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2009/2010 : TOTAL economic MELTDOWN

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  1. Kaiser 23 oktober 2009 14:55
    Herding the Sheep...

    Financial insider and commentator Yves Smith wrote an essay last week entitled "MSM Reporting as Propaganda" arguing that the government has been using propaganda to make people think that things are getting better, no one is angry, and - therefore - no one should get upset:

    The message, quite overly, is: if you are pissed, you are in a minority. The country has moved on. Things are getting better, get with the program...

    Per the social psychology research, this “you are in a minority, you are wrong” message DOES dissuade a lot of people. It is remarkably poisonous. And it discourages people from taking concrete action.

    Is Smith right ? And even if she is, isn't "propaganda" too strong a word ?

  2. Kaiser 23 oktober 2009 15:01
    Commercial Real Estate Bust Looms.

    Owners of shopping malls, hotels, office space and apartment buildings — and the bankers who financed them — face a major crunch.

    Though the market is only about a third the size of the $22 trillion residential market, in some ways the problem for commercial real estate is more severe. Unlike home mortgages that run for 15 or 30 years, much of the roughly $1.6 trillion in commercial real estate loans outstanding involves much shorter terms of three to seven years. Many of the loans were written at the height of the boom.

  3. [verwijderd] 23 oktober 2009 15:04
    vr 23 okt 2009, 12:34 Jan Smit aan de morfine

    door Reza Bakhtali

    PURMEREND - Het gaat nog niet zo goed met Jan Smit. Zijn oorontsteking neemt maar niet af en ook heeft hij veel pijn. Volgens zijn manager Aloys Buys kreeg de zanger zelfs morfine tegen de pijn.

  4. Kaiser 23 oktober 2009 15:06
    Small firms face credit squeeze as crisis drags.

    SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Small companies create more than half of America's jobs, but the entrepreneurs who drive this part of the economy continue to complain that access to credit two years into the recession remains scarce.

    Small business representatives like Todd McCracken, president of the National Small Business Association (NSBA), warn that unless more credit becomes available, America's entrepreneurs cannot expand, hire people and grow the economy.

    "The situation when it comes to credit is just as bad as it has been for months," he said. "But it's now that we see some signs of a potential recovery that we need credit the most. Without credit, the recovery is not going to happen."

  5. forum rang 6 Goedekans 23 oktober 2009 15:06

    HerrKaiser schreef:

    Herding the Sheep...

    Financial insider and commentator Yves Smith wrote an essay last week entitled "MSM Reporting as Propaganda" arguing that the government has been using propaganda to make people think that things are getting better, no one is angry, and - therefore - no one should get upset:

    The message, quite overly, is: if you are pissed, you are in a minority. The country has moved on. Things are getting better, get with the program...

    Per the social psychology research, this “you are in a minority, you are wrong” message DOES dissuade a lot of people. It is remarkably poisonous. And it discourages people from taking concrete action.

    Is Smith right ? And even if she is, isn't "propaganda" too strong a word ?

    Hello Kaiser,

    It's a pitty that you have no clothes on.
    For the rest the world doesn't need people like you.
    They don't bring anything positive.
    There is no bright future with persons like you.

    The rainbow warrior.
  6. Kaiser 23 oktober 2009 15:10
    Rally is fake !

    Trading volume in the markets used to be a most reliable indicator. But today, about 50-70% of daily trading volume is from the "high frequency" trading computers. Imagine! If it weren't for these, the stock market might have to shorten hours for lack of interest. But trading volume in the dollar term is at a record high. What's going on ?

    It shows that altough the total worth of listed stocks is now lower than in 1998, the dollar value of trading is about 3 times greater. That's the "high frequency" trading operations. They are in a trade only for minutes or a few hours. That's keeping the exchanges alive. They need that business.

    Additionally, big volume has come from just four stocks: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, and Citigroup. On some days, these four stocks accounted for 40% of total volume. The first two firms are considered to be totally worthless by some analysts. To us that confirm that this rally has nothing to do with "investing," but more with computerized speculation.

    The estimated earnings come from Wall Street. It behooves them to keep them low so that companies can easily beat them. That's what stimulates buying enthusiasm. It's a charade. So, let's see what the real earnings comparisons were. Second quarter earnings for the S&P 500 stocks were down a hefty 27% over the year ago numbers. For the third quarter, they are expected to show declines of 25%. And that's with all the easy cost cutting. What will the companies do next year, when they really have to cut into the muscles to gets ome cost redusctions ?

    On a valuation basis, this is now a very expensive stock market. Valuations are at levels as high as or higher than what's normally seen at bull market tops. Another mini-bubble has been created by the Fed. They think that piling trillions of debt on top of the trillions existing in 2007 will resolve the crisis. That can only happen in fairy tales.

    The S&P 500 index is now selling at 26 times operating earnings. That's more expensive than at the bull market top in 2007. Are things really better than at the five-year bull market top in 2007? What about the trillions of dollars of bad assets still on the books of financial institutions around the world? Most analysts agree that the market is over valued. Yet they have to participate because the market is going up. They hope to be the first ones out of the exit when the plug is pulled. Do you think you can do that ?

    So, if technicals are distorded, and the fundamentals are irrelevant in the markets, what can a trader or investor rely on? The speculators can do well to "go with the flow." That's a high risk proposition. The more prudent investor should go with his own analysis, ignoring all the stuff in the media. He will look at the facts, not the promotions in the media. Listen to the CEO's, who are much more cautious at this time.

    We continue to repeat that the current rally has nothing to do with fundamentals. It has everything to do with hope, expectations, and liquidity which are not going into economic activity. The current Fed policy is ZIRP. That means Zero Interest Rate Policy. That's the driving factor, especially for the financial stocks.


  7. Kaiser 23 oktober 2009 15:15
    Eerste steunaanvragen VS harder gestegen dan verwacht.

    Het aantal nieuwe aanvragen voor een werkloosheidsuitkering in de Verenigde Staten is in de week eindigend op 17 oktober harder gestegen dan verwacht, blijkt donderdag uit cijfers van het Amerikaanse ministerie van arbeid.

    Het aantal nieuwe uitkeringsaanvragen nam toe met 11.000 tot 531.000. Door Dow Jones geraadpleegde economen rekenden gemiddeld op een stijging van het aantal aanvragen met 4.000 tot 518.000.

    Het cijfer voor de week eindigend op 10 oktober werd opwaarts bijgesteld naar 520.000, van de eerder gemelde 514.000.

    Het aantal verlengde steunaanvragen daalde in de week eindigend op 10 oktober met 98.000 tot 5,92 miljoen.


    Als je geen huis of adres meer hebt in de vs kan je ook geen verlengde steunaanvraag meer indienen, en dan heb je weeral een "beter dan verwacht" cijfer voor de positievelingen ... ;) uitkeringen zijn ook zeer beperkt in de tijd ( 3 maanden )
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