine Blade Unit Produces 1111th Blade

    GE Renewable Energy announced that the production of the 1111th wind turbine blade at its LM Wind Power’s wind turbine blade manufacturing site in Turkey, four years after the start of the production at the new plant in Bergama, Izmir. Devoted to respond to the growing demand for wind energy worldwide, including in Turkey, Europe and Asia, these 1111 blades are meant to capture the wind for a total capacity of about 1.58 GW.

    Inaugurated in July 2017, the Bergama facility became the fifteenth LM Wind Power factory and the first opened after the company became a GE Renewable Energy business. The Bergama factory represents a USD 80 million investment to Turkey. The construction of the site’s extension started at the end of April 2019, in order to set-up the factory to produce the innovative two-piece blade for GE’s Onshore Cypress turbine platform. Today, the Bergama site counts over 800 employees, 26 percent of whom are women, one of LM Wind Power’s leading sites for a diverse workforce.

    LM Wind Power’s Bergama factory represents the company’s track record of growth in emerging wind markets and its expanding global presence, which strengthens GE Renewable Energy and LM Wind Power’s ability to serve all customers worldwide. The Bergama factory also addresses the needs of the fast-growing Turkish wind industry, providing blades to regional wind farms and creating skilled jobs.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 7 juli 2021 09:06
    ROSATOM’s Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm Starts Power Supplies

    The Marchenkovskaya wind farm began supplying electric power and capacity to the wholesale electric power and capacity market from July 1, 2021. The Marchenkovskaya wind farm located in Zimovniki, Rostov Oblast, with an installed capacity of 120 MW, consists of 48 wind turbine generators. Local content of facility equipment, as confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, amounts to 68%.

    By the end of 2021, NovaWind JSC plans to commission two more wind farms in the Stavropol Krai with a total capacity of 180 MW. In total, until 2024, ROSATOM will commission wind power plants with a total capacity of approximately 1.2 GW.

    NovaWind JSC, a ROSATOM division, is to consolidate the ROSATOM efforts in the electric power industry advanced segments and technological platforms. Founded in September 2017, NovaWind focuses on the management of all ROSATOM competencies in wind energy sector: from design and construction to power engineering and wind farms operation.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 13 juli 2021 10:19
    GE Renewable's LM Wind Power Produces 44,444th Blade in India

    GE Renewable Energy has produced its 44,444th wind turbine blade at LM Wind Power’s wind turbine blade manufacturing sites in India. These blades have been manufactured in the two factories located near Bangalore in, Karnataka and in Vadodara in Gujarat.

    LM Wind Power’s operations in India began in 1994 in Hoskote near Bangalore with the production of 13.4-meter blades. Today, driven by innovation and built with passion the length of the blades produced in India exceeds 80 meters.

    The Dabaspet factory in Bangalore (inaugurated in 2007) is recognized globally as a model factory, with a modern in-house lab, a playground for innovation and collaboration, and an industry leading service center. In 2016, LM Wind Power inaugurated its Vadodara factory, which became one of its largest production sites in the world. Both factories are recognized for their high safety standards and production efficiency. In 2020, the Dabaspet factory was awarded the CII South Region EHS Excellence Award 2020 for Manufacturing Excellence.

    Since the start of its operations in India 27 years ago, LM Wind Power has designed and produced innovative, customer-driven blades which have helped install over 11+ GW of wind power and power approximately 6 million homes till date. Currently, about 70% of blades manufactured in its factories in India are exported, supporting the Government of India’s vision to ‘Make for the World’.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 14 juli 2021 10:17
    Siemens Gamesa Offshore Turbine Get Typhoon Resistance Certificate

    Siemens Gamesa recently became one of the first turbine manufacturers worldwide to receive a second rotor-nacelle assembly IEC type certificate covering resistance to extreme wind conditions. Issued by TÜV NORD, the SG 11.0-200 DD offshore wind turbine joins the SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbine with this certification. Both Siemens Gamesa machines are thus able to withstand Typhoon or T-class wind speeds as determined by the IEC reaching 57 meters per second for 10 minutes and three-second gusts of up to 79.8 meters per second.

    As of today, over 1,200 units of the offshore Direct Drive platform are installed and operating across the globe, including in Asia Pacific on Formosa 1 project in Taiwan. The robustness of the installed fleet is demonstrated via availability rates across the 1,200 units of above 97% in calendar year 2020.

    In addition to T-Class wind speed compliance, Siemens Gamesa is working closely with local authorities and certifying bodies to ensure that all applicable standards are considered. For example, the company is part of the international ACE (Alleviating Cyclone and Earthquake challenges for wind farms) Joint Industry Project. The initiative aims at gathering cross-industry experiences to align wind turbine design methodologies for extreme environmental conditions.

    Siemens Gamesa has also been developing its offshore platform to operate in both high and low ambient temperatures, thus reducing thermal limitation and increasing annual energy production while preserving turbine lifetime. Those product features will contribute to the further expansion of offshore wind in Asia Pacific, where it is meant to play an important part in the decarbonization of society. In Japan, the government revealed late 2020 long-term and visionary objectives for the industry, with 30-45 GW to be installed by 2040.

    The SG 11.0-200 DD turbine has a rated capacity of 11 megawatts (MW) and a 200-meter diameter rotor using 97-meter long Siemens Gamesa B97 IntegralBlades. The SG 8.0-167 DD wind turbine has a rated capacity of 8 megawatts (MW) and a 167-meter diameter rotor with a 167-meter diameter, using 81-meter long Siemens Gamesa B81 IntegralBlades. The two products utilize the same patented Siemens Gamesa Direct Drive generator technology. Both turbines, along with the larger SG 14-222 DD offshore wind turbine, are designed to sustain withstand extreme wind conditions such as those covered by T-Class compliance.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 14 juli 2021 10:19
    Ramboll Wins Five New Offshore Contracts in Asia

    Ramboll is gaining momentum on the Asian offshore wind market. The Danish engineering company has secured five new contracts for offshore wind farms located in Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea, and opens new office in Tokyo to secure a more permanent footprint in the region and serve its clients better. The five new contracts cover site condition assessment, project development and design services for offshore wind farms located in the emerging markets of Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea. They were awarded over a period of ten months and have a total value of DKK 60 million for Ramboll. With a cumulated capacity of over 1500MW the five offshore wind farms will significantly contribute to the countries’ transition from coal and nuclear power to low-carbon energy.

    The environment in the Asia-Pacific region is extreme and designing reliable foundations requires cutting-edge expertise.

    Ramboll expects the installed offshore wind capacity in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to grow from around 2 GW today to 25 GW by 2030.

    This expected rapid growth of wind energy production as well as governmental climate policies supporting the increase of renewable energy in the region has led Ramboll to open a new office in Tokyo, Japan.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 20 juli 2021 09:50
    Fugro aan de slag met Vietnamees windproject
    Geen financiële details.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Fugro is door Infrastructure Partners, Asiapetro en Novasia geselecteerd voor de uitvoering van een offshoreproject in Vietnam. Dit maakte de Nederlandse bodemonderzoeker dinsdag bekend zonder financiële gegevens vrij te geven.

    Het gaat om het zogeheten La Gan windproject, waarbij Fugro zich zal toeleggen op geofysisch bodemonderzoek.

    Fugro opereert in een consortium met Vietsovpetro en PTSC G&S.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  19. forum rang 10 voda 27 juli 2021 12:11
    Wärtsilä Thrusters for Chinese Wind Turbine Installation Vessels

    The technology group Wärtsilä will supply the steerable and tunnel thrusters for two new wind farm turbine installation vessels being built for the China Three Gorges Corporation, a China state-owned power company. The ships will serve China’s expanding offshore wind power sector. The orders were placed by CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co, the yard building a 2000-ton wind turbine installation vessel and by China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) Co, the yard building a 3000-ton heavy lift vessel. The orders with Wärtsilä were placed in May 2021.TheWärtsilä thruster solutions provide the level of performance required to ensure optimal positioning for offshore installation vessels regardless of the sea and weather conditions. Furthermore, the weight of onboard equipment is an important consideration for jack-up vessels, and the compact Wärtsilä thruster package saves weight without compromising performance.

    Each of the vessels will have an optimised thruster configuration consisting of WST-32FP main propulsion units and relevant WTT transverse thruster sizes. The future-proof design of the thrusters features high redundancy for less energy consumption, and proven reliability. They also comply with applicable environmental regulations with the use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 29 juli 2021 09:36
    Jan De Nul Installs Formosa 2 Export Cables

    Jan De Nul Group’s Cable Laying Vessel Willem de Vlamingh has successfully installed the four export cables with a total length of 34 km on the 376MW Formosa 2 offshore wind farm in Taiwan. This milestone marks the next step in the development of the Formosa 2 Offshore Wind Farm. Thanks to her shallow draft design, the Willem de Vlamingh was able to position itself close to the beach thereby limiting the shore pull distance to around 1,250 metres. At the beach landing, the cables have been pulled through four HDD ducts into the transition joint bays. The Willem de Vlamingh also acted as Trenching Support Vessel which, together with TSHD Niña and a Starfish outfitted with an in-house designed jet-skid tool, in the meantime also successfully completed the export cable burial works.

    For the installation of the export cables, Jan De Nul Group relied on its local supply chain network for the performance of the beach pull assistance works, dive support, the installation of the HDD ducts, as well as the supply and operation of support vessels. This local network was set up with the support of Jan De Nul’s long-standing partner Hung Hua Corporation.

    Installation of foundations and subsea cables

    For the Formosa 2 project, Jan De Nul Group is responsible for the foundation design, fabrication and installation, as well as for the design, supply and installation of the subsea cables.

    Formosa 2 offshore wind project is a joint venture project by JERA, Macquarie's Green Investment Group and Swancor Renewable Energy. The project is located between four and ten nautical miles off Miaoli County. Once fully constructed, Formosa 2 will be one of Taiwan’s earliest offshore wind projects, utilizing 47 market-leading 8 MW turbines to produce 376 MW, enough to provide up to 380,000 Taiwanese families with green energy.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
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