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Aandeel Pharming Group AEX:PHARM.NL, NL0010391025

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,766   -0,044   (-5,43%) Dagrange 0,761 - 0,818 9.059.167   Gem. (3M) 4M

cijfers 17 november

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  1. OVI 16 november 2011 19:46
    morgen de cijfers. om alle nieuws hierover overzichtelijk te houden, leek het mij een goed idee om er een apart draadje van te maken.
    bij deze dus ;-)

    gr. OVI

    PREVIEW: Pharming komt donderdag met resultaten

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Pharming (PHARM.AE) opent donderdag voorbeurs de boeken over de eerste negen maanden van 2011. Een analistenconsensus is niet beschikbaar. In de vergelijkbare periode een jaar terug leed het biotechbedrijf uit Leiden een verlies van EUR34,6 miljoen. In de afgelopen maanden haalde Pharming EUR3,2 miljoen op met een onderhandse plaatsing van aandelen en lanceerde het bedrijf zijn eerste en belangrijkste medicijn Ruconest in Nederland. Woensdag omstreeks 16.50 uur noteert het aandeel 2,2% hoger op EUR0,09, terwijl de Midkap vlak noteert. (BTZ)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; amsterdam@dowjones.com

  2. [verwijderd] 16 november 2011 20:07
    Sterk initiatief!
    Hoop dat je dat wat er naar buitenkomt in deze draad krijgt.
    Veel zal het niet zijn maar alle beetjes helpen.
    Belangrijker dan de cijfers zullen de andere zaken zijn.
    Wat gaat Pharming ondernemen om haar balance te versterken.
    Wat om in de AMX te kunnen blijven!
    Dus een BAVA en een swap!
    Want Sijmen zal inmiddels wel komen zeggen dat dit in het belang van het aandeel is.
    En dat gaat een Swap worden ben ik bang.Een mega swap.

  3. OVI 17 november 2011 09:03
    Pharming Reports Financial Results Third Quarter 2011

    Leiden, The Netherlands, November 17, 2011. Biotech company Pharming Group N.V. (“Pharming” or “the Company”) (NYSE Euronext: PHARM) today published its financial report for the third quarter ended September 30, 2011.


    Revenues and other income from continuing operations increased to €2.3 million (9M 2010: €0.2 million) due to recognition of license fee income and product sales to Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (SOBI) following launch of Ruconest® in December 2010.

    Operating costs of €15.1 million (9M 2010: €14.5 million). The small increase versus 2010 is mainly caused by the capitalization of (€0.4 million) R&D costs during 2010. Cost containment continues to be effective and G&A costs were held stable.

    The total net loss in the nine months end ed September 30, 2011 significantly decreased to €13.3 million (9M 2010: €34.6 million). This was primarily due to differences in the financial expenses (related to financing transactions in the corresponding period last year) and the positive impact of discontinuing the DNage operations (9M 2011 €0.6 million profit compared to a €4.0 million loss in 9M 2010).

    The net cash flows used in operating activities amounted to €13.0 million (9M 2010: €3.4 million) but the corresponding period in 2010 included one-off licensing receipts of €14.7 million. Excluding these upfront licensing fees the net cash outflows would have shown a €5.1 million decrease of which €2.1 million is associated with the DNage operations and €3.0 million with the continuing business.

    In the nine months to September 30, 2011, net cash and cash equivalents, including restricted cash, were €9.8 million (December 31, 2010: €10.5 mil lion). The €0.7 million decrease reflects the net cash outflows from investing activities as net operating cash outflows of €13.0 million (€3.4 million 9M 2010) were offset with net cash inflows from financing activities of €13.0 million. Pharming completed a private placement raising €3.2 million with new US based specialist investors early in Q3, 2011.


    Agreement was reached with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the design of a Phase III clinical study for Rhucin® (study 1310) under the Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) process to support the submission of a Biologics License Application (BLA). The study design includes a modification to the way the primary endpoint will be assessed and an increase in the number of study patients from 50 to approximately 75. We continue to expect that the Phase III study will be completed by the third quarter of 2012. If approved, Rhu cin® will be the first recombinant C1 inhibitor on the US market, and could offer an attractive therapeutic option for patients with HAE.

    Continued expansion of C1 Inhibitor franchise through an extension of the existing 2010 agreement with SOBI. This includes new territories in the Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East in addition to a significant additional order of €1.5 million over a one year period ending in the second quarter of 2012. Following a mutual agreement with Esteve to return the rights to market Ruconest® in Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Greece, these territories were taken up by SOBI and it now has exclusive distribution rights in all European Union countries, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

    Continuing roll-out of Ruconest® in Europe with product now available in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, UK, Germany, Austria, France, Lithuania, Romania and the Netherlands.
    Chief Executive Officer, Sijmen de Vries, comme nted: “We continue to make progress in rolling out Ruconest across Europe and are pleased to have extended our distribution agreement with SOBI as well as securing minimal order sizes over the coming three quarters. These cash inflows help augment our cash runway as we approach a potentially very significant next step for Pharming: the read out of study 1310. We are delighted that the US development path has been clarified following the agreement of the SPA with the FDA. This presents us with the opportunity for a potentially transformative shift towards becoming a more commercially driven company.”


    Following the validation of our proprietary transgenic platform through the EU approval of Ruconest, we have received multiple requests regarding the potential licensing of the platform, and/ or co- development collaborations to produce complex proteins. These discussions are at an early stage and focus on significant in dications which already have protein therapeutics on the market. The attraction of our platform appears to be the quality of the proteins, its scalability, low upfront capital investments in manufacturing and its flexibility associated with manufacturing costs. The platform is appropriate for the production of a wide range of proteins but our initial discussions are focused on plasma proteins and metabolic factors. These therapeutic targets are associated with orphan diseases with high unmet need and are also commercially very attractive. Whilst an exciting new development, at this time, we do not envisage moving forward with new projects without partners and we are evaluating key opportunities throughout Asia and South America.

    We remain focused on supporting our partner SOBI in facilitating the rollout of Ruconest across the licensed EU territories and look forward to continued progress over the coming quarters. Discussions are on-going with several parties regard ing the potential commercialization of Ruconest in South America, South- East Asia, Japan and Australia/New Zealand and we hope to be able to provide updates on these over the coming quarters.

    Study 1310 remains on track and is the pivotal study which supports our US development plan. We anticipate read-out by Q3, 2012 and if successful, anticipate submitting a BLA shortly thereafter. These events are associated with significant milestones of US$10.0 million for the positive study read-out and US$5.0 million for acceptance of the BLA for review by the FDA.
  4. OVI 17 november 2011 09:04

    Financial results for the first nine months of this year showed significant increase in revenues compared with the equivalent period last year.

    In the nine months to September 30, 2011 the Company generated revenue and other income from continuing operations of €2.3 million (9M 2010: €0.2 million). This increase reflects the recogn ition of license fee income and product sales following launch of Ruconest® in December 2010. Costs associated with the revenues and other income amounted to €1.4 million.

    Total operating costs from continuing operations rose slightly to €15.1 million (9M 2010: €14.5 million). Whilst G&A costs were held stable, the comparator period benefited from capitalisation of R&D costs (€0.4 million).

    Financial income and expenses from continuing operations resulted in a €0.2 million profit (9M 2010: €16.3 million loss). Except for the derivative financial liability (this refers to the outstanding warrants associated with the issue of bonds in early 2010), which yielded a €0.4 million profit in the first nine months of 2011, the anti-dilution provisions, convertible bonds and earn-out obligations were all settled in 2010 so that no further expenses in relation to these items were incurred in 2011.

    Following liquid ation of DNage in early 2011, the Company deconsolidated the DNage entity from its statement of financial position, resulting in a one-time profit from discontinued operations of €0.6 million (9M 2010: €4.0 million losses).

    Overall, the total net loss including the contribution of minority shareholders decreased to €13.3 million (9M 2010: €34.6 million). The net loss per share for the first nine months of the year decreased to €0.03 (9M 2010: €0.15).


    In the nine months to September 30, 2011, net cash and cash equivalents, including restricted cash, ended at €9.8 million (December 31, 2010: €10.5 million). The €0.7 million decrease reflects the net cash outflows from investing activities as net operating cash outflows of €13.0 million were offset with net cash inflows from financing activities of €13.0 million. The financing cash flows include receipt o f €9.0 million following our year end 2010 financial transaction with Socius and €1.0 million following the exercise of warrants by Socius, both in the first quarter, and the €3.2 million gross proceeds from a private placement completed in July.

    About RHUCIN (RUCONEST® in European countries) and Hereditary Angioedema

    RHUCIN (INN conestat alfa) is a recombinant version of the human protein C1 inhibitor (C1INH). RHUCIN is produced through Pharming’s proprietary technology in milk of transgenic rabbits and in Europe is approved under the name RUCONEST for treatment of acute angioedema attacks in patients with HAE. RHUCIN has been granted orphan drug designation in the U.S. for the treatment of acute attacks of HAE, a genetic disorder in which the patient is deficient in or lacks a functional plasma protein C1 inhibitor, resulting in unpredictable and debilitating episodes of intense swelling of the extremities, fa ce, trunk, genitals, abdomen and upper airway. The frequency and severity of HAE attacks vary and are most serious when they involve laryngeal edema, which can close the upper airway and cause death by asphyxiation. According to the U.S. Hereditary Angioedema Association, epidemiological estimates for HAE range from one in 10,000 to one in 50,000 individuals.

    About Pharming Group N.V.

    Pharming Group N.V. is developing innovative products for the treatment of unmet medical needs. RUCONEST® (RHUCIN® in non-European territories) is a recombinant human C1 inhibitor approved for the treatment of angioedema attacks in patients with HAE in all 27 EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, and is distributed in the EU by Swedish Orphan Biovitrum. Rhucin® is partnered with Santarus Inc (NASDAQ: SNTS) in North America where the drug is undergoing Phase III clinical development. The product is also under development for foll ow-on indications, i.e. antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) and delayed graft function (DGF) following kidney transplantation. The advanced technologies of the Company include innovative platforms for the production of protein therapeutics, technology and processes for the purification and formulation of these products. Additional information is available on the Pharming website, www.pharming.com.

    Karl Keegan, CFO: T: +31 6 3168 0465

    FTI Consulting
    Julia Phillips/ John Dineen: T: +44 (20)7 269 7193
  5. OVI 17 november 2011 09:09
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Pharming Group nv (PHARM.AE) heeft belangstelling van verschillende kanten voor mogelijke licenties van zijn transgene platform, nu dat zijn waarde heeft aangetoond door de Europese goedkeuring voor het medicijn Ruconest, maakt het Leidse biotechbedrijf woensdag bekend.

    Pharming hoopt verder in de komende kwartalen updates te kunnen geven over mogelijke commercialisering van Ruconest in Zuid-Amerika, Zuidoost-Azie, Japan, Australie en Nieuw-Zeeland.

    De aanvullende studie voor goedkeuring van Ruconest in de VS ligt op schema, meldt het biotechbedrijf.

    De gesprekken over licentiering van het Pharming-platform zijn nog in een vroege fase en richten zich op aandoeningen, waarvoor al behandelingen met proteinen op de markt zijn, stelt Pharming in een update over het derde kwartaal. De betreffende targets zijn commercieel erg aantrekkelijk, zegt het bedrijf.

    De aantrekkingskracht van het platform lijkt te liggen in de kwaliteit van de transgene proteinen, de mate waarin het kan worden opgeschaald, de lage opstartkosten en de flexibiliteit productiekosten.

    Pharming gebruikt voor zijn productie konijnen, die de gewenste proteinen produceren in hun melk.

    Het bedrijf boekte over de eerste negen maanden van het jaar een nettoverlies van EUR13,3 miljoen, tegen een verlies van EUR34,6 miljoen in de vergelijkbare periode een jaar eerder.

    De omzet steeg naar EUR2,3 miljoen, tegen EUR0,2 miljoen in het voorgaande jaar, door de Europese lancering van Ruconest in december 2010.

    De kaspositie daalde naar EUR9,8 miljoen, van EUR10,5 miljoen aan het begin van het jaar. De kasuitstroom bleef beperkt in het derde kwartaal, omdat Pharming in deze periode EUR3,2 miljoen ophaalde met een onderhandse plaatsing van aandelen.

    Dow Jones Newswires

    November 17, 2011 01:41 ET (06:41 GMT)

  6. [verwijderd] 17 november 2011 09:18

    pharman schreef:

    geen nieuw nieuws, brug naar Q3 2012 blijft zwak, wel fundament.
    Alles binnen mission vision and strategy als in September gepresenteerd.
    Ik mis follow on indications!
    Wat willen ze ook het medicijn schijnt niet in trek te zijn bij de specialisten,als dit wel zo was dan was de omzet nu veel hoger,ik denk dat het een lapmiddel is zoals vele reeds gebruikte en geintroduceerde medicijnen in de loop van de laatse 30 jaar,er zal nog veel verbeterd moeten worden om dit waar te maken.
  7. [verwijderd] 17 november 2011 09:22

    carson kid schreef op 17 november 2011 09:18:

    Wat willen ze ook het medicijn schijnt niet in trek te zijn bij de specialisten,als dit wel zo was dan was de omzet nu veel hoger,ik denk dat het een lapmiddel is zoals vele reeds gebruikte en geintroduceerde medicijnen in de loop van de laatse 30 jaar,er zal nog veel verbeterd moeten worden om dit waar te maken.
  8. [verwijderd] 17 november 2011 09:25

    carson kid schreef op 17 november 2011 09:18:

    Wat willen ze ook het medicijn schijnt niet in trek te zijn bij de specialisten,als dit wel zo was dan was de omzet nu veel hoger,ik denk dat het een lapmiddel is zoals vele reeds gebruikte en geintroduceerde medicijnen in de loop van de laatse 30 jaar,er zal nog veel verbeterd moeten worden om dit waar te maken.
    Beetje onzin!
    Maar wat al wel was besproken en waar men geen aandacht aan heeft geschonken is het zelf kunnen toedienen.
    Ach Pharming het blijven amateurs in de board room.

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