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Belgische aandelen« Terug naar discussie overzicht

Fortis: weekend 09 januari 2010.

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  1. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:03
    Goedemorgen Fforummers, het ontbijt zit er weer op zo kan ie wel weer.

    Uitstekende eerste beursweek van het jaar
    Bel20 wint 3,2 procent op weekbasis

    De Europese aandelenmarkten doken na het tegenvallende Amerikaanse banenrapport in het rood, maar zijn uiteindelijk met milde winsten gesloten. Ook op Wall Street stonden tegen de slotbel positieve cijfers op de tabellen. Beleggers legden een tegenvallend banenrapport uiteindelijk naast zich neer. In Brussel sloot de Bel20 nagenoeg vlak, maar de Brusselse sterindex heeft deze week wel ruim 3 procent winst geboekt.

  2. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:09
    Wall Street eindigt week in schoonheid

    De toonaangevende Amerikaanse beursindexen zijn gisteren met positieve cijfers de week uitgegaan. Een onverwachte terugval van het banenverlies woog geruime tijd op de cijfers, maar grondstoffen- en industriële waarden zoals Alcoa (+2,5% tot 17,02 dollar) leidden de indexen uiteindelijk hoger.

  3. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:12
    UCB-partner fors hoger na toekenning octrooi

    Het Amerikaanse biotechnologiebedrijf Immunomedics koerste tot 45 procent hoger na de toekenning van een octrooi. Dat biedt juridische bescherming voor een medicijn tegen de ziekte lupus, waarvoor Immunomedics samenwerkt met het Belgische UCB.

  4. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:14
    Obama lanceert stimuli voor groene jobs

    De Amerikaanse president Barack Obama heeft vrijdag aangekondigd 2,3 miljard dollar te zullen vrijmaken voor financiële stimuli, gericht op het creëren van banen in de productie van groene energie in de Verenigde Staten, nu de werkloosheid op een bijzonder hoog niveau uitkomt.

  5. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:18
    Bonusfeest bij Bank of America
    Van onze verslaggever op 08 januari '10, 20:51, bijgewerkt 08 januari '10, 22:14
    Banc of America (AFP)

    AMSTERDAM - Ook Bank of America (BoA) gaat zijn medewerkers over 2009 rijkelijk belonen. De bonussen van de topbankiers zijn volgens The Wall Street Journal net zo hoog als in het recordjaar 2007. De investeringsbankiers van Merrill Lynch, in 2008 door Bank of America overgenomen, kregen in 2007 ongeveer voor 5,8 miljard dollar (4 miljard euro) aan bonussen.

  6. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:21
    Europese Unie waarschuwt IJsland
    8 januari 2010, 18:00 uur | FD.nl 1

    Indien de bevolking van IJsland in een referendum tegen het terugbetalen van de Icesaveleningen aan Nederland en Groot-Brittanië stemt, heeft dat gevolgen voor het toetredingsproces van IJsland tot de EU.

  7. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:22
    China nieuwe handelskampioen
    8 januari 2010, 16:15 uur | FD.nl

    China heeft vorig jaar Duitsland vrijwel zeker ingehaald als grootste exporteur ter wereld. Dit valt af te leiden uit de jongste handelscijfers van het Duitse federale bureau voor de statistiek.

  8. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:46
    Bonus time as banks pay out £40bn

    Exclusive: Chancellor Alistair Darling's windfall tax has not led to cut in rewards for bankers

    Jill Treanor
    guardian.co.uk, Friday 8 January 2010 21.08 GMT

    Alistair Darling

    Alistair Darling’s efforts to deter banks from handing out multi-million pounds bonuses appear to have failed.

    The world's biggest investment banks are expected to pay out more than $65bn (£40bn) in salaries and bonuses in the next two weeks, reinforcing the view that it is business as usual on Wall Street and in the City barely a year since the taxpayer bailout of the banking system.

    Despite efforts by Alistair Darling to deter banks from handing out multi-million pound bonuses through the introduction of a 50% windfall tax, City sources believe that the biggest employers will absorb the cost of the tax rather than cut the size of the bonus pools they amass throughout the year.

    This will mean that while proceeds from the tax could top £2bn – more than four times the £550m estimated by the chancellor in the pre-budget report – the government will have failed to alter the traditional bonus culture in the City.

  9. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 06:50
    US fears double-dip recession with rising job losses

    Larry Elliott
    guardian.co.uk, Friday 8 January 2010 14.44 GMT

    Fears of a double-dip recession in the world's biggest economy were heightened today when Washington announced that the US shed 85,000 jobs last month.

  10. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:06
    China overtakes US as world's biggest car market

    guardian.co.uk, Friday 8 January 2010 14.52 GMT

    China has overtaken the US to become the biggest car market in the world as government policy initiatives spur demand.

    China sold more than 13.5m vehicles last year, the official Xinhua news agency said today, compared with 10.4m cars and light trucks sold in the US, the lowest level in 27 years.

  11. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:10
    Foreign firms gain most from off-shore wind power deals

    Germans set pace in winning orders for difficult projects in deeper waters

    Terry Macalister
    guardian.co.uk, Friday 8 January 2010 19.20 GMT

    Foreign-owned firms today seized the lion's share of the development contracts to kickstart a wind revolution in offshore Britain that ministers say will eventually match the glory days of the North Sea oil industry. But Gordon Brown said he was still confident that UK supply firms could win many of the £75bn-worth of contracts needed to build enough clean power to generate 25% of the country's electricity.

  12. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:13
    GM seeks to close Saab despite offers on table

    Andrew Clark
    guardian.co.uk, Friday 8 January 2010 20.30 GMT

    General Motors, the American motor manufacturer, has infuriated potential bidders, including the Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone, by appointing liquidators to begin a formal shutdown of Saab, less than 24 hours after receiving at least three offers from buyers keen to rescue the ailing Scandinavian car brand.

  13. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:17
    From The Times
    January 9, 2010
    Britain faces ‘toughest cuts for 20 years’
    Darling and Mandelson win election policy battle with weakened PM
    Rachel Sylvester, Alice Thomson and Philip Webster

    Alistair Darling has warned that Britain faces its toughest spending cuts for 20 years if Labour continues in office.

  14. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:21
    From The Times
    January 9, 2010
    ABI warns blue chips not to use consultants to dodge high tax rate
    Patrick Hosking, Financial Editor

    Britain’s biggest investment institutions have issued a warning to blue-chip company directors not to rely on unscrupulous pay consultants and not to endanger corporate reputation by approving elaborate schemes to help executives to dodge tax.

  15. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:24
    From The Times
    January 9, 2010
    BT brings in Kelly to run Global Services
    Nic Fildes

    BT has moved to turn around its problematic Global Services division after a tumultuous 18 months by appointing Jeff Kelly, formerly US head of EDS, the IT services group, as the subsidiary’s new chief executive.

    The move also represents the end of Hanif Lalani’s 26-year career at BT after the former group finance director, who has spent just over a year at the helm of the Global Services unit, agreed to leave the company.

  16. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:28
    From The Times
    January 9, 2010
    Turbine delays blow government renewable energy targets off course

    Construction of new wind farms may be delayed
    Ben Webster, Environment Editor

    Construction of 6,400 giant new offshore wind turbines will take several years longer than previously thought, undermining the chances of the Government meeting its renewable energy target.

    Yesterday the Crown Estate awarded leases for nine zones around the British coast where it expects developers to spend £75 billion installing 25 gigawatts of capacity by 2020. It eventually expects the sites to provide 32 gigawatts, or a quarter of Britain’s electricity needs.

  17. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:34
    From The Times
    January 9, 2010
    Google or Apple — who’s the smartphone money on?

    Mike Harvey in San Francisco

    Apple and Google, once the friendliest of Silicon Valley neighbours, have set themselves on a collision course.

    While Google was driving its tanks into Apple retail territory this week with its new smartphone, Steve Jobs quietly bought a mobile advertising company, potentially pitching the group that he founded into the online ad sales business.

    Google’s Nexus One “superphone” is a direct competitor to Apple’s iPhone and, according to some, a worthy rival. In buying Quattro Wireless for a reported $275 million (£170 million), Apple is following Google’s acquisition of AdMob, a mobile advertising network that competed with Quattro, for $750 million.

  18. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:37
    From Times Online
    January 8, 2010
    McKinsey consultant pleads guilty to fraud

    Francesca Steele

    A former director at McKinsey & Co, the management consultancy group, has pleaded guilty to fraud charges, as part of a co-operation deal that authorities hope will stengthen the insider trading case against Raj Rajaratnam, the founder of the Galleon hedge fund.

    Anil Kumar claims that Mr Rajaratnam paid him $1.75 million (£1.09 million) in exchange for tips on clients of the consulting firm. Mr Kumar made $2.6 million overall from the arrangement, the prosecution has alleged.

  19. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2010 07:43
    Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising

    By Bob Willis and Courtney Schlisserman

    Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) -- An exodus of discouraged workers from the job market kept the U.S. unemployment rate from climbing above 10 percent in December, economists said.

    Had the labor force not decreased by 661,000 last month, the jobless rate would have been 10.4 percent, according to economists including David Rosenberg at Gluskin Sheff & Associates in Toronto and Harm Bandholz at UniCredit Research in New York.

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