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Aandeel Pharming Group AEX:PHARM.NL, NL0010391025

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,701   -0,005   (-0,71%) Dagrange 0,701 - 0,707 1.414.819   Gem. (3M) 3,3M

pharming november 2018

11.430 Posts
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  1. [verwijderd] 24 november 2018 10:25

    BioTics schreef op 24 november 2018 06:53:

    Ik zat er nog even over na te denken hoe de minderweters ( waaronder me myself) het beste door de meerwetende forumleden geïnformeerd kunnen worden. Natuurlijk heeft Burdie het een en ander op de begin pagina gezet maar het is juist zo leuk om de persoonlijke motivatie voor een koers over een bv een jaar eens rustig door te lezen. Ieder moet dan ongestoord zijn verhaal kunnen doen. Dus de persoonlijke invalshoek, gefundeerd, inhoudelijk sterke stukken,niet meer dan een half a4tje(hmmm, waar komt dat vandaan) . Niet op elkaar reageren, puur sec je eigen verhaal. Vereist enige zelfsturing en beheersing maar intelligente aandelers kunnen dat makkelijk toch?

    Moet er ws een nieuw draadje komen, misschien is ie er al?

    Dan hebben de meerweters een prachtig podium om zijn/ haar kennis ongestoord te etaleren en te kunnen excelleren. Daar is volgens mij grote behoefte aan. Is het iets wat de medeforumleden zien zitten?
    Biotics zal er een maken !

  2. patrick 22 24 november 2018 10:29

    11 min.11 minuten geleden
    #sijmendevries van #pharming vertelt over zijn medicijnen tegen www.huidarts.com/huidaandoeningen/her... … en de kansen voor #ruconest . Enige recumbinanten. Marktaandeel kan nog groeien. Eerste 9 mnd 73% , nu winstgevend! Grote cash-flow


    wel op de foto.
  3. [verwijderd] 24 november 2018 10:53

    Eric de Rus schreef op 24 november 2018 10:41:


    Niet zo flauw doen Techspec. Zie mijn reactie op ferry 1960 van 21:25.

    Was een reactie op andros, die ik overigens vanaf nu negeer.
    Waarom veranderde jij zijn tekst en gaf daarmee de indruk dat Andros met nog wat beleggers vreselijk gelachen hebben om de koersval van Pharming?

    Hier nog even een stuk uit de post van Andros en jou reactie;

    Andros schreef op 23 nov 2018 om 20:47:

    Wat zijn jullie (De Monitor en Eric de Rus vooral) een ....... nastreven. Heb met nog wat beleggers vreselijk gelachen om dat zgn waarschuwen voor koersval terwijl jullie er zelf naar toepraten !!!:) :)

    Jou reactie;
    Mij ..... en, met nog wat beleggers, vreselijk gelachen hebben om de koersval van Pharming.
  4. [verwijderd] 24 november 2018 10:53
    zo gaat het te werk en zal ook zo ga bij de US verzekeringen..

    Appraisal 2: Full Submission (WPAS)
    Conestat alfa (Ruconest®) for the treatment of acute angioedema attacks in adults and
    adolescents with hereditary angioedema (HAE) due to C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency.
    The Chair confirmed that as the appraisal had an associated Wales Patient Access Scheme it
    would be undertaken in private to protect commercial confidentiality. The Chair referred
    members to the AWMSG policy for appraising orphan, ultra-orphan medicines and medicines
    developed specifically for rare diseases.
    The Chair welcomed the delegate from Pharming Group N.V. and provided reassurance that
    no members of the public remained in the gallery.
    The Chair invited members to declare any interests in either the applicant company or the
    medicine if they had not already done so. No interests were declared.
    The Chair announced that AWMSG advice has no impact on the licensed status of the
    technology and the inherent implications associated with this. A negative recommendation
    would not impact on the clinical freedom of the prescriber. It was noted that a positive
    recommendation by AWMSG, subsequently endorsed by Welsh Government, places an
    obligation on health boards to fund accordingly. It was confirmed that AWMSG advice is
    interim to final NICE guidance should this be subsequently published.
    Dr Stephanie Francis, the AWTTC Appraisal Lead, set the context of the appraisal and relayed
    the key aspects of the submission as outlined in the ASAR. Dr Francis confirmed that conestat
    alfa (Ruconest®) is licensed as a solution for intravenous injection and as powder and solvent
    for solution for intravenous injection for easier administration by the caregiver in the homecare
    The Chair invited Dr Coulson to relay the NMG preliminary recommendation. Dr Coulson
    confirmed that on 5th September 2018, NMG had appraised and recommended use of conestat
    alfa (Ruconest®) as an option within NHS Wales for the treatment of acute angioedema attacks
    in adults and adolescents with hereditary angioedema (HAE) due to C1 esterase inhibitor
    deficiency. Dr Coulson highlighted that use would only be supported with the utilisation of the
    Wales Patient Access Scheme (WPAS) or in circumstances where the list or contract price is
    lower than the WPAS price. Dr Coulson confirmed that NMG was satisfied that the criteria set
    out by AWMSG for consideration as an ultra-orphan equivalent medicine had been met.
    The Chair asked for the views of clinical experts to be relayed. Dr Francis informed members
    that Welsh clinical expert opinion sought by AWTTC confirmed that Berinert® and icatibant
    acetate to be the treatment options primarily used in NHS Wales. Clinical experts highlighted
    the potential for shortages with future supply of some treatments and were supportive of
    having another treatment available for use in Wales. The long shelf life of
    Ruconest® compared to Berinert® and icatibant acetate was highlighted by experts. Members
    were informed that clinical experts would support the availability of another treatment option
    but would consider the choice of treatment alongside the currently available options including
    the plasma derived C1-esterase inhibitor, Berinert® with which clinicians have more
    experience. It was suggested by experts that only a minority of patients would be trained to
    administer intravenous C1-esterase inhibitor at home. It was stated that an intravenous
    preparation of Berinert has advantages for treating acute attacks of HAE; however, a
    subcutaneous formulation of icatibant acetate would normally be the preferred choice for home
    The Chair opened discussion in relation to clinical effectiveness. Members discussed the
    estimated number of attacks per year. It was suggested that the number of reported attacks by the
    company might be higher than the actual number of attacks treated for each patient per year in Wales. It was confirmed that the product may be provided as a more convenient kit to administer
    at home. Members discussed the availability of the treatments. Clarification was sought in relation
    to the training provided to patients and carers and the psychological impact on patients. It was
    noted that some patients take ampoules into A&E departments for administration.
    The Chair asked Professor Hughes to provide an overview of the case for cost-effectiveness as
    outlined in the ASAR. Professor Hughes made the point that a cost minimisation analysis had
    been conducted without robust evidence of equivalence of treatments. The limitations of the model
    were drawn to members’ attention.
    The company delegate temporarily left the meeting for members to consider and discuss
    confidential cost-effectiveness and budget impact estimates as the comparator medicines have
    associated Wales Patient Access Schemes in place. Members discussed the cost differences and
    re-dosing rates.
    The Chair invited Mr Palmer to relay the views received from the patient organisation, HAE UK.
    The low incident of side effects and long shelf-life were highlighted. The patient organisation also
    expressed concerns in relation to supply issues. An additional treatment option was welcomed. It
    was noted that rabbit allergy may be a problem for some patients. Mr Palmer reminded members
    of the opportunity for a degree of latitude to be applied when considering the availability of an ultraorphan
    equivalent medicine. No specific safety concerns were identified. There were no wider
    societal issues. It was noted that this medicine is available to patients living in England and
    Prior to concluding discussions, the Chair offered the company delegates opportunity to
    address the group. Having received confirmation that the appraisal process had been fair and
    transparent and that all relevant issues had been discussed, the Chair closed the appraisal.
    Appraisal decision subsequently announced in public:
    The Chair confirmed that having read the evidence and considered the various issues that
    arose during the discussion, the following recommendation would be forwarded to Welsh
    Conestat alfa (Ruconest®) is recommended as an option for use within NHS Wales for the treatment of acute angioedema attacks in adults and adolescents with hereditary
    angioedema due to C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency.
    This recommendation applies only in circumstances where the approved Wales Patient
    Access Scheme (WPAS) is utilised or where the list/contract price is equivalent or lower
    than the WPAS price.
    The Chair announced that confirmation of AWMSG’s recommendations would be forwarded
    within five working days to the applicant company, who have up to ten working days to accept
    the recommendation or lodge a request for an independent review. It was noted that failure to
    respond within the deadline would not delay the process.

  5. [verwijderd] 24 november 2018 11:04

    Techspec schreef op 24 november 2018 10:53:


    Waarom veranderde jij zijn tekst en gaf daarmee de indruk dat Andros met nog wat beleggers vreselijk gelachen hebben om de koersval van Pharming?

    Hier nog even een stuk uit de post van Andros en jou reactie;

    Andros schreef op 23 nov 2018 om 20:47:

    Wat zijn jullie (De Monitor en Eric de Rus vooral) een ....... nastreven. Heb met nog wat beleggers vreselijk gelachen om dat zgn waarschuwen voor koersval terwijl jullie er zelf naar toepraten !!!:) :)

    Jou reactie;
    Mij ..... en, met nog wat beleggers, vreselijk gelachen hebben om de koersval van Pharming.

    Joh, ik laat me niet uit de tent lokken. Ik verwijs weer naar m'n reactie van 21:25.

    Ik heb meerdere malen gepost dat ik een afschuwelijke hekel heb aan verlies en dat ook niemand gun.
  6. forum rang 5 De Zwarte kat 24 november 2018 11:12

    dreas schreef op 24 november 2018 10:59:

    6 m
    #pharming is actief op zoek naar overname kandidaten . Er kan niet concreet gezegd worden dat er iets speelt maar toch is de verwachting bij beleggers dat ze binnenkort met iets komen overgenomen worden dat gaat niet gebeuren
  7. [verwijderd] 24 november 2018 11:14

    dreas schreef op 24 november 2018 11:11:

    9 m
    #sijmendevries van #pharming maakt gehakt van het rapport van #kempen. Ze hanteren verkeerde modellen en gaan uit dat acute aanvallen verdwijnen. Dat is echt onzin. #ruconest . Er is een onderzoek gestart naar deze analist vanwege zijn foute aannames.
    YES eindelijk !!
  8. EFBO 24 november 2018 11:24

    dreas schreef op 24 november 2018 11:11:

    9 m
    #sijmendevries van #pharming maakt gehakt van het rapport van #kempen. Ze hanteren verkeerde modellen en gaan uit dat acute aanvallen verdwijnen. Dat is echt onzin. #ruconest . Er is een onderzoek gestart naar deze analist vanwege zijn foute aannames.
    Dan moeten ze vanuit Pharming met een document uitkomen die zo goed mogelijk uitgewerkt is.
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