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Maandag 17 oktober.

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  1. stormvogel 17 oktober 2011 09:14
    Saab got SEK 100,000,000
    Economy | 2011-10-12 Part of a deal with Chinese Youngman.

    Print article

    Tags: Saab ADVERT:
    Chinese Youngman has now paid out SEK 100,000,000 to the Swedish auto manufacturer Saab automobile. The money is part of a greater deal between Saab and Youngman and gives the Chinese access to some of Saab’s technology. The money is meant to cover Saab’s expenses until the Chinese state authorities have accepted the intended bigger deal between the two companies. (Sr)

  2. [verwijderd] 17 oktober 2011 09:16

    stormvogel schreef op 17 oktober 2011 09:14:

    Saab got SEK 100,000,000
    Economy | 2011-10-12 Part of a deal with Chinese Youngman.

    Print article

    Tags: Saab ADVERT:
    Chinese Youngman has now paid out SEK 100,000,000 to the Swedish auto manufacturer Saab automobile. The money is part of a greater deal between Saab and Youngman and gives the Chinese access to some of Saab’s technology. The money is meant to cover Saab’s expenses until the Chinese state authorities have accepted the intended bigger deal between the two companies. (Sr)

    vers van de pers.. alleen beetje jammer dat het uit jaar kruik komt
  3. tombola 17 oktober 2011 09:23
    om toch even iedereen die de draadjes niet heeft gelezen te informeren hier enkele berichten uit dit weekend en vrijdag die mij relevant lijken met dank aan de eerdere posters:
    Van www.lifewithsaab.com/2011/10/ndrc-war...
    Tuesday, October 11, 2011
    NDRC advising Chinese companies to be cautious with Saab
    According to TTELA, Bloomberg news is reporting that Chen Jianguo, who is deputy director of Industry Coordination of China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), is advising Chinese companies to take a cautious approach to any investment plans in Saab Automobile.
    "It depends on how it can be implemented. It is dangerous if it is a bottomless pit," said Chen Jianguo in an interview in the city of Chengdu on Tuesday.
    Swedish NDO still waiting for Saab

    by TimR on October 15, 2011
    P4 West (original article here):
    The Swedish NDO still has not yet received all the information requested to make a decision about Pang Da and Youngman entering into Saab as part-owners. According to Linda Rudberg, press-manager at the National Debt Office, they are working as fast as possible to give a decision.
    The NDO will require Saab to add information missing. Except for the Swedish National Debt Office, also the Chinese Authorities and the European Investment Bank needs to approve Pang Da and Youngman as part-owners of Saab.
    So far the chinese authority, the NDRC has not given any decision and if the EIB has said yes or no, is still unclear. Pär Isaksson, press-manager at the EIB tells P4 West that the bank will never comment relations with customers nor the banks analysis work or potential decisions.

    AX lover 14 okt 2011 om 20:34
    Even wat nieuws van iemand die daadwerkelijk in China is geweest en daar de hoofdrolspelers van deze poppenkast in de ogen heeft kunnen kijken en ze heeft horen spreken. quote:
    schreef: Our Daily Saab: Chengdu Noodles
    By Bertel Schmitt on October 14, 2011
    “”There was no better place to clear up some questions about Saab than in Chengdu. After all, nowhere can you find the CEOs of all major Chinese carmakers and government officials all under the same roof, or even at your dining table. There also was no better place to get entangled in the messiest web of facts and fiction. Here is some local color:

    When on stage, nobody made any public announcements or mentions of Saab. Even when a lone moderator of a group discussion dared to say that “Saab certainly is a hot story,” he was ignored by Pangda’s chairman Pang Qinghua, who was one of his panelists.

    Did I say no one? I lied. Representatives of BAIC, from Chairman Xu Heyi on down, never missed a chance to weave Saab into public comments. It was usually branded as “cooperation.” Once, the “cooperation” mutated to “joint venture,” but that could have been a slip of the simultaneous translator. BAIC had bought tooling of previous generation Saabs, and appears to be quite happy with what they received.

    Any remarks coming from Chengdu were made, as they say, “at the sidelines of the conference.” When Chairman Pang had said “now that Saab is in bankruptcy protection, all previous pacts are invalid. It’s up to the court to decide. It can also find a new partner,” he had said it. The quote still sits on the little black recorder Reuters reporter Fang Yan had stuck in Pang’s face. There was no room for a “misunderstanding.” Both are Chinese and literally saw eye-to-eye. The later “what I meant …” correction was no correction. It was damage control.

    Interestingly, Chairman Pang was the lone Chinese voice that warned against introducing new brands to a China that already is knee-deep in brands. Ever the boss of a car dealer, he warned that new brands require huge investments (also) from dealers, that customers treat unknown brands with suspicion and reservation, and that his dealerships don’t have the room to show all these new brands. Those were not the words of someone who is about to introduce another unknown brand to China. Saab has no brand equity in China.

    When word spread that Youngman had (finally) sent money to Saab, it was quickly noted that nobody had said when, how much and for what. On Wednesday, Youngman had denied any comment. Conference participants were divided in their comments. Some called it downright “crazy” to send money to Saab under the circumstances. Some noted that paying a little money, even if it is paid for not completely clear intellectual property, establishes an interesting legal position that could take many years to challenge, especially in a Chinese court. Intellectual property cases already tend to be lengthy. By the time it is sorted out who bought what, who cheated whom, and who misunderstood when, that PhoeniX platform probably will be ready for cremation.

    As for the NDRC decision, there was no one at the conference that would not have questioned the sanity of a person that hopes for an impending decision. People who have seen the NDRC in (in-)action suggest immediate medical care when someone thinks that the NDRC will approve the Saab deal within days, or even months. At a conference that was very serious, predictions of quick NDRC action always was good for laughs. It’s the end of October 14 in China, for when a decision of the NDRC was expected and predicted. There was none.””
    Zie www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2011/10/our...
    AX lover: Trek je eigen conclusie
  4. [verwijderd] 17 oktober 2011 09:32

    Kissfan schreef op 17 oktober 2011 09:15:

    Tendens is helaas naar beneden. Te veel mensen die voorzichtig zijn en van hun stukken (of een deel daarvan) af willen. Zonder nieuws zakken we wel een stukkie weg.
    Veel beleggers gaan naar aex en midkap fondsen kijken, want we gaan deze week keihard omhoog!!!
  5. tombola 17 oktober 2011 09:37
    sorry voor hen die belang hebben bij een stijgende koers: het ziet er m.i. somber uit: nog niet eens alle gegevens zijn binnen voor de NDO, en dus ook niet voor de NDRC; er komt voorlopig geen besluit, wat Saab daarover beweert is wishful thinking, de chinezen laten zich echt niet opjutten; en al komt de rest van geld van Youngman binnen (waarom eigenljk niet meteen alles betaald?? gaat het dezelfde kant op als die andere keer, uitstel na uitstel??; en hoe zit het met verkoop spyker?? en de nieuwe CEO??) dan betekent dat niet dat voortbestaan kansvoller is, alleen, dat er geld is voor wellicht betalen schuldeisers. Saab wacht met samengeknepen billen af. De koers zakt wat weg, niet vreemd. Men is niet gek.
  6. Kissfan 17 oktober 2011 09:52
    Nee niet vreemd dat de koers wegzakt maar eigenlijk is er niks veranderd sinds de storting van de 11 miljoen. En dat deed de koers flink stijgen. Steven Wade denkt niet dat Saab iedere keer melding gaat maken als er geld gestort is omdat de eerste storting het belangrijkste was. Ik hoop natuurlijk dat ze bij iedere stuiver die ze ontvangen dit heeeel hard gaan roepen!
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