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Meedoen met Fission en Alpha Minerals: grote kansen op winst

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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 29 juli 2014 00:06
    Dundee: Buy rating & $2.10 target price for Fission Uranium
    According to Dundee Capital Markets:


    Fission Uranium Corp.

    July 28, 2014

    BUY, Speculative Risk

    Dundee target: C$2.10

    All Fourteen Initial Summer Drill Holes Hit Mineralization at PLS

    We continue to recommend Fission Uranium as a BUY and C$2.10 target. Let the summer drilling scintillometer season begin. This is when FCU starts to move the most on market speculation. FCU is already up 6% this month, double its peers and in line with producers. This project matures and we await an initial PLS resource, but based on recent share price momentum we believe that its outperformance could continue through the summer on drill results. Expect more attention this week as an analyst site visit is scheduled. Today's results include:

    • PLS14-230 (L915E): 128m total composite mineralization (between 115m–362m) including 6.1m total composite off-scale (>9,999 cps) radioactivity

    • PLS14-220 (L540E): 93.1m total composite mineralization (between 59.5m – 246.5m) including 4.6m total composite off-scale radioactivity

    • PLS14-225 (L825E): 76m total composite mineralization (between 126.5m – 268.0m) including 4.1m total composite off-scale radioactivity

    Perfect summer hit ratio. So far 14 holes have each hit uranium mineralization. Seven angled and three vertical holes have had substantial intervals of off-scale. We believe this release to be moderately good news, but the scint results really suggest nothing off the charts regarding potential grades. The structure remains relatively thick. What is more important is that the east end of the R780E zone has expended 50m to the north. This provides possibly better upside than we had given credit as per our last Fission commentary on July 21st “structure remains and that’s positive but the best zone, R780E, might be petering out to the East”.

    We still expect zone expansion. Uranium mineralization at PLS has been traced over 2.24km of E-W strike length. Five zones have been identifies from line 615W to line 1620E. Summer drilling provides another $12 MM budget with 63 holes planned. Two thirds of those holes are slated for the PLS deposit itself. New targets may or may not return successful results (although neighbours have hit on multiple parallel conductors), but with 32 winter holes of assays to be returned, we still expect more N-S expansion, gap filling and deposit extensions.

    New methods employed. Summer drilling returns to barges but new technology is allowing angled holes. This should help improve structural and geometry interpretation. Better accuracy is also expected with use of the new RS-121 Super GAMMA Scintillometer. This can measure higher radioactivity with readings up to 65,535 cps before going off-scale (as opposed to 9999 cps). It is suggested that one corresponds well to the other, and that its peers use similar machines.

    Cash: ~$30 MM currently. Further cash may be needed by YE for 2015 drilling, but current cash should hold it through summer drilling and an initial resource.

    Valuation: FCU trades at an implied EV/lb of $5.28, vs. $4 precedent average, and $9.36 in the Athabasca Basin.

    Read more at www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboar...
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 11 augustus 2014 14:03
    Exploration Hole PLS14-255 Intersects Anomalous Radioactivity 330m from Fission 3.0's Clearwater West

    KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 11, 2014) - FISSION URANIUM CORP. (TSX VENTURE:FCU)(OTCQX:FCUUF)(FRANKFURT:2FU) ("Fission" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that anomalous radioactivity has been discovered with exploration hole, PLS14-255, drilled on the PLG-105A EM Conductor at its PLS property in Canada's Athabasca Basin. The hole is approximately 17km south east of the main discovery where high-grade mineralization has been outlined along a 2.24km strike length. It is also just 330m north of Fission 3.0's Clearwater West property, where exploration work, including Fission 3.0's patent-pending airborne survey, has identified several high priority basement hosted conductive anomalies and coincidental and possibly related surface radiometric anomalies.

    Drilling Highlights Include:

    Hole PLS14-255
    Radioactivity in the bore hole drilled approximately 17km SE of main discovery; 330m north of Fission 3.0's Clearwater West where high-priority basement hosted conductive anomalies have been identified
    A 0.95m interval (63.76m - 64.71m) with peak measurements up to 2532 cps measured by a 2PGA-1000 natural gamma downhole probe.
    Anomalous radioactivity correlates with a chlorite altered section of a graphitic-sulphide pelitic gneiss (46.0m - 82.8m)

    Ross McElroy, President, COO, and Chief Geologist for Fission, commented,

    "Discovering anomalous radioactivity on a previously untested EM conductor 17km from our main discovery speaks volumes for the incredible prospectivity of the PLS property, which has over 100 discrete EM conductors, most that have yet to be drilled. The fact it is so close to Fission 3.0's Clearwater West project, located immediately adjacent to the south, in an area where detailed survey work has identified multiple highly prospective targets, makes this is a very exciting step forward for PLS."

    Read more at www.stockhouse.com/news/press-release...
  3. benito c. 11 augustus 2014 14:47
    Randhawa says that it’s business as usual for his team and he’s optimistic potential Australian sanctions of Russian uranium could help the commodity’s spot price, which is now trading near decade lows (roughly $28.75 per pound at press time).

    “The problem is people are so fixated on the spot price, they don’t see this project maybe doubled in width, tripled in width, you know. They don’t see that.”

  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 12 augustus 2014 19:30

    The following article appeared on The Motley Fool on August 11, 2014 by Robert Baillieul

    Is Uranium About to Hit $75?
    By Robert Baillieul - August 11, 2014

    Over the next couple of years you could make triple-digit gains in one of the most beaten-down commodities in the world: uranium.

    It's not going to happen overnight. But as I'm about to show you, higher uranium prices are almost inevitable.

    In fact, this might be the biggest 'no-brainer' investment I've seen in a while. And before the run is over, we could see prices double... or more.

    Let me explain...
    Negative sentiment can push asset prices to extreme levels. In some cases, prices can be pushed to levels that don't make any economic sense.

    Uranium is a case in point. Following Japan's Fukushima Daiichi disaster, public sentiment towards nuclear power has soured to such a degree that many countries have shut down their reactors. Today, spot uranium prices are just under $30/lb, nearly 80% below the all-time highs hit in 2007.

    Here's the problem: According to most industry estimates, the average cost to produce one pound of uranium is about $75/lb. You don't need an MBA to crunch these numbers. At current rates, miners are losing money on almost every pound of uranium they haul out of the ground.

    That's exactly why the current situation won't last. Small miners will go bust. Larger producers will cut back production. Eventually, the laws of economics dictate that prices will rise to meet the cost of production - that's more than 150% over today's levels.

    At the exact same moment, demand is starting to pick up. Just a few weeks ago, Japan's Nuclear Regulatory Authority gave the OK to start up two nuclear reactors. Europe's reliance on Russian natural gas may also put a halt on plans to phase out atomic power.

    In addition to demand growth from developed markets, emerging countries are increasingly turning towards nuclear energy to fuel economic expansion. China aims to increase the number of atomic power stations in the country from a current 15 to 71 by 2020. India is expected to sign a trade deal early next month to begin importing uranium from Australia.

    Fortunately for investors there are a number of ways to take part in the uranium rally. The safest way to profit is to buy Uranium Participation Corp. (TSX: U). This company simply stores uranium and its shares closely track the spot price of the underlying commodity.

    However, my favourite way to play the uranium bull market is Cameco Corp. (TSX:

    CCO)(NYSE: CCJ). Because of the inherent leverage in the miner's business, the company's shares could rise even faster than uranium prices. And given that Cameco is the largest uranium producer in the world, the firm has the size and scale to survive the industry's current doldrums.

    But one word of warning: the smart money is starting to catch on to this opportunity.

    As my colleague Nelson Smith pointed out in a column last month, billionaire investor George Soros has accumulated a nearly $130 million position in Cameco. And in recent quarters, there has been a noticeable increase of hedge fund activity in smaller producers like Denison Mines Corp. (TSX: DML)(NYSEMKT: DNN).

    Why are these Wall Street money managers quietly building positions in uranium miners? I'd say it could mean only one thing: they see a giant rally ahead.

    Read the full article and comments on The Motley Fool
  5. veepee 19 augustus 2014 16:05
    Ik denk dat er best wat zit in het Motley Fool verhaal om op de grote spelers zoals Cameco te gokken. Die hebben de beste mogelijkheid om snel volume op te voeren en dus daadwerkelijk van een snel stijgende Uraniumprijs te profiteren, mocht die ooit komen. Het is met Uranium net als met veel andere base metals boom en bust. 10-20 jaar te lage prijs en dan een paar jaar extreem hoog. Er is de afgelopen 20 jaar slecht 1 piek in de Uraniumprijs geweest. Ik vraag me ook af of er echt een tekort is aan capaciteit. Met die nieuwe Cigar Lake mine moet Cameco flink kunnen uitbreiden. Mijn ervaring komt niet uit Uranium maar als het gaat zoals bij andere base metals, dan is Fission (of degene die ze overneemt) te laat als de aanleg van de mijn pas begint bij de prijsstijging. Een mooi recent voorbeeld is Molycorp's Mountain Pass mine en Lynas Mount Weld mine (Australie)voor Rare Earths (zeldzame aarden)die beiden als mosterd na de maaltijd gereed kwamen. Zie hun aandeel voor de gevolgen. De vorige piek van de Uraniumprijs duurde ook maar ca 5 jaar. Het verkrijgen van een permit duurt al enkele jaren.
    De bestaande grote spelers hebben ook lange termijn contracten en hun klanten lopen heus niet weg na jaren een floor te hebben betaald boven de spotprijs. Die contracten bevatten ook altijd een ceiling, de enige reden waarom ze een floor accepteren. Ik zag ook dat Tepco een aandeel heeft in Cigar Lake dus voor wat Japan betreft lijkt me dat Cameco als grootste aandeelhouder goed zal kunnen profiteren van hernieuwde Japanse vraag. Ik zie Fission meer als een heel lange termijn optie met als enige kortere termijn kans een overname-premie op het aandeel.
  6. Kahoona1962 20 augustus 2014 13:33

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 20 augustus 2014 13:21:


    Naar mijn bescheiden mening heeft Fission de grootste of de een na grootste uraniumvoorraad in Canada gevonden.
    De koers blijft echter maar hangen en hangen ... je zou toch een boost verwachten op dat soort berichten.
  7. veepee 20 augustus 2014 19:47
    Ik denk dat beleggers zich realiseren dat de Fission Uraniumvoorraad niets waard is voordat er eerst honderden miljoenen worden geinvesteerd. Toch een zeer risicovolle en ook zeer tijdrovende zaak (nog vele jaren). Bestaande al opererende Uraniumspelers zullen wel onmiddelijk van een hogere Uraniumprijs kunnen profiteren. Een prijspiek duurt hooguit 2-5 jaar, de tijd nodig voor bestaande spelers om capaciteit uit te breiden. Een volgende piek kan dan weer 20 jaar op zich laten wachten. Als de prijs inderdaad op springen staat, is Fission dus mogelijk al te laat.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 augustus 2014 09:35
    August 26, 2014

    Fission Connects 2 Zones; R780E Expands to 930m; Hits 10.45m Total Composite "Off-Scale" in 103.0m Composite Mineralization
    Successful Drilling Merges R780E and R1155E Zones
    KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 26, 2014) - FISSION URANIUM CORP. ("Fission" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:FCU)(OTCQX:FCUUF)(FRANKFURT:2FU) is pleased to announce results from seven new angled drill holes of the summer drill program at its PLS property in Canada's Athabasca Basin. Of particular note is PLS14-271 (line 510E), with a total of 103.0m composite mineralization, including 10.45m total composite "off-scale" (greater than 10,000 cps) radioactivity. All seven holes returned wide mineralization, with five returning intervals of greater than 10,000 cps radioactivity.

    Two Zones Merge: Of key significance is the location of hole PLS14-264 (line 1125E) which was drilled in the previous 75m gap separating the R780E and R1155E zones. Mineralization in this hole has demonstrated the continuity between the shallow depth, high-grade R780E to the west and the R1155E zone to the east. The newly enlarged R780E zone currently has a strike length of 930m (L225E to 1155E), up from 855m (L225E to 1080E).

    High-Grades Expand in Zone R780E: Of additional note, high-grade mineralization within the R780E zone has been expanded a further 15m west to line 270E. Previously, high grades extended as far west as line 285E (holes PLS14-138, 157 and 169), with lower grades encountered as far as line 225E (PLS13-093). Further drilling is planned to test for continuation of high-grade mineralization to the west.

    Drilling Highlights Include:

    Hole PLS14-271 (line 510E)

    -- 103.0m total composite mineralization over a 146.0m section (between
    57.5m - 203.5m) including:
    -- 10.45m total composite mineralization of (greater than 10,000 cps)

    Hole PLS14-270 (line 270E)

    -- 49.5m total composite mineralization over a 178.0m section (between
    63.0m - 241.0m) including:
    -- 1.2m total composite mineralization of (greater than 10,000 cps)

    Ross McElroy, President, COO, and Chief Geologist for Fission, commented,

    "Today's results have merged yet another eastern mineralized zone (R1155E) with the rapidly expanding R780E zone. We are also seeing the westward expansion of the R780E's extensive high-grade area. The summer program is continuing to drive PLS forward at a tremendous pace."

    As per news release July 28, 2014 Fission has replaced the GR-110 scintillometer, which measured a maximum of 9,999 cps (referred to as off-scale in all previous PLS drill programs) with the RS-121 scintillometer, which measures up to 65,535 cps for higher resolution readings of strongly anomalous radioactivity.

  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 augustus 2014 09:45
    Uranium stocks follow spot price higher
    Frik Els | August 25, 2014

    The uranium market had a lot going for it at the start of 2014, including the prospects of a Japanese nuclear reactor restart that now, at least partially seems to be close.

    The end of the Russia-US megatons to megawatts program last August, eliminating a huge source of supply was also supposed to support the market that had been in a long-term decline since hitting all-time highs of $135 in 2007 and was devastated after the Fukushima disaster in 2011.

    The long term price is still languishing at $44 a pound, a six year low, but the differential has narrowed 35% over the past year

    China's plans to approve six to eight plants a year through 2020 – part of its war on pollution – is still being worked at but so far the uranium price has shrugged all good indicators sliding to $28 a pound earlier this year, levels last seen in 2005.

    Haywood Securities in a new research note reports that the turnaround in the spot U3O8 price is gaining momentum, jumping 3.3% to $31 a pound this week and up nearly 8% in August.

    The broker's average price tracked by the Vancouver-based independent investment dealer with $5 billion under management has enjoyed 13 session gains out of the last 15, adding more than 10% in August to $31.63.

    The long term price, where most uranium business is conducted, is still languishing at $44 a pound, a six year low, but the differential to spot has narrowed 35% over the past year, which at some point should help drag the long term price higher.

    Haywood forecasts a spot uranium price of $39.50 and a long term price of $57.50 next year and further improvement in prices to more than $70 within five years.

    After an early 2014 run-up uranium stocks entered a sharp correction in March, but many shares in the sector is now playing catch-up with the improving spot price.

    Near-term producers tracked by Haywood are up almost 25% so far this quarter, while explorers have enjoyed a 15% bounce since the beginning of July.
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