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Aandeel ING Groep AEX:INGA.NL, NL0011821202

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15,984   +0,130   (+0,82%) Dagrange 15,898 - 16,132 8.523.013   Gem. (3M) 8M

ING donderdag 13 oktober 2011.

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  1. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2011 12:47
    Ik haal hier nog maar eens mijn post van donderdag 22 september 2011 04:17 aan:

    Operation Twist en de betekenis voor: Verzekeraars, Banken en Pensioenfondsen.

    SEPTEMBER 22, 2011
    Fed Throws Banks a Curve Ball


    The Federal Reserve served up something of a double-whammy Wednesday for financial stocks.

    The central bank said it would "twist" $400 billion of its $1.66 trillion in Treasury holdings into longer-dated debt. This was more than the $300 billion markets had been expecting, but a bigger surprise was that about 30% of the purchases would be in the 20- to 30-year range.

    So while the 10-year Treasury note was pretty well priced for the Fed's actions, the bigger move came in the 30-year bond. Its yield fell to almost 3%, from 3.2% before the Fed's announcement. That 3% rate will prove particularly painful for insurers and pension funds, which need to buy at the longer end of the yield curve.

    Banks are less exposed so far out. But the downward drift in the 10-year means they will continue to feel the bite of a flattening yield curve and super-low rates. That puts further pressure on net interest margins.

    And the bigger sting, for banks, perhaps came in the Fed's downgrading of the economic outlook in its statement. While the Fed had previously cited deteriorating economic conditions, it now says there are "significant" downside risks and "strains in global financial markets."

    That's further confirmation that loan growth, and with it a normalization of bank earnings, will continue to prove elusive. In that case, banks will have a tougher time dealing with the margin pressure exerted by lower rates.

    "Margin compression is not a new phenomenon," says Jason Goldberg, bank analyst with Barclays Capital. "Loan growth can solve a lot of that issue. But without a pickup in loan growth, you get a lot more concerned."

    Granted, the Fed's decision to roll over maturing mortgage securities, as opposed to reinvesting the proceeds in Treasurys, should help reduce the widened spread between mortgage rates and the 10-year. That may bolster refinance activity, and fees for banks. The downside is that, longer term, banks will earn less off new mortgages or have to reinvest funds in lower-yielding securities.

    Even worse, few economists expect the Fed's actions to have a meaningful economic impact. And a pickup in growth is ultimately what financial stocks need, not moves that fiddle with the yield curve.

  2. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2011 13:08
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het laten meebetalen aan de Europese schuldencrisis van de private sector, met name banken met staatsobligaties van zwakke eurolanden, kan de reputatie en waarde van de euro schaden, stelt de Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) in zijn maandelijkse bulletin.

    Het betrekken van de private sector om het met schulden beladen Griekenland te helpen, is onderwerp van controverse onder beleidsmakers. De Ierse premier Enda Kenny riep donderdag in Brussel op tot meer duidelijkheid over de betrokkenheid van de private sector, waarbij hij het een "onderwerp van zorg" noemde.

    De hechte verwevenheid van de muntunie versterkt de negatieve impact van de private betrokkenheid, aldus de ECB.

    "Het toepassen van betrokkenheid uit de private sector op e e n land kan de financiele stabiliteit van de hele muntunie in gevaar brengen", stelt de centrale bank.

    Als e e n van de directe negatieve effecten zal private betrokkenheid zorgen voor significante druk op de solvabiliteit van het land zelf en ook op de balansen van banken in andere landen, wat de noodzaak tot grootschalige herkapitalisering tot gevolg kan hebben, aldus de ECB.

    Door Margit Feher en Anton Reijinga; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; anton.reijinga@dowjones.com; +31-20-571 5213

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

    October 13, 2011 07:05 ET (11:05 GMT)

    Copyright (c) 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
  3. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2011 13:13
    Third-quarter net income fell to $4.26 billion, or $1.02 a share, from $4.42 billion, or $1.01, in the same period a year earlier and $5.43 billion, or $1.27, in the second quarter, the New York-based company said today in a statement. The average per-share estimate for adjusted earnings was 92 cents in a survey of 30 analysts by Bloomberg.
    Reserve releases helped Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon, 55, lead the bank to a record $17.4 billion in net income last year, the most of any U.S. bank. About $7 billion came from the release of money set aside for losses, a benefit that also helped “soften the blow” in the third quarter of declining revenue from trading and investment banking, Jason Goldberg, an analyst at Barclays Capital in New York,

  4. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2011 13:22

    Ben schreef op 13 oktober 2011 13:18:

    toch weer met 4 cent winst verkocht :-)
    zo weer een ritje ?
    Denk het wel...
    blijft mooi heen en weer gaan tussen de 6+ en de 6,1+
    genoeg ritjes te maken me dunkt!
    Ik koop er nog een keer 2000 op 6.04
    Is het met het oog op de kosten wel interessant om met verschillen van 4 cent te kopen / verkopen? Hou je nog wel wat over?
  5. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2011 13:25

    emielm schreef op 13 oktober 2011 13:22:


    Is het met het oog op de kosten wel interessant om met verschillen van 4 cent te kopen / verkopen? Hou je nog wel wat over?
    Ik denk het wel he anders zou ie het niet doen. Het zijn waarschijnlijk kleine winsten, maar vele kleine beetjes maken 1 grote winst. Toch mooi om in deze daling winst weten te pakken?!
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