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Aandeel Pharming Group AEX:PHARM.NL, NL0010391025

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Pharming Augustus 2019

7.459 Posts
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  1. BioBio 22 augustus 2019 07:40
    via @pharmingforum (twitter)


    Drug for hereditary angioedema in pediatric patients

    hereditary angioedema sisters
    A drug for hereditary angioedema shows safety and efficacy in pediatric patients, a study shows.

    History of Angioedema News, a recent clinical trial showed that the drug conestat alfa (marketed as Ruconest) was able to successfully treat 96 percent of episodes of acute inflammation in children with the rare genetic inherited angioedema disorder.

    The drug was approved as a treatment for the disease in Europe in 2010 and in the USA. UU. In 2014. However, its effects on childhood patients were not supported by solid data.

    About hereditary angioedema

    Hereditary angioedema is a genetic disorder characterized by chronic episodes of swelling that can affect multiple areas of the body. The condition is caused by mutations that affect the HAE gene. Swelling attacks usually occur every two weeks or so; They can usually last several days. Swelling can affect the extremities, the digestive tract, the face and the respiratory tract, with the blockage of the respiratory tract being the most dangerous complication. Vomiting and abdominal pain may accompany the attack also if the digestive tract is involved. Treatment is to reduce the likelihood of attacks and prevent them from getting worse when they do.

    Hereditary angioedema is usually life threatening if left untreated.

    The prevalence of the condition is estimated at around one in 10,000 to one in 50,000, at least in the United States and Canada.

    About Conestat Alfa

    Conestat alfa works by replacing a critical C1 inhibitor protein that, in patients, is deficient or absent as a result of the genetic mutation. The symptoms of inflammation are triggered by the lack of this protein in the blood; therefore, supplementing that protein with conestat alfa can relieve swelling.

    Results of the study

    The trial included a total of 20 patients with hereditary childhood angioedema who were between five and 13 years old. Patients should receive an intravenous dose of conestat alfa in response to episodes of acute inflammation as they appeared. The dose level was 50 U / kg. The medication was used to treat a total of 73 attacks during the study. The primary endpoint was the duration from the moment the attack appeared until the onset of symptom relief. A secondary endpoint was the time for minimal symptoms.

    The drug was able to stop 95.9 percent of the attacks. More than a third of the participants required treatment for four or more episodes. The average time for symptom relief was 60 minutes and the average time for minimum symptoms was 122.5 minutes.

    This study clearly demonstrated that this medication was effective in this patient population without serious safety problems.

  2. CBM 22 augustus 2019 08:00

    3 € Pharming schreef op 22 augustus 2019 07:40:

    via @pharmingforum (twitter)


    Drug for hereditary angioedema in pediatric patients

    hereditary angioedema sisters
    A drug for hereditary angioedema shows safety and efficacy in pediatric patients, a study shows.

    History of Angioedema News, a recent clinical trial showed that the drug conestat alfa (marketed as Ruconest) was able to successfully treat 96 percent of episodes of acute inflammation in children with the rare genetic inherited angioedema disorder.

    The drug was approved as a treatment for the disease in Europe in 2010 and in the USA. UU. In 2014. However, its effects on childhood patients were not supported by solid data.

    About hereditary angioedema

    Hereditary angioedema is a genetic disorder characterized by chronic episodes of swelling that can affect multiple areas of the body. The condition is caused by mutations that affect the HAE gene. Swelling attacks usually occur every two weeks or so; They can usually last several days. Swelling can affect the extremities, the digestive tract, the face and the respiratory tract, with the blockage of the respiratory tract being the most dangerous complication. Vomiting and abdominal pain may accompany the attack also if the digestive tract is involved. Treatment is to reduce the likelihood of attacks and prevent them from getting worse when they do.

    Hereditary angioedema is usually life threatening if left untreated.

    The prevalence of the condition is estimated at around one in 10,000 to one in 50,000, at least in the United States and Canada.

    About Conestat Alfa

    Conestat alfa works by replacing a critical C1 inhibitor protein that, in patients, is deficient or absent as a result of the genetic mutation. The symptoms of inflammation are triggered by the lack of this protein in the blood; therefore, supplementing that protein with conestat alfa can relieve swelling.

    Results of the study

    The trial included a total of 20 patients with hereditary childhood angioedema who were between five and 13 years old. Patients should receive an intravenous dose of conestat alfa in response to episodes of acute inflammation as they appeared. The dose level was 50 U / kg. The medication was used to treat a total of 73 attacks during the study. The primary endpoint was the duration from the moment the attack appeared until the onset of symptom relief. A secondary endpoint was the time for minimal symptoms.

    The drug was able to stop 95.9 percent of the attacks. More than a third of the participants required treatment for four or more episodes. The average time for symptom relief was 60 minutes and the average time for minimum symptoms was 122.5 minutes.

    This study clearly demonstrated that this medication was effective in this patient population without serious safety problems.


    Mooi resultaat, fijn voor de patiënten.

  3. [verwijderd] 22 augustus 2019 08:12

    Eric de Rus schreef op 21 augustus 2019 22:25:

    Als de koers morgen verder stijgt ga ik 10.000 aandelen short. Van de opbrengst koop ik 10.000 turbo's long met SL 1,121.

    Het gaat mij te hard. Of dit gaat nog door tot de € 2,- of binnen nu en een jaar komt de kater.
    Komend weekend sneeuwstorm verwacht.
  4. [verwijderd] 22 augustus 2019 08:22

    3 € Pharming schreef op 22 augustus 2019 07:40:

    via @pharmingforum (twitter)


    Drug for hereditary angioedema in pediatric patients

    hereditary angioedema sisters
    A drug for hereditary angioedema shows safety and efficacy in pediatric patients, a study shows.

    History of Angioedema News, a recent clinical trial showed that the drug conestat alfa (marketed as Ruconest) was able to successfully treat 96 percent of episodes of acute inflammation in children with the rare genetic inherited angioedema disorder.

    The drug was approved as a treatment for the disease in Europe in 2010 and in the USA. UU. In 2014. However, its effects on childhood patients were not supported by solid data.

    About hereditary angioedema

    Hereditary angioedema is a genetic disorder characterized by chronic episodes of swelling that can affect multiple areas of the body. The condition is caused by mutations that affect the HAE gene. Swelling attacks usually occur every two weeks or so; They can usually last several days. Swelling can affect the extremities, the digestive tract, the face and the respiratory tract, with the blockage of the respiratory tract being the most dangerous complication. Vomiting and abdominal pain may accompany the attack also if the digestive tract is involved. Treatment is to reduce the likelihood of attacks and prevent them from getting worse when they do.

    Hereditary angioedema is usually life threatening if left untreated.

    The prevalence of the condition is estimated at around one in 10,000 to one in 50,000, at least in the United States and Canada.

    About Conestat Alfa

    Conestat alfa works by replacing a critical C1 inhibitor protein that, in patients, is deficient or absent as a result of the genetic mutation. The symptoms of inflammation are triggered by the lack of this protein in the blood; therefore, supplementing that protein with conestat alfa can relieve swelling.

    Results of the study

    The trial included a total of 20 patients with hereditary childhood angioedema who were between five and 13 years old. Patients should receive an intravenous dose of conestat alfa in response to episodes of acute inflammation as they appeared. The dose level was 50 U / kg. The medication was used to treat a total of 73 attacks during the study. The primary endpoint was the duration from the moment the attack appeared until the onset of symptom relief. A secondary endpoint was the time for minimal symptoms.

    The drug was able to stop 95.9 percent of the attacks. More than a third of the participants required treatment for four or more episodes. The average time for symptom relief was 60 minutes and the average time for minimum symptoms was 122.5 minutes.

    This study clearly demonstrated that this medication was effective in this patient population without serious safety problems.

    Een concurrent ? dan lijkt me dat toch niet goed voor Pharming
  5. [verwijderd] 22 augustus 2019 08:37

    3 € Pharming schreef op 22 augustus 2019 07:40:

    via @pharmingforum (twitter)


    Drug for hereditary angioedema in pediatric patients

    hereditary angioedema sisters
    A drug for hereditary angioedema shows safety and efficacy in pediatric patients, a study shows.

    History of Angioedema News, a recent clinical trial showed that the drug conestat alfa (marketed as Ruconest) was able to successfully treat 96 percent of episodes of acute inflammation in children with the rare genetic inherited angioedema disorder.

    The drug was approved as a treatment for the disease in Europe in 2010 and in the USA. UU. In 2014. However, its effects on childhood patients were not supported by solid data.

    About hereditary angioedema

    Hereditary angioedema is a genetic disorder characterized by chronic episodes of swelling that can affect multiple areas of the body. The condition is caused by mutations that affect the HAE gene. Swelling attacks usually occur every two weeks or so; They can usually last several days. Swelling can affect the extremities, the digestive tract, the face and the respiratory tract, with the blockage of the respiratory tract being the most dangerous complication. Vomiting and abdominal pain may accompany the attack also if the digestive tract is involved. Treatment is to reduce the likelihood of attacks and prevent them from getting worse when they do.

    Hereditary angioedema is usually life threatening if left untreated.

    The prevalence of the condition is estimated at around one in 10,000 to one in 50,000, at least in the United States and Canada.

    About Conestat Alfa

    Conestat alfa works by replacing a critical C1 inhibitor protein that, in patients, is deficient or absent as a result of the genetic mutation. The symptoms of inflammation are triggered by the lack of this protein in the blood; therefore, supplementing that protein with conestat alfa can relieve swelling.

    Results of the study

    The trial included a total of 20 patients with hereditary childhood angioedema who were between five and 13 years old. Patients should receive an intravenous dose of conestat alfa in response to episodes of acute inflammation as they appeared. The dose level was 50 U / kg. The medication was used to treat a total of 73 attacks during the study. The primary endpoint was the duration from the moment the attack appeared until the onset of symptom relief. A secondary endpoint was the time for minimal symptoms.

    The drug was able to stop 95.9 percent of the attacks. More than a third of the participants required treatment for four or more episodes. The average time for symptom relief was 60 minutes and the average time for minimum symptoms was 122.5 minutes.

    This study clearly demonstrated that this medication was effective in this patient population without serious safety problems.

    Een medicijn voor erfelijk angio-oedeem toont veiligheid en werkzaamheid bij pediatrische patiënten, blijkt uit een studie.

    Geschiedenis van angio-oedeemnieuws, een recente klinische studie toonde aan dat het medicijn conestat alfa (op de markt gebracht als Ruconest) 96 procent van de episoden van acute ontsteking bij kinderen met de zeldzame erfelijke genetische angio-oedeemaandoening met succes kon behandelen.

    Het medicijn werd goedgekeurd als een behandeling voor de ziekte in Europa in 2010 en in de VS. UU. In 2014 werden de effecten op jeugdpatiënten echter niet ondersteund door solide gegevens.

    Over erfelijk angio-oedeem

    Erfelijk angio-oedeem is een genetische aandoening die wordt gekenmerkt door chronische episodes van zwelling die meerdere delen van het lichaam kunnen beïnvloeden. De aandoening wordt veroorzaakt door mutaties die het HAE-gen beïnvloeden. Zwellingaanvallen treden meestal om de twee weken op; Ze kunnen meestal enkele dagen duren. Zwelling kan de ledematen, het spijsverteringskanaal, het gezicht en de luchtwegen beïnvloeden, waarbij de blokkade van de luchtwegen de gevaarlijkste complicatie is. Braken en buikpijn kunnen de aanval ook vergezellen als het spijsverteringskanaal is betrokken. Behandeling is om de kans op aanvallen te verminderen en te voorkomen dat ze erger worden wanneer ze dat doen.

    Erfelijk angio-oedeem is meestal levensbedreigend als het niet wordt behandeld.

    De prevalentie van de aandoening wordt geschat op ongeveer één op 10.000 tot één op 50.000, tenminste in de Verenigde Staten en Canada.

    Over Conestat Alfa

    Conestat alfa werkt door het vervangen van een kritisch C1-remmereiwit dat bij patiënten deficiënt of afwezig is als gevolg van de genetische mutatie. De symptomen van ontsteking worden veroorzaakt door het ontbreken van dit eiwit in het bloed; daarom kan het aanvullen van dat eiwit met conestat alfa zwelling verlichten.

    Resultaten van het onderzoek

    De studie omvatte in totaal 20 patiënten met erfelijk angio-oedeem bij kinderen die tussen de vijf en 13 jaar oud waren. Patiënten moeten een intraveneuze dosis conestat alfa krijgen als reactie op episodes van acute ontsteking zoals deze verschenen. Het dosisniveau was 50 U / kg. Het medicijn werd gebruikt om tijdens het onderzoek in totaal 73 aanvallen te behandelen. Het primaire eindpunt was de duur vanaf het moment dat de aanval verscheen tot het begin van symptoomverlichting. Een secundair eindpunt was de tijd voor minimale symptomen.

    Het medicijn kon 95,9 procent van de aanvallen stoppen. Meer dan een derde van de deelnemers had behandeling nodig voor vier of meer afleveringen. De gemiddelde tijd voor symptoomverlichting was 60 minuten en de gemiddelde tijd voor minimale symptomen was 122,5 minuten.

    Deze studie heeft duidelijk aangetoond dat dit medicijn effectief was in deze patiëntenpopulatie zonder ernstige veiligheidsproblemen.

  6. [verwijderd] 22 augustus 2019 08:42

    erfelijke angio-oedeem zusters
    Een medicijn voor erfelijk angio-oedeem toont veiligheid en werkzaamheid bij pediatrische patiënten, blijkt uit een studie.

    Geschiedenis van angio-oedeemnieuws, een recente klinische studie toonde aan dat het medicijn conestat alfa (op de markt gebracht als Ruconest)
  7. [verwijderd] 22 augustus 2019 08:43

    petnicu schreef op 21 augustus 2019 18:22:

    Dat er hier niemand een aanbeveel wil voor geven begrijp ik het niet ? Er ziet hier zo veel waarheid in...
    Natuurlijk niet. Onder meldingsgrens weet je niet wat er zit. Dus het tweede percentage klopt niet eens.

    Winstgevend is al vaker betrapt op het verspreiden van foutieve informatie. Dat je daar nog in trapt..
  8. forum rang 8 BassieNL 22 augustus 2019 08:55

    marcko schreef op 22 augustus 2019 08:48:

    @ Lucas D; Ik sluit me hierbij aan. Ook van mij een AB voor deze post van gisteren 23:02 uur!
    Ik vind het maar apart, die lofzang over Pharming door iemand die nog geen 2 weken geleden volledig is uitgestapt en recent vaak een ander aandeel onder de aandacht heeft gebracht op dit forum.
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