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Aandeel Aperam AEX:APAM.NL, LU0569974404

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  1. forum rang 4 JvH 11 april 2013 13:22
    Staalvraag neemt in 2014 sterker toe
    BRUSSEL (AFN) - De wereldwijde vraag naar staal zal in 2014 met 3,2 procent groeien tot 1,5 miljard ton. Dat voorspelde de internationale staalvereniging World Steel Association donderdag.

    Voor 2013 rekent de branchevereniging op een groei van de wereldwijde staalvraag met 2,9 procent tot 1,45 miljard ton.

    De Europese staalvraag zal dit jaar naar verwachting met 0,5 procent krimpen, maar voor 2014 wordt op een groei gerekend van 3,3 procent. In China neemt de vraag dit jaar met 3,5 procent toe en volgend jaar met 2,5 procent. In Noord-Amerika stijgt de vraag in 2013 met 2,9 procent en met 3 procent volgend jaar.

    (ANP Redactie AFN/Economie, email economie(at)anp.nl, +31 20 560 6070)
    11-04-2013 12:42:53
  2. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2013 16:52
    European stainless steel output stable in January - Damstahl

    According to the latest ‘Stainless Steel Report April 2013' issued by Germany-based service centre Damstahl, in 2012 European stainless crude steel production amounted approximately to 7.5 million mt, falling around one percent compared to 2011, with the strongest declines reported in Germany and Sweden. In January of this year, European crude steel production remained stable compared to the corresponding month of 2012, which saw the third-highest monthly production level recorded in 2012.

    According to the report, after a mostly satisfactory start in January this year, the stainless steel market in Europe has slowed in February and March. Uncertainty still prevails about the rest of 2013. Falling surcharges combined with historic low base prices and short delivery times have created an environment where the entire supply chain lives from hand to mouth.

    Meanwhile, Damstahl said that the situation in northern Europe is quite different from that in southwestern Europe. Demand from German, Dutch, Austrian and Czech fabricators actually improved in March this year, while stainless steel demand in countries such as Italy, Spain and also France remained at subdued levels.

    Source - Visit www.steelorbis.com for more
  3. forum rang 10 voda 17 april 2013 17:01
    Stainless steel coating reduces fouling in food industry

    Researchers in the US have developed a way to modify stainless steel surfaces which they claim, dramatically reduces fouling during food processing and improves efficiency.

    Mr Jeffrey Barish and Ms Julie Goddard from the University of Massachusetts, US said that their technique can reduce fouling from proteins and minerals by 97%.

    Mr Barish and Ms Goddard used an electroless nickel plating process to co deposit nanoparticles of a fluorinated polymer, polytetrafluoroethylene onto the surface of heat exchanger plates.

    The modified heat exchanger plates were then used in an 8 hour process to pasteurise raw milk. The processing run was repeated a further 9 times to test how robust the coating was.

    After 10runs, the researchers found that around 0.5 mg/cm2 of fouling had built up on treated plates, compared to 13 mg/cm2 on the untreated plates.

    The surface coating has a lower surface energy than untreated steel and is much smoother, which helps to prevent build-up. According to the researchers the coating process used can be easily scaled up.

    Source - www.processengineering.theengineer.co.uk

  4. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2013 17:52
    Acerinox stainless steel Q1 2013 result

    In the Q1 of 2013 the stainless steel market has experienced an improvement compared to the end of 2012.

    However, doubts about the economic recovery and the prudence on the market, have stopped the traditional restocking process of the first Quarter.

    The continued downward trend in the nickel price hasn’t either encouraged distributors to make speculative purchases and thus apparent consumption, prices and inventories remain low.

    The European market is still not getting over, apparent consumption has declined in the first Quarter by 6.8% and we keep not noticing clear signs of recovery in final demand. On the other hand, we hope that the long merger process between Outokumpu and Inoxum clears up, as well as the sale of the Italian plant, Terni, which is causing a lot of uncertainty in the Euro zone.

    On the contrary, the situation in the American market, Acerinox’s first market, is very different and has grown by 9.2% in the first 2 months of the year. However, imports pressure is hindering the expected price increases.

    In Asia, we couldn´t detected a great deceleration before the Chinese New Year celebration, nor we did perceive an increased activity at the end of it.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 25 april 2013 16:13
    Outokumpu schrapt 2.500 banen na tegenvallend verlies, verkoop Terni uitgesteld

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het Finse staalbedrijf Outokumpu Oyj (OUT1V.HE), een concurrent van Aperam sa (056997440.LU), heeft donderdag bekendgemaakt in de komende jaren 2.500 banen te gaan schrappen, nadat het netto-verlies in het eerste kwartaal groter bleek dan was verwacht.

    De producent van roestvast staal heeft tevens gemeld dat de verkoop van de Italiaanse Terni fabriek is uitgesteld. Deze verkoop is door de Europese Commissie opgelegd vanuit mededingingsoogpunt, nadat Outokumpu in 2012 de roestvast staal divisie Inoxum van ThyssenKrupp ag (TKA.XE) heeft overgenomen. Afgelopen februari maakte Aperam bekend een joint venture met twee Italiaanse bedrijven te hebben opgezet om de Terni-fabriek over te nemen.

    De Europese markten voor roestvast staal worden gekenmerkt door overcapaciteit. Met de overname van Inoxum is Outokumpu de grootste producent op het continent geworden, gevolgd door Aperam en het Spaanse Acerinox (ACX.MC).

    De deadline voor Outokumpu om de fabriek te verkopen lag op 7 mei, maar is nu dus uitgesteld. De onderneming verwacht meer informatie te verschaffen in het tweede kwartaal.

    In het eerste kwartaal kwam het nettoverlies uit op EUR151 miljoen, waar analisten gemiddeld hadden gerekend op een verlies van EUR107 miljoen. De omzet bedroeg EUR2,22 miljard. Hier was door analisten gerekend op EUR2,2 miljard.

    Outokumpu verwacht dat de staalleveringen in het tweede kwartaal gelijk zullen blijven of licht lager uitkomen. Ook voorziet de onderneming meer onzekerheid van de prijsontwikkeling voor nikkel. Nikkel is nodig om roestvast staal te maken. Wanneer de nikkelprijzen dalen, nemen distributeurs een afwachtende houding aan in anticipatie op eventuele verdere dalingen. De gemiddelde nikkelprijs lag in het eerste kwartaal 2% hoger in vergelijking met het vierde kwartaal van 2012.

    De basisprijzen voor roestvast staal namen in de eerste verslagperiode met 3% toe. De stijging was minder groot dan Outokumpu had verwacht. Dit wijt de onderneming aan de aanhoudende economische problemen in Europa en gedeeltelijk ook in de Verenigde Staten waar de onderneming actief is.

    Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; levien.defeijter@dowjones.com

  6. forum rang 10 voda 25 april 2013 17:17
    Nickel prices rebounds from three year low

    Bloomberg reported that Nickel rebounded from the lowest level in more than 3 years after US new home sales beat estimates. Tin and lead also advanced.

    Nickel for delivery in 3 months on the London Metal Exchange gained as much as 0.5% to USD 15,200 a tonne before trading at USD 15,165 by 11 a.m Shanghai time. It slid to USD 15,075 a tonne earlier the lowest since 2009.

    Sales of new US homes advanced 1.5% in March to a 417,000 annual pace as near record low mortgage rates helped the industry complete the strongest quarter since 2008. The median estimate of 76 economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for March sales to rise to 416,000.

    Mr Wang Jun an analyst at Beijing Cifco Futures Co said that “Metals seem to be due for a rebound after the steep losses recently. Any upside may be limited if data from China and the U.S at the beginning of May fail to show improvement.”

    On the LME, copper, zinc and aluminum were little changed.

    Source - Bloomberg
  7. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2013 16:28
    International nickel market to record 90000 tonne surplus in 2013 - INSG

    the International Nickel Study Group on April 25th 2013 said that global nickel market will record a surplus of 90,000 tonne in 2013, down slightly from a 110,000 tonne surplus in 2012.

    The group, which met earlier this week with government and industry representatives, expects nickel supply will hit 1.86 million tonne this year.

    The INSG said that Indonesian nickel ore export restrictions implemented in 2012, in the form of an export ban, have not materially reduced supply to China so far in 2013.

    On demand, the INSG expects world primary nickel usage to total 1.77 million tonne this year.

    It said that nickel demand in early 2013 improved relative to the latter part of 2012 but added there were signs that slower Chinese economic growth is affecting the domestic nickel market.

    Stainless steel ingredient nickel was today trading at USD 15,240 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange from yesterday's close of USD 15,130 a tonne.

    Source - Business standard
  8. forum rang 10 voda 29 april 2013 16:53
    Acerinox change trend from Q2 2013 result

    The 2013 first Quarter results show a change of trend from the previous 2 Quarters. Despite the apathy market already described, the Group has offset the weakness of prices with significant cost reductions.

    The results are better than the three previous Quarters, if well significantly lower than the first Quarter of 2012, which was characterized by a strong restocking of inventories.

    Net sales EUR 1,035 million have fallen by 15.8%, as a result of the combined effect of the reduction of tons sold and lower stainless steel prices.

    The Nickel weakness shown in the month of March has made it necessary to make inventories adjustment at the end of the Quarter of EUR 17.2 million.

    The EBITDA for the Quarter, EUR 68.3 million is 29% lower than the Q1 of the previous year, although personnel and operating expenses have decreased by EUR 10 million over the period.

    Depreciation and financial expenses have also declined resulting in a profit before taxes of EUR 23 million which improves in EUR 55 million from the Q4 of 2012 and EUR 69 million from the Q3.

    Despite the increase in working capital and investments, net financial debt is still under control at EUR 789 million.

    The highest levels of capacity utilization and the bigger needs of supply of semi products to Bahru Stainless, have led to an increase in inventories of EUR 87 million. Clients amount to EUR 72 million.

    However the extension of the period of payment to suppliers is partially offsetting this effect and will be also increased in the coming months.

    The Group maintains credit lines of over EUR 2,000 million and has increased in this Quarter its long term lines by offsetting debt amortization in the first Quarter, enabling us to face our investments dividends and any other increase in activity.

    The lack of visibility keeps being the most characteristic factor at the moment. The Q2 will maintain the keynote of this first 1 not letting us confirm the favorable expectations predicted by some sectorial analysts for the second Semester.

    However, the good situation of Acerinox added to the results obtained in productivity and efficiency, allow us to be optimistic once the macro economic situation improves.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 1 mei 2013 16:44
    Poseidon Nickel to reopen famous Goldfields mine

    ABC Online reported that Poseidon Nickel has announced it will re open its historic Goldfields nickel mine in Western Australia.

    The deposit, at Mt Windarra north east of Kalgoorlie, was discovered in 1969 and triggered a nickel boom in the 70s before prices dropped and the mine was shut down.

    Poseidon said that following a feasibility study it will now move to finance and construct the USD 197 million project.

    The company's managing director Mr David Singleton said that although nickel prices are taking a hit at the moment, the mine could be profitable in today's market.

    He said that "We'll be making money at today's prices, in fact, we would have been making money all the way through the global financial crisis in 2008. It's obviously not a great time for nickel miners, I think the important thing is if you look at the West Australian nickel miners today, they are still making money."

    The company is expecting the mine to generate USD 1.8 billion before tax over its initial 10 year life.

    Mr Singleton said that a future shortfall in the metal will drive the price up. We can now plan on the basis of a much lower cost environment than we have before. And, get ready for the upside because when the nickel prices do recover and they will recover, there will be a huge resurgence in profitability in West Australian miners and certainly in our projects."

    Source - ABC Online

  10. forum rang 10 voda 1 mei 2013 16:45
    Indonesia expects USD 1 billion nickel pig iron plant to start in 2014

    Reuters reported that Indonesia expects the first stage of a USD 1-billion nickel pig iron smelter being built by PT Sulawesi Mining Investment in Central Sulawesi to start operations by the end of 2014, the industry ministry said that.

    Indonesia, the world's top exporter of nickel ore, is pushing mining companies to add more value within the country and will not allow unprocessed mineral exports after January 2014.

    The rule has been widely criticized by miners, who say building smelters is not a viable option for all the metal ores Indonesia exports.

    Benchmark nickel prices have lost around 11% this year, last week hitting their lowest in almost four years near USD 15,000 a tonne, as global supply outpaces demand and slower growth forecasts have dimmed longer term prospects.

    The first stage of the smelter being built by SMI, a JV between Indonesia's PT Bintang Delapan Group and China's Tsingshan Group, is 30% complete, the ministry said that in a statement, quoting Mr Alexander Barus, Vice President Director of PT Bintang Delapan Mineral.

    He said that "Our current investment has reached USD 100 million from the total investment of USD 1.06 billion.”

    Total investment for the first stage of the project is USD 320 million, with expected production of 300,000 tonne of nickel pig iron each year, most of which will be exported to China.

    Mr Barus said that “The second stage of the project, expected to cost another USD 640 million, will begin in July 2013 and will add another 500,000 tonne to the plant's nickel pig iron output, as well as a 450 MW power plant. Eventually the firm expects to produce stainless steel at the plant.”

    The SMI plant will be among the first nickel pig iron smelters outside China, Indonesia's top customer for nickel laterite ore. The Indoferro smelter that started last year aimed to produce 250,000 tonne of NPI in 2013.

    Source - Reuters
  11. forum rang 10 voda 3 mei 2013 16:42
    Nickel prices falls due to economy slowdown

    Bloomberg reported that Nickel and tin prices in London joined copper in a bear market as concern escalated that the economy is slowing in China, the world’s top user of industrial metal.

    A Purchasing Managers Index in China, the second biggest economy, fell in April from March and trailed estimates by analysts. In the US manufacturing last month expanded at the slowest pace in four months. A gauge of 6 base metals tumbled to a 33 month low. Stimulus by central banks may be having less impact on metal prices, said that Edward Meir, an analyst at INTL FCStone in New York.

    He said that “Today’s weakness in base metals is largely attributable to the poor Chinese PMI numbers that came out overnight. Commodity investors do not seem to be responding as they once were to easy money, but are instead pining to see more evidence of growth setting in.”

    Nickel for delivery in three months declined 3.7% to settle at USD 14,825 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange. The price tumbled more than 20% from the closing high of USD 18,730 on October 1st entering a bear market.

    Source - Bloomberg
  12. forum rang 10 voda 11 mei 2013 17:12
    European stainless steel output down slightly in Jan to Feb

    According to the latest ‘Bi Monthly Stainless Steel Report May 2013' issued by Germany based service centre Damstahl, in the first 2 months of the current year European stainless crude steel production amounted approximately to 1.4 million tonne falling around 1% compared to the corresponding period of 2012. In Germany, Sweden and Slovenia the combined total production declined at a double digit rate to around 300,000 tonne in 2013, compared to almost 400,000 tonne in the same period 2012, as Outokumpu continued to reduce production at its Krefeld meltshop.

    According to the report, the situation in the European stainless steel market remains depressed. In the Q1 of the current year, demand from both end users and stockists remained significantly below last year's level. After a promising start driven by restocking in January, market activity softened again in February and March. But early indicators, like the PMI and business confidence ratings indicate that the European stainless steel market will improve in the second half of the year.

    Meanwhile, Damstahl said that demand from the building and construction sectors will fall again in 2013 by one or 2% in Europe. Germany, the United Kingdom, Norway and the Baltic Countries are bright spots, where building permits exceed 2012 levels. However, low activity in southern Europe will keep the entire sector down in 2013. Passenger car production weakened in the first 3 months of this year. Even Germany reported substantially lower passenger car output in the period in question, down 11% compared to the same quarter of 2012. For the whole of 2013, at present a decline of three or 4% is forecast in European passenger car production but the fall could even be bigger. Demand for trucks and off-road vehicles will indicate an even stronger decline than demand for passenger cars, Damstahl predicted.

    Source - Steel Orbis
    Visit www.steelorbis.com for more
  13. forum rang 10 voda 28 mei 2013 16:44
    Sumitomo Metal sees record Japan nickel exports adding to glut

    Bloomberg reported that nickel exports from Japan may climb to a record this year as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s stimulus hasn’t spurred demand in the third biggest user, adding to a global glut.

    Mr Toru Higo, general manager of nickel sales and raw materials at Sumitomo Metal Mining Co in an interview said that exports will rise 10% from a year earlier to 96,000 tonne. He said that the global surplus may expand to 70,000 tonne, the biggest in 5 years.

    Morgan Stanley forecast a surplus of 38,100 tonne, Macquarie Group Ltd sees 82,000 tonne and the International Nickel Study Group predicts 90,000 tonne.

    The metal, used for corrosion resistance in stainless steel, tumbled into a bear market on May 1st and has lost 13% in the past year, making it the worst performer among six-base metals on the London Metal Exchange. Abe’s policy of ending deflation through unprecedented monetary stimulus, dubbed as Abenomics, weakened the yen to a 4½ year low against the dollar and improved earnings of Japanese exporters including Toyota Motor Corp and Canon Inc.

    Mr Higo said that “Domestic demand from the stainless steel industry remains subdued and the benefits from the yen’s weakness and higher stock market have yet to be felt.”

    He said that “Japan’s nickel production will climb 5.8% to 183,000 tonne in 2013, while demand may drop 2.8% to 139,000 tonne. The company expanded capacity by 59% at its Niihama refinery earlier this year to 65,000 tonne, the plan had been in the pipeline for year.”

    Mr Higo said that “China and the US are the biggest consumers, International Nickel Study Group data shows. China’s production of nickel pig iron, a substitute for low grade ore, will increase to 350,000 tonne this year.”

    Source - Bloomberg
  14. forum rang 10 voda 3 juni 2013 16:04
    Wereldwijde productie roestvast staal stijgt in eerste kwartaal door China

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De wereldwijde productie van roestvast staal is in het eerste kwartaal van 2013 gestegen. De stijging kwam geheel op het conto van China, aangezien in de rest van de wereld de productievolumes terugliepen, blijkt maandag uit voorlopige cijfers van het International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF).

    Volgens de brancheorganisatie werd er in de eerste drie maanden van het jaar wereldwijd bijna 9,4 miljoen ton roestvast staal geproduceerd. In vergelijking met dezelfde periode een jaar eerder is dit een toename met 6,0%.

    In alle regio's, behalve in China, was echter sprake van dalingen. In West-Europa/Afrika bedroeg de daling 2,8%, in Centraal- en Oost-Europa 3,0%, in Noord- en Zuid-Amerika 1,1% en in de regio Azie exclusief China was de daling het sterkst met 3,6%.

    Dit werd gecompenseerd doordat de productievolumes in China 18,3% hoger lagen.

    Het ISSF merkt op dat in vergelijking met het laatste kwartaal van 2012 de productieniveaus een lichte verbetering laten zien. Zo stegen de volumes in de regio West-Europa/Afrika met 19,5%. In China was op kwartaalbasis sprake van een daling met 1,7%.

    Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; levien.defeijter@dowjones.com

  15. forum rang 10 voda 4 juni 2013 16:56
    Sumitomo Metal to make use of iron from nickel ore

    Development of Technology to Make Use of Iron from Nickel Ore Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd produces nickel cobalt mixed sulfides using HPAL, technology in the Philippines and the tailing left by this technology contains iron in the form of hematite. However, the grade of this hematite is low at approximately 30% to 40% and as such cannot be used as a raw material for iron and steel, meaning it is subject to disposal in landfills.

    SMM has, however, through a review of the process after the leaching and recovery of nickel and cobalt using HPAL technology, succeeded in raising the grade of the iron in this tailing to approximately 60%, which is equivalent to normal iron ore.

    When this technology is developed for commercial use, not only will it allow a more efficient utilization of resources but it will also make a large contribution to reducing the amount of waste disposed of in landfills. Through its majority owned subsidiary Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation located in Makati City in the Philippines, SMM plans to commence production of nickel cobalt mixed sulfides using HPAL in 4th quarter of2013 and is also planning the construction of a pilot plant that uses the aforementioned technology. SMM shall henceforth move forward with investigations into making this technology viable for commercial use.

    SMM was the first company in the world to succeed in using HPAL technology to commercially produce nickel and cobalt from low grade nickel ore and is also making efforts in the recovery of valuable metals from ores and residues in order to achieve an even more efficient usage of resources. Coral Bay Nickel Corporation, located on Palawan Island in the Philippines, is already producing nickel cobalt mixed sulfides using HPAL technology and construction of a pilot plant for the recovery of scandium and chromium is also underway. Along with these efforts, it is hoped that making use of iron from nickel ore will promote the efficient utilization of resources in line with the 2012 3 Year Business Plan key strategy "Expansion of Metal Recovery.

    1. Nickel-cobalt mixed sulfides: These are intermediate products for the production of materials including electrolytic nickel. SMM processes all of these mixed sulfides at its nickel refinery where they are processed into electrolytic nickel and electrolytic cobalt products.

    2. HPAL: High Pressure Acid Leach

    3. Hematite: Chemical composition Fe2O3, mainly used as raw material for iron and steel.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 5 juni 2013 18:02
    Global stainless crude steel production in Q1 2013 higher than last year

    Based on preliminary data, global stainless crude steel production in the first quarter of 2013 was almost 9.4 million tonne according to the International Stainless Steel Forum. Compared to the first quarter of 2012, this is an increase of 6.0%. However, all areas except China showed decreased production volumes in the YoY comparison.

    The highest drop in YoY production was in the Asia excluding China area. Here production fell by 3.6% to 2.1 Mt compared to the first quarter of 2012. Eastern Europe reported a decline in stainless crude steel production of 3%. In Western Europe/Africa, stainless steel producers reduced production by 2.8% to 2.1 Mt. The Americas region achieved production of 0.6 mmt, almost the same as in the corresponding quarter of 2012.

    Only China significantly increased production of stainless crude steel in the quarter, by 18.3% to 4.4 Mt. However, the Chinese authorities have revised some stainless steel statistics which may lead to these numbers being increased.

    Comparing the final quarter of 2012 with the first 3 months of 2013 indicates that global stainless steel production levels are showing some improvement. In this comparison Western Europe/Africa and The Americas increased production considerably. Production in Asia was flat while Eastern Europe and China apparently missed the production levels of the previous quarter. It should be noted that production levels were somewhat depressed in the last quarter of 2012.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
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