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Amerikaanse aandelen« Terug naar discussie overzicht

Cannabis aandelen

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  1. forum rang 4 Rider 16 september 2019 18:05

    zonnedaal schreef op 16 september 2019 17:57:

    Initiation On The Organic Cannabis Market: TGOD, ROMJ, NRTH

    We estimate the three publicly traded organic cannabis stocks will offer 310% upside on average with a range of 267% for 48 North and up to 377% for The Green Organic Dutchman. All three stocks trade at deep discounts to the cannabis group average, even though organic supply and demand trends are much more favorable.

    Op lange termijn zou dit wel kunnen (5jaar) ofzo dan.
  2. forum rang 4 Rider 16 september 2019 21:53

    1313 schreef op 16 september 2019 21:21:


    Ik zit er ook fors in met verlies, maar je verwacht wel dat de komende tijd er wat gaat gebeuren?
    Alefia samen met Emblem die ze overgenomen hebben en cannabis produceren aan lage kostprijs. Koers staat veel te laag. Volgende jaren gaat de omzet snel stijgen.

  3. [verwijderd] 16 september 2019 22:17
    Dag iedereen , ik ben vrij nieuw in de aandelen markt en het hele cannabis gebeuren. Zie er wel een toekomst in dus wil mezelf er goed in verdiepen. Dit forum hou ik de laatste weken aandachtig bij.
    Iemand nog tips i.v.m. handige websites om het laatste nieuws bij te houden.

    Zelf heb ik aandelen in WEED en ACB.

    Lees hier vrij weinig over Hexo.

    Vrij populair blijkbaar. Iemand een uitgesproken mening hierover ? :)
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 september 2019 22:52

    SDIn schreef op 16 september 2019 22:17:

    Dag iedereen , ik ben vrij nieuw in de aandelen markt en het hele cannabis gebeuren. Zie er wel een toekomst in dus wil mezelf er goed in verdiepen. Dit forum hou ik de laatste weken aandachtig bij.
    Iemand nog tips i.v.m. handige websites om het laatste nieuws bij te houden.

    Zelf heb ik aandelen in WEED en ACB.

    Lees hier vrij weinig over Hexo.

    Vrij populair blijkbaar. Iemand een uitgesproken mening hierover ? :)
    Je kan beter investeren in 5 plantjes thuis op zolder; daar zul je veel meer mee verdienen.
  5. kweetje 17 september 2019 20:10
    Cijfers van Aurora waren belangrijk om te bepalen waar het ging uitgaan. Shorters hadden gecoverd en zijn zoals geschreven in actie gekomen. Zolang ze niet uitgeraasd zijn heeft het geen nut van in te stappen. Hopelijk hebben ze vandaag 6.83 uitgekozen om te coveren bij aurora Toronto. en was dat 4.16 bij organigram. Het heeft geen nut een vallend mes op te vangen. Als je wanhopig denkt ik stap er uit dan is het moment om in te stappen. Soms is het beter gewoon niet te kijken want dan verkoop je op het laagste punt.
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 17 september 2019 20:17
    Consolidated net revenue increased 52% to $98.9 million in Q4 2019 as compared to $65.1 million in the prior quarter. Consumer cannabis revenues were $44.9 million in Q4 2019, an increase of 52% from the prior quarter and contributed 45% to total consolidated net revenue. Canadian medical cannabis net revenues increased to $25.2 million in Q4 2019, up 9% over the prior quarter. Revenue growth was primarily driven by additional production capacity and supply available for sale from Aurora Sky and Aurora River (Bradford).

    Average net selling price of cannabis decreased by $1.08 per gram over the prior quarter from $6.40 in Q3 2019 to $5.32 in Q4 2019. This decrease is primarily attributable to the increase in sale volumes to consumer and bulk wholesale markets which yield lower average net selling prices as compared to medical markets.

    Gross margin on cannabis net revenue increased to 58% in Q4 2019, compared to 55% in the prior quarter. Gross margin improvement was driven by the continued decline in cash cost to produce per gram and higher gross margins achieved on bulk sales.

    During Q4 2019, Aurora produced 29,034 kilograms of cannabis as compared to 15,590 kilograms in the prior quarter. The 86.2% increase in production output was primarily due to the additional production capacity added by Aurora Sky, River (Bradford), and Ridge (Markham) facilities. Extraction capacity increased from 20,400 kilograms to 26,400 kilograms in Q4 2019. Subsequent to the quarter end, Aurora's annual extraction capacity further increased to 45,600 kilograms.

    Q4 2019 SG&A increased by 9% to $72.9 million, compared to the prior quarter. The change was primarily driven by an increase in fulfillment and shipping costs related to the growth in consumer cannabis sales and continued investment in sales initiatives, distribution network, and partnerships to conduct research, develop products, and drive brand awareness. Aurora will continue to invest in infrastructure and talent required for market share growth in the global medical and consumer cannabis markets but will remain intensely focused doing this as efficiently as possible.

    In Q4 2019, adjusted EBITDA loss improved 68% to $11.7 million from $36.6 million in the prior quarter. Developing a profitable and robust global cannabis company is extremely important to Aurora. In fiscal 2019 Aurora was focused on excellence in execution, and the Company's KPIs show its success in this regard. Furthermore, Aurora has addressed previously identified production bottlenecks and continues to see strong sell-through of the Company's products at the retail level. However, the Canadian consumer channel continues to experience challenges at the retail level in key markets and resolution of this issue is beyond the Company's control. Aurora is working closely with all our regulatory and channel partners to streamline distribution as the Company continues to track toward positive adjusted EBITDA on a consolidated basis.

    The Company's operating facilities current annualized run-rate production capacity is in excess of 150,000 kg per annum, based on planted rooms. As the industry leader in purpose-built cultivation, Aurora is focused on producing a consistent supply of high-quality, low-cost product to meet evolving market demand. Aurora is well-positioned to respond to market conditions quickly with shorter lead times, increased harvest cycles and high plant yields.


    The global cannabis and hemp markets represent a significant opportunity for Aurora and the Company will continue to make the necessary investments today to build long-term value for shareholders. However, Aurora will take a balanced approach to these investments with a focus on operating a sustainable and profitable business.

    The introduction of new product formats to the Canadian consumer market this fall represents a significant opportunity for the Company. Aurora expects to have a robust product line-up ready to launch in December. Given the very early stage of development of the consumer market in Canada and international medical markets, management anticipates that quarter to quarter sales volumes and revenues may be volatile. The Company expects adjusted EBITDA to continue to improve in the future due to expected revenue growth, improvements in gross margin and prudent SG&A growth.

    The passing of the U.S. Farm Act presents new opportunities in the largest cannabis and hemp-derived CBD market globally, and as such Aurora is committed to establishing a substantial operating footprint in the U.S. As part of the U.S. market strategy, the Company is considering its stakeholders and how various state and federal regulations will affect its business prospects. A number of alternatives to grow Aurora's presence in the U.S. market are under evaluation and the Company is committed to only engage in activities which are permissible under both state and federal laws. Management believes there are currently market opportunities that are legal at both state and federal levels that can add operating cash flows and be critical pillars of Aurora's strategy and long-term success.
  7. [verwijderd] 17 september 2019 22:31

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 16 september 2019 22:52:

    Je kan beter investeren in 5 plantjes thuis op zolder; daar zul je veel meer mee verdienen.
    Heb ik geprobeerd is niet zo goed uit gedraaid :).

    Voor de volgende 5 tot 20 jaar moeten er toch enorme winsten te rapen zijn. Enkel de questie om de juiste bedrijven te volgen (wedden op verschillende paarden en portie geluk).

    Momenteel is alles nog heel volatiel, maar na verloop van tijd moeten er toch sterke gevestigde spelers op de markt zijn die deze sector beheren.

    Of zie ik dit verkeerd?!
  8. Businessmen 18 september 2019 08:41

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 16 september 2019 22:52:

    Je kan beter investeren in 5 plantjes thuis op zolder; daar zul je veel meer mee verdienen.
    En jij kan beter je tijd investeren in iets anders dan alleen op dit forum negatieve reacties plaatsen.

    Tuurlijk zijn de aandelen gehalveerd dan hun top, maar na zo`n sterke stijging was dit te verwachten. en na daling komt altijd een stijging.
  9. [verwijderd] 18 september 2019 13:47

    MOL1555 schreef op 17 september 2019 14:21:

    hahahaah, maar er zit soms ook een kern van waarheid in hè. De Aurora's gaan niet echt best. Ik heb zelf ook een plukje gekocht op de dip vorige week, maar de koers is nu nog dipper ........gelukkig heb ik goud, good old goud.
    Ik heb goud/zilver mijnen, weet je een forum die actief bezig is hierin?
    Heb je ook mijnen?
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