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Unibail Rodamco Westfield 2023, Rise or Fall ?

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  1. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 3 november 2023 17:56

    HCohen schreef op 3 november 2023 12:39:


    In France an offer of script only isn't allowed, companies are obligated by law to offer a choice between cash and script.

    The choice of the shareholder, who remains the sole decision-maker
    The payment of dividends in shares cannot be imposed on the shareholder, the company must simply make the proposal to the shareholder.

    He can therefore accept the company's proposal, or refuse and request the payment of his dividends in cash. A shareholder who rejects the transaction will suffer a dilution of his or her stake if other shareholders accept it.
    Thanks. A scenario could be that the offer of the script dividend is more favorable for the shareholder, i.e. the issue price for the script is 10% below the current stock price. By consequence most shareholders would opt for the script.

    The article you refer to mentions in French: "Des dispositions spécifiques sont prévues pour les sociétés cotées.", i.e. special régulations apply to companies quoted at a stock exchange, so maybe the scenario I am giving is not allowed under these regulations.
  2. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 3 november 2023 19:02
    URW zou samen met PE Eurocommercial voor EUR 26 per aandeel van de beurs moeten halen. Koopsom EUR 1.3 mrd + EUR 1.7 mrd schulden (incl. WC). Op basis van EPRA niy verdeling zou URW voor EUR 1.3 mrd de 5 flagships eruit kunnen halen die EUR 93mln NRI genereren, beetje personeel voor Italië mee, rest kan in URW organisatie worden opgevangen, dus stel EUR 1 mio jaarlijkse kosten erbij maakt EUR 92 mln NRI. Dat gaat meteen naar de P&L indien URW jaartje extra dividend inhoudt. LTV daalt dan door investering winst in activa i.p.v. schuldaflossing. AREPS stijgt met EUR 0.66 per jaar.

    Niel kent vast nog wat PE vriendjes om dit in gang te zetten.
  3. forum rang 7 HCohen 3 november 2023 19:13

    Lamsrust schreef op 3 november 2023 17:56:


    Thanks. A scenario could be that the offer of the script dividend is more favorable for the shareholder, i.e. the issue price for the script is 10% below the current stock price. By consequence most shareholders would opt for the script.

    The article you refer to mentions in French: "Des dispositions spécifiques sont prévues pour les sociétés cotées.", i.e. special régulations apply to companies quoted at a stock exchange, so maybe the scenario I am giving is not allowed under these regulations.
    Goed opgemerkt!

    Dit kom ik tegen;
    FR: Pour une société cotée sur un marché réglementé, le prix d’émission est généralement décoté par rapport au prix de marché, sans pouvoir être inférieur à 90% de la moyenne des cours cotés des 20 séances de Bourse précédant le jour de la décision de mise en distribution, diminuée du montant net du dividende.
    EN: For a company listed on a regulated market, the issue price is generally discounted in relation to the market price, but may not be less than 90% of the average of the quoted prices of the 20 trading days preceding the day of the distribution decision, less the net amount of the dividend.

    NL: Voor een op een gereglementeerde markt genoteerde vennootschap wordt de uitgifteprijs in het algemeen verdisconteerd ten opzichte van de marktprijs, maar mag deze niet lager zijn dan 90% van het gemiddelde van de genoteerde koersen van de 20 handelsdagen voorafgaand aan de dag van het uitkeringsbesluit, verminderd met het nettobedrag van het dividend.

    Vervolgens blijkt dat voor beursgenoteerd bedrijf er toch voor kan kiezen volledig in aandelen uit te keren als aan onderstaande voorwaarden wordt voldaan(bron legifrance.gouv.fr).
    Theoretisch kan het dus kennelijk wel (100% script) met besluit van meerderheid vd stemmen van de AVA vooraf en als vervolgens alle aandeelhouders individueel hier mee akkoord gaan, zie dikgedrukt hieronder
    NL: De vennootschap moet een jaarrekening en, in voorkomend geval, een geconsolideerde jaarrekening hebben opgesteld, goedgekeurd door de algemene vergadering.
    De vennootschap moet voldoende uitkeerbare winst hebben gemaakt om het dividend uit te keren.
    De vennootschap moet gewone aandelen of preferente aandelen zonder stemrecht hebben uitgegeven, die zijn toegelaten tot de handel op een gereglementeerde markt of op een multilaterale handelsfaciliteit.
    De vennootschap moet vooraf toestemming hebben gekregen van de algemene vergadering haar kapitaal te verhogen door reserves, winsten of uitgiftepremies op te nemen, tot een maximum van 10% van het maatschappelijk kapitaal per periode van 12 maanden.
    De vennootschap moet de aandeelhouders de keuze bieden tussen de uitkering van het dividend in contanten of in aandelen, binnen een door de algemene vergadering vastgestelde termijn, die niet korter mag zijn dan 15 dagen en niet meer dan 3 maanden vanaf de datum van het uitkeringsbesluit.
    De vennootschap moet de aandeelhouders op de hoogte brengen van de keuzevoorwaarden en de uitgifteprijs van de nieuwe aandelen, die gelijk moet zijn aan ten minste 90% van de gemiddelde prijs genoteerd op de 20 handelsdagen voorafgaand aan de dag van de beslissing verminderd met het nettobedrag van het dividend en een eventuele korting tot een maximum van 10%.
    De vennootschap moet een bericht van distributie publiceren in een krant met juridische aankondigingen van de plaats van de maatschappelijke zetel en in een informatiebulletin dat wordt verspreid door de Autorité des marchés financiers.

    FR: La société doit avoir établi des comptes annuels et, le cas échéant, des comptes consolidés, approuvés par l’assemblée générale.
    La société doit avoir réalisé un bénéfice distribuable suffisant pour verser le dividende.
    La société doit avoir émis des actions ordinaires ou des actions de préférence sans droit de vote, qui sont admises aux négociations sur un marché réglementé ou sur un système multilatéral de négociation.
    La société doit avoir obtenu l’autorisation préalable de l’assemblée générale extraordinaire pour augmenter son capital par incorporation de réserves, bénéfices ou primes d’émission, dans la limite de 10 % du capital social par période de 12 mois.
    La société doit proposer aux actionnaires de choisir entre le paiement du dividende en numéraire ou en actions, dans un délai fixé par l’assemblée générale, qui ne peut être inférieur à 15 jours ni supérieur à 3 mois à compter de la date de la décision de distribution.
    La société doit informer les actionnaires des modalités de choix et du prix d’émission des actions nouvelles, qui doit être égal à au moins 90 % de la moyenne des cours cotés aux 20 séances de bourse précédant le jour de la décision de distribution, diminuée du montant net du dividende et d’une décote éventuelle dans la limite de 10 %.
    La société doit publier un avis de distribution dans un journal d’annonces légales du lieu du siège social et dans un bulletin d’information diffusé par l’autorité des marchés financiers.
  4. forum rang 7 HCohen 3 november 2023 19:50
    Subsequently, it appears that listed companies can still choose to distribute entirely in shares if the following conditions are met (source legifrance.gouv.fr).
    Theoretically, it is therefore apparently possible (100% script) with a decision of a majority of the votes of the AGM in advance and if then all shareholders individually agree to this, see in bold below

    EN: The company must have drawn up annual accounts and, where applicable, consolidated financial statements, approved by the general meeting.
    The corporation must have made sufficient distributable earnings to pay the dividend.
    The company must have issued ordinary shares or non-voting preferred shares, which are admitted to trading on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility.
    The company must have obtained prior authorization from the Extraordinary General Meeting to increase its share capital by incorporating reserves, profits or share premiums, up to a limit of 10% of the share capital per 12-month period.
    The company must offer shareholders the choice between the payment of the dividend in cash or in shares, within a period set by the general meeting, which may not be less than 15 days and not more than 3 months from the date of the decision

    The company must inform shareholders of the terms of choice and the issue price of the new shares, which must be equal to at least 90% of the average price quoted at the 20 trading days preceding the day of the distribution decision, less the net amount of the dividend and any discount up to a limit of 10%.
    The company must publish a notice of distribution in a newspaper of legal announcements of the place of the registered office and in an information bulletin distributed by the authority

    Bon w-e, Goed weekend, Have a good weekend ;-)
  5. forum rang 7 Branco P 3 november 2023 23:21

    Lamsrust schreef op 3 november 2023 17:56:


    Thanks. A scenario could be that the offer of the script dividend is more favorable for the shareholder, i.e. the issue price for the script is 10% below the current stock price. By consequence most shareholders would opt for the script.

    The article you refer to mentions in French: "Des dispositions spécifiques sont prévues pour les sociétés cotées.", i.e. special régulations apply to companies quoted at a stock exchange, so maybe the scenario I am giving is not allowed under these regulations.
    if you want to be entirely sure that everybody chooses script: 20% below current stock price. I everybody chooses script, nobody gets hurt.
  6. forum rang 6 !@#$!@! 4 november 2023 00:14

    HCohen schreef op 3 november 2023 19:50:

    Subsequently, it appears that listed companies can still choose to distribute entirely in shares if the following conditions are met (source legifrance.gouv.fr).
    Theoretically, it is therefore apparently possible (100% script) with a decision of a majority of the votes of the AGM in advance and if then all shareholders individually agree to this, see in bold below

    EN: The company must have drawn up annual accounts and, where applicable, consolidated financial statements, approved by the general meeting.
    The corporation must have made sufficient distributable earnings to pay the dividend.
    The company must have issued ordinary shares or non-voting preferred shares, which are admitted to trading on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility.
    The company must have obtained prior authorization from the Extraordinary General Meeting to increase its share capital by incorporating reserves, profits or share premiums, up to a limit of 10% of the share capital per 12-month period.
    The company must offer shareholders the choice between the payment of the dividend in cash or in shares, within a period set by the general meeting, which may not be less than 15 days and not more than 3 months from the date of the decision

    The company must inform shareholders of the terms of choice and the issue price of the new shares, which must be equal to at least 90% of the average price quoted at the 20 trading days preceding the day of the distribution decision, less the net amount of the dividend and any discount up to a limit of 10%.
    The company must publish a notice of distribution in a newspaper of legal announcements of the place of the registered office and in an information bulletin distributed by the authority

    Bon w-e, Goed weekend, Have a good weekend ;-)
    Ik snap het niet, hier staat toch nog steeds dat keuzedividend verplicht is?
  7. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 4 november 2023 00:49

    HCohen schreef op 3 november 2023 19:50:

    Subsequently, it appears that listed companies can still choose to distribute entirely in shares if the following conditions are met (source legifrance.gouv.fr).
    Theoretically, it is therefore apparently possible (100% script) with a decision of a majority of the votes of the AGM in advance and if then all shareholders individually agree to this, see in bold below

    EN: The company must have drawn up annual accounts and, where applicable, consolidated financial statements, approved by the general meeting.
    The corporation must have made sufficient distributable earnings to pay the dividend.
    The company must have issued ordinary shares or non-voting preferred shares, which are admitted to trading on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility.
    The company must have obtained prior authorization from the Extraordinary General Meeting to increase its share capital by incorporating reserves, profits or share premiums, up to a limit of 10% of the share capital per 12-month period.
    The company must offer shareholders the choice between the payment of the dividend in cash or in shares, within a period set by the general meeting, which may not be less than 15 days and not more than 3 months from the date of the decision

    The company must inform shareholders of the terms of choice and the issue price of the new shares, which must be equal to at least 90% of the average price quoted at the 20 trading days preceding the day of the distribution decision, less the net amount of the dividend and any discount up to a limit of 10%.
    The company must publish a notice of distribution in a newspaper of legal announcements of the place of the registered office and in an information bulletin distributed by the authority

    Bon w-e, Goed weekend, Have a good weekend ;-)
    When I read this my scenario is possible, i.e. choice between cash and script, where the script dividend can be up to approximately 20% more favourable as the issue price of script approaches 90% of the share price on ex dividend date and an additional discount of max 10% is allowed.
  8. forum rang 7 HCohen 4 november 2023 07:28

    !@#$!@! schreef op 4 november 2023 00:14:


    Ik snap het niet, hier staat toch nog steeds dat keuzedividend verplicht is?
    Het geven van de keuze aan de aandeelhouder is verplicht per wet idd, maar dat sluit een scenario van 100 script niet uit(perspectief onderneming) al lijkt mij de kans(alle aandeelhouders maken keuze script) daarop niet erg groot(ook niet bij het aanbieden van discounts).
  9. forum rang 7 HCohen 4 november 2023 07:44

    Lamsrust schreef op 4 november 2023 00:49:


    When I read this my scenario is possible, i.e. choice between cash and script, where the script dividend can be up to approximately 20% more favourable as the issue price of script approaches 90% of the share price on ex dividend date and an additional discount of max 10% is allowed.
    Possibly it is, probably it's not imho (100%).

    Because in practice, I think, there are always parties that 'jump for cash flow' or have waited for divi to then exit after the ex-dividend date(traders, short-term investors among others). It's what the previous article said, "the shareholder remains the sole decision-maker".
    It seems to me that with a substantial discount(let's say the maximum allowed per legal framework) you can approach 100% and thus still achieve, more or less, the intended goal (in that scenario), I don't think you're wrong about that.
  10. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 4 november 2023 08:57

    HCohen schreef op 4 november 2023 07:44:


    Possibly it is, probably it's not imho (100%).

    Because in practice, I think, there are always parties that 'jump for cash flow' or have waited for divi to then exit after the ex-dividend date(traders, short-term investors among others). It's what the previous article said, "the shareholder remains the sole decision-maker".
    It seems to me that with a substantial discount(let's say the maximum allowed per legal framework) you can approach 100% and thus still achieve, more or less, the intended goal (in that scenario), I don't think you're wrong about that.
    That is what I meant, i.e. URW would observe its distribution obligations under the REIT regime but keeps as much cash as possible on the balance sheet to bring the LTV down.

    As I mentioned yesterday URW might have - as URW can finance itself much cheaper than smaller owners of real estate - an opportunity to bring the LTV down not by redeeming debts with the profits not distributed but investing that cash in acquisition of REITS that trade significantly below NTA. As long as the niy of the assets acquired exceed the costs of new debt (4.5% for 10y) - debt that would be redeemed has to be refinanced then at current rates - this increases profitability and brings down LTV; as the nominal debt remains equal but the amount of assets increase.
  11. forum rang 7 HCohen 4 november 2023 09:21

    Lamsrust schreef op 4 november 2023 08:57:


    That is what I meant, i.e. URW would observe its distribution obligations under the REIT regime but keeps as much cash as possible on the balance sheet to bring the LTV down.

    As I mentioned yesterday URW might have - as URW can finance itself much cheaper than smaller owners of real estate - an opportunity to bring the LTV down not by redeeming debts with the profits not distributed but investing that cash in acquisition of REITS that trade significantly below NTA. As long as the niy of the assets acquired exceed the costs of new debt (4.5% for 10y) - debt that would be redeemed has to be refinanced then at current rates - this increases profitability and brings down LTV; as the nominal debt remains equal but the amount of assets increase.
    That's seems like a realistic option, a potentially good plan.
    However, until now URW has consciously build up cash on hand to be independent of the insecure developments on the financial markets. The possible application of this potentially constructive strategie has to be timed well to avoid potentially negative consequences compared to the status quo
  12. forum rang 7 HCohen 4 november 2023 10:26
    Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier zet actief in op de ommekeer in mobiliteit: nieuw hvv-schakelpunt midden in HafenCity
    Dinsdag 17 Oktober 2023 In
    Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) stimuleert de mobiliteitstransitie en bevordert het gebruik van duurzame, milieuvriendelijke, sociaal aanvaardbare en ongevallenarme vervoermiddelen. Samen met Hochbahn heeft URW nu het eerste hvv-schakelpunt op privéterrein ontwikkeld en daarmee het lokale openbaar vervoer gekoppeld aan alternatieve mobiliteitsdiensten.
    (HVV = het openbaar vervoer in Hamburg)

    Dr. Andreas Kleinau, CEO van HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, zegt: "Ik ben verheugd dat na het hvv-overstappunt op het metro- en S-Bahn-station Elbbrücken nu ook een station wordt ingericht in het Überseequartier in het centrum van HafenCity. Voor de bewoners en bezoekers van HafenCity wordt een milieuvriendelijk, flexibel en zeer aantrekkelijk mobiliteitsaanbod gecreëerd. Afhankelijk van de behoefte kunnen de verplaatsingen worden gemaakt met StadtRad, het openbaar vervoer, autodelen of andere actieve vormen van mobiliteit."
  13. forum rang 6 !@#$!@! 6 november 2023 13:34

    Branco P schreef op 6 november 2023 13:06:

    ik heb vandaag mijn tweede handelspluk tegen 52,14 eruit gedaan (ingekocht op 26 oktober op 41,80)
    Denk niet dat er een vierde kans komt om weer zo laag in te kopen.
    Want slecht nieuws wordt nu goed nieuws vanwege te verwachten rentedalingen.
  14. forum rang 7 Branco P 6 november 2023 15:40

    !@#$!@! schreef op 6 november 2023 13:34:


    Denk niet dat er een vierde kans komt om weer zo laag in te kopen.
    Want slecht nieuws wordt nu goed nieuws vanwege te verwachten rentedalingen.
    ja we zullen zien, ik vind het vandaag alweer een overdreven daling. De markt blijft volatiel gok ik. Maar mijn basispositie houd ik vast
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