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Dow-n down?..................................

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  1. diederique 19 december 2008 17:53
    een gotspe van uncle Bush

    enkele maanden geleden moesten de heren/dames automakers de broek/rok nog zelf ophouden

    en nu is de situatie ineens geheel anders......

    overigens een mooi support

    for the time being

    uiteindelijk zal kunnen blijken dat het aangereikte reservewiel versleten en lek is.........

    vanavond kan wel eens een moeilijke worden.....

    voor de rest zoals gewoonlijk weer volledig cash na enkele trades

    klein kan zo mooi zijn.........


    "In the midst of a financial crisis...allowing the U.S. auto industry to collapse is not a responsible course of action," Mr. Bush said.

    "Under ordinary economic circumstances, I would say 'this is the price that failed companies must pay' and I would not favor intervening to prevent the auto makers from going out of business," the president said. "But these are not ordinary circumstances."

  2. diederique 19 december 2008 22:58
    wordt niet gehoopt maar wel verwacht

    binnen nu en eind februari a.s. toch de guillotine...

    de lonen kunnen worden doorbetaald, de urgente crediteuren even tevredengesteld

    de crux zit 'm in het stilvallen van de autoverkopen

    en die zullen de komende maanden blijven stagneren of nog meer afnemen

    O-bama, a lot of success with 'your change'...


    Analysts say bankruptcy still in play after bailout

    ..........In fact, Fitch Ratings downgraded GM and Chrysler to C from CCC, after the announcement, indicating that it believes default is imminent and that the threat of bankruptcy still looms........

  3. diederique 20 december 2008 22:35
    het begint er nu echt op te lijken dat de remmen los zijn in de auto-industrie

    duizenden werklozen bijna dagelijks erbij

    en de toeleveranciers hebben ook weer toeleveranciers

    en de sneeuwbal is niet meer te stoppen

    dus maar even 'zijlijnen'........


    Saturday, December 20, 2008

    Federal-Mogul to cut jobs

    Southfield-based parts supplier will trim 4,600 workers because of slump in auto market.

    Alex Ortolani and John Crimmings / Bloomberg News

    Federal-Mogul Corp., the auto-parts supplier controlled by billionaire Carl Icahn, will cut 4,600 more jobs worldwide as automakers trim production because of dwindling sales.

    Eliminating the positions, which are about 10 percent of the workforce, will cost $80 million through the end of 2009, the Southfield-based supplier said in a statement Friday.

  4. diederique 21 december 2008 18:20
    volgende week een dunne markt met mogelijk volatiliteit

    verwachting is 'úp' richting eind van het jaar en O-bama the Savior ......

    maandag maar even aanzien hoe de markt zich ontwikkelt en alsdan strategie bepalen voor de komende dagen

    blijft tricky........

    en anders gewoon 'Schaai toch uit' volgen?.......


    Stocks: Brace for a volatile week


    The housing market will be in focus as the Hope Now Alliance, a government program that aides homeowners facing foreclosure, reports on its 2008 efforts and looks ahead to next year.

    Tuesday: The government will release its final revision for third-quarter gross domestic product. Economists think the economy shrank at an annual rate of 0.5% in the quarter, unchanged from last month.

    Also on Tuesday, the National Association of Realtors is set to announce figures for existing and new home sales in November.

    Both reports are expected to show further declines. Existing home sales are forecast to decline to 4.93 million from 4.98 million in October. New home sales are seen falling to 420,000 from 433,000, according to estimates gathered by Briefing.com.

    Meanwhile, the University of Michigan is expected to revise its consumer sentiment index lower to a reading of 58.6 from the 59.1 reading it announced on Dec. 12.

    And the government's latest weekly crude inventory report will be released at 10:35 a.m. Oil prices have been hovering around 4-1/2 year lows despite a pledge by OPEC to cut production, starting in January.

    Wednesday: Despite an early close at 1 p.m. ET for the Christmas holiday, the market will have a healthy dose of economic news to digest.

    At 8:30 a.m. ET, the Commerce Department will issue its monthly report on November personal income and spending.

    Personal spending is expected to be flat after a modest 0.3% increase in October, while spending is forecast to fall 0.8% after a decline of 1% the month before.

    Also, the Labor Department will report its weekly jobless claims. Last week, the number of first-time unemployment filers, which had been at a 26-year high, fell more than expected.

    Thursday: U.S. markets are closed for the Christmas holiday.

    Friday: U.S. markets reopen for a full trading day. With the exception of Japan, all other world markets are shut in observance of Boxing Day.

    First Published: December 20, 2008: 11:27 AM ET

  5. diederique 22 december 2008 18:44
    eerst 2,5 nu al 3.000.000

    O-bama legt de lat nog hoger

    hoop dat het 'm lukt, kan nu alleen nog maar tegenvallen

    waarop de kiezers hun idool snel een verkeerd waardeoordeel zullen toekennen

    en de hype is over

    ook het vertrouwen in een spoedig herstel, hetgeen de beurzen naar het koude Oeralgebergte zal doen verhuizen met een Dow-n in de 6xxx........

    de markt is toe aan een Oxazepammetje.....


    U.S. President-elect Barack Obama unveiled a new task force on Sunday charged with helping struggling working families, as an aide said Obama's economic recovery plan would be expanded to try to save 3 million jobs.

  6. diederique 22 december 2008 19:04
    Steeds meer kanttekeningen bij het onvoorstelbaar ambitieuze reddingsplan van O-bama c.s.

    de cowboys zijn irreeel, kort van memorie, euforistisch en ongeduldig

    moet het allemaal nog zien hoe dit de komende kwartalen zal uitpakken voor de wereld en de beurzen

    'zijlijnen', een rustige bezigheid.........


    A Trap in Obama’s Spending Plan


    As the recession deepens, President-elect Barack Obama is gearing up to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on public investment projects, counting on them to lift the economy, as they have in the past.

    But this time that may not happen. Public spending, American style, has worked best in good times, when people have jobs and executives are eager to invest. A new public highway is soon lined — in good times — with stores and malls filled with consumers. A dollar spent by government generates three or four from the private sector.

  7. diederique 22 december 2008 20:13
    oh, er komt een kerstrally

    in 2009.......

    een zeer gevaarlijke beurs, die nog sterk wordt onderschat

    gewoon even Nout, Onno of Wouter bellen.........

    vandaag Toyota, morgen FIAT en overmorgen Spyker....


    NEW YORK, Dec 22 (Reuters) - A group of trade associations representing the U.S. commercial real estate industry is lobbying to be included in the U.S. Federal Reserve's $200 billion asset-backed bailout plan in order to head off a wave of foreclosures over the next few years.

  8. diederique 22 december 2008 22:48
    misschien is een winterslaapje het verstandigst

    gelet op hetgeen de markten te wachten staat

    voorlopig naar mijn idee een klein bodempje rond de 8500

    maar ook niet meer dan dat.........

    lange longposities voorlopig uit den boze aan deze zijde......

    safety first.


    Unhappy new year: More layoffs '09

    Nearly 1 in 4 companies plan layoffs, and 1 million job cuts are forecast, reports show.

    By Julianne Pepitone, CNNMoney.com contributing writer
    December 22, 2008: 3:41 PM ET

    ..........."No one can make statements about what will happen in the economy, but over the next three months companies will start to see the impact of these changes," Bienstock said.........

  9. diederique 23 december 2008 17:51
    het blijft spannen in Detroit voor the Small Three

    binnenkort zal naar alle waarschijnlijkheid het mes vallen voor in ieder geval één van de drie

    vertrouwen is volledig verdwenen en volgens een poll maken de cowboys zich daarover niet druk

    even zijlijnen maar weer overnight........


    Standard & Poor's Corp. said there is still a sizable risk that Chrysler will file for bankruptcy protection, underscoring the agency's decision to downgrade the automaker's corporate credit rating to CC from CCC+ on Monday. S&P also lowered the ratings on the automaker's senior secured debt and listed the outlook as negative.

    A CC rating is given when a company is expected to undertake a distressed exchange of its debt, said Robert Schulz, the credit analyst behind the report, noting S&P downgraded GM on Dec. 4 for the same reason.

  10. diederique 23 december 2008 18:31
    worden verrassende cijfertjes over het vierde kwartaal van dit jaar

    retail zal fors in het rood komen en ontslagen zullen niet achterblijven

    het net begint te spannen en 'k zie steeds minder aanknopingspunten, waarop de markten een upje kunnen laten zien

    misschien de inauguratie in januari a.s.....


    Store Traffic Weak Just Before Holidays
    Topics:Consumers | Retail Sales
    Companies:American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. | Macy's | Circuit City Stores Inc | Dillards Inc | Lowe's Companies Inc | Wal-Mart Stores Inc

    By: Reuters | 23 Dec 2008 | 06:28 AM ET

    Just 38.7 percent of Americans went shopping during the final weekend before Christmas, the lowest turnout in at least six years, according to a survey released Tuesday.

    The traffic was especially weak in the U.S. Northeast and Midwest, which were hit by winter storms from Friday through Sunday. People who did shop flocked to stores offering deep discounts, led by Wal-Mart Stores

    The percentage of Americans shopping this past weekend is down from 41.6 in 2007, according to the survey by America's Research Group and UBS.

  11. [verwijderd] 23 december 2008 22:59
    Het jaar is nog niet om, maar het ziet ernaar uit dat er slechts twee beursjaren slechter waren voor de Dow sedert 1896: namelijk 1907 en 1931.

    En dan te bedenken dat de Dow nog één van de minst slecht presterende beurzen was van dit jaar!!


  12. diederique 23 december 2008 23:41
    op de pof leven, dé manier van leven van de cowboys

    nu regent het faillissementen van particulieren

    minder krediet=minder faillissementen=minder consumptie=minder produktie=hogere werkloosheid=lagere koersen.........

    O-bama, the Savior..........

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. consumers are falling deeper into debt, an official at one of the largest U.S. credit bureaus told Reuters on Tuesday, as the U.S. recession deepens and job losses mount.

    Dann Adams, president of U.S. Information Systems for Equifax Inc, said the already high rate of personal bankruptcies could increase. "We've seen a continued ramp up of delinquencies across the board," he said.

  13. diederique 26 december 2008 12:00
    cijfers behoeven geen verdere explicatie

    en in Japan 'schijnt' het ook niet zo goed te gaan

    een snelle k.o. via een onverwachte uppercut ligt op de loer........


    New data released by MasterCard Inc.'s SpendingPulse unit showed total retail sales, excluding automobiles, fell over the year-earlier period by 5.5% in November and 8% in December through Christmas Eve, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

    Mary Delik, a director in the retail practice at consulting firm Deloitte LLP, told the Journal this will go down as "one of the worst holiday sales seasons on record. Retailers went from 'Ho-ho to 'Uh-oh' to 'Oh-no."

  14. diederique 26 december 2008 19:58
    GDP kan wel eens fors tegenvallen in het vierde kwartaal van dit jaar

    de consument houdt de hand op de knip en de retailers leveren fors marge in om toch hun producten aan de man/vrouw te brengen

    en de Dow-n met magere omzetten nog steeds in het prille groen

    windowdressing en koopjesjagers

    geen overtuiging in deze tricky market.......



    The holiday season – which typically accounts for 30 percent to 50 percent of a retailer's annual total sales – has been less than jolly for most retailers. Job cuts, portfolio losses and other economic woes have convinced consumers to cut back on their spending. Meanwhile, strong winter storms during the holiday season kept some would-be shoppers at home.

  15. diederique 26 december 2008 20:32
    'maak de borst maar nat'.......

    de berichtgevingen geven aan dat de crises steeds meer manifest worden

    all over the world in alle geledingen misere

    momenteel is 'cash' het veiligst

    korte trades en geen enkel risico

    geeft een gerust gevoel en de mooie instapmomenten dienen zich over enige tijd wel aan..............

    overigens een goede dis toegewenst.....


    One retail analyst fears that although the holiday shopping season is winding down, the worst isn't yet over for merchants .

    "January [sales] will just collapse," said Richard Hastings, consumer strategist with Global Hunter Securities.

    Hastings had forecast a 6% to 8% sales decline for the three months of November through January.

    He said January has become an important sales month over the past few years because retailers look to clear leftover merchandise and redeem the gift cards given over the holiday season.

    But not this year, according to Hastings. The NRF forecasted a 6% drop in holiday gift card sales as a shaky retail environment, accented by a rising number of bankruptcies, made consumers nervous about whether a merchant would still be around in 2009 to make good on the cards. .

  16. diederique 27 december 2008 14:58
    transportsector, dé barometer

    volgende industrie om als 'bank' te worden beschouwd...

    en waar is de kerstrally nu gebleven, waarover de sfeermakers het uitgebreid hebben gehad

    A-4 vulling..........

    O-bama is niet te benijden, verwachtingen zijn (te)
    hooggespannen en de drek moet nog worden gelost...


    YRC shares fall after credit talks with banks

    .......Trucking is widely seen as a barometer of future US economic activity. In spite of lower diesel prices, the industry continues to suffer from a drop in volumes and ferocious competition.

    Justin Yagerman, analyst at Wachovia Securities, said that YRC’s tonnages have probably shrank further this month in line with weak manufacturing activity, harsh winter weather and lacklustre retail sales..........

  17. diederique 27 december 2008 17:35
    komende weken onthulling Madoff soap

    beurzen zullen er niet rustiger onder worden

    naast welgestelde personages veel leed te verwachten onder instituten

    met de nodige afschrijvingen......

    de volgende is/zijn........?


    The NYU lawsuit added to a growing list of alleged victims of Madoff, including Liliane Bettencourt, the world’s wealthiest woman and the daughter of L’Oreal SA founder Eugene Schueller; Spanish billionaire Alicia Koplowitz; U.S. filmmaker Steven Spielberg; Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel; and Yeshiva University.

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