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Aandeel Biocartis BRU:BCART.BL, BE0974281132

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,290   0,000   (0,00%) Dagrange 0,000 - 0,000 0  

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  1. Flatlander 10 januari 2022 22:55
    Stock Bread

    This is probably the most useful of the PR statements that I recall seeing that responds to your questions.

    We may see as much as 75% dilution in terms of the number of shares issued over a 5 yr period. My previous statement about the offering in the U.S. is based on the final couple of bullets on pg 3 of the release.

    The conditions for a U.S. offering are not nearly as attractive as they were this past summer when I was talking about the US listing being the preferred route to raise funds. The share prices of a lot of the MDx companies I follow have been cut in half. Still the valuations are preferable to what I see in the EU. I'm certain that BCART could raise more money in the US at terms that are favorable to compared to another EU offering. A listing on the Nasdaq would require quarterly rather than semiannual filings. But I think it would greately enhance BCARTs visibility on US and world markets. I suspect that we will hear about this offering in Late February, coinciding with the MSI 510K approval. After watching how the convertible offering has taken a toll on the company, I believe the US offering is definately preferable even if it means adopting financial reporting changes required in the U.S. I think the U.S. market will see favorable comparisons to Cepheid and will also be intriqued by a worldwide rollout of a proven product with favorable technical articles. Look at it this way, the U.S. bought into that Seranos hype without a product even being offerred on the market, BCART will be able to tout Idylla registrations on just about all continents. Just joking about the Seranos comparison. We know that's certainly not the case with BCART.

    Remember the dilution in terms of the number of shares is not what matters since a rising share price associated with increased visibility can offset the financial impact to shareholders do to an increased number of shares. I think the Nasdaq listing will help in that regard. But I still wish the timing was better (i.e., last year).

    Regards FL

  2. Flatlander 10 januari 2022 23:25
    I'm sure BCART would counter that the timing is better this year than last since a share listing on the Nasdaq will follow the registration of Idylla products for the US market. There is some truth to this but overall market conditions are a lot tougher. Assumming thet they do list in the U.S., BCART's IR team will have to use the upcomming news flow to create excitement to counter the slower market conditions.

  3. Flatlander 11 januari 2022 15:58
    Up 3.73 on 3X volume. A delayed reaction to very predictable announcement that the company met 2021 guidance or speculation that the cash raise will occur in the U.S.? Maybe Credit Suisse has some market insights on a U.S. IPO when they established their position in 2021.

    Speculation of course!

  4. ElTorro 11 januari 2022 17:46
    The market is finally showing some appreciation for the results that were booked in ’21, despite of the offsets. The road to profitability is ahead, they only must set the marker.
    I would have preferred without additional cash raise, but if they can reach US approval, this could work out well.
    Credit Suisse are in over 3%, I think they are in for the long run.
  5. Flatlander 12 januari 2022 20:01
    Rollie Carlson CEO of ImmunExpress is doing presentations. Most of the points are the same as previous presentations. However, this discussion of making Septicyte Rapid part of the standard of sepsis care is new.

    What would it take to make Septicyte Rapid the standard of care?
    Our test is the first FDA-cleared diagnostic in the U.S. that can differentiate SIRS from sepsis. We’ve presented our clinical validation at various major medical conferences and have published these data in peer-reviewed publications, as well as been disseminating the unique value proposition of our new technological approach to diagnosing sepsis. We need to make this the standard of care through education and awareness in different hospital systems.

    Here in the U.S., different hospitals triage patients using a variety of inclusionary and exclusionary tests and SeptiCyte® RAPID should be included in that bundle of evaluations because it cancan improve patient outcomes.

    In the U.S., Medicare CMS measures and rates hospitals by their sepsis patient management. Even within a hospital system, there is huge variability in ratings, and being able to improve and standardize patient management across the system will be a great advantage.

    Although the highest cost is, of course, the high mortality rate, the management of sepsis is a significant financial burden for hospitals. By improving sepsis management, hospitals can reduce the length of stay while also reducing the number of other administered therapies.

  6. CGCDLR 13 januari 2022 11:09
    Downgrade bij Kepler,van kopen naar houden ;koersdoel 4€."Hobbelig parcours naar winstgevendheid!". Voor Kepler is hetglas blijkbaar halfleeg.Iedere belegger in biocartis weet dat er dit jaar een kapitaal operatie komt,zie reactie kbc maandag op behalen jaardoelstellingen.Zij gaven een koersdoel van 7€.
  7. Bonsjoer 13 januari 2022 11:18
    (ABM FN) Kepler Cheuvreux heeft het advies op Biocartis verlaagd van Kopen naar Houden en het koersdoel van 6,00 naar 4,00 euro. Dit bleek donderdag uit een analistenrapport.

    Volgens Kepler is het pad richting winstgevendheid lastiger dan verwacht, terwijl de kaspositie slinkt, waardoor een nieuwe kapitaalinjectie nodig is.

    Volgens het beurshuis lag het cartridgevolume vorig jaar aan de onderzijde van de prognoses van het bedrijf zelf met een groei van 40 procent.

    Lagere groei, gecombineerd met margedruk en hogere kosten door hogere prijzen voor grondstoffen, zorgt ervoor dat het koersdoel omlaag moest.

    Het aandeel Biocartis daalde donderdag 1,9 procent tot 3,69 euro.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  8. CGCDLR 13 januari 2022 12:12
    Alles wat in hun rapport staat was vorig jaar in september al geweten, intussen is er de FDA approval voor de sepsis test , zijn er andere op komst al dan niet gepaard met een notering in de VS!Waar gaan ze dan staan met hun rapport,die ok vorig jaar september op z'n plaats ging geweest zijn.
  9. Wilfro 13 januari 2022 13:28
    Dat die koersdoelen helemaal nergens over gaan is toch niets nieuw?

    Waar ik hier wel weer van op kijk ... hoe kan het toch dat er nog steeds zo'n verschuivingen in gang gezet kunnen worden door 1 rapportje vol achterhaalde informatie. Dat wil toch zeggen dat er mensen zijn die tot voor kort aandelen hadden die ze nu aan braderijprijzen op straat gooien, waar ze allicht gretig worden opgepikt door de grote jongens. Die werken het ook maar wat graag in de hand door short posities van minder dan 1%, zo blijven ze netjes onder de radar van de meldingsplicht.
  10. Flatlander 13 januari 2022 15:09
    Perhaps Kepler Cheuvreux has a bit of sour grapes about not being consulted/contracted to assist with the upcoming capital raise. I can't fault them completely since I used some of the same rationale when I did some tax loss selling at the end of last year. That said, an analyst is valued for their forward view/visibility rather than rehashing well known facts. There are a lot of catalysts that will begin hitting this year. Kepler could end up with egg on their face. However Management needs to demonstrate they can finally deliver on the promise of Idylla.


  11. CGCDLR 13 januari 2022 20:08
    JotieP had op 10 november 2021 deze cijfers al voorspeld.Een kleine 75000 cartridges in Q4 2021 is nu wel ontgoocheld.Als analist sla m.i.je een modderfiguur wanneer je een bedrijf downgrade op basis van cijfers die al maanden " gekent"zijn.Dat er op de een of andere manier extra kapitaal nodig wisten we ook al lang (jaren). Biocartis geeft dit ook aan tijdens hun presentaties,"er worden verscheidene pistes onderzocht om hun kapitaal buffer te doen groeien". Misschien eenns nadenu over de cijfers voor 2022.Geplaatste consoles 2300(+370). Cartridges 550000,(+70%).Beter mag ook.
  12. Flatlander 14 januari 2022 00:30
    I'm not certain how much of todays sell off was the downgrade. Just about every MDx company I follow ended the day down a similar amount. BCART just led off the carnage, Here are some examples (sorry about the loss of formatting):

    Symbol Current Price Date Time Change
    CODX 8.87 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.6199999
    CDNA 40.66 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -1.5600014
    BNGO 2.54 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.24000001
    QDEL 117.5 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -7.260002
    TTOO 0.4091 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.023800015
    TECH 397.68 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -30.690002
    FLGT 81.34 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.51000214
    ALNOV.PA 3.632 1/13/2022 17:35 CET -0.038000107
    NVYTF 4.94 12/29/2021 11:09 EST 0
    NSTG 35.08 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -2.039997
    QTRX 33.09 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.13999939
    NTRA 68.35 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -5.25
    OCX 1.87 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.08000004
    NEO 24.99 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -1.1200008
    VCYT 29.47 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -2.5500011
    MXDHF 1.04 12/9/2021 09:59 EST 0
    EXAS 75.4 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.41999817
    GH 78.8 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -7.0499954
    A 145.17 1/13/2022 16:03 EST -4.34
    NVTA 11.45 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.42
    QTNT 2.05 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.049999952
    ARYC 1.00E-06 12/31/2021 09:37 EST 0
    QGEN 48.66 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -1.25
    ILMN 399.51 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -13.859985
    HTGM 4.04 1/13/2022 16:00 EST 0.049999952
    TMO 600.89 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -24.31
    FMI 6/28/2019 18:07 EDT
    AXDX 4.03 1/13/2022 16:00 EST -0.23999977
    BCART.BR 3.53 1/13/2022 17:35 CET -0.22500014

    The whole sector was decimated today. As were other tech companies not showing a profit.
  13. ElTorro 14 januari 2022 10:02
    All tech companies are taking hits because of the treat of FED increasing the lending rates.
    So big funds usually then turn back to conservative stocks (beer, telco, bank, ..).
    We must also acknowledge that the BCART stock never took advantage of the bull market over the last years, so it's not surprising that when the market goes down, BCART will follow.
    For the moment I'm 25% under water, so should I throw my stocks on the street for others to pick them up at this low price. I don’t think so, I’m in for long and I will sit this out. The stock of this company can not keep going down for ever.
    That is not possible.

  14. Flatlander 14 januari 2022 14:33
    El Torro,
    I agree that is the narrative. I'd add materials on to the list. I've done well with Holcim since I bought it a couple months ago.

    I'm looking for evidence that the dollar is cracking vs Emerging market currencies. If that happens it could set up a good entry point for a long term EM position. By the way BCARTs last earnings report suggested that traction was good in the Rest of World or EM. Cepheid demonstrated that the decentralized cartridge based systems are well suited to EM markets. BCART is at a pivotal point in 2022. either they show they can move to profitability or they are headed to the dustbin. As I keep saying, this is an ideal business environment for BCART. Retirements, social distancing, pent up demand due to delayed testing, etc. all align well with Idylla's business model. The key is whether they can finally execute.

  15. CGCDLR 14 januari 2022 17:55
    Ze kunnen dit toch niet lang meer volhouden.Wanneer ze kapitaal ophalen aan de huidige koers,vb 100 milj € dan komen er in een klap +- 30 miljoen aandelen bij!Met de 59 miljoen aandelen die er nu noteren is dit een enorme verwatering.Geen wonder dat ze blijven zakken.Elke daling maakt hét probleem nog groter.
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