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Aandeel ING Groep AEX:INGA.NL, NL0011821202

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
15,980   -0,004   (-0,03%) Dagrange 15,852 - 16,050 8.000.121   Gem. (3M) 8M

ING vrijdag 14 september 2012

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  1. DTJ 15 september 2012 12:42
    15 september 2012 12:27
    Europa verdeeld over toezicht banken

    NICOSIA (AFN) - Europa is verdeeld over de plannen voor de oprichting van een speciale toezichthouder op het bankwezen in de eurozone. In het Cypriotische Nicosia kwamen de ministers van Financiën, zoals verwacht, niet tot een overeenstemming.

    De Europese Commissie wil per 1 januari 2013 al beginnen met het toezicht op de eurozonebanken. Gefaseerd moeten alle, circa 6000 banken onder de centrale toezichthouder, die rond de Europese Centrale Bank opgetuigd wordt, gaan vallen.

    Met name Duitsland betwijfelt of het voorgestelde tijdspad haalbaar is. Andere landen, met name de Zuid-Europese, willen voortvarender te werk gaan. Het dagelijks bestuur van de Europese Unie denkt dat de deadline van 2013 ,,lastig, maar haalbaar’’ is.

  2. Conrad 15 september 2012 13:43

    Zweter vh plofkip schreef op 15 september 2012 10:36:

    @peter545 en De_Sint,
    Hebben jullie ervaring met CFD's? Kom net weer een site tegen van IG markets, is het echt zo risicovol? Nog linker dan opties...
    beste Zweter

    Ik heb ervaring met CDF's, bij plus500. En ja het is risicovol. Je kan snel flinke winsten maken, maar ook snel grote verliezen lijden. Het linke is dat je zeer grote reserves moet hebben om niet bij een plotselinge dip alles kwijt te zijn. Het is wel spannend je werk met een grote hefboom.
  3. peter545 15 september 2012 14:39
    De Grieken zijn momenteel niet te benijden. Zij zijn tientallen jaren verwend met subsidies, omdat het land zo strategisch gelegen is voor de NATO. Nu moeten zij het niet alleen doen zónder enige subsidie, maar moeten zij ook nog eens draconisch bezuinigen in ultra korte tijd. Dat is méér dan dat volk op dit moment aankan. Dus gun Griekenland aub méér tijd om orde op zaken te stellen.

    Spanje kende vele oorlogen van 1900 tm 1945 (waaronder zelfs een burgeroorlog). Van 1939 tot halverwege 1973 had het land nog een dictatuur onder generaal Franco. Spanje kent zelfs nú nog de Baskische terreurbeweging ETA. Pas ná de dood van Franco is Spanje weer een monarchie (momenteel koning Juan Carlos). Pas sinds 1978 kent Spanje een democratische grondwet. In 1981 vond de laatste poging tot een staatsgreep plaats om de dictatuur weer in te voeren, welke door de huidige koning Juan Carlos is verijdeld. In recordtempo heeft de koning vervolgens Spanje omhoog getild naar onze huidige levensstandaard. En nu moet in recordtempo bezuinigd worden. Geef Spanje iéts meer tijd om de boel financieel op orde te brengen. Spanjaarden hebben bewezen, dat zij hard kunnen aanpakken. Met een beetje meer tijd kan op eenvoudige wijze voorkómen worden, dat extremistische groeperingen het heft in handen nemen.

    Italië kent óók de eigen periode van dictatuur. Onder premier Monti is Italië in recordtempo bezig om aan de financiële EU-eisen te voldoen.

    Kortom, de EU moet nog een echte eenheid wórden. Zelfs als tegenstander van de EU moet ik bekennen, dat een hechte EU de enige mogelijkheid is, om aan de vele oorlogen een definitieve halt toe te roepen. Één oorlog kost véél meer dan één financiële crisis. Zo kostte de oorlog in het voormalige Joegoslavië éém miljoen Euro per Yoegoslaaf. Het loont zich dus wérkelijk de moeite om de EU een echte kans te geven door Griekenland + Spanje + Italië wat meer tijd te gunnen om aan de financiële EU-eisen te voldoen. Dat zou de markten tot langjarige rust brengen, hetgeen de aandelenkoersen (en dus ook bijv. de pensioenfondsen) zéér snel ten goede zal komen.
  4. [verwijderd] 15 september 2012 15:23

    Conrad schreef op 15 september 2012 13:43:


    beste Zweter

    Ik heb ervaring met CDF's, bij plus500. En ja het is risicovol. Je kan snel flinke winsten maken, maar ook snel grote verliezen lijden. Het linke is dat je zeer grote reserves moet hebben om niet bij een plotselinge dip alles kwijt te zijn. Het is wel spannend je werk met een grote hefboom.
    Dank voor je reactie
    Dan maar beter in de opties? kun je uitsluitend je inleg kwijtraken
  5. [verwijderd] 15 september 2012 17:10
    Yanken zijn er ook niet zo zeker van over aankomende week / weken

    A comedown may be waiting after Fed high

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Comparing the Federal Reserve to a rehab clinic offering addicted investors a synthetic high has been a favorite of Wall Street wags ever since the first round of Fed stimulus nearly four years ago. The punch line is that you always need more and more to get the same high and each bout of euphoria is followed by a crashing comedown.
    After the frenetic reaction brought about by the announcement of the Fed's latest stimulus program - $40 billion pumped into the U.S. economy each month - the coming week is likely to bring a more sober period for markets as investors digest what it means in the longer run and turn their attention to the remainder of the year.
    That will include rancorous U.S. elections in November, wrangling over taxes and spending cuts and a slowdown in corporate earnings.
    "Right now we have this short-term euphoria. But then the question is where do we go from here," said Frank Fantozzi, chief executive of Planned Financial Services, an independent wealth manager in Cleveland. "I think after a week or so, if the underlying economic data doesn't change, you're going to see the market drop a bit and we'll continue to plod along until the election."
    The effect on markets of the European Central Bank's plan to buy government bonds of struggling euro zone countries, then the Fed's opened-ended commitment to spur growth have been breathtaking. The Dow and the S&P 500 reached the highest closing level in nearly five years while the Nasdaq marched to new 12-year highs.
    But in Friday's stock market action strong gains in the morning steadily eroded throughout the day, perhaps the first signs of fatigue creeping into the market.
    "We are starting to get into that heady territory where you need to be on the defensive," said Richard Ross, global technical strategist at Aubach Grayson in New York. "Trying to squeak out the last 5 percent of a move when there is potentially a 15 to 20 percent downside in my opinion is pretty dangerous stuff."
    Ross believes that equities, commodities and currencies are now approaching extreme levels of both price and momentum while geopolitical tensions in the Middle East are rising.
    Even though all the major stock market rallies since the financial crisis have coincided with new central bank efforts to stimulate the economy, not everyone is buying it.
    The latest data shows a moderate increase in short interest - bets that stocks will fall - across S&P 500 stocks during the last two weeks of August, a period when stocks were rallying on expectations of the Fed's announcement. Typically short interest inversely tracks the market. If investors were getting out of bets that stocks will fall, that would mean buying back those stocks and forcing the market higher.
    Data provided by Schaeffer's Investment Research, a Cincinnati-based research firm, shows that bets against the biggest 500 U.S. companies edged back to about 7.3 billion shares after falling from about 7.6 billion to 7.2 billion from the start of July through the end of August - a period when the market gained more than 3 percent.
    That uptick in short interest could be significant. From the middle of September 2011 through the end of May this year, short interest on S&P 500 stocks fell like a stone to about 6 billion shares. During that period the S&P hit a four-year high, rising more than 20 percent from trough to peak.
    One side effect of the Fed's bond-buying should be to reduce volatility in markets. That means the CBOE VIX volatility index (.VIX) should remain close to the five-year lows it hit this summer. In August it fell as low as 13.30.
    Yet activity in the options market shows some very bold bets that volatility could sky rocket in the months ahead. Call option buying on the VIX - bets the index will rise - is close to a record high at 5.182 million contracts, according to Schaeffer's data. The record is 5.249 million set in August.
    The most actively traded VIX calls on the Chicago Board Options Exchange were October calls with a strike price of 60. Those also had the highest open interest. The VIX would need to rocket more than 300 percent by mid-October, hitting its highest level in about four years, for that trade to break even.
    On the face of it a bet like that may seem little better than betting your 401(k) on a single number on the roulette table, but it does reveal more bearishness creeping into the market as stock indexes march to new highs.
    Open interest, or outstanding contracts, on the October VIX calls with a strike price of 60 was 37,000 while traded volume was around 40,000. Many of those were bought in blocks of 2000 to 5000 for 5 cents each, suggesting a single buyer, according to Todd Salamone, vice president of research at Schaeffer's.
    "Somebody's really playing a disaster by October," said Salamone. "If they're looking for something that big, that is not a portfolio hedge because that would be a lot of downside in the market before that hedge would actually kick in."
    A lot of the market action over the coming months will depend on whether the Fed's stimulus program succeeds in boosting the economy.
    Data on the housing market in the coming week is expected to show a continuing improvement. Economists in a Reuters poll expect the National Association of Home Builders Index to tick up in September when the data is released on Tuesday. On Wednesday both housing starts and existing-home sales are expected to increase.
    Early manufacturing data for September, however, is not expected to be so robust. Both the Empire State index and the Philadelphia Fed index are tipped to show contraction. That would follow the sharpest drop in U.S. manufacturing in more than three years in August, which was also the third consecutive month of contraction.
    "Let's face it - we are in truly unchartered waters here," said Nicholas Colas, chief market strategist at the ConvergEx Group in New York.
  6. [verwijderd] 15 september 2012 18:41

    Jeffrey1 schreef op 15 september 2012 17:10:

    Yanken zijn er ook niet zo zeker van over aankomende week / weken

    A comedown may be waiting after Fed high

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Comparing the Federal Reserve to a rehab clinic offering addicted investors a synthetic high has been a favorite of Wall Street wags ever since the first round of Fed stimulus nearly four years ago. The punch line is that you always need more and more to get the same high and each bout of euphoria is followed by a crashing comedown.
    After the frenetic reaction brought about by the announcement of the Fed's latest stimulus program - $40 billion pumped into the U.S. economy each month - the coming week is likely to bring a more sober period for markets as investors digest what it means in the longer run and turn their attention to the remainder of the year.
    That will include rancorous U.S. elections in November, wrangling over taxes and spending cuts and a slowdown in corporate earnings.
    "Right now we have this short-term euphoria. But then the question is where do we go from here," said Frank Fantozzi, chief executive of Planned Financial Services, an independent wealth manager in Cleveland. "I think after a week or so, if the underlying economic data doesn't change, you're going to see the market drop a bit and we'll continue to plod along until the election."
    The effect on markets of the European Central Bank's plan to buy government bonds of struggling euro zone countries, then the Fed's opened-ended commitment to spur growth have been breathtaking. The Dow and the S&P 500 reached the highest closing level in nearly five years while the Nasdaq marched to new 12-year highs.
    But in Friday's stock market action strong gains in the morning steadily eroded throughout the day, perhaps the first signs of fatigue creeping into the market.
    "We are starting to get into that heady territory where you need to be on the defensive," said Richard Ross, global technical strategist at Aubach Grayson in New York. "Trying to squeak out the last 5 percent of a move when there is potentially a 15 to 20 percent downside in my opinion is pretty dangerous stuff."
    Ross believes that equities, commodities and currencies are now approaching extreme levels of both price and momentum while geopolitical tensions in the Middle East are rising.
    Even though all the major stock market rallies since the financial crisis have coincided with new central bank efforts to stimulate the economy, not everyone is buying it.
    The latest data shows a moderate increase in short interest - bets that stocks will fall - across S&P 500 stocks during the last two weeks of August, a period when stocks were rallying on expectations of the Fed's announcement. Typically short interest inversely tracks the market. If investors were getting out of bets that stocks will fall, that would mean buying back those stocks and forcing the market higher.
    Data provided by Schaeffer's Investment Research, a Cincinnati-based research firm, shows that bets against the biggest 500 U.S. companies edged back to about 7.3 billion shares after falling from about 7.6 billion to 7.2 billion from the start of July through the end of August - a period when the market gained more than 3 percent.
    That uptick in short interest could be significant. From the middle of September 2011 through the end of May this year, short interest on S&P 500 stocks fell like a stone to about 6 billion shares. During that period the S&P hit a four-year high, rising more than 20 percent from trough to peak.
    One side effect of the Fed's bond-buying should be to reduce volatility in markets. That means the CBOE VIX volatility index (.VIX) should remain close to the five-year lows it hit this summer. In August it fell as low as 13.30.
    Yet activity in the options market shows some very bold bets that volatility could sky rocket in the months ahead. Call option buying on the VIX - bets the index will rise - is close to a record high at 5.182 million contracts, according to Schaeffer's data. The record is 5.249 million set in August.
    The most actively traded VIX calls on the Chicago Board Options Exchange were October calls with a strike price of 60. Those also had the highest open interest. The VIX would need to rocket more than 300 percent by mid-October, hitting its highest level in about four years, for that trade to break even.
    On the face of it a bet like that may seem little better than betting your 401(k) on a single number on the roulette table, but it does reveal more bearishness creeping into the market as stock indexes march to new highs.
    Open interest, or outstanding contracts, on the October VIX calls with a strike price of 60 was 37,000 while traded volume was around 40,000. Many of those were bought in blocks of 2000 to 5000 for 5 cents each, suggesting a single buyer, according to Todd Salamone, vice president of research at Schaeffer's.
    "Somebody's really playing a disaster by October," said Salamone. "If they're looking for something that big, that is not a portfolio hedge because that would be a lot of downside in the market before that hedge would actually kick in."
    A lot of the market action over the coming months will depend on whether the Fed's stimulus program succeeds in boosting the economy.
    Data on the housing market in the coming week is expected to show a continuing improvement. Economists in a Reuters poll expect the National Association of Home Builders Index to tick up in September when the data is released on Tuesday. On Wednesday both housing starts and existing-home sales are expected to increase.
    Early manufacturing data for September, however, is not expected to be so robust. Both the Empire State index and the Philadelphia Fed index are tipped to show contraction. That would follow the sharpest drop in U.S. manufacturing in more than three years in August, which was also the third consecutive month of contraction.
    "Let's face it - we are in truly unchartered waters here," said Nicholas Colas, chief market strategist at the ConvergEx Group in New York.

    Ik kan ook quoten, hier kan ik dus helemaal niets mee, gaap, prutser!
  7. nestel 15 september 2012 19:28
    Jeffrey1 schreef op 15 sep 2012 om 17:10:

    Yanken zijn er ook niet zo zeker van over aankomende week / weken

    A comedown may be waiting after Fed high


    Zweter vh plofkip schreef op 15 september 2012 18:41:


    Ik kan ook quoten, hier kan ik dus helemaal niets mee, gaap, prutser!
    Jeffrey1 thx for the info. Hier kunnen we wel wat mee!

    Staat wel degelijk belangrijk nieuws in.

    Marktmoeheid over de verruiming, die afgelopen vrijdag in de US is opgetreden.
    Oktober dus, 1 super iemand die geleidelijk alles, gericht tegen de markt, opkoopt, hopende op een daling van deze markt.
    VIX calls die skyhigh noteren.

    Tevens de US bedrijfigheid die wordt verwacht te zijn afgenomen en de "housing" waar het wordt verwacht dat het beter gaat...
    Mooie mix....

    We zullen het gaan meemaken.

  8. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 16 september 2012 10:11
    zo 16 sep 2012, 09:58
    'Griekenland krijgt tijd, geen geld'
    WENEN (AFN) - Griekenland krijgt meer tijd om de schulden terug te betalen, maar hoeft niet te rekenen op meer geld. De Oostenrijkse minister van Financiën Maria Fekter heeft dat zondag gezegd in nationale media. ,,We zullen een kostenneutraal uitstel afspreken'', zei de minister.

    Ministers van Financiën hadden vrijdag in Cyprus afgesproken om een rapport van de Europese Commissie, IMF en ECB af te wachten. Minister Jan Kees de Jager zei daar dat extra tijd voor de Grieken alleen mogelijk is als dit geen extra geld kost.

    Het bijna failliete Griekenland loopt momenteel achter met beloofde bezuinigingen. De Griekse premier had zaterdag uitstel gevraagd tot 2016.
  9. Freebird 16 september 2012 13:22

    €d_artsel schreef op 16 september 2012 10:11:

    zo 16 sep 2012, 09:58
    'Griekenland krijgt tijd, geen geld'
    WENEN (AFN) - Griekenland krijgt meer tijd om de schulden terug te betalen, maar hoeft niet te rekenen op meer geld. De Oostenrijkse minister van Financiën Maria Fekter heeft dat zondag gezegd in nationale media. ,,We zullen een kostenneutraal uitstel afspreken'', zei de minister.

    Ministers van Financiën hadden vrijdag in Cyprus afgesproken om een rapport van de Europese Commissie, IMF en ECB af te wachten. Minister Jan Kees de Jager zei daar dat extra tijd voor de Grieken alleen mogelijk is als dit geen extra geld kost.

    Het bijna failliete Griekenland loopt momenteel achter met beloofde bezuinigingen. De Griekse premier had zaterdag uitstel gevraagd tot 2016.
    Die laten ze dus op termijn officieel failliet gaan. Deze actie heeft slechts ten doel wederom tijd te kopen om vooraf beschermingsconstructies op orde te hebben.
  10. nestel 16 september 2012 18:37
    @ Tatan, deze vind u vast wel interessant.... gezien uw reacties op Pompen...


    Money as Debt (2006 - cz tit.)

    47 min van uw tijd veranderd uw kijk op de toekomst van onze wereld!

    Met linkje naar de door mij gestarte discussie in de koffiekamer.

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