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2011/2021: TOTAL economic MELTDOWN

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  1. [verwijderd] 30 juni 2011 16:04
    Greek ruling party deputy votes against articles of austerity implementation law: t.co/XNd0TfS

    Food Stamps, Facebook Credits, Zynga Dollars accepted at Fast Food Joints dld.bz/afdU2

    Our Big, Fat Greek Bankruptcy t.co/MmIg1Nv

    Thousands Walk Off The Job In U.K. Pension Protest t.co/1MoqquT

    Debt Ceiling Drama t.co/3CaW6Qw

    Wall Street Is Firing Everyone t.co/Tq2W9bA

    Gross: D-Day for QEII – who will buy them now?
  2. [verwijderd] 30 juni 2011 16:30
    Scott Maher (PIMCO): “Overheden gaan deel van ons spaargeld inpikken”

    donderdag 30 juni 2011 om 14u46

    Niemand had waarschijnlijk durven te voorspellen dat ze zo veilig geachte staatsobligaties ooit een risicovolle beleggingsklasse zouden worden. Het lijkt wel alsof de wereld op zijn kop staat, maar toch zullen we moeten wennen aan de nieuwe realiteit.

    Scott Maher (PIMCO): “De obligatiemarkt ondergaat momenteel potentieel fundamentele veranderingen. Markten zullen zich de komende drie tot vijf jaar heel anders gedragen dan gebruikelijke cyclische modellen voorspellen. Staatsschuld, dat deel uitmaakt van de kern van ons financieel systeem, ondergaat een seismische verschuiving. Overheden die zich tot financiële repressie wenden, zorgen daarmee voor een overdracht van vermogen van burgers naar overheden ten koste van kredietverstrekkers, obligatiebeleggers en spaarders.”
  3. [verwijderd] 30 juni 2011 17:03
    Greek crisis isn't over; German banks prepared to do more usat.ly/kaIR7d

    "There's still a high likelihood that there will be a default. This just pushes it off for a little longer," Henes says. "The only way to fix this is to reduce debt to a level that's sustainable for the country. At some point, they're going to have to face reality."

    Debt woes also plague Portugal, Spain and Italy, which are watching bankers to see how they deal with Greece.

    "A messy restructuring of Greek debt and the spillover effects to other economies would hurt consumer and business confidence around the world," Prasad says.

    Contributing: Associated Press
  4. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2011 01:18
    Managing Director of Sovereign Ratings at S&P on Possible US Default if Debt Ceiling Not Raised: John Chambers, managi.. dld.bz/afhdw

    Gerald Celente: ' Austerity riots will come to the US' ow.ly/1dxRLb

    NBA Talks Collapse bit.ly/liNxGR

    Fed's Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact: Greenspan cnb.cx/ldd8Uv

    Three weeks ago, when discussing the failed (yes, failed) Maiden Lane 2 auction by the New York Fed, we said: 'Somethi.. dld.bz/afgKV
  5. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2011 01:23
    Poll: Where Is Tim Geithner Headed Next? is.gd/thh6hB

    Fed Halts Sales Of Toxic AIG Sludge Upon Realization Any Balance Sheet Unwind Crashes The Market is.gd/sOj6xW

    Geithner envisage de quitter le gouvernement bit.ly/jDnbIq

    Did QE2 really work? yhoo.it/jNblsN

    In Europe, late bill payments add to the squeeze yhoo.it/kcRaEs
  6. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2011 10:25
    China manufacturing at lowest in 2 years: Chinese manufacturing activity has fallen to its lowest level in mo... on.ft.com/ir59pi


    Greenspan: Stimulus Failed sns.mx/3Deqy8

    overnight => CHINA JUN PMI MANUFACTURING: 50.9 V 51.5E (Lowest level since Feb 2009; 28th consecutive month of expansion)

  7. NoRiskAtAll 1 juli 2011 13:39
    Will Barack Obama Use The 14th Amendment As A Way To Get Around The Debt Ceiling?

    Our financial system is fundamentally flawed from the Federal Reserve on down. If we continue on the path that we are on, a horrific collapse is inevitable.

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