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Crucell« Terug naar discussie overzicht

TA..Technische Analyse...LIJNEN.. conclusies

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  1. [verwijderd] 10 augustus 2008 00:05
    TA mannen vrouwen........ trek te keer...... trek de lijnen en trek de conclusies.
    Wij willen weten wat de lijnen ons kunnen zeggen.
    Of wij er wat mee doen ..... is aan ons.

    Maar we willen de discussie graag volgen en ook vragen kunnen stellen als wij het ff niet begrijpen.

    Nieuw begin ......... ???????

    Ik hoop het enorm............

  2. [verwijderd] 10 augustus 2008 12:15
    TA means nothing now until after earnings...another good quarter, if they up guidance, then I see an uptrend started, because they will have strung together 2 in a row. The last earnings ended the downtrend and we have stablized.

    The last market extreme downturn, we did not set a new 52 week low...a good sign. However we need a catalyst to get moving up again. Since Crucell's R+D cannot seem to get anything new out of the pre-clinical stage, we are languishing. Some possible catalysts.

    License royalty becoming actuality. Number of possibilities, but always tantalizingly a year away. Crucell...the perpetual promise.

    Epaxal partner in the US

    Another big Supranational contract for Epaxal Jr., Dukoral, or even Moru-Viraten

    Blockbuster exiting pre-clinical and entering Phase I.

    TB or Malaria Partner.

    Somebody...whether Crucell or somebody else...deciding to use PER.C6 for generic biosimiliars...or just to manufacture hard to build blood factors.

    Crucell is hard to pigeon-hole. This website has them listed as "Industrial Materials"...as if they were DSM.


    This one as "Biotechnology"


    Yahoo lists their competitors as Acambis and Vical,

    This is the Biotech Chart...Biotech is hot now, but only for a select few. Crucell needs to get back on the hot list.


    My biggest worry is that Brus pumped up the numbers for the 1Q, so as to quiet the restless investors at the AGM, and that the second quarter will balance them out...and we are back to 8 euros.
    Please don't tell me he couldn't, wouldn't or can't. C'mon, we are talking about Brus...he does what is best for Brus...period. And Kruimer is his puppet. It is why two good quarters in a row are important...it is hard to legally fudge two in a row, and three is nearly impossible.

  3. aossa 30 augustus 2008 14:26
    Nasdaq - Short Intrest Chart

    De short intrest neemt dus af in de VS ...

    Put/Call Open Intrest Ratio (Nasdaq USA)

    Die zit op zijn hoogst

    Imo zijn de shorts aldaar (bijna) klaar ... nog even geduld.

    'Remember to be back in September'
  4. [verwijderd] 30 augustus 2008 15:00

    aossa schreef:

    Nasdaq - Short Intrest Chart

    De short intrest neemt dus af in de VS ...

    Put/Call Open Intrest Ratio (Nasdaq USA)

    Die zit op zijn hoogst

    Imo zijn de shorts aldaar (bijna) klaar ... nog even geduld.

    'Remember to be back in September'
    Thank you Aossa, I really like that website.
    The Put-Call chart is of particular interest.
    Stock is setting up the way it did at the end of August 2004. I am hoping both the TB and Flu trials are going well...and both will be moving into phase III. Malaria I have given up o n because of incompetence by Brus. Crucell is positioning itself in east Asia to be prepared to push it's flu vaccine to Japan(Sanofi version).
    And a number of companies are getting closer to getting a PER.C6 product approved.

    Will Brus keep his word on ...Epaxal in the US, Flavinum, or Hexavalent Vaccine? Can you say West Nile, Biosimiliars, EPO, and Genentech? Company may take off in spite of the "Weasel"

  5. flosz 5 september 2008 08:46
    Crucell ST: de volgende weerstanden liggen op 11.5 en vervolgens op 11.8.
    Tradincentral - 5 september 2008, 07:45
    Ons omslagpunt is 11.8
    Onze voorkeur : zolang 11.8 niet opgegeven wordt, geven we de voorkeur aan een neerwaartse beweging van Crucell met 9.8 en vervolgens 9.3 als volgende koersobjectieven.
    Alternatief scenario :als een verdere stijging gewenst is, moet het scenario overwogen worden dat 11.8 opgegeven zal worden met 12.6 en vervolgens 13.1 als volgende koersobjectieven.
    Analyse: de dagelijkse technische indicatoren zijn gemengd en manen tot voorzichtigheid aan. De RSI is onder het neutrale gebied op 50. De MACD is onder de signaallijn en positief.
    steunpuntenenweerstanden: 12.6 *, 11.8 **, 11.5, 10.74, 9.8, 9.3 **, 8.8 *

    Opwarmertje -> 22 sep 05

    Crucell: 23,25 euro

    Sinds gisteren zijn er opties Crucell verhandelbaar in Amsterdam en op speciaal verzoek kijk ik vandaag naar de koersgrafiek van de Leidse biotech. Over een wat langere termijn laat Crucell een stijgende beweging zien, die vooralsnog intact is. Binnen deze trend zat het aandeel een aantal maanden lang in een consolidatiefase.
    De opwaartse breuk uit dit patroon is voor mij aanleiding te veronderstellen dat een hervatting van de voorafgaande stijging aannemelijk is. De scherpe, kortstondige daling half september resulteerde in een 50% correctie van de opgang sinds eind augustus en kan ik omschrijven als de terugtest op het genoemde consolidatiepatroon.
    Nu de relevante indicator niet langer overspannen is, ga ik uit van hogere koersen. Op basis van een Fibonacci-extensieberekening - het fonds fluctueert ten slotte in de buurt van zijnall time high noteringen - kom ik tot een richtpunt van 23,25 euro.
  6. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2008 15:08
    ff wat knip en plakwerk....
    Van Wilb en Ron, niet onbelangrijk lijkt mij

    ron banged - 2 okt 08, 14:07 | Reageer | Quote | Zoek | Aanbevolen: 0

    Crucell has finished strong lately. Waiting for the US market to open, and then making it's best run in the last hour.

    If you run a trendline for the highs of 2008, starting in January
    14.10 euro

    then May 14
    13.07 euro

    then August 14
    12.48 euro

    that line is now sitting at 12.12

    In addition, the 52 week high is sitting at 15.08 from last October 15. After that the 52 week high quickly becomes 14.10. So if we can break out, then we can start setting 52 week highs. From a technical perspective, this is very important.

    The 50 dma is at 10.95 and trending up, the 200dma is at 10.78 and flat.

    The weekly 30ma is at 11 and trending up

    We are at the top of the daily BB's, but the weekly BB's are sitting at 12.70euro

    The weekly MACD is now positive, and the MACD EMA(9)...that would be the red line...which has not been in positive territory since May of 07, is getting ready to cross into positive territory.
    Money flow has been positive 100 million in 2008.

    We are in a 10 month flag formation starting from the beginning of this year... dictated by lower highs and higher lows. The ratios of the company have gotten as stupid as the market in general. Waiting for the catalyst that will set this stock back up. At the latest it will the CC, but I think they will preannounce. Higher high, or something above 12.48 will set off alarms.

    Again...if all the financial markets don't fall into the ocean.
    wilb52 - 2 okt 08, 14:17 | Reageer | Quote | Zoek | Aanbevolen: 0

    The most important will be the MACD Monthly cross-over , in the next few months.
    Could be any month now, oct, nov, dec
    And that combined with a daily oscillator ( 10, 70 ) , will be the start of a 2.5 year rise towards 34 euro.
    ron banged - 2 okt 08, 14:54 | Reageer | Quote | Zoek | Aanbevolen: 0

    wilb52 schreef:

    The most important will be the MACD Monthly cross-over , in the next few months.
    Could be any month now, oct, nov, dec
    And that combined with a daily oscillator ( 10, 70 ) , will be the start of a 2.5 year rise towards 34 euro.

    I usually don't look at monthly's, but the cross into negative territory in May 2006 marked the beginning of the downturn that started at the end of 2005(all time high, and the cross back into positive territory could mark a prolonged outturn.

    I hate to keep banging the same drum, but the stock could be 3 to 4 times higher and not be out of line with the ratios of many of its peers. Funny, that would put it at 34 euros.

    No Offense Wilb52, but are we both sounding optimistic?
  7. [verwijderd] 9 oktober 2008 12:20

    Ian schreef:

    ff wat knip en plakwerk....
    Van Wilb en Ron, niet onbelangrijk lijkt mij

    ron banged - 2 okt 08, 14:07 | Reageer | Quote | Zoek | Aanbevolen: 0

    Crucell has finished strong lately. Waiting for the US market to open, and then making it's best run in the last hour.

    If you run a trendline for the highs of 2008, starting in January
    14.10 euro

    then May 14
    13.07 euro

    then August 14
    12.48 euro

    that line is now sitting at 12.12

    In addition, the 52 week high is sitting at 15.08 from last October 15. After that the 52 week high quickly becomes 14.10. So if we can break out, then we can start setting 52 week highs. From a technical perspective, this is very important.

    The 50 dma is at 10.95 and trending up, the 200dma is at 10.78 and flat.

    The weekly 30ma is at 11 and trending up

    We are at the top of the daily BB's, but the weekly BB's are sitting at 12.70euro

    The weekly MACD is now positive, and the MACD EMA(9)...that would be the red line...which has not been in positive territory since May of 07, is getting ready to cross into positive territory.
    Money flow has been positive 100 million in 2008.

    We are in a 10 month flag formation starting from the beginning of this year... dictated by lower highs and higher lows. The ratios of the company have gotten as stupid as the market in general. Waiting for the catalyst that will set this stock back up. At the latest it will the CC, but I think they will preannounce. Higher high, or something above 12.48 will set off alarms.

    Again...if all the financial markets don't fall into the ocean.
    wilb52 - 2 okt 08, 14:17 | Reageer | Quote | Zoek | Aanbevolen: 0

    The most important will be the MACD Monthly cross-over , in the next few months.
    Could be any month now, oct, nov, dec
    And that combined with a daily oscillator ( 10, 70 ) , will be the start of a 2.5 year rise towards 34 euro.
    ron banged - 2 okt 08, 14:54 | Reageer | Quote | Zoek | Aanbevolen: 0

    wilb52 schreef:

    The most important will be the MACD Monthly cross-over , in the next few months.
    Could be any month now, oct, nov, dec
    And that combined with a daily oscillator ( 10, 70 ) , will be the start of a 2.5 year rise towards 34 euro.

    I usually don't look at monthly's, but the cross into negative territory in May 2006 marked the beginning of the downturn that started at the end of 2005(all time high, and the cross back into positive territory could mark a prolonged outturn.

    I hate to keep banging the same drum, but the stock could be 3 to 4 times higher and not be out of line with the ratios of many of its peers. Funny, that would put it at 34 euros.

    No Offense Wilb52, but are we both sounding optimistic?

    everytime I think the chart is looking better, it completely reverses and goes in the shitter.
    Chart looks terrible now...and is following the AEX...except with a higher percentage downside.
  8. [verwijderd] 9 oktober 2008 12:41
    The same with me Ron.
    We will get a tradeble low in the market soon, next week or else the end of october.
    But you have to realise that we are in a bearmarket for many many years to come.
    Worst case scenario for Krusell is 7.5 and 6.6
    There still needs to be turbo/speeders stoploss-triggers.
  9. [verwijderd] 15 oktober 2008 23:47

    wilb52 schreef:

    The same with me Ron.
    We will get a tradeble low in the market soon, next week or else the end of october.
    But you have to realise that we are in a bearmarket for many many years to come.
    Worst case scenario for Krusell is 7.5 and 6.6
    There still needs to be turbo/speeders stoploss-triggers.
    Sammie ........ echt wel tijd voor een update in TA zin .
    We weten allemaal hier dat de fundamentals niet echt verkeerd zijn , hoewel jij daar je twijfels over hebt.
    Maar gezien de ontwikkelingen van de laatste dagen zou jij heel veel forumleden een groot plezier doen om jouw visie t.a.v. de TA te geven.
    Best wel veel ontwikkelingen geweest in koers en voor mijn gevoel heeft Crucell het nog niet zo slecht gedaan de afgelopen 2 weken.
    Vandaag in de US echter behoorlijk down en niet zo gek als je naar de indices kijkt

  10. [verwijderd] 16 oktober 2008 17:27

    wilb52 schreef:


    Het heeft geen enkele zin meer om hier uitgebreide TA-analyses neer te pennen.
    Zonde van al het werk, gezien allerlei negative reacties .
    Doe ik dus niet meer ,
    want meestal zit ik er toch naast (:->D),
    of word ik erop gewezen dat ik er behoorlijk naast zat

    no offence (:->D)
    Jammer maar helaas Sammie , maar begrijp het wel

  11. kitesurfer 16 oktober 2008 23:46

    Op dit moment speelt sentiment een grotere rol dan TA.
    Is niet mijn bedoeling jullie analyse niet au sérieux te nemen.
    t'Is toch niet door mijn posting dat jullie ongelukkig zijn ? Dat zou spijtig zijn.
    Ben overal uitgestapt vorig jaar.
    Hier en daar al te vroeg ingestapt, maar heb nog reserves, ook voor Crucell !

    Vr. gr.,

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