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Aandeel Ontex BRU:ONTEX.BL, BE0974276082

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
8,810   -0,180   (-2,00%) Dagrange 8,810 - 8,950 115.339   Gem. (3M) 82,8K

Forum Ontex geopend

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  1. forum rang 6 keffertje 8 juni 2023 07:56

    MilesDavis schreef op 6 juni 2023 14:55:

    Laatste conf call legde de CFO uit dat de voornaamste input kost namelijk pulp de prijs de WSI(?) index volgt.
    M.a.w als die daalt gaat de prijs voor ONtex ook dalen. Ze werken niet met fixed cost contracten voor pulp.
    Hij zegt er altijd bij dat je wel de juiste index moet nemen maar om het juist te hebben stuur gewoon een mail naar investor relations en je zal de link krijgen wss.
    Thanks, maar volgens mij zei hij dat de daling op termijn van 6 maanden doorwerkt in de inkoopprijzen voor Ontex.

    Ik zal het nog nakijken als ik tijd heb.
  2. FarEnd 8 juni 2023 10:43

    bruguy schreef op 8 juni 2023 10:15:

    Tof dat hier ongeveer iedereen (heel) positief is over Ontex. Feit is dat aandeel de laaste maand 10% is verloren. We moeten kennelijk iets over het hoofd zien....
    5,13 euro waard op 13-10-2022, dat is nog geen 8 maanden geleden.
    6, 62 op 16-03-2023, dat is 3 maand geleden. Lager als vandaag
    En ja de 8,2 op 08-05 (1 maand geleden)

    Dit aandeel is heel hard gestegen de laatste maanden, dan moet je niet teveel kijken op de daling van 1 maand net erna.

    Want je kan ook zeggen dat het aandeel nog boven de 20 euro was in 2019, dan is het nu heel laag.

    Kwestie van perspectief?
  3. bruguy 8 juni 2023 11:15

    FarEnd schreef op 8 juni 2023 10:43:


    5,13 euro waard op 13-10-2022, dat is nog geen 8 maanden geleden.
    6, 62 op 16-03-2023, dat is 3 maand geleden. Lager als vandaag
    En ja de 8,2 op 08-05 (1 maand geleden)

    Dit aandeel is heel hard gestegen de laatste maanden, dan moet je niet teveel kijken op de daling van 1 maand net erna.

    Want je kan ook zeggen dat het aandeel nog boven de 20 euro was in 2019, dan is het nu heel laag.

    Kwestie van perspectief?
    fair point.
  4. forum rang 6 keffertje 10 juni 2023 08:23

    bruguy schreef op 8 juni 2023 10:15:

    Tof dat hier ongeveer iedereen (heel) positief is over Ontex. Feit is dat aandeel de laaste maand 10% is verloren. We moeten kennelijk iets over het hoofd zien....
    Als je mijn bijdragen op dit forum terugleest kun je vaststellen dat ik de aanloop naar het herstel juist vrij kritisch ben (geweest) op Ontex en dan met name de governance en communicatie. Hoewel het herstel zich nog moet bestendigen door ook in de komende kwartalen structureel positieve operationele resultaten te tonen en ze (eindelijk) eens Brazilie en het MO moeten verkopen (niet mijn gedachte, maar onderdeel van hun eigen strategie om zich te concentreren op Noord Amerika en Europa), waardoor ze verder kunnen met het afbouwen van hun schulden, denk ik inmiddels wel dat ze nu het voordeel van de twijfel verdienen.

    Dat mensen die in de euforie van de meevallende q1 cijfers boven de 8 zijn ingestapt nu tegen een papieren koersverlies van meer dan 10% aankijken, is spijtig maar als de bovengenoemde sappen worden gemaakt is het een kwestie van tijd (bij onveranderde algemene marktomstandigheden) dat de koers weer hogere regionen gaat opzoeken. Het is eigenlijk een vergelijkbare situatie met een jaar geleden toen er aandelen werden gekocht rond de 7 euro, in afwachting van het bod dat nooit kwam, waarna de koers inklapte tot 5,15 (waaraan echter ook andere redenen ten grondslag lagen overigens).

    Uitgaande van structurele winstgevendheid noteer je nu ruwweg aan een verwachte k/w van 10 dus dat ziet er niet verkeerd uit.
  5. forum rang 4 Wall Street Trader 11 juni 2023 13:47

    keffertje schreef op 25 mei 2023 11:38:


    De Bank organiseert regelmatig bijeenkomsten voor institutionele investeerders waar diverse bedrijven zich dan presenteren, dus wie weet kunnen ze grote partijen verleiden een belang te nemen.
    Some keynotes and feedback from the Conference.

    Divestments: the divestment processes for the remaining non-core assets are continuing, with the divestment process of
    the activities in Algeria and Pakistan probably a bit more advanced than Brazil and Turkey.

    • US: Ontex still sees a lot of room for private label to grow, as for example in baby care private label represents only 24% of
    the market vs a share of private label of c. 40% in Europe.

    • Capex in the medium term is guided at around 4% of revenue, while capex needs in the shorter term might be a bit higher,
    ao given ongoing efforts to uniformize machinery and the production footprint.

    • Ontex organized an interesting demo on its innovative diaper for elderly care. The company has developed software and a
    sensor mechanism that signals the personnel of the elderly care homes which persons require a diaper change. The product
    has been tested in around 100 elderly care homes in the past few years and has received excellent feedback whilst being
    ready now for commercial roll-out.

    • Raw materials: fluff prices are up for Ontex in 2023, but for other raw materials the company is starting to see some
    easing. It will take a bit of time (6 months) for that to filter through to the P&L.

    • The board has set a long term incentive program for management solely based on a share price of € 15 (i.e. roughly double
    the current share price)

    • End game? Ontex has halted the preliminary combination talks with Attindas a while ago. While the company now looks set to execute the targeted strategic transformation alone, we would not exclude to see Ontex eventually being acquired or merged with another group

    I have to agree with bruguy this stock has unfortunately been dead money for more than a year now.
    Let's hope the turnaround will finally continue in the upcoming months, if effectively executed, it can deliver significant value for us as shareholders.
  6. FarEnd 12 juni 2023 09:05

    Wall Street Trader schreef op 11 juni 2023 13:47:


    Some keynotes and feedback from the Conference.

    Divestments: the divestment processes for the remaining non-core assets are continuing, with the divestment process of
    the activities in Algeria and Pakistan probably a bit more advanced than Brazil and Turkey.

    • US: Ontex still sees a lot of room for private label to grow, as for example in baby care private label represents only 24% of
    the market vs a share of private label of c. 40% in Europe.

    • Capex in the medium term is guided at around 4% of revenue, while capex needs in the shorter term might be a bit higher,
    ao given ongoing efforts to uniformize machinery and the production footprint.

    • Ontex organized an interesting demo on its innovative diaper for elderly care. The company has developed software and a
    sensor mechanism that signals the personnel of the elderly care homes which persons require a diaper change. The product
    has been tested in around 100 elderly care homes in the past few years and has received excellent feedback whilst being
    ready now for commercial roll-out.

    • Raw materials: fluff prices are up for Ontex in 2023, but for other raw materials the company is starting to see some
    easing. It will take a bit of time (6 months) for that to filter through to the P&L.

    • The board has set a long term incentive program for management solely based on a share price of € 15 (i.e. roughly double
    the current share price)

    • End game? Ontex has halted the preliminary combination talks with Attindas a while ago. While the company now looks set to execute the targeted strategic transformation alone, we would not exclude to see Ontex eventually being acquired or merged with another group

    I have to agree with bruguy this stock has unfortunately been dead money for more than a year now.
    Let's hope the turnaround will finally continue in the upcoming months, if effectively executed, it can deliver significant value for us as shareholders.
    A lot of half informations in this text that seems interesting on the first sight.

    Divestments -> Are we speaking about last steps or still preliminary steps (weeks/months before communicating)?

    US -> corresponds with the investments in the plants in the US

    The company has developed software and a sensor mechanism -> diversification, how will they monetize this. Chips in trowable diapers or reusable diapers. Are they owner of the software and start to diversify in software for elder or do they see this as an incentive to use their current portfolio of products?

    Not exclude being acquired or merger -> how about the big shareholders (eg. GBL), what is their opinion on this subject. Could be a blocking factor.
  7. forum rang 6 keffertje 13 juni 2023 08:07

    FarEnd schreef op 12 juni 2023 09:05:


    A lot of half informations in this text that seems interesting on the first sight.

    Divestments -> Are we speaking about last steps or still preliminary steps (weeks/months before communicating)?

    US -> corresponds with the investments in the plants in the US

    The company has developed software and a sensor mechanism -> diversification, how will they monetize this. Chips in trowable diapers or reusable diapers. Are they owner of the software and start to diversify in software for elder or do they see this as an incentive to use their current portfolio of products?

    Not exclude being acquired or merger -> how about the big shareholders (eg. GBL), what is their opinion on this subject. Could be a blocking factor.
    Tsja, dit lijkt me inderdaad wel erg positief allemaal. Hoop dat ze het gaan waarmaken!
  8. MilesDavis 13 juni 2023 11:21
    @wallstreettrader thanks!

    I'm very curious what the 50 cent will be from our new CEO. He promised acceleration. I hope he is not aiming end 2025 for this and starts delivering already visibility of this end 23 end begin 24.
    Sure is that he can't miss any quarter anymore therefore they stay very conservative towards the market with ranges between 8% and 10%. Easy play I call this. Also pulp prices are up in 2023? very strange statement as all indexes going lower. They are not so transparent to this type of input costs. Why is this going up?!

    The problem with this stock is that it's going to slow in recovery but the return will come at some point.
    If you see stocks in renewing energies or technology they are outperforming 10 times this one.
    Patience with this one...I'm in already 2y, so the 1 year dead money is 2Y is my case :-)
    It's surely dead money....but you sit the entire ride or you cut your losses. I chose the first one.
  9. forum rang 6 keffertje 13 juni 2023 18:54

    Wall Street Trader schreef op 11 juni 2023 13:47:


    Some keynotes and feedback from the Conference.

    Divestments: the divestment processes for the remaining non-core assets are continuing, with the divestment process of
    the activities in Algeria and Pakistan probably a bit more advanced than Brazil and Turkey.

    • US: Ontex still sees a lot of room for private label to grow, as for example in baby care private label represents only 24% of
    the market vs a share of private label of c. 40% in Europe.

    • Capex in the medium term is guided at around 4% of revenue, while capex needs in the shorter term might be a bit higher,
    ao given ongoing efforts to uniformize machinery and the production footprint.

    • Ontex organized an interesting demo on its innovative diaper for elderly care. The company has developed software and a
    sensor mechanism that signals the personnel of the elderly care homes which persons require a diaper change. The product
    has been tested in around 100 elderly care homes in the past few years and has received excellent feedback whilst being
    ready now for commercial roll-out.

    • Raw materials: fluff prices are up for Ontex in 2023, but for other raw materials the company is starting to see some
    easing. It will take a bit of time (6 months) for that to filter through to the P&L.

    • The board has set a long term incentive program for management solely based on a share price of € 15 (i.e. roughly double
    the current share price)

    • End game? Ontex has halted the preliminary combination talks with Attindas a while ago. While the company now looks set to execute the targeted strategic transformation alone, we would not exclude to see Ontex eventually being acquired or merged with another group

    I have to agree with bruguy this stock has unfortunately been dead money for more than a year now.
    Let's hope the turnaround will finally continue in the upcoming months, if effectively executed, it can deliver significant value for us as shareholders.
    Van wie zijn deze 'notes' en heb je nog meer of is dit alles?
  10. forum rang 4 Wall Street Trader 14 juni 2023 14:34

    The divestment process for the remainder of the Emerging Markets businesses is still ongoing. Algeria and Pakistan, they hope and assume that they can make some steps soon on that. Ontex will inform the markets when there is more to report on that.

    GBL has held on-and-off talks with potential partners last year, including private equity firms and owners of similar brands, about a deal to buy out Ontex’s minority shareholders.


    No problem, you're welcome ;-)

    The commitment of Gustavo and the team is very high to deliver on the expectations.

    The cost levels I believe are going to be fairly much close in Q2 as they've seen in Q1. They have fluctuating fluff prices and the significant part of the margin growth going forward is going to come from cost transformations.

    We just have to be patient, both GBL and ENA still believe in Ontex and think it's significantly undervalued at this point in time.


    More companies attended and presented during the conference.
  11. forum rang 6 keffertje 15 juni 2023 09:46

    Joshua3 schreef op 15 juni 2023 06:49:

    Allemaal mooie verhalen maar zie de koers alleen maar verder wegzakken en de 6 weer bijna aantikken. Hopelijk wordt ons geduld beloond met een mooi overnamebod of prima cijfers volgende maand waardoor de koers weer omhoog kan.
    Ik zie dat ook, maar ben vooral benieuwd naar het antwoord van WST op de vraag wat de status/bron is van alle mooie berichten, dus nogmaals WST wie heeft die notes opgesteld?
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