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Aandeel ING Groep AEX:INGA.NL, NL0011821202

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
15,920   -0,060   (-0,38%) Dagrange 15,862 - 16,010 1.353.421   Gem. (3M) 8M

ING 1 december 2011 de zon gaat schijnen

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  1. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 1 december 2011 20:34
    FRANKFURT: Germany's blue-chip DAX index was seen rising 7 percent to 6,500 by end-2012 as euro zone policymakers step up efforts to tackle the region's debt crisis, according to a quarterly Reuters poll on Thursday.

    The benchmark was also expected to reach 6,200 points by mid-2012, the median in a poll of 23 strategists and down from a forecast for 6,500 in the September poll.

    Since September, the Greek debt crisis has spread to other euro zone countries, including Italy. The 17-nation currency bloc will face a critical summit next week, seen by investors as possibly the last chance to avert a break-up of the union.

    "Even if a solution emerges, the problem will not be solved tomorrow," said Florian Weber, executive at Schnigge Wertpapierhandelsbank, who expected the DAX to fall to 5,000 by mid-2012, the lowest estimate in the poll. "It is important to increase income of the states in crisis and to make them competitive again. And that will take three to four years."

    Global indexes rallied on Wednesday after central banks around the world announced co-ordinated steps to prevent a credit crunch among banks in Europe struggling with the region's debt crisis. The index, down 12 percent this year, is home to big financial stocks, most notably top lenders Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank, which have taken a beating in recent months. Deutsche Bank shares are down 32 percent this year, while Commerzbank has lost 70 percent. A European bank index index is down over a third.

    "At the moment sentiment is mega bad," said Wolfgang Duwe, equity strategist at Bremer Landesbank, adding he did not expect the euro zone to fall apart.


    Economic developments in the United States as well as China should also weigh on the DAX. Last week the World Bank said China's economy could face growing risks from Europe's sovereign debt crisis, adding it expected China to grow 9.1 percent this year, slowing to 8.4 percent next year.

    The DAX index includes global bellwethers such as engineering conglomerate Siemens, carmakers BMW

    and Volkswagen, steel group ThyssenKrupp and chemicals maker BASF. Since most of those companies generate a major share of revenues and profit abroad, the DAX also reflects growth trends abroad and is more than a proxy for the domestic economy.

    "The double-digit growth we are used to in China, will not last. This is not a disaster, but it will hurt and cause larger restraint in the market," Weber said.

    Some would not bet on the future, given the current market. "Sorry, at the moment such extreme scenarios are possible ... we cannot provide a prediction," one Frankfurt-based trader said.
  2. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 1 december 2011 20:35
    TOKYO: Market players expect Japanese shares to rise over 16 percent in 2012, likely their first gain in three years, as corporate earnings recover after suffering damage from natural disasters, a Reuters poll showed on Thursday.

    The benchmark Nikkei average is expected to rise to around 10,000 by the end of 2012, compared with Thursday's close of 8,597.38, with many market players saying policymakers would have resolved the euro zone debt crisis by then.

    "The crisis may continue to June, by when European banks need to boost their capital. The global economy will be in a severe condition but it will pick up in the second half of next year," said Mamoru Suzuki, chief economist at Mizuho Research and Consulting.

    Market players expect recovery in Japanese corporate earnings to underpin Tokyo shares, which have been depressed by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami as well as the radiation crisis they triggered at a nuclear power plant northeast of Tokyo.

    Just as companies were managing to emerge from that damage, more than 300 Japanese manufacturers were hit by flooding in Thailand, where they have factories for products ranging from cars to hard disk drives.

    Some say the impact of the flooding on supply chains could be bigger than from the quake given the large number of companies affected.

    The Nikkei average fell to a 2-1/2-year low of 8,136 last week with cyclical shares, including Sony and Toyota, taking the brunt of the yen's gain and supply chain disruptions following the disasters in Japan and Thailand.

    Still, Japanese corporate profits are expected to grow about 20 percent next year, likely outstripping many other developed markets, market players said. "In the quake-stricken area they have finally got rid of all the wreckage, which means private investment will start from now on," said Kakuya Kojoh, manager of securities at Nissan Century Securities.

    The government is to spend about 20 trillion yen ($257 billion) for quake relief and reconstruction. Judging from previous experience, post-disaster investments by the private sector could be roughly as big as the government's spending, Kojoh said.

    Some market players also said the euro zone's sovereign debt woes will start to ease at some stage with further intervention from the European Central Bank in the bond market. "It's just that share prices around the world have fallen on the tail risk (of a major catastrophe in the euro zone). So the market should rebound as soon as that risk is gone," said Seiichiro Iwasawa, chief strategist at Nomura, noting that Nomura expects the ECB to take steps by the end of March.
  3. [verwijderd] 1 december 2011 20:47

    debo schreef op 1 december 2011 17:01:

    [...]Tja binnen 10 min 20 ct er af. Het kan wel hard gaan daar %%$#
    Haha, typisch KBC.

    Ik begrijp het nu wel volledig..KBC daalt alleen op sentiment en angst voor de hoge Belgische exposure,verbeterd het sentiment en stijgt alles maar blijft de Belgische rente relatief hoog,gebeurt er niks met KBC bewijs van gisteren spreekt voorzich.

    Ik weet nu dat ik weer volledig in KBC ga zitten als er wat meer zekerheid is ,dat verwacht ik toch wel om en rond 9.dec.

    Vandaag te vroeg verkocht blijkt achteraf ben op 8,40 uitgestapt.

    Overigens de hele dag last gehad van storingen, eerst tijdelijk met de Rabo, en als klap op de vuurpijl een massale internet en telefonie storing die van 11:30 tot 17:15 duurde maar liefst..DANK U ZEER ZIGGO!

  4. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 1 december 2011 20:50

    greenspanalan schreef op 1 december 2011 20:48:

    Ja alle nieuwsbronnen staan vol met nieuws over de financiele crisis. Wat jij hier post draagt niets bij, heeft nul nieuwswaarde en is bovenal gewoon irritant. Plaats dan gewoon een link ipv ellenlange kontverhalen die toch niemand leest.
    niemand? Sarkozy's toespraak heeft geen nieuwswaarde?
  5. dagobert1 1 december 2011 21:21
    Verkoper in KBC is klaar denk ik. Het zal toch niet alleen de stijgende rente zijn geweest die er 2 week lang dagelijks voor heeft gezorgd dat er grote volumes is verkocht?
    Ik denk echt dat iemand om een of andere reden van deze aandelen af moest. Nu kunnen we weer omhoog kijken en moet een koers van 14 a 15 euro haalbaar zijn binnen 1 maand. Dat is nog steeds onder de koers van 18 euro van een maand geleden.
  6. glasinlood 1 december 2011 21:25
    Een goedenavond,

    Het valt mij wederom op dat de slotkoers en het totaal verhandelde volume van ING in mijn Bink-account bijna altijd verschilt met die in mijn Interactive Brokers-account. Zo staat bij Binck vermeld E 5,64 als slotkoers met een volume van 29.505.431, terwijl IB aangeeft E 5.606 en 37.875.000.

    Kan vlgs. mij niet te maken hebben met slotveiling. Zou het pre-market of pre-pre-market kunnen zijn?

    Wie weet iets?


  7. Anatevka 1 december 2011 21:38
    Geen zijlijn voor mij, maar heb wel geluk gehad vandaag. Eerst had ik nog de verwachting dat de koers omhoog zou gaan, ingestapt met turbo's long 4,60 en 4,30 rond een koers van 5,72 ongeveer. Uiteraard had ik lager in kunnen stappen, maar goed. Toen de koers niet echt omhoog wilde slaagde ik erin om ze in het laatste topje (5,74) net na 16 uur nog van de hand te doen. Hierna zette de daling in. Geen echte winst vandaag, wel mazzel dat ik niet meer ben kwijtgeraakt. ;-)
  8. [verwijderd] 1 december 2011 21:43

    Anatevka schreef op 1 december 2011 21:38:

    Geen zijlijn voor mij, maar heb wel geluk gehad vandaag. Eerst had ik nog de verwachting dat de koers omhoog zou gaan, ingestapt met turbo's long 4,60 en 4,30 rond een koers van 5,72 ongeveer. Uiteraard had ik lager in kunnen stappen, maar goed. Toen de koers niet echt omhoog wilde slaagde ik erin om ze in het laatste topje (5,74) net na 16 uur nog van de hand te doen. Hierna zette de daling in. Geen echte winst vandaag, wel mazzel dat ik niet meer ben kwijtgeraakt. ;-)
    Winst is winst! Ja had college vandaag, vind het dan lastig om het te volgen.. Haha dat zorgt voor grappige taferelen. Op m'n iPad aan het volgen, maar valt gewoon op.. Vooral als ik winst/verlies maak :-)
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