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Gold World Spot (USD) IND:XAUUSD.FXVWD, XC0009655157

Laatste koers Verschil Volume
2.391,26   +34,40   (+1,46%) Dagrange 2.352,25 - 2.393,00 0  
Pharming Investor Tour 2024. Investor Tour op vijf locaties in Nederland (Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Leiden, Zwolle). Presentatie en Q&A sessie met CEO Sijmen de Vries. Pharming Investor Tour 2024. Investor Tour op vijf locaties in Nederland (Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Leiden, Zwolle). Presentatie en Q&A sessie met CEO Sijmen de Vries.


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  1. B_B 19 december 2014 14:54

    Balimoney schreef op 17 december 2014 18:27:

    Willem Middelkoop en Koos Jansen zijn chronisch positief over goud, ook toen goud op 1900 dollar stond.
    Koos Jansen geeft voornamelijk cijfers, Willem Middelkoop geeft soms tegenstrijdige analyses.
    Chronisch zieken/beleggers zijn slechte beleggers, zolas bij TomTom (Justin) en KPN (SNSN).
    De winsten die ze maken, verliezen ze toch weer (bezig met bezig zijn).
    Jammer genoeg sleuren ze anderen mee.

    Ik beleg dit jaar voor het eerst in goud (iets onder de 1200 dollar).
    Als ik denk dat goud verder omlaag gaat, dan draai ik mijn posities.
    Ik ben een belegger, geen fan, diehard of believer.
  2. B_B 22 december 2014 09:41
    China Offers Russia Help With Currency Swap Suggestion
    By Bloomberg News Dec 22, 2014

    Two Chinese ministers offered support for Russia as President Vladimir Putin seeks to shore up support for the ruble without depleting foreign-exchange reserves.

    China will provide help if needed and is confident Russia can overcome its economic difficulties, Foreign Minister Wang Yi was cited as saying in Bangkok in a Dec. 20 report by Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV. Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng said expanding a currency swap between the two nations and making increased use of yuan for bilateral trade would have the greatest impact in aiding Russia, according to the broadcaster.

    The ruble strengthened 4.1 percent against the dollar today amid the signs of willingness by China, the world’s second-largest economy, to prop up its neighbor.
  3. B_B 5 januari 2015 14:03
    Gold trading outlook: futures tick up on China demand
    JANUARY 5, 2015 8:36 AM

    Gold rose for a second session on Monday as the precious metal was supported by strong Chinese demand weeks before traditional holidays.

    Comex gold for delivery in February gained 0.92% to $1 197.1 per troy ounce by 07:39 GMT, having shifted in a daily range of $1 198.0-$1 177.8 an ounce. The precious metal edged up 0.18% on Friday to $1 186.2, but not before it touched $1 167.3, its lowest since December 1st.

    Demand for the yellow metal has picked up in China ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday in early 2015, during which people exchange gold gifts or buy the metal for good luck.

    Demand is expected to stay strong at least until the holidays on February 19-20th. The precious metal was trading at the Shanghai Gold Exchange with a premium of around $6 an ounce to the global benchmark, or $2 higher than last week.

    “We opened lower because of the euro. But with the Shanghai opening, prices turned positive,” said a precious metals trader in Hong Kong, cited by CNBC.

    “I would be cautiously long in Asian hours and would be looking to square positions in Europe opening,” outlining that the upside movement may reverse when the European session begins.
  4. B_B 5 januari 2015 14:05
    Jan 5, 2015 - 11:51 AM GMT

    China imported a net 99.1 tonnes of gold from Hong Kong in November, according to the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong government, the highest figure since February.

    This is up from 77.6 tonnes in October and the fourth consecutive monthly increase.

    “Clearly, consumers are taking advantage of the low prices to buy up more gold,” Commerzbank said in a note on Monday. “Retailers have no doubt also been replenishing their stocks ahead of the New Year festival in mid-February.”

    During November, gold hit its lowest level in four years at $1,131.60 per ounce, prompting many analysts to question whether China’s sensitivity to cheaper prices was still as strong as it had been.

    The improved imports also run counter to generally lower premiums for gold on the Shanghai Gold Exchange in November, with rates dropping as low as level and as high as $2 compared with the current level of around $4-5.

    China is likely to lift its inventories in the months leading up to the Lunar New Year, an auspicious period for consumers to buy gold.

    During November, Switzerland exported 34.7 tonnes of gold to China, down from 42.5 tonnes in the previous month.

    Some 212.49 tonnes of gold were withdrawn from Shanghai Gold Exchange vaults in November.

  5. bodemvisser50 6 januari 2015 10:32
    Als je nog geen goud of zilveraandelen heeft is het nu de moment. Over Griekenland is het laatste woord nog niet gezegd. Het is onduidelijkheid over een grexit en wat beleggers vrezen is onzekerheid. Op 25 Januari zijn er verkiezingen. De onzekerheid kan duren tot in maart. Beleggers zijn al aan het vluchten in goud en zilver als veilige haven. Wacht niet te lang of je bent te laat. Ik heb alvast 100 k euro geinvesteerd in MUX (NYSE : MUX)juniormijn goud (prijs 0,90 dollarcent, nu 1,19) en fresnillo op de ftse op 731 GBP nu 780 GBP zilvermijn. Aan jullie de keuze. BB er moet er eens van komen dat de edelmetalen de weg vinden naar de top.
  6. B_B 7 januari 2015 00:37
    "There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved." - Ludwig von Mises

    Binnenkort vlucht/stap iedereen in GOUD.
  7. B_B 7 januari 2015 00:52
    Asian disenchantment with Western gold market manipulation The forthcoming launch of a gold kilobar contract by the CME group in Hong Kong is an element in Asian attempts to wrest control of gold benchmark pricing from the West.
    Lawrence Williams | 6 January 2015 12:04

    A phrase at the end of a Reuters report on the forthcoming launch by CME Group of a gold futures contract in Hong Kong caught my eye. In commenting on the implementation of several gold futures trading options in the Asian region the report noted that “Asia is the top consumer of physical bullion in the form of jewellery, bars and coins, but there is growing disenchantment with benchmark prices set in the West, which tend to be influenced by speculators.” The new Hong Kong contract is due to go live on January 26.

    De Chinezen hebben genoeg van de goud manipulatie.
    Dit wordt een gouden jaar.

    FED is the elephant in the room.
    CHINA is the dragon in the room.
  8. B_B 7 januari 2015 11:38
    Germany prepares for possible Greek exit from euro zone: report
    Report says govt concerned about a possible bank collapse if Greece leaves the zone
    January 7, 2015

    Germany is making contingency plans for the possible departure of Greece from the euro zone, including the impact of any run on a bank, tabloid newspaper Bild reported, citing unnamed government sources.

    The newspaper said the government was running scenarios for the Jan 25 Greek election in case of a victory by the leftwing Syriza party, which wants to cancel austerity measures and a part of the Greek debt.

    In a report in the Wednesday issue of the paper, Bild said government experts were concerned about a possible bank collapse if customers storm Greek institutions to secure euro deposits in the event that Greece leaves the zone.

    The European Union banking union would then have to intervene with a bailout worth billions, the paper said.

    Beurs in Athene bijna -3% eraf.
    Een "bank run" begint deze week.
  9. B_B 8 januari 2015 01:28
    German Lawmakers Say Greek Debt Talks Possible After Vote
    Jan 7, 2015

    Germany is leaving the door open to discussing debt relief with Greece’s next government, lawmakers in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition said, signaling a more flexible stance than her administration has taken publicly.

    Merkel probeert een "bank run" in Griekenland te voorkomen.
  10. B_B 11 januari 2015 12:59
    Mike Khouw Sees Unusual Options Activity In SPDR Gold Trust
    January 10, 2015 12:52pm

    On CNBC's Options Action, Mike Khouw spoke about unusually high options trading activity in SPDR Gold Trust (ETF)
    GLD 1.14%
    He explained that the activity was twice the average daily volume and it was a result of a large institutional bullish bet on SPDR Gold Trust (ETF). Somebody bought around 40,000 contracts of the March 120 call options for $2.25. The breakeven for this trade is at $122.25 or 4.26 percent higher at March expiration.
    Khouw added that options premiums are up around 50 percent and the last time that happened SPDR Gold Trust (ETF) gained 10 percent.

  11. B_B 14 januari 2015 01:38
    di 13 jan 2015, 22:25
    Dr. Doom: goudprijs gaat 30% stijgen in 2015

    Marc Faber, opsteller van het geruchtmakende 'Gloom, Boom en Doom Report', verwacht dat de goudprijs met 30% stijgt als reactie op de inzakkende economische groei.
    De vermogende fan van goud zegt dat het edelmetaal zijn grootste verlies heeft gehad en terrein gaat winnen. De toename zal substantieel zijn, aldus Faber tijdens een bijeenkomst van Société Générale in Londen, waarbij hij het getal van 30% groei expliciet noemde.
    Naar de vluchtheuvel
    Goud stond gisteren 0,4% hoger op $1230 per troy ounce, 31 gram, de standaardmaat. Faber verwacht dat goud, de traditionele vluchtheuvel voor beleggers, zo snel kan stijgen omdat het publiek het vertrouwen in de centrale bankiers gaat verliezen, stelde hij.
    Daarom gaat hij long in goud, zilver en platinum. Goud heeft sinds zijn piek in september 2011 bij $1900 een daling van 35% gemaakt. Dit jaar staat het edelmetaal echter 4% hoger.
    Aandelen te duur
    Edelmetalen zijn naast de opgeblazen vastgoedmarkt, aandelen, obligaties en zelfs kunst relatief goedkoop om in te beleggen, vindt Faber.


    30% is wel erg weinig.
    Ik verwacht een stijging van 100% (2400 dollar).
  12. B_B 14 januari 2015 11:59
    bennie, op 14 januari 2015 om 01:15 uur
    ECB bepaalt morgen de richting (rond 10:00 uur).

    bennie, op 14 januari 2015 om 10:07 uur
    Breaking: The ECJ is saying that the European Central Bank’s Outright Monetary Transactions programme appears to be legal, as long as certain conditions are met.

    Those conditions include insuring that the ECB does not provide “direct” financial assistance when it buys debt issued by a eurozone member:

    (The idea behind OMT, announced in 2012, is that the ECB would buy government bonds if a member’s borrowing costs rose to sharply).

    Beurzen herstellen een beetje, waarschijnlijk hebben ze minder vertrouwen in Mario's "bluf".
  13. B_B 14 januari 2015 12:00
    bennie, op 14 januari 2015 om 11:56 uur
    Ze steunen vandaag alles (dollar, olie, futures, Europese beurzen en treasuries) en onderdrukken goud om een crash te voorkomen.
    Alles herstelt, maar de beleggers (hedge funds) in Engeland geloven niet in herstel vandaag.
    Waarschijnlijk weer een dump in Amerika vandaag.
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