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Cannabis aandelen

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  1. zonnedaal 1 september 2019 09:07
    President Trump Reiterates His Administration Will Let States Legalize Marijuana

    President Donald Trump again said that his administration is allowing states to set their own marijuana policies.

    At a press briefing on Friday, the president was asked by DC Examiner reporter Steven Nelson whether cannabis would be federally legalized while he was in office.

    Nelson referenced studies showing that states with legal marijuana systems experience fewer opioid overdoses.

    “We’re going to see what’s going on. It’s a very big subject and right now we are allowing states to make that decision,” Trump said. “A lot of states are making that decision, but we’re allowing states to make that decision.”

    The comments come one day after the surgeon general issued a warning against the use of cannabis by adolescents and pregnant women—an advisory that neglected to mention that federal data shows that youth marijuana use has declined since states began enacting legalization laws.

    Though this isn’t the first time that Trump has expressed support for a states’ rights approach to marijuana policy, it’s one of the very few times the president has been asked directly to weigh in on the issue.

    During his presidential campaign, Trump said that he supports medical cannabis legalization and that broader legalization “should be a state issue, state-by-state.”

    In June 2018, the president was asked—again by Nelson—about bipartisan legislation sponsored by Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) that would protect states with legal cannabis systems from federal intervention. Trump said that he “really” supports the bill.

    “I know exactly what he’s doing,” he said. “We’re looking at it.”

    Trump’s attorney general, William Barr, has similarly expressed support for pursuing a legislative fix for conflicting state and federal marijuana laws, testifying at a Senate hearing in April that he would prefer for Congress to pass something like Gardner’s bill instead of maintaining the status quo.

    The House passed an amendment to spending legislation in June that would protect all states with legal cannabis programs from federal intervention. But in the Senate, the fate of that measure—or other marijuana legislation such as Gardner’s bill—remains murky.

    “The reiteration of a non-enforcement policy from the president is a clear sign that states should continue to defy the federal government when it comes to marijuana prohibition,” Justin Strekal, political director for NORML, told Marijuana Moment. “Congress should swiftly move pending legislation when it returns from the August recess to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act and provide the legal relief needed to those individuals and businesses who are struggling under our nations cruel policy of criminalization.”

  2. Osho 1 september 2019 16:17

    zonnedaal schreef op 1 september 2019 09:07:

    President Trump Reiterates His Administration Will Let States Legalize Marijuana

    President Donald Trump again said that his administration is allowing states to set their own marijuana policies.

    At a press briefing on Friday, the president was asked by DC Examiner reporter Steven Nelson whether cannabis would be federally legalized while he was in office.

    Nelson referenced studies showing that states with legal marijuana systems experience fewer opioid overdoses.

    “We’re going to see what’s going on. It’s a very big subject and right now we are allowing states to make that decision,” Trump said. “A lot of states are making that decision, but we’re allowing states to make that decision.”

    The comments come one day after the surgeon general issued a warning against the use of cannabis by adolescents and pregnant women—an advisory that neglected to mention that federal data shows that youth marijuana use has declined since states began enacting legalization laws.

    Though this isn’t the first time that Trump has expressed support for a states’ rights approach to marijuana policy, it’s one of the very few times the president has been asked directly to weigh in on the issue.

    During his presidential campaign, Trump said that he supports medical cannabis legalization and that broader legalization “should be a state issue, state-by-state.”

    In June 2018, the president was asked—again by Nelson—about bipartisan legislation sponsored by Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) that would protect states with legal cannabis systems from federal intervention. Trump said that he “really” supports the bill.

    “I know exactly what he’s doing,” he said. “We’re looking at it.”

    Trump’s attorney general, William Barr, has similarly expressed support for pursuing a legislative fix for conflicting state and federal marijuana laws, testifying at a Senate hearing in April that he would prefer for Congress to pass something like Gardner’s bill instead of maintaining the status quo.

    The House passed an amendment to spending legislation in June that would protect all states with legal cannabis programs from federal intervention. But in the Senate, the fate of that measure—or other marijuana legislation such as Gardner’s bill—remains murky.

    “The reiteration of a non-enforcement policy from the president is a clear sign that states should continue to defy the federal government when it comes to marijuana prohibition,” Justin Strekal, political director for NORML, told Marijuana Moment. “Congress should swiftly move pending legislation when it returns from the August recess to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act and provide the legal relief needed to those individuals and businesses who are struggling under our nations cruel policy of criminalization.”


    Positief bericht. Meeste US cannabis aandelen staan zeer laag. Dus interessant om nu in te kopen. IAN, Cura, LHS, Medmenn, Harvest, Australië etc.
  3. zonnedaal 3 september 2019 16:19
    De cannabis sector in Canada en de US heeft niet veel te maken met Chinese import tarieven. Ook de Brexit lijkt me niet zo relevant. Dat de markt kan crashen is toch nooit te voorkomen. Voordeel van aandelen is dat je ze op de plank kan leggen. Geduld mis ik nog wel eens bij cannabis beleggers :-)
  4. [verwijderd] 3 september 2019 16:43

    zonnedaal schreef op 3 september 2019 16:19:

    De cannabis sector in Canada en de US heeft niet veel te maken met Chinese import tarieven. Ook de Brexit lijkt me niet zo relevant. Dat de markt kan crashen is toch nooit te voorkomen. Voordeel van aandelen is dat je ze op de plank kan leggen. Geduld mis ik nog wel eens bij cannabis beleggers :-)
    Tijdens een recessie zullen de koersen nog wel lager gaan zitten dan nu lijkt me? Is dan meteen een mooi inkoopmoment, nu is het toch van de shorters.
  5. zonnedaal 3 september 2019 18:31

    Karel-B schreef op 3 september 2019 16:43:


    Tijdens een recessie zullen de koersen nog wel lager gaan zitten dan nu lijkt me? Is dan meteen een mooi inkoopmoment, nu is het toch van de shorters.
    Zit long in $apha, $acb en $tgod. De eerste twee zitten wat te zijkanten en in $tgod is sinds een aantal dagen een shortsqueeze gaande en worden de shorters eruit getikt. Niet alles is van de shorters.
  6. Osho 3 september 2019 19:44

    zonnedaal schreef op 3 september 2019 18:31:


    Zit long in $apha, $acb en $tgod. De eerste twee zitten wat te zijkanten en in $tgod is sinds een aantal dagen een shortsqueeze gaande en worden de shorters eruit getikt. Niet alles is van de shorters.
    Ik zit in ACB, Alef en Tgod (sindskort). In America heb ik IAN en LHS. Door de grote dalingen ben ik weer langzaam aan het inkopen. Straks gaat het weer omhoog. Ben op het punt gekomen dat ik koop als het aandeel er niet aantrekkelijk voor ligt. Dat is de afgelopen 2 maanden het geval. In het verleden stond ik door te holden nu op ruim 50% verlies. Nu bedraagt dit 0-10%. Ik verwacht een herstel richting het eind van het jaar (ook in acht nemend legalisatie 2.0 met de edibles, vapes etc.), mocht er geen flinke impact van een recessie plaatsvinden.
  7. kweetje 3 september 2019 23:12

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 3 september 2019 20:39:

    De cannabis-hype is voorbij; de koersen zullen nog veel verder gaan dalen, want ze zijn allemaal veel te duur.
    De waterstof, de lithium, de vanadium, de 3d, de bitcoin enz enz hypes ook. Zoals jij ook steeds helderziend terug komt, komen ook hypes terug.
    Onderstaande koersen vandaag staven je niets onderbouwde inbreng.... iAnthus +1,21%
    Innovative Industrial Properties +1,79%
    Cresco Labs +2,66% Cronos CRON +2,80%
    OrganiGram Holdings Inc +2,86%
    Aurora Cannabis +3,13%
    Charlotte's Web +3,28%
    Aphria APHA +3,46%
    Medipharm LABS +3,70%
    Hexo HEXO+3,93%
    Green Organic Dutchman TGOD +4,46%
    Trulieve Cannabis TRUL +5,36%
    Canopy Growth WEED +5,40%
    Medicine Man Tech MDCL+5,86%
    Green Growth GGB+7,59%
    Namaste Techn N +19,10%
    Planet 13 PLNHF +7,89%
    Curaleaf CURA +8,40%
    Tilray TLRY +17,26%
  8. Osho 3 september 2019 23:26

    kweetje schreef op 3 september 2019 23:12:

    [...]De waterstof, de lithium, de vanadium, de 3d, de bitcoin enz enz hypes ook. Zoals jij ook steeds helderziend terug komt, komen ook hypes terug.
    Onderstaande koersen vandaag staven je niets onderbouwde inbreng.... iAnthus +1,21%
    Innovative Industrial Properties +1,79%
    Cresco Labs +2,66% Cronos CRON +2,80%
    OrganiGram Holdings Inc +2,86%
    Aurora Cannabis +3,13%
    Charlotte's Web +3,28%
    Aphria APHA +3,46%
    Medipharm LABS +3,70%
    Hexo HEXO+3,93%
    Green Organic Dutchman TGOD +4,46%
    Trulieve Cannabis TRUL +5,36%
    Canopy Growth WEED +5,40%
    Medicine Man Tech MDCL+5,86%
    Green Growth GGB+7,59%
    Namaste Techn N +19,10%
    Planet 13 PLNHF +7,89%
    Curaleaf CURA +8,40%
    Tilray TLRY +17,26%

    LHS Liberty health Sience +4%
  9. kweetje 4 september 2019 17:45
    TGod was 18 gestegen op een week dus geen probleem en beter dat het nu gebeurt. Dan is ook euvel voorbij Aurora heeft geld nodig. Ze waren vorig jaar al bezig met verkopen. Raar dat ze nu pas de rest verkopen en niet wachten want ze waren goed aan stijgen. Normale aandeelhouder stapt trapsgewijs uit en niet alles tegelijk. Ze konden ook een paar maand eerder verkocht hebben aan hogere koers. Alles heeft zijn reden en er zal wel iets staan te gebeuren bij aurora. Heeft niets met TGOD zelf te maken dus lijkt gewoon een transactie te zijn . Goede kans voor wie ze nog niet had....
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