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Battery Power

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  1. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 15 maart 2022 16:09
    American Manganese's RecycLiCo Demonstration Plant Equipment Ready for Commissioning

    American Manganese Inc. (“AMY” or the “Company“), a pioneer in advanced lithium-ion battery cathode recycling-upcycling, and its independent R&D contractor Kemetco Research Inc. (“Kemetco”) are pleased to report that the equipment in the company’s demonstration plant, being the first hydrometallurgical cathode waste recycling and upcycling demonstration facility in North America, is ready for commissioning. The demonstration plant is designed to demonstrate the RecycLiCo™ process in continuous operating conditions that will enable American Manganese to run the complete process and provide input for commercial operation.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 18 maart 2022 06:50
    Skoon Installs Shore-Battery Power at Port of Rotterdam

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

    Free shore-based power is available at Maaskade in Rotterdam for large inland vessels (CEMT class V and higher) that participate in a trial with shore-based power from a battery system. Skoon Energy has installed a battery system there on behalf of the Port of Rotterdam Authority to strengthen the local shore-based power supply for inland shipping.

    Shore power battery on the North Island

    In the centre of Rotterdam, there is a ban on generators for inland navigation that is lying idle. The inland shipping sector can make use of shore-based power there. However, some ships need more power than the facilities can provide. The battery supports the shore-based power boxes on the quay by making more power available for the moored ships. The trial will last until 31 March 2022 and should show whether the battery system in combination with the local shore-based power box can meet that demand.

    Since 2010, shore-based power boxes for inland shipping have been installed at about 60 locations in the centre of Rotterdam. These boxes can supply shore-based power to four to six inland vessels up to a maximum of 40 Ampere. These days, some larger inland vessels (in CEMT class V and above) require more power. To meet this demand without having to take drastic measures, the Port Authority has opted for this flexible solution.

    63 Ampere

    By placing the battery between the existing shore-based power box and the inland vessel, the battery will supply the extra required power up to a maximum of 63A when an inland vessel requires more than 40A. In such a case, without the battery in between, the fuse would blow and the inland vessel would be without power. In addition, in the old situation, other inland vessels can no longer use this shore-based power connection until things have been repaired. Linking the battery system prevents this situation and also makes it possible to provide larger ships with shore-based power.

    Skoon is an online hire platform for the use of mobile batteries and other forms of clean mobile energy. Companies can offer or book mobile energy storage in an accessible marketplace. With a wide range of energy solutions and smart analysis, Skoon offers a clean and financially viable alternative to polluting diesel generators. Festivals, events, construction sites, film sets, ships and many more applications have easy access to clean energy through Skoon.

    Shore-based power is an important part of the energy transition. Ships moored at the quay often run on generators for the energy required on board. This involves emissions of, among other things, particulate matter, nitrogen and CO2. Shore-based power offers the opportunity to reduce these emissions by providing ships with a clean energy source.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 22 maart 2022 07:50
    Northvolt to Build Third Gigafactory at Heide in Germany

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

    Northvolt has announced its intention to establish a battery gigafactory in Heide in Schleswig-Holstein in Northern Germany. With an annual potential production capacity of 60 GWh, Northvolt Drei will deliver a supply of sustainably produced lithium-ion batteries to the European market, sufficient for some one million electric vehicles. The new gigafactory increases Northvolt’s pipeline of battery manufacturing capacity under development to over 170 GWh, thereby advancing the company on its mission to deliver batteries in a manner characterized by clean energy and circularity that is fundamentally different from approaches dominating the global industry today. Envisioned to produce its first batteries in 2025 and provide some 3,000 new jobs, a central intention of Northvolt Drei is to deliver high-performance lithium-ion batteries, produced with the lowest environmental footprint in continental Europe.

    The selection of Heide, Schleswig-Holstein, is key to fulfilment of this objective. The region hosts the cleanest energy grid in Germany, one which is characterized by a surplus of electricity generated by onshore and offshore wind power and reinforced by clean energy provided through grid interconnections to Denmark and Norway.

    Access to German industrial competence and automotive expertise will provide additional opportunities. Local manufacturing expertise of the Schleswig-Holstein region and Heide will ensure the factory is delivering batteries of the highest quality, while the factory itself will provide critical labor force experience with battery technology, an emerging cornerstone technology of the European economy.

    With sustainability at the forefront of design and decision-making surrounding Northvolt Drei, the factory will source significant volumes of its raw material requirements from recycled battery metals, as part of Northvolt’s commitment to source 50 percent of its raw material needs from recycling by 2030.

    Alongside battery production, Northvolt Drei will target an on-site battery recycling plant which will ensure efficient reuse of byproducts from the production process and provide a sustainable solution for end-of-life electric vehicle batteries recovered from European markets.
  4. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 22 maart 2022 12:16
    Electra Advances Construction of Solvent Extraction Plant
    Electra Battery Materials Corporation (TSX-V: ELBM; OTCQX: ELBMF) (“Electra”) today provided an update on the construction of North America’s only battery grade cobalt refinery, announcing that it has commenced foundation work of the solvent extraction plant. The project remains on budget and on schedule for a December 2022 commissioning.


    Health, safety and the environment remain a top priority, with zero lost time incidents and no reportable spills or exceedances at the refinery site.
    Project control budget remains at US$67 million (C$84 million), and commissioning is on schedule for December 2022.
    Construction of the new solvent extraction building advanced with concrete pouring for the foundations. Late last year all earthworks for the plant were completed. The pre-engineered building is expected to be completed by the end of April.
    All long lead equipment orders have been placed.
    Brownfield mechanical equipment verification is 77% complete with all major existing equipment having been tested. The existing mechanical/electrical and instrumentation equipment have demonstrated excellent performance when test run, with few upgrades required.
    In the coming weeks, the build out of the cobalt crystallizer circuit will begin, with the arrival of key equipment on site between April and June.
  5. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 24 maart 2022 15:20
    Electra Battery Materials


    We would like to share with you our new corporate video profiling our flagship asset, the 100%-owned Iron Creek Cobalt-Copper Project in Idaho, USA.

    Electra Battery Materials’ Iron Creek Project is located in the Idaho Cobalt Belt and is one of the few primary cobalt deposits in the world.

    Iron Creek currently has an NI 43-101 compliant Mineral Resource Estimate, outlining an Indicated Resource of 2.2 million tonnes at 0.32% cobalt equivalent (0.26% cobalt and 0.61% copper) for 12.3 million pounds of contained cobalt and Inferred Resource of 2.7 million tonnes at 0.28% cobalt equivalent (0.22% cobalt and 0.68% copper) for an additional 12.7 million pounds of contained cobalt. There is potential to extend mineralization in all directions with ongoing drilling.

    We are excited to what lies ahead for this project and its potential to fill the upstream portion of the electric vehicle supply chain.

    Enjoy the new video.

    Trent Mell
    Chief Executive Officer
  6. forum rang 10 voda 25 maart 2022 06:49
    Enel to Build Energy Storage in Sardinia in Italy

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    25 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

    Currently, in the countries where Enel Green Power operates, wind and solar plants supply energy to the grid predominantly during the day, while at night thermoelectric plants take over. The most commonly used energy storage systems, are lithium batteries that have a very rapid response capacity but offer a relatively limited energy contribution lasting only a few hours. This type of battery is used mainly to provide flexibility services to the grid and to ensure an adequate supply of energy at the most critical times, but they do not store large volumes of energy due to the high unit cost of batteries compared to the value of the energy stored.

    Enel Green Power is awarded approximately 1.1 GW of contracted capacity in Sardinia, which it will honor by installing around 1.6GW/6.6GWh of new capacity in energy storage systems by 2024. Half the capacity will be installed in Sardinia, without recourse to new gas plants and therefore taking a significant step forwards towards the transformation of Sardinia into a green island. In total, Enel Green Power has more than 52GW of BESS projects in development worldwide and more than 2.7GW under construction or in operation.

    As the use of renewables increases, there is an ever greater need for energy storage systems that can ensure durability and flexibility to the grid. In order to function effectively, the electricity system must be able to ensure the balance between energy production and consumption at all times, as well as to deal with unexpected events in terms of supply and demand. This requires flexible resources capable of modulating production based on actual energy needs. As renewables progressively replace thermoelectric power stations, we need new solutions that meet flexibility and adequacy requirements. This is exactly what energy storage systems can do, because they’re able to store the surplus energy produced and return it to the system when needed. When combined with renewable energy plants, they can provide a source of energy that is not only clean, but also flexible and reliable.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 25 maart 2022 06:51
    Pivot Power Plans Battery Storage Sites in Luton & Cornwall

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    25 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

    EDF Renewables Pivot Power has won planning approval for two new grid-scale battery storage facilities in Sundon, Luton, and Indian Queens, Cornwall, that will help to support the transition to a decarbonised electricity system and accelerate the UK’s net zero future. The 50 MW/100 MWh lithium-ion battery storage facility in Sundon is expected to begin construction in early 2023, with the aim of being connected to National Grid’s Sundon Substation later that year. Once constructed, Pivot Power will also develop a private wire for electric vehicle charging to help address the national need for rapid charging hubs.

    In Indian Queens, Pivot Power will share a grid connection with two other developers, including Renewable Connections, a UK-based renewable energy company, who submitted a joint planning application with Pivot Power. Both companies have received consent for a 50 MW/100 MWh battery each for construction and connection to the National Grid in 2024. Pivot Power will also support the local community by adding a private wire once the battery is live, helping to bolster the EV charging infrastructure in Cornwall.

    The two projects will form a part of Pivot Power’s nationwide rollout of Energy Superhubs, which will deliver up to 2 GW of transmission-connected battery storage and high-volume power connections. Pivot Power is working with National Grid to develop their innovative Energy Superhub network across the country, helping to provide National Grid with the flexibility needed to manage electricity supply and demand as the UK pivots to renewables.

    Alongside a similar site in the West Midlands, which started construction last year, the Sundon and Indian Queens battery storage facilities will replicate core elements of Pivot Power’s Energy Superhub Oxford project, one of the UK’s most ambitious decarbonisation projects to date. The Oxford site will combine a cutting-edge 50 MW hybrid battery with Europe’s most powerful EV charging network, providing a blueprint for towns and cities across the UK to reduce carbon emissions and support sustainable economic growth.

    The current energy crisis, which has led to record wholesale prices on imported gas, underlines Britain’s need to cut its dependency on fossil fuels. Renewables can provide the homegrown power Britain needs, but the existing energy infrastructure must be upgraded to maximise the benefits. Pivot Power’s smart power infrastructure can help manage the intermittency of renewables and strengthen Britain’s energy self-sufficiency.

    To help the UK achieve its ambitious net zero goals, battery storage will be crucial to supporting a smarter and flexible grid. According to National Grid, by 2050, the UK could need over 25 GW of battery storage, up from 1 GW today, to manage renewable intermittency and improve the resilience of the electricity system.1
  8. forum rang 10 voda 25 maart 2022 08:49
    SemperPower gaat voor Essent tweede batterij bouwen

    SemperPower gaat nabij Vlissingen een tweede energieopslagproject realiseren in samenwerking met energiebedrijf Essent. Het is een vervolg op het eerste project bij windpark Koegorspolder.

    Bij dat windpark in Terneuzen plaatsten Essent en SemperPower vorig jaar een batterij van 9,9 megawattuur – bestaande uit 3 opslageenheden ter grootte van een zeecontainer. Voor Essent was dat de eerste opslagbatterij die het bedrijf in gebruik nam.

    De samenwerking met SemperPower zorgt ervoor dat de grootschalige batterijopslag in Terneuzen direct ingezet kan worden in het klantenportfolio van Essent. Dat levert op korte termijn al belangrijke inzichten op voor verdere ontwikkeling richting een 100 procent hernieuwbare-energievoorziening.

    ‘De energieprijzen zijn ontzettend hoog en een daling is nog niet in het vooruitzicht. Een van de oplossingen is het opslaan van energie op momenten van overschot’, aldus Stephan Segbers, chief operational officer van Essent. ‘Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat duurzaam opgewekte energie niet verloren gaat? De oplossing is het tijdelijke overschot aan energie op te vangen in een batterij. Op het moment dat het nodig is, laat de batterij de reeds opgewekte stroom vrij om huishoudens alsnog van de eerder opgewekte duurzame stroom te voorzien. Dit maakt de energierekening weer betaalbaarder.’

    Verspilling voorkomen
    ‘We zijn enorm trots op ons contract met een gerenommeerd energiebedrijf als Essent’, zegt Bart de Brouwer, director Trading van SemperPower. ‘De samenwerking met Essent is voor ons belangrijk, omdat we daarmee de kans krijgen aan te tonen hoe onze oplossingen bijdragen aan het versnellen van de energietransitie. Door het teveel aan opgewekte energie tijdelijk op te slaan in slimme batterijen, zorgen we ervoor dat de windturbines kunnen blijven draaien en voorkomen we verspilling van duurzame energie. Een tijdelijk overschot aan windenergie kan in de batterijen worden opgeslagen en op een later tijdstip aan het energienetwerk worden geleverd.’

    Door Els Stultiens

  9. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 30 maart 2022 10:01
    Naast Mangaan mining en batterijrecycling ook dit.

    American Manganese Reports Significant Rare Earth Values on Rocher Deboule Cu-Au-Ag Project

    American Manganese Inc. (“AMY” or the “Company”) reports Vent Zone IP Geophysics Identifies High Chargeability and coincident and Significant Rare Earth Values on Rocher Deboule Cu-Au-Ag Project:

    The Vent Zone alteration consists of chlorite-quartz-carbonate-garnet-clay hosted in andesitic flows/tuffs (porphyritic) of Upper Cretaceous Kasalka Group Brian Boru Formation. SGH (spatiotemporal geochemical hydrocarbon) surveys carried out in 2017 resulted in redox cell (6.0 out of 6.0 rating), and copper-gold anomalous zones (5.0 out of 6.0 rating) that coincide with the redox cell anomaly. In 2021, pole-dipole array IP Geophysics on “Vent Zone” target identified elevated chargeability (>30 mV/V), which correlates with the redox-cell soil hydrocarbon anomaly. Widespread, disseminated sulphides (mostly fine grain pyrite) are present in the portions of the Vent Zone. IP survey high chargeability and coincident low resistivity on west portion of grid area are interpreted extent of Vent Zone. In the central part of the IP survey area, relatively strong chargeability and low resistivity increases at depths of approximately 100-200 meters (328-656 feet). The Vent Zone has positive Cu- Au-Ag-Co-REE soil geochemical anomalies and is interpreted as an Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) occurrence.

    A total of 5 rock chip samples (ranging from 0.55-1.44 kgs in weight) were taken from outcrop (sampled intervals ranging from 15-35 centimeters) near the Rocher Mine area (proposed drilling of “Main Zone” No 4 & 3 Veins) and shipped to ALS Canada Ltd for ME-MS61r four acid multi-element ICP-MS + REE, and AuICP21 Au 30-gram Fire Assay ICP-AES finish (certificate VA 21172433). The following significant results are listed:

    Rock chip sample geochemical analysis results indicate massive and semi-massive chalcopyrite-pyrite mineralization (with minor bornite and molybdenite) contain significant rare earth elements (REE elements Ce- La-Nd-Pr are listed above). The Rocher Mine No 2 & 4 Veins are considered primarily as vein type (tabular shaped) copper resources accompanied by silver, gold and rare earth element bearing minerals. The distribution of rare earth elements (La-Ce-Sc-Y-Pr-Nd-Pm-Sm-Eu-Gd-Tb-Dy-Ho-Er-Tm-Yb-Lu) are associated with silicified fault zones that have magnetite and massive sulphide. Sulphides & REE do not correlate well. It is unclear whether rare earth bearing minerals are associated with sulphide minerals or re-distributed (re-mobilized) from earlier geological (e.g., pegmatitic phase) events, or a combination of both. Rare earth elements weakly correlate with increased P, and U/Th. Note- U values ranging between 1.1-19.7 ppm uranium and Th values ranging between 0.12-13.9 ppm thorium are well below threshold values of 100 ppm U.

    The two main deposit types are observed at the Rocher Mine No 4 & 2 Veins:

    EARLY FORMING POLYMETALLIC VEIN/BRECCIA: semi-massive and coarse grain (blebby) chalcopyrite with increased magnetite-REE bearing mineralization is related to elevated Cu-Au-Ag-REE in ‘polymetallic’ fissure veins/breccias developed in pegmatitic/aplitic phases of early forming intrusions.
    LATE FORMING SUB-VOLCANIC VEIN/BRECCIA: massive chalcopyrite, minor bornite-tetrahedrite- arsenopyrite-sphalerite-argentiferous galena bearing mineralization is related to elevated Cu-Ag-As-Sb in ‘sub-volcanic’ fissure veins/breccias.
    A drill program is planned on the Rocher Mine 2 & 4 Veins and Vent Zones for 2022.

    “The BC Mineral Permit application has been laborious to complete, but is another potential catalyst for advancing the company’s agenda in critical metals, such as rare earths and copper,” said Larry Reaugh, President and CEO of American Manganese. “This does not take away any of the focus on the company’s lithium-ion battery recycling technology, RecycLiCo™.”

    Andris Kikauka (P. Geo.), Director for American Manganese Inc, has prepared, reviewed, and approved technical information in this press release. Mr. Kikauka is a non-independent Qualified Person adhering to National Instrument 43-101 reporting standards.
  10. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 4 april 2022 16:04
    Canadees die ook in IJsland bezig is.

    Reykjavik, April 4, 2022 – St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. (CSE: SX) (OTCQB: SXOOF) (FSE: 85G1) is pleased to provide an update on the progress of its Icelandic operations. Results from the 2021 drilling campaign on the Thor Gold Project are now available and disclosed in this release. The research initiative aimed at allowing in situ production of valuable metals from geothermal pipes and mineral tailings has reached a new milestone.

  11. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 7 april 2022 11:01
    Ook speler in Li en Battery recycling.

    Montréal, April 7, 2022 – St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. (CSE: SX) (OTCQB: SXOOF) (FSE: 85G1) is pleased to release the additional partial results of its 2021 drilling campaign on its 100% own Manicouagan Project.

    Manicouagan Critical Metals Drilling Update: High-Grade Rhodium

  12. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 9 april 2022 09:54
    Electra Files Year-End 2021 Financial Results
    Electra Battery Materials Corporation (TSX-V: ELBM; OTCQX: ELBMF) (“Electra”) today announced the filing of its audited financial results for the year ended December 31, 2021.

    For complete details of the consolidated financial statements and the associated management’s discussion and analysis, please refer to the Company’s filing on SEDAR (www.sedar.com) or the Company’s website (www.electrabmc.com).

    The Company continues to advance its plans to develop North America’s only Battery Materials Park. In line with phase one of the Company’s strategic plan, Electra remains on schedule to commission its expanded refinery in December 2022, at which time it will become the first refiner of battery-grade cobalt sulfate in North America and the second largest outside of China.


    Cash of C$58.6 million as of December 31, 2021.
    Closing of an additional US$7.5 million of additional convertible notes in October 2022 on the same terms as the first tranche of convertible notes that closed on September 2, 2021.
    Refinery capital costs committed of C$38 million (inclusive of C$12 million spent to date), representing 46% of the total capital budget. The solvent extraction design and manufacturing contract was awarded to Metso-Outotec during the fourth quarter.
    Receipt of final approvals for the Refinery’s Air and Noise permit, Industrial Sewage Works permit, and closure plan.
    The Company launched a new at-the-market equity program (the “2022 ATM Program”) in January 2022 for the issuance of up to $20 million in common shares from treasury. The Company has issued a total of 2,754,300 common shares under the 2022 ATM Program at an average price of $0.2964 per share, providing gross proceeds of $816,243. A commission of $20,406 was paid to CIBC Capital Markets in relation to these distributions.
  13. forum rang 5 haas 11 april 2022 14:22
    Erik Jansen heeft zijn zonnepanelen doorverbonden met een accu waar de wasmachine en de droger op draaien. © Frans Nikkels Fotografie

    Erik sluit zijn wasmachine rechtstreeks aan op de zonnepanelen: ‘Denk bijna dat ze bewust op rem trappen’
    Het kost hem meer dan het oplevert.
    Maar het gaat Erik Jansen vooral om de uitdaging.
    Om te bewijzen dat het allemaal niet zo ingewikkeld is om je eigen stroom uit zonne-energie te genereren zonder bemoeienis van de energieleverancier, sloot hij zijn panelen aan op zijn elektrische apparaten.

    André Scheffers 11-04-22, 06:20 Laatste update: 06:21
  14. forum rang 10 voda 13 april 2022 06:55
    Bacterie die broeikasgas eet, kan ook elektriciteit leveren
    RTL Nieuws 21 uur geleden

    Illustratief beeld.© iStock Illustratief beeld.
    Een bacterie die het broeikasgas methaan eet, blijkt ook nog in staat stroom op te wekken. Dat tonen microbiologen van de Radboud Universiteit aan in een onderzoek dat vandaag is gepubliceerd. De combinatie kan volgens de onderzoekers interessant zijn voor de energiesector.

    "Elektriciteit opwekken en daarmee meteen de omgeving zuiveren van broeikasgassen: het zou met bacteriën moeten kunnen", vat de universiteit de uitkomsten samen.

    Vooralsnog gaat het alleen om laboratoriumonderzoek. In het onderzoek lukte het om 31 procent van het methaan om te zetten naar elektriciteit. Toepassing op grote schaal is nog niet aan de orde: de onderzoekers willen eerst hun systeem verder verbeteren, zodat het efficiënter wordt.

    In het lab lukte het om de bacteriën, Candidatus Methanoperedens, onderdeel te maken van een soort batterij. "We laten de bacteriën groeien op een elektrode aan de ene kant, waaraan ze door de omzetting van methaan elektronen afgeven", legt onderzoeker Heleen Ouboter uit op de website van de universiteit.

    Van nature komt deze bacterie voor in zoet water. "Vooral op locaties in Nederland waar het oppervlakte- en grondwater vervuild zijn met stikstof gedijt de bacterie goed, aangezien deze nitraat nodig heeft voor het afbreken van methaan."

    De onderzoeksresultaten zijn verschenen in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Frontiers in Microbiology.
  15. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 13 april 2022 22:59
    Green Light for Battery Recycling & Nickel Ingot Production
    Wed, April 13, 2022, 10:35 PM
    MONTREAL, QC / ACCESSWIRE / April 13, 2022 / St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. (CSE:SX)(OTCQB:SXOOF) (FSE:85G1) is pleased to announce that on April 12, 2022, its board of directors has voted unanimously to authorize its subsidiary EVSX to move forward with its plan to recycle batteries and produce nickel ingots in Baie-Comeau, Québec in 2022.

    St-Georges, via and in conjunction with its subsidiary EVSX, expects to initiate the acquisition of a building and is in talks to establish options on two additional land plots representing close to 400,000 square feet. These transactions should be initiated during this month of April. The plots of land are adjacent to rail lines and will be admissible to tax credits and other incentives from the federal and provincial governments, as well as a basket of incentives from the municipality.

    This initial commercial showcase plant will constitute phase one of a series of other developments to be established, via a modular approach, in different locations. The plant in Baie-Comeau will be constituted of three circuits, each able to process 200 metric tonnes per hour. One of the circuits will be reserved for nickel-cadmium batteries. The other two are expected to process a mix of different chemical types in order to produce black mass to be processed further in a separate tech plant.

    The CAPEX for the project's first phase is currently estimated at roughly CA$15,000,000, including grants, incentives, and contingencies, and the plant should be commercially operational before the end of the year. It is expected that between 6 to 8 million dollars will be raised by St-Georges either in equity or in convertible debenture. The Company expects to finance the building and equipment via commercial loans and mortgages. These lending instruments have not yet been negotiated, and there are no current guarantees that the Company will be successful in securing lenders. The incentives are also in the discussion stage with the different levels of government. St-Georges expects to be able to provide more information on these matters within the next 60 days.

    The independent consultants working on the feasibility study for the Company will deliver a phase one report to EVSX management this week. The Company expects to augment and extend their mandate to define and articulate phase two of the EVSX project. Multiple sites will operate as feeder sites for Baie-Comeau (nickel center), with other locations to be identified. Sites in Contrecoeur, QC and Hamilton, ON are currently under review but are not owned by the Company. There is no guarantee that the Company will acquire any of the sites at this stage. These modular plants will allow for the processing of all sorts of batteries, the front-end recuperation of the steel, copper, aluminium, and carbon (graphite) and the production of critical minerals-rich black mass. The Company expects to deploy these modular plants itself or in partnerships in areas where a significant availability of spent batteries exists or where the local authorities are expected to embark on large recycling profit sharing program with the Company. Iceland and certain American jurisdictions are being reviewed by the Company for this purpose.

    The Company had already disclosed its metallurgical results from the recovery of metals in nickel-cadmium batteries (See Press Release from January 13, 2022, titled "EVSX Nickel-Cadmium Battery Recycling Results" and Press Release from March 13, 2022, titled EVSX Commercial Batteries Recycling & Nickel Metal Smelting Operation Update ).

    Additional information concerning the recuperation of the plastics as well as the access to feedstock will be released in the coming weeks. The Company will not make public forward-looking statements on the revenue projections, nor will it publish the full content of the feasibility study, which contains significant trade secrets and confidential commercial data and strategies.

    "(...) Baie-Comeau is a strategic location for St-Georges with respect to our interests in nickel (…) I think it no longer is a secret that we are pretty excited by nickel in this region. This investment allows us to accelerate the work towards developing our nickel centric operations (…) its also the beginning of a global business deployment strategy that will conclude in the implementation of many of these satellite specialized centers of excellence (…) that will culminate in the development of a large tech plant in the second phase of our commercial deployment. This effort will require significant investments over many years that will allow us to secure our position in the industry (…,)" said Enrico Di Cesare, CEO of EVSX and VP of Research & Development of St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.



    "Herb Duerr"

    President & CEO

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